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Twality Middle School

Teacher:​ ​Mrs. Erin Levin Team: 7​ ​B Room:​ ​19​ ​(Porch)
Phone: 5
​ 03.431.5233 E-mail:​ ​ Website: ​

What is Science?​ This is a required, inquiry-based, academic, hands-on lab course to understand the nature of life.
Lessons are aligned with OR state and US national standards (NGSS). Each unit will provide opportunities for students
to experiment, create models, discuss, read and write using academic vocabulary.

What topics will I study? ​Students will study, not necessarily in this order, geological processes, energy resources,
natural disasters, matter & energy in ecosystems, atoms & molecules and chemical reactions.

What supplies do I bring to class everyday?

1. A 2.5 inch binder (to be shared with other classes) to hold the teacher-provided INB
2. At least 2 pencils with erasers
3. At least 2 ​black​ or ​blue​ pens
4. At least 3 highlighters of different colors (example: blue, pink, yellow, green)
5. Your iPad

How will I be graded? ​Grading for this class is proficiency-based; demonstrating what you know and can do are the
primary basis for the grade. Assignment are broken down into four categories:

Category 1: Assessments
Grades will be determined 50% on what the students learn from the state and national standards: summative
assessments include tests, written work and lab assignments that include both skills and knowledge. There will be
opportunities to retake assessments, if desired.

Category 2: Essential skills

College and career readiness skills (punctuality, teamwork, personal management & problem solving, skills practice)
will determine 10% of the course grade.

Category 3: Practice
Daily work (classwork and homework)completed in the INB (Interactive Notebook) will count 30% towards the final
course grade.

Category 4: Formative Assessments

The final 10% of the grade will be determined by weekly formative assessments (quizzes).

The Grading Scale will be

87.5-100% = A = 4 = exceeds proficiency (E)
75-87.49% = B = 3 = meets proficiency (M)
50-74.99% = C = 2 = nearly meets proficiency (N)
25-49.99% = D = 1 = developing toward proficiency (B)
0-24.99% =I = incomplete (I)
Daily work scores (class work and homework in the INB)
4 = complete and on time
3 = complete, but late
2 = incomplete
1 = missing

Do I have homework in your class? ​Could you imagine playing a basketball game or giving a music performance
without practice? Students will have homework at times, usually it is just completing classwork. Generally, homework
should not take more than 20 minutes. Special long-term projects will take some weekend time, occasionally.

Can I turn in late assignments? ​YES, but they will only be accepted until the end of a unit.

What do I do if I am absent? ​You are not penalized for missed work due to an EXCUSED absence, but you need
the work (class notes, handouts, etc.) for the assessments and unit packets. For excused absences only, each day
that is missed means an extra day to work on the assignment(s).
1​st Check the (Google) assignment calendar or email me ( OR alternatively,
call/text a FRIEND: # ___________________________.
2​nd Check the ​WHAT YOU MISSED/ASSIGNMENT BOX​ when you return for any handouts you missed.
3​rd Complete & turn in any assignments to appropriate location (INB or Google Classroom, etc.)

What if I need extra help? ​I am happy to provide help to students who could benefit from one-on-one time with a
particular topic, skill or assignment. I am available from 3:35-4:30, with prior notice. If Rendezvous and/or
afterschool times do not work, another time may be arranged by the student.

What happens if I am tardy to class? ​Twality’s policy is (each quarter this policy restarts):
1​st​ time Verbal recognition
2​nd​ time Parent/guardian contact: phone call or email
3​rd​ time and every instance thereafter Lunch detention

When will Mrs. Levin contact parent(s)/guardian(s)? ​I normally send a weekly update through Synergy to
inform families about what we’re doing in class. Other than that, once access is available to Synergy/ ParentVUE, I will
not contact you unless your student’s behavior and/or academic performance is substandard. Specifically, if I need to
speak with a student at least three times in a class and/or a growing number of daily assignments are not completed,
I will email. ​I prefer communication via email as it does not interrupt class during instructional time.

What do I do with this paper? ​Share & review this information with your parent(s)/guardian(s). ​Please print
student and parent name and email, and obtain a parent/guardian signature below.

Students name: Parent/guardian name:

Parent/guardian email: Parent/guardian signature:

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