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TTERBERG LIMITS } Bi: Plasticity index = liquid limit - plastic limit = iin sity moisture content of soil PLL. = plastic mit LIL. = liquid limit Characteristic of Soil: When Lil. <0 - bite solid When Li. <1 - plastic When L.L> 1 liquid CI. = consistency index CL= liquid limit ‘@= moisture content P1L= plasticity index ‘oy = moisture content of so, n percent, Pe corresponding to Ny blows SL = shrinkage limit My = mass of wet soil inthe dish ingrams -Mz= mass of cry soln the dish in grans Vj = initial vol. of wet soln the ash V2 final vol of dy sin the ash w= density of water(1 grfom3) Epsilasty ‘Mg= mass of dry soil in the dish ‘ngrams V2 final vol. fey sin the dish ince ‘Pw = densty of water(t griom3) ‘Aaity clay has a plastic limit of 25 and & anety ‘index of 30. ifthe clay has @ Tiquiity index of 0.20. © Compute the water content of the chy. © Compute the degree of saturation if the spf the clay is 270 and a void ratio of 082 & Compute the moist unit weight of the clay ifthe void ratio is 0.92, Gy=2.70 Solution: 2D Water content: tr coins it oa plasticity index oF © Degree of saturation: $= 90898% Unt ot: (reel, we cannes) “ 1.92 y= thor ewe? ¥ — Following are the results of # shrinkage limit test: Ina volume of sol ina saturated state =246em? Final volume of sol in a dry state =159em? Initial mass in a saturated state = 44.9 Final mass in a dry state = 30.1.9 Spgr.=270 Determine the following: © Shrinkage limit of the soil @ Saturated unit weight if 3 Dry unit weight 0.467 Solution: Shrinkage limit: su = (22) 10 (V4 = Ve (10) c 7 me gu = (44=30.1Q100) (24.6 - 15.941) 100 wi” 30.1 St =45.18-289 SU=17.28% Saturated unit weight: ‘ ® oo = tht =(2 70+ 046798 Mel 1+ 0.467 oat = 21.18 kNim? ry unit weight: -2:7049.81 You "1+ C467 “Yay = 18.06 KN EG A soil sample was determine in the laboratory to have a liquid limit of 41% and aplastic limit of 21.1%. Ifthe water content ‘30%, determine the following: © Plasticity index. ® Liquidity index Whatis the characteristic of soil? 2) liquid ») plastic ©) dense 4) brittle solid Solution: © Plasticity indox: PI=LL-PL Pi=4i-244 PIs 19.9 since LJ= 0.447 <1 Ris plastic aca AA soil has ¢ liquid limit of 61 anda plastic limit of 3¢. A moisture content test performed on an undisturbed sample of this soll yelled the following resuts: Mass of soil+ can before placing in oven 9629 Mass of soil+ can after removal from oven 199 Mass ofcan... 2089. Compyre the plasticity index. ® Compute the moisture content. @ Compute the liquidity index. Solutian: Plasticiy index: ‘Moisture content + 56 ao of clay Laboratory test results for a sample ' ‘volume change (swelling, expansion) are a8 shown. Ligue iit = 68% Plastic limit = 24% Particles smaller than 0.002 mm. = 4% © Compute the plasticity index. Freeman sey cutest fortis ay. @ Therate ofthe volume change potential (refer to table) a) very high ¢) low b) medium ) normal Solution: © Plasticity inde: PLeLL-PL PL =68-26 Pl=aee 2 AatiyCassteatin fr ea: Pract index seh Poretay cay size action by weight debit» ® Very high: rem vey Utomeree SMe WA ‘The following are es Howing ar results rom the liquid and plastic iit eat fora soll, No. of Blows 0) Moisture Content 5 co 2 a 2 408 384 The plastic limits 18.74, Compute the qui tien us Whats the plasty ngey ae abe Whats the iid ing irene = Ome ae sol for the purpose of evaluating the potential for sy 37 : : i : 4 Moi © Liquid tnte= 39.1 @ Plasticity index Pest dex =. PL Pl=304 Peau ®@ Liquidity index: PL_ 24-187 UT PL" 304-187 u=020 NL liquid limit, using a cone penetrometer, the following readings were recorded and tabulated as shown. Piastic Limit Test © Determine the liquid limit ofthe sol, © Determine the plasticity index ofthe soll F Hthe natural water content ofthe sol is 38%, determine the liquidity index. LIQUID LIMIT TEST Solution: © Ligui int From the given graph, the ‘eacng ram graphic ee @ Plasticity index: PISLU-PL (water content at pasty oot limits the. ‘mlstrecontent at 2m penetration, Thus te m:n? 9 tieg= 1414 ' @=020 Plastic limit = 21% Plasticity index = LL - PL PI=52-21= 31% ees “The following data shows the results ofthe Liqul Lit, and Plastic Lint test © UQUID LIMIT | Ferree Wo. of Blows, p WE of Wet Soil+ Container ‘soll + container x i a na fates fo etter us [wr fon in . aa ra = -—— yn ae = 60 F . Se © Comput th hl f . ® Compute the plastic | 3 Compute the liquidity index. Fe 2246-19442 302 | 1944. 1276-668 2 | 213-te7s=280 | 1075-1306=569 | 28 00) =45:94 ees T 3 | 2129-1975=251 | 1878-1326=552 4 | 2612-2210=402 ) & ‘Moisture content, TESTNO | Weotwar [Ww oy sor 168 00) = 22.86% Gn ee zorg-s3180701 | F100) «2254% ' 2B BM ‘Average water content = 22.7% Plastic limit = 22.7% @ LIQUIDITY INDEX Wr of Wet Soi + Container WL of Dry Soll Container "Wh of Container 1438-75 = 6.86 4289 4sT ‘Average water content= a onal veal water content= 44.23% ‘The following data shows the results of the liquid limit and plastic limit test A LIQUID LIMIT Compute the liquid limit. Use the table shown, 2 Compute the plastic int. MOM 2 Compute the plasticity index. 4 Compute the liquidity index Solution: quid limit test: |W oy Soli) [Water Contents] 28 7 (100) = 41.79 24 90) = 2127-1875=252 | 1875. 1300 2.52 (499) « 2612-210942 | 2W0-aZ 20m [ Zioneass_| 63 FLOW CURVES FOR LIQUID LIMIT TEST z Pt] : z $4 ae = 4, Number of Blows, N igus imit = 439% ® Plastic limit Fae eg ee _ 7 18-187 185 Ori (t0)=2054 2 2484-2019 185 73,13+2354 “Average wate content= "2125-2838 ‘Average water content= 23.335 say 23.38% Paste it = 23.24% Presi index PL sLL-PLi Pi =3-2.34 P= a From he esultf the bid the floweg Pratt ides, Pl Flowing sing the fom 5 Toughness index ent and plastic it test 8 cure chart ven in he tabulated resus, determin usm UM TEST a ad weer [ cone 7 nity wee ag i ae aie Ti8g (au ANT TEST ET aaa Wt Cara Te | Bom | ier Soya conan 7 B ig 134g 274g t 7 7g 878 ag rar ihrig— ocr 4 uv Big ig ag Soliton: Past oe puastic ur est rai Rae WaT 1 | wens | armen 7 [ween | awaane | ass Law uN test ‘Water Content No. of Blows: ws 7) er | 67 1878-1324 554 Fai) 07 gs0% WATER CONTENT 10 152025 30 40 50 NUMBER OF BLOWS __ Liquid limit = 42.6% Prastiity index ~ Liquid it - plastic rit PLeLL- PL PI 2426-2334 Pl. = 19.26 Flow index: I= (slope of flow cure) ‘Consider two points onthe flow cure Coins example, the points considered Oe i pa lt5-26) fag 15 fog 25 245-426 15 ‘0 (25) 145 -10.82 (the negative sign indicates thet the line sopes down to the right) a 3 Toughness index: Plast index Toughness inex = Paseny nde | Taugoess inter = 1228 Toughness index = 1.78 Ee In a specific gravity test the following data were recorded. Mass of pycnometerjar= 530.9 Mass of pycnometer jar when full of clean water = 1560 g Mass of pycnometer containing soll only = 9809 Mass of pycnometer jar containing soil and topped with water = 1840.9 Compute the specific gravity of the soil particles 2 Compute the dry unit weight if the void rato i 0.40. Compute the degree of saturation if the moisture content is 12%. Solution: 1. Speci gravity: Spgr = mass of waler= 1030 9 ‘mass of wate wih sl" 1840. gp ‘mass of wal with sod = 860 g revtmay: soso | CE t ‘Sobutior mas of water aploced by st com 1030-800 mar mass of waterdpacedby sot iy, |r , oe | t j Percent @ } 265 (981) Yory "4 +040 seta Yay = 19 kNim? Soba 4 Degree of saturation: wwe see fp 212285) 7 * 0.40 Voke S= 80% ( Sg “ ‘A clay has the following Atterberg limits be liquid limit = 60%, plastic limit = 40% % shrinkage limit = 25%. The clay shiis from 15 cubic meters to 9.87 cubic | 2 Pl centimeters when the moisture contents A decreased from the liquid limit to the shrinkage limit. p Whats the specitic gravity 3 u ® Whats the plasticity index What is the liquidity index i the ir moisture content is 52% ® From a hydrometer analysis i determine particle sizes, it is foun’ that 45 percent ofthe sample consis u of particles smaller than 0.002 m” From this information indicate th activity classification of the clay. \E Solution: ‘Specific gravity of clay 5-957 ‘Weight of water loss = 5.43(1) Weight of water loss = 5.43 9 Percentage of weight Iss (ty basis) 16-25% = 35% sacs (ng =822 Solid weight (Wa) = 155 Vol of water at shrinkage limit Vy = 0.25(155) Vy = 3.875, Volume of sali at shrinkage limit Ve 957-3875 Vg 5.695 Spr of lay Ws= Vs ($0.91) 155 = 5.695 (sp grt) Spgr = 272 ® Plasticity index: PI=LL-PL Pi=60-40 a) ® Liquidity index: 43, cubic contimeters © From a hycrometer analysis to determine paricle sizes, fi found that percent of the sample consists of particles smaller than 0.002 mm. From ths information indicat the ait classieation ofthe ey Actity classification of clay: Pasty indo - ecenage of cist Facto weit atty= Activity = 0.44 Ea Using the diagram shown with a given soil having the following properties: Liquid limit = 70% , Plasticity index = 20%, G,=262, © Compute the shrinkage limit @ Compute the dry unit weight of soil for a void ratio 00.60. @ Compute the moisture content if the ‘moist unit weight is 19.75 kNim3 Solution: Shrinkage lint: Equation of Aline PI=073(LL-20) PI=073(70-20) PI=965 Equation of Uline: Pr=09(UL-8) 970-8) PI=558 i eS e The U line and the A-line will intersect at B. Join line AB it will intersect the abscissa at C. The shrinkage limit is the abscissa of the liquid limit = 36% approximately. Shrinkage limit = 36% Dry unit weight: = GsYw Yay T+ e 2.62(9.81 Yary ="7 + 0.60 ‘Yory = 16.06. kN? Moisture content: Yeoist = Yary (1 + «) 19.75 = 16.06 (1+ w) «= 0.2297 (= 238% AA saturated 100 cm? clay sample has a ‘natural water content of 30%. Its found that the shrinkage lit occurs when the water content is 19%. Ifthe sp.g.of soil is 270, Compute the shrinkage ratio. 2 Compute the volume of sample when the water content is 15%. Compute the mass of dry soll sample. solution 0 Sokag re ih (Me) wi: (4g4) og 10 8 seh (4) py 00 + My sR= +2 VePm 37.04 SR+ 19 $R= 100 86.04 SR = 100 SR= 178 Volume of sample when the water content is 15%: ‘Sutstue to 2 Me 3 Mass of dry sol sample Mp=178 V2 pw My =178(8381X1) My = 148.83 grams waz A saturated soll has the following characteristics. Mass of wet sol= 45.9 Mass of dry sol = 21 kg Determine the shrinkage limit of soil 2 Determine the shrinkage rato. 3 Determine the p.g7 of sol ] | i A laboratory test was conducted to determine the shrinkage limit of a soil ‘sample. The following data were obtained. ‘Mass of dish coated with petroleum jelly r= 11.309, ‘Mass of dish coated with petroleum jelly lus wet soll My= 38.51 g ‘Mass of dish coated with petroleure jelly lus plus oven-dried soll Mp = 32.81 g Vol. of wet so pat (same as volume of shrinkage dish) V= 1826 em? Vol. o oven ried sol pat Vp= 12.83 om’, Compute the water content of : ae the wot ompute the shrinkage limit, ® Compute the shrinkage rato, aoe © Comput sol @ Comput 3 Comput Solutio © Shrink =e We ofr W of i ave [2 (M1 Ma) 109) - su eo) 2525-12831] SL=265-" 9751 _ j si= 182% Shrinkage ati: Es: gw fo sn } SR t SR zm , os During the determination of the shines? | limit of a sandy clay, the followin: laboratory data was obtained. Wet weight of sll+ dish = 67.85 9 Dry weight of soil + dish = 76:1 9 Weight of dish = 5270 ‘Volumetric determination of soil pat ‘Weight of dish + mercury = 430.809 Weight ofdish= 244629 Density f solid soil = 2650 kgim! n \ (GEFEN ERG crs) ‘Compute the shrinkage rato. © Compute the specific gravity of sol {Aclay soils found to have a liquid limit of 75%, 8 plastic limit of 45% and a shrinkage Tint of 25%, a sanple of is si has 2 {total volume of 30 cm? at the liquid fimit " and a volume of 16.7 cm? at the shrinkage v7 = (488.4) py 10 limi, determine ts owing Pe Solution: ‘Shrinkage limit of soit Hass of soll atthe shrinkage limit Shrinkage ratio. © Specific gravity of solids. 7691-5270 24219 2550 kgin? 265 glen? (2-5) onto) 369 19 a "i Solution: st (1y(100) 4.21 26 Mass of sll at shrinkage limit: SL= 18.81% Ma) oo (Vi 200 @ Shrinkage ratio: i Pa 100) Ms Vay bw Shvinkage int a stained wth tl wt water cote SR=7365() Wo = tui litt water content at sRe477 sauraon ost Specie gravity of sot “ a Bo n ' | aeves mp2 091-5270 } 2 suey mo } se= sox? see “aye Rae wy Seis ve mercy #43090 - 2482 -( sents Se ctmerey= 18389 ° ee Meat3) = 186189 on one Wasson 7 “Le Vay sr it8 230-4) rg 100) nee sux (Iie,,) Patio bo. wT 1361 is 10 (341° 208) (1K) Bow caee su 188% foo vw 2 Voidrato of sol sample #S= Yor, | 5" EZ ee Dring the determination of he shrinkage fmt of» sendy ly, the folowing 6, {soraany dat wat othe ” Wet weight of 0+ ish = 8785 9 “ Dyweigh of soil dsn= 78319 Wilghtof ish 52709 ao Velumetic determination os pat. . Weigh of dish + mercury = 430.80 g Weight of cish = 244.629 © Calculate the shrinkage limit of the soilf the density of soils 2650 kgim?. @ Compute the void ratio of the soil ‘sample assuming it to be saturated. ® Compute the dry density ofthe sol. Solution: © Shrinkage limit: sl (i3) Py (100) m= mass of dy so V;= 0h of dry sol = density of so v= densi of water ‘By 1 go. = 1000 kgm? ayy = 1768.7 kg? Dz ss 35%. During a shrinkage limit test ona sty cy. the volume of dry soil pat was found tobe |g, 10.76 cm? and its dry mass was 22.88 9 The shrinkagelimit was 11.1. © Whatis the density of soil solids? ® What is the void ratio assuming th’ |, soil is fuly saturated? ® Whatis the dry density of the soll? aaeenteennsieasnerstsesienutinnseoeiahosesien, © Sohation: of al salt Solution: 19° Of Vary to Its original s=(i-4) Pw (100) rate sume (M%) 10) 1076 4 snare (1028, 2.68 =) (((100) ott =0474-+ 1 me 420363 a P= 2.75 glee Pe = 2750 kfm? ® Void ratio w $= 100%: 11.4 (2.79 e 34 ® Dry density of sol: 9 fbi 2.75 (1000 Pay 440381 Poy = 2099 kgf? ‘A saturated sample of clay with a shrinkage limit of 22 has. a natural water content of 35%. © What would its dry volume be as & riginal volume If percentage of its 0 py 2.70? @ © What would be the void ratio of the ‘oil in te natural water content, @ What is the dry density of the soll sample. has 3 Dry density of s0H seme PSs Mie 1000 (27) Ps F605 ge 188 ti? AG ‘A sample of clayey sits mined a about ts qui Limit of 4. is placed carfiy ina small porcelain dish with & volume of 19.3 cm? and weighs 3457 g. Alter oven drying. the sll pat dinplaced 216.8 9 of merry Determine the shrinkage limit of the soll sample. 7 Determine the density ofthe sol, Determine the dry density ofthe so ‘thas avoid rato of 072 Ya) 000 "og 10 040m, =3467-m, 140m, = 3467 m 224765 7 V1 06 (9) hor merry 2168 ¥2(1\126) Ye 1594 cm! 8 2U- (A 4)p, 100 193-1 $1249 E84 1309 ‘Se 264% A fall cone test was carried out us Cones of masses 80 grams and 240 gan The following resuits were obtained. Parameter 90 gram cone Penetration (mm) 39 41 17 25 Waterconent ss WE Parameter 240 gram cone Penetration mm) 12 ig ay Waterconat ag as Note Pet aa, uw * The difference ia terms of mo content between the guid state nt ‘the #0 gram cone and the 240 gram coe {Compt the qui tnt % Compute the liquidity index i ° ‘natura water content is 36% + Consistency index Solution: 5 gid tit | ~~ OUID LimiT ‘aw=10% Water Content (%) Penetration of Cone (mm) uid lint is plotted by drawing 2 horizontal ine form the intersctcn of tre 80 gram cone The ig state ins and the 20 mm penelration. LL = 59% wsit| Liquidity index: dag PL=LL-424y ‘by = 10% (rom the fur) id PL=59-4.2(10) a PLstT as ont PL=LL-PL [4 PL=59-17 i PL 24% ® Consistency index

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