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Thank God the author speaks to God Almighty, because of His blessings and
mercy so that the writer can complete the task of the Educational Philosophy course,
"Critical Book Report".The author also thanked Prof.Drs.Parlindungan
Pangaribuan,M.A.,Ph.D as a Lecturer in the Education Philosophy course. The author
also realizes that this task is still lacking, therefore the author apologizes if there are
errors in writing, and the author also expects constructive criticism and suggestions
for the perfection of this task. Finally, the author would like to thank you, hopefully it
can be useful and can increase knowledge for readers.

Medan, November 24th 2017



FOREWORD ..............................................................................................................................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................3

CHAPTER I: PRELIMINARY ...................................................................................................4

A. BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................4
B. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................4
C. BENEFITS ................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER II: DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................6

A. IDENTITY OF BOOK ..............................................................................................6

B. SUMMARY OF BOOK ............................................................................................7

CHAPTER III: .........................................................................................................................16

A. ADVANTAGES ...........................................................................................................16
B. DISVANTAGES ...........................................................................................................16

CHAPTER IV: COVER ............................................................................................................17

A. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................17
B. SUGGESTION ........................................................................................................17

CHAPTER V: BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................18



A. Background
Educational philosophy is a philosophy of science that studies the nature of
implementation and education. The material studied includes the purpose,
background, results, methods and nature of education. The method used is to
critically analyze the structure and benefits of education. The philosophy of education
seeks to think about educational problems. One that is critically criticized is the
relationship between education and students in learning.

One of the things that is often discussed lately is that education has an aspect of
experience. Educational philosophy seeks to answer questions about education
policy, human resources, curriculum theory and learning and other aspects of

The purpose of the philosophy of education itself is to provide inspiration for how
to organize the ideal learning process. Philosophy of education is a fundamental
formation of basic abilities, both concerning the power of thought and the power of
feeling, towards the direction of human nature, then philosophy is also interpreted as
a general theory of education.

The practice of education or the educational process implements a series of

activities in the form of curriculum implementation and interaction between teachers
and students using theory and signs from educational theory. The role of philosophy
of education here provides inspiration, namely stating the purpose of state education
for the community, giving a clear and precise direction by asking questions about
education policy and practice in the field by using educator signs and theories.

B. Purpose
Basically the purpose of writing a Critical Book report is divided into two
parts, namely general goals and specific objectives. The general goal is to do the
assignments in Educational Philosophy. While the specific objectives of writing
Critical Book Report are:
 To find out how education is in philosophy analysis.
 To find out how to approach philosophy in solving educational problems.
 To find out how the relationship between philosophy and educational theory.

C. Benefits
The benefits obtained are to increase our knowledge about the
philosophy of education, and how to use the philosophy to solve problems
that exist in the field of education.



A. Book 1
Book Title : Educational Philosophy
Book Thickness: 243 pages
Text Language : Indonesian
No. ISBN : 978-979-769-375-5
Author : Prof. Dr. H. Jalaluddin & Prof. Dr. H. Abdullah Idi, M.Ed.
Publisher : PT RajaGrafindo Persada
Printed edition : 4
Publishing Year: 2014

B. Book 2
Book Title : Knowing Educational Philosophy
Book Thickness : 151 pages
Text Language : Indonesian
Author : Dr. Rukiyati, M. Hum. And L. Andriani Purwastuti, M. Hum.
Publisher : Faculty of Education Yogyakarta State University
Publishing Year: 2015


A. Understanding and Scope of Educational Philosophy
1. Philosophy
The word philosophy comes from Greek. This word comes from the word
philosophia which means love of knowledge. Hasan Shadily said that philosophy
according to the origin was said to be love of truth. So it can be concluded that
philosophy is a love of science or truth, likes wisdom and wisdom.
2. Philosophy of Education
According to Al-Syaibany the philosophy of education is an organized mind
activity, which makes philosophy a way to regulate, harmonize and integrate the
educational process. Philosophy, when viewed from its practical function, is a means
for humans to be able to solve various problems of life that they face, including
problems in the field of education.
3. The philosophy and philosophy of education
The relationship of philosophy and philosophy of education is so important
because the problem of education is a matter of life and human life. Philosophy aims
to provide a more acceptable concept of life which includes an ideal and more basic
life. Whereas philosophy and education are both the same kind of business.
Philosophy is looking for better values of ideas (ideals), while education expresses
those values in the human person.
B. Background to the Emergence of Educational Philosophy
1. Development of philosophical thinking of ancient spiritualism
History shows that philosophy now no longer carries the idea of the existence
of a large subject like the past. Philosophy began to develop and change functions,
from being the parent of science to being a kind of approach and as an adhesive back
to sharing kinds of knowledge that developed rapidly and separated from one another.
2. Ancient Greek philosophical thought until medieval times

A theoretical view has a close relationship with the environment, where the
thought is carried out as well as the birth of Greek philosophy. For Greek people
philosophy is a science that includes all scientific knowledge.
3. Thought philosophy of education according to Socrates (470-399 BC)
The basic principle of education, according to Socrates is the dialectical
method. This method is used by Socrates as the technical basis of education that is
planned to encourage someone to learn to think carefully, to test themselves and to
improve their knowledge.
4. Thought philosophy of education according to Aristotle (367-345 BC)
According to Aristotle so that people behave well then they must get an
education. Education is not mere reason, but a matter of giving guidance to higher
feelings, namely reason, in order to regulate desires. The main principle of education
according to Aristotle is the collection and research of inductive learning facts, an
objective search for truth which is the basis of all science.
C. Philosophy Flow of Modern Education Viewed from Ontology,
Epistemology, and Axiology
1. Definition of ontology, epistomology and axiology
Ontology is the science of nature that investigates the real world and how the
real situation, what is the nature behind this real world. epistomology is a woman
who tries to answer questions such as knowledge, the way humans acquire and
capture knowledge and types of knowledge. Axiology concerns values in the form of
questions whether good or good.
2. The schools of philosophy of modern education
In the philosophy of modern education several schools are known, including
progressivism, essentialism, perennialism, and reconstructionalism.
D. Relationship Between Philosophy, Humans, and Education
1. Philosophy about human nature
Philosophy holds that the essence of man is related to body and spirit. Islam
explicitly says that body and spirit are natural substances, while nature is a creature
and both are created by Allah. The process of development and human growth

according to the laws of material nature. According to Islam, humans consist of
material substances of the earth and spirits originating from God.
2. System of value in human life
Values will always emerge when humans make social relations or socialize
with other humans. Humans with their relationships with others and with the universe
are unlikely to carry out a neutral attitude, every attitude that exists is a consequence
of an assessment, whether the judgment is based on mere objective rational or
emotional subjective principles.
3. Philosophical views about education
Educational philosophy is values and philosophical beliefs that animate,
underlie and provide the identity (characteristics) of an educational system. The
education system is based on and animates a certain belief, life view and philosophy.
E. Pancasila Education Philosophy
1. Pancasila as the philosophy of life of the nation
It is said that the Pancasila as the philosophy of life of the nation, because the
basic values in Indonesian socio-culture lived and developed since the beginning of
its civilization, namely simple divine and religious awareness, family awareness,
consensus consensus in establishing mutual will, mutual cooperation awareness,
please help, awareness of taste, as a spirit of family and togetherness, respect to
respect da maintain unity, mutual understanding for needs, harmony, and kinship in

2. Pancasila as a philosophy of national education

By paying attention to the function of education in building the potential of
the State and nation, especially in preserving the nation's culture and personality
which ultimately determines the existence and dignity of the State and nation, the
national education system and philosophy of Pancasila education should be
established steadily for the sake of national dignity and preservation at the same time
Pancasila based on the 1945 Constitution. Philosophy of Pancasila education is a
spiritual aspect or a spiritual system of national education.

3. Relations between the Pancasila and the education system in terms of the
philosophy of education
The relationship is that the Pancasila is a national view of life that animates its
sila in everyday life. And to implement the Pancasila principles, serious thought is
needed about how the Pancasila values can be implemented.

4. Philosophy of Pancasila education in ontology, epistomology and axiology reviews

Ontology is a part of philosophy that investigates the nature of what exists.
Ontology is a branch of philosophy whose main problem is reality or reality.
Epistomology is the study of the knowledge (existence) of things.
Epistomology can also mean the field of philosophy which has sources, conditions,
processes, the occurrence of science, the limits of validity and the nature of
Axiology is a field of philosophy that investigates values. Values will not
arise by themselves, values arise because humans have language that is used in daily

F. Philosophy of Enhancing Human Resources Education

1. Philosophy of education and personality
Philosophy is defined as the personality of one's identity and view of life,
society or nation. The view of life which is this identity contains values that are
considered as something that is ideally true. personality can be seen from four
aspects, namely the personnel aspect, namely personality seen from one's behavior
patterns, individualistic aspects namely the characteristics possessed by a person,
aspects of mentality namely the description of one's thinking and aspects of identity,
namely the tendency of someone to maintain his attitude from outside influences.

2. Philosophy of education and human resources

Humans are creatures that have various potentials. From the point of view of
the potential that is possessed, humans are called various kinds of people. Related to
human potential, there are three schools of philosophy, namely the flow of

naturalism, namely that humans have the innate potential that can develop naturally.
The flow of empiricism, humans grow and develop for assistance or because of
environmental interventions. The flow of convergence, humans naturally have been
given the potential called talent.

3. National Education and Character Building

1. The dimensions of character education
Character is a moral and mental quality whose formation is influenced by
innate and environmental factors. Character potential that a person has before being
born must be continuously developed through socialization and education.
2. The process of character formation
The process of character building lies in the role of parents or families,
educational institutions, and society, especially the government. In family or
parenting can be interpreted as the interaction between children and parents which
includes the fulfillment of physical needs, and psychological needs and socialization
of norms that apply in the community so that children can live in harmony with their
environment. The family has a leading and strategic role in forming the basic
character or character of the child. Educational institutions are expected to take over
the roles and responsibilities of the family in continuing the character of the students.
Planting the value of human natural, which is to make students aware of the values of
holiness as innate human factors that refer to truth, goodness and beauty.
Between education and the role of the state or government cannot be
separated from one another. The progress of a nation is very much determined by the
development of the health sector, and economic prosperity. The progress and decline
of the nation's future, is very much determined by the quality of human resources that
are intelligent and characterized, characterized, and in accordance with the
philosophy and objectives of national education. So, the ideal of national education is
to create Indonesian people with personality if the dimensions of science-technology
and religion-science are the foremost concern and commitment in the process of
implementing national education or nation building.



A. Definition of Philosophy
Philosophy is a very old science. When we talk about it philosophy, then our
view will go far into the past in the Greek era Ancient. At that time all science was
called philosophy. From Greek words "Philosophy" originates, namely from the
words "philos" and "sophia". "Philos" means love very deep and "sophia" means
policy or wisdom. Term philosophy is often used popularly in everyday life, good
consciously or unconsciously.

B. Object of Philosophy
Objects are divided into two types, namely material objects and formal
objects. Every science has its own material objects and formal objects. Similarly,
philosophy. Often people say that one of the differences between empirical science
and philosophy is because of this object.
Material philosophical objects include everything that exists. Everything
is God, nature, and humans. The formal object (point of view of approach) of
philosophy is from the point of view of its essence.

C. Characteristics of Philosophy
Philosophy tends to question anything critically. Philosophy discussing
human problems, the universe even God. Philosophy answer different from
spontaneous answers. The difference lies in accountability rational answer to
philosophy. Rational accountability is essentially meaningful that every step must be
open to all questions and denials and must be maintained argumentatively, with
arguments objective, meaning that can be understood intersubjectively.

D. Branches of Philosophy
Gazalba (1973: 5) presents the following areas of philosophical problems.
1. Metaphysics, with the subject matter: philosophy of nature or ontology, natural
philosophy or cosmology, human philosophy, and divine philosophy or teodyce.
2. Knowledge theory or epistemology, which questions: the nature knowledge, from
where origin or source of knowledge, how to form 8 right and right knowledge, what
is said knowledge right, is it possible for humans to achieve the right knowledge and
what can be known to humans, and to where the limits of human knowledge.
3. Value philosophy or axiology that talks about: the nature of value, where it is
located value, whether on the object or on the deed or on the human judge it; why is
there a difference in value between someone and people other, who determines the
value, why is the difference in space and time bring differences in judgment.


A. Definition of Education
Kneller (via Siswoyo, 1995: 5) says education can be seen in the broad and
technical sense, or in the sense of results and in the meaning of the process. In the
sense broadly, education refers to an action or experience has an influence related to
growth or development mind, character, or physical ability (physical ability)
individual. Education in this sense lasts a lifetime.
As with general philosophy, the philosophy of education is nature speculative,
prescriptive, and analytic. Speculative means philosophy build theories about the
nature of humans, society and the world with how to arrange it in such a way and
interpret various data from educational research and behavioral sciences research
(behavioristic psychology)

B. Philosophy and Education Relations

Philosophy has a close relationship with education, both education in
theoretical and practical terms. Every education theory always based on a particular

philosophical system that is the basis. Thus also, all educational practices are pursued
in earnest actually based on a philosophical thought that became ideology the driver.
The philosophical thinking seeks to be manifested in educational practice. This
statement is in line with opinion.

C. Benefits of Studying Educational Philosophy

Students studying at a power education institution teacher training is required
to think about essential issues related to education. The thinking of students becomes
more honed towards problems education both in the micro and macro scope. This
makes it students are more critical in looking at educational issues. In addition,
students study and reflect on problems essential education will broaden their horizons
of thinking so can be wiser in understanding the problem of education as a young
intellectual who later becomes an educator or education staff is reasonable if they are
required to think reflective and not just think technically at in solving basic
educational problems using intellectual freedom and social responsibility attached to

D. Scope of Educational Philosophy Study

The things that become the study of the philosophy of education are very
broad in scope, as follows.
1. Strictly formulate the essential nature of education
2. Formulate human nature as the subject and object of education.
3. Formulate relations between philosophy, philosophy of education, religion and
4. Formulate relations between philosophy, philosophy of education and theory
5. Formulate relations between state philosophy (ideology), philosophy of education
and education politics (education system)
6. Formulate a system of values and norms or moral contents of education that
become educational goals.




 If you see the cover of the book, it can be said to be interesting, because it
looks simple, the color is not striking.
 The content described in this book is quite clear and detailed.
 The library list is very good, because many references are used.
 From several explanations, the examples are explained, making it easier for
readers to understand the contents of the book.

 The contents of the book explain the material in detail and complete
 Simple use of language, making it easier for readers to understand the
contents of the book
 Complete expert opinion presentation
 A lot of reference that is used so as to facilitate the reader in the search for a
material presented.



 The use of language is rather convoluted, so some parts of the chapter's

contents are quite difficult to understand.


 There is no example or connection with life, making it difficult for readers to

understand the meaning of a statement made by the author.
 Each chapter in this book does not have an introduction from each sub-chapter
that will be discussed so that the reader does not know in advance what will
be discussed from each chapter of the book.


A. Conclusion

The final section I can conclude is that both of these books are worth reading
because they contain educational knowledge related to the understanding of
Philosophy. Education is clearer about how to overcome the problems that exist in
education today. However, I prefer the first book (Educational Philosophy) to read.
Because even though this book has several parts whose language is difficult to
understand, with the examples included by the author it can help the reader to
understand it.

B. Suggestion

As for my advice or input after reading this book, my assessment is more on

writing, which should use language that is easy to understand so that readers are
easier to understand, less complicated, and simple so that anyone who reads it more
quickly understands the purpose of these books. And also the author can add
examples for the explanation of the material presented in order to make it easier for
the reader to understand the intent of the discussion of the material presented.


Idi, Abdullah and Jalaluddin.2014.Educational Philosophy.Yogyakarta: PT Raja

Grafindo Persada.

Andriani,L. and Rukiyati.2015.Knowing Educational Philosophy.Yogyakarta:

Faculty of Education Yogyakarta State University.


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