ERD Assignment

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Q2: Draw an ERD Assignment Major airlines companies that provide passenger services in Taiwan are: UniAir, TransAsia Airways, Far Eatem Transpor, Great China Alines etc. Taiwan's Federal ‘Aviation Administation (TFAA)keepsa database vith ots of information on ll siline.Thisinformaton iemade eccesible to ell afines in Taiven with the intention of helping the Companies assess their Competitive position in the domestic market. The information kept consists of: Q1: Draw an ERD A. Country bus Company owns a number of buses Each bbusis allocated toa particular route, although Some routes may have Several buses. Each route passes through a number of towns. One or more drivers are allocated to each stage of aroute, which comespondsto ‘ajoumey through some or all of the towns on a route Some of the tovns have a garage where buses are kept and each of the buses are identified by the regisuation ‘number and can camry different numbers ofpassengers, the vehicles vary in size and can be single or double-decked. Each routeis identified by aoute ‘number and information is available on the average ‘number of passengers carried per day for eachroute Each sinpline has an identification number, name ofthe contact person and telephone number, For each aircraft identification number, capacity and model is recorded, Each employce has an employee identifiation number, name, address, birthday. sex, position with the company and qualification. Each route has a oute identification number, origin, destination, classification (nto domestic or international route), distance of the route and price charged per passenger. Each aitline keeps information about their buy/sell wansactions (for example, Drivers have an employee mumber, name, address, and Concies steeple camber selling an aisplane ticket isa sell transaction, paying for maintenance isa buy transection). Each transaction has a tansactioa identification number. date, description and amount of money paid veceived. Q3: Draw an ERD Ford disvibution centers provide automotive pans to authorized dealers and the dealers disuibute the parts to Customers throughout Nonth America. Fords faced with pressure to provide excellent Customer Service at minimum Cost. Maintaining a well organized database of information, will, ‘contribute to achieving this goal ‘Ford keeps the following information about each of its diswibution centers:identification number, location (X longitude coordinate and Y latimde oordioat) address (cy statecipcode) and ame of ie Contact person The fellovinginfonmaton is kep abot each dealer ideafieaton eam, dealer's location (X longitude Coordinate and Y latitude Coordinate), address (name of the city, State, zip Code), name of the Contact person and the ‘identification number of the primary distibution centers serve this dealer. ‘A disuibution center sends shipmentto its dealers every week. The disuibution centers keep the following information about each shipmentthe date, an identification number of the product shipped, an identification numberof the dealer thatreceives the shipment ‘The following information is kept about each product: productidentification number name, price, weight, value. Ford keeps the following information aboutthe flow and cost data forall distribution centers to dealer channas:distibution center identification ‘number, dealer identification number, product identification number, the number of miles between each distribution center andits dealers using the road network, the quantity of products being shipped and the dollar value of the shipment. Drawan ER diagram for the Ford database. (Q4: Draw an ERD The University Housing Office receives many applications from graduate and married students requesting an apartnent on ‘campus. The housing villages are sted in five different locations and each village has about 500 apartments. Each apartment fallsinto one of the apartment categories. An apartment category is determined based om village location, whether the apartment has dish washer or not, a single or double bedroom, cental or window unitair condidoner, furniture or not. “Housing office keeps the following information about the Curent residents: the SSN of the family head, name, address, telephone number, maxital status, thename of the major college and departmentin whieh the family head is enrolled in ‘Housing office keeps the following infummation about che students dhathave applied forin campus housing, buthave not been assignedto an apartment ‘yet SSN of the applicant, name, address, telephone number, marital status, the aame of the major college and departmeat in which the family headis ‘enrolled in, the preference about the apartment category. ‘Draw an ER diagram for the University Housing Office database. State any assumptions you need to makein orderto develop a compete diagram. (Q5: Draw an ERD The database includes information about the course timetable of an academic instiution. For each Course the following information is recorded an identification number, name of the course, name ofthe teacher assigned to teaFor each teacher the following information is recorded: SSN, name, name of the department he she works with, skills, the yearly salary. For each class petiod the following information is recorded: period number, startingtime, ending ime. For each room the following information is recorded:room number, room type (classroom, office, auditorium, and computer lab). capacity. The above information is used in order to make the right assigament ofa teacher that teaches a particular ‘course to. ime period and a classroom, Draw an E-R diagram for this database. (Q6: Draw an ERD A publishing company produces scientific books on various subjects. The books are written by authors who specialize in one particular subject. The company employs editors who, not necessarily being specialists in a particular area, each take sole responsibilty for editing one or ‘more publications. A publication covers essentially one ofthe Specialist Subjects and is normally writen by a single author. When writing a particular ‘book, each author works with on editor, But may submit ancther work for publication to be Supervised by other editors. To improve their competitiveness, the company ties to employ a variety of authors, more than one author being 2 specialistin a particular subject Draw an ER diagram for this database. Q7: Draw an ERD A general hospital consists of a numberof specialized wards (such as Maternity, Pediatry, Oncology. et). Each ward hosts & number of patients, who were admited on the recommendation of their own GP and Confirmed by 2 consultant employed by the Hospital. On admission, the personal details of every patientare recorded. A separate registeris tobe held to store the information ofthe tests undertaken and the esults of 2 prescribed treatment. A numberof tests may be conducted for each patient. Each patient is assigned to onc leading Consultant but may be examined by another doctor, if required. Doctors are specialists in some branch ofmedicine and maybe leading consultants fora number of patients not necessarily from the same ward. (Q8: Draw an ERD A database isto be designed for a Cat Rental Co. (CRC). The information requived includes a descaiption of Cas, Subcomractors Ge. garages), company expenditures, Company revenuesand customers. Cars are to be described by such data as make, model, year of production, and engine size, and fuel type, number of passengers, registration number, purchase price, purchase dste, rent price and insurance details. Itis the company policy not to keep any car for aperiod exceeding one vear. All major repairs and maintenance are done by Subcontraciors (Le. franchised garages), with ‘whom CRC has long-term agreements. Therefore the data about garages to be keptin the database includes garage names, addresses. range of Services and the like. Some garages require payments immediately after repair has been made, with others CRC has made arrangements for Credit facilities Company expenditures are to be registered forall outgoings connected with purchases, repaiss, maintenance. insurance etc. Similarly, che cash inflow ‘coming from all Sources — Car hire, car sales, insurance claims must be kept of fie. CRC maintains reasonably stable client base. Fortis privileged category of customers special credit card facilities are provided. These customers may also book in advance a particular car. These reservations can be made for any period of ime up to one month. Casual Customers must pay a deposit for an estimated time of rental, unless they wish to pay by Credit card. All major credit cards ate accepted. Personal details (such asmame, adaress,telephonemumber driving license number) about cach customer are ‘keptin the database, Q9: Draw an ERD A relational database isto be desioned for amedium sized company dealing with industial applications of Computers. The (Company delivers various product tots customers ranging from a single application program through to complet installation of hardvare with (Customized software. The company employs various experts, Consultants and Supporting staff. All personnel are employed on long-term basis, ie., there azeno short-term or temporary staffs, Although the Company is somehow structured for administrative purposes (thats, itis divided into deparments beaded by department managers) all projects are canied out in an inter- disciplinary way. For each project project team ie selected, grouping employes from different departments and 2 project manager (also an emplovee ofthe company) is appointed who i ently and exclusively responsible for te control of the project. quite independently ofthe company’s hierarchy. The followingiiss brief Statement of Some facts and policies adopted by the company. Q10: Draw an ERD. ‘TCS prides itself on having up-to-date mformation on the processing and current location ofeach shipped item. To do this, TCS relies on a company-wide {information system. Shipped items ate the heat of the TCS product tracking information system. Shipped items can be characterized by item mimber (onique), ‘weight, dimensions, inswance amount, destination, and final delivery date, Shipped items are received into the TCS system at a single retail centr. Retail centers sae characterized by their wpe, uniquelD, and addkess. Shipped items make their way to their destination via one ox mote standard TCS wansportation events (42, ‘igh, ruck deliveries). These wansporation events ae characterized by a mique stheduleNumber, a ype (e.g igh, tact), md a deliveryRoute. Please crente ‘m Entity Relationship diagram that capnues this information about che TCS system. Be certain to indicate idemifies and cardinality constains.

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