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Sem. John Raven C.

Angeles Reflection#5
Philosophy II Epistemology
Know Your Limitation
Metaphysically speaking ,every being has an established truth which we can derive its

beauty, perfection and goodness, it its inevitable for a being no to possess its existential reality. I

can still vividly remember what my grandparents would try to inculcate in my mind, that

whatever you do what is right is right, and what is otherwise is otherwise, this phrase has evoked

realization that either me or others can manipulate the truth, you cannot encroach what you really

are. One of the issues which has been suffusing and overwhelming our society is in regards

with the LGBTQ, they have summoned rights and privileges which are granted and ample to say

as considerable.

However, I have seen a disparity in this sense, they are acting against their nature, the

nature of being engendered either male or female. Not everything is in our manipulation.

According to the Oriental Philosophy, being familiar with own nature enables someone to act in

conformity, to be in favor with truth, where truth sets us in the right track, but an inordinate

desires would lead us to misery, which is happening right now, the chaos in morality by means

of inferring of the same sex marriage, to be in the right track is the outset of ideal life. More so,

LGBTQ must know the limitation and should acknowledge their essence.

Most of the time is to acknowledge reality in order for us to be in placidity, sometimes

man just need an acceptance of what is, but sometimes man would still be in certitude in what is

not and would try to be persistent with that stance because there is no acceptance there is no

pursuit of virtue and knowledge which is ought to be instilled in everyone’s mind, no

understanding behind the rationale, and no openness to the truth, this is what lack Understanding

and Openness, to err is human, they said, but the ability to rectify that error is within us. As

Platonic doctrine says, to be happy and to be moral is to be in function or proper end.

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