Organizational Behaviour Case

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Niyanta khare

Sec E
Organizational Behaviour case:-
Star salesperson

Ques 1. Do you agree with the human resources

manager? Why or why not.
Ans.1 Essential Qualities Every Great Sales Manager
1. Empathy
At their core, sales managers are people
managers. Having the ability to empathize with
your direct reports will show them you actually
care, and that they are more than just a revenue

2. Active Listening Skills

Active listening is a skill that determines the
effectiveness of any manager and their team
relationships. Being present and in the moment
with people you lead is crucial to trust.
3. The Ability To Forecast
There are many facets to sales management --
numbers, headcount, attrition, development needs,
etc. -- and the inability to have a grounded pulse on all
aspects of your business results in your company being
unable to plan for the impact your team has on
business. It's important to maintain a level of
predictability at all levels.

An outstanding sales representative can go with the
flow. Adapting to the client’s schedule and preferences
can make all the difference.

AS Jerry have many qualities of a salesperson but he

lacking many interpersonal skills eg. Empathy , listening
skills, adaptiblity.
So human resources manager should have choose
someone with good interpersonal skills.

QUES 2. Considering Jerry’s background , what motives

discussed in the chapter would appear to be intense in
Jerry? What motives would appear to be very low ? give
specific evidence from the case for each motive.
Ans 2. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Motives that are very intense in Jerry:-

 Esteem needs - which Maslow classified into two
(i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement,
mastery, independence)
(ii) the desire for reputation or respect from
others (e.g., status, prestige).
As mentioned in the case study Jerry was
always striving for things like class monitor
and traffic patroller in grade school which
indicade his need for power and status
In college he was always on top academically
which shows his motive for achievement ,

Ques 3 What type of motivation is desirable

for people in sales positions?
What type of motivation is desirable
managerial posion?
Ans.3 Motivation desirable for people in sale
Monetary compensation –

While many of us don’t like to admit that

money is a prime motivator in life, the
inescapable truth is that money makes the
world go round. One way to positively use
monetary compensation as a motivator is to
implement an incentive-based plan, tying
salary and bonuses to the rep’s contribution
to the company’s sales person.

Recognize achievements –

When your reps achieve or exceed their

assigned goal quotas or a difficult task it is
important that you appreciate their hard
work and dedication. Human beings need
positive reinforcement to fuel their
confidence and self-esteem.

Inspire vision

Successful sales companies and businesses in

general owe their companies’ success to the
vision or sense that they’re not just
individuals at work but rather a part of
something truly extraordinary and bigger
than themselves.

Motivation for manager.

Provide a solid rationale for assignments. Managers

need to know how their goals and tasks contribute to
the organization’s success. When they understand the
rationale behind assignments, they are more likely to
see them as personally important.
Promote manager problem solving. You hire managers
to manage, so let them. Give them a chance to
investigate problems and develop solutions. This will
not only develop their competence, but also give them
a greater sense of ownership.
Give constructive feedback. Most people have a
fundamental desire to grow and develop. Well-
delivered, constructive feedback helps managers know
what they must do to improve and increases the chance
that they will personally “own” their development.
Provide a choice of assignments. When multiple tasks
need to be accomplished, let managers choose their
assignments. This improves their feeling of self-
direction and personal ownership, often increasing
Communicate often and openly. Ask managers about
their values, goals, and interests, and help them
consider how they can incorporate them into their roles.
For instance, a manager who is passionate about
corporate environmental sustainability might be
encouraged to become involved in the organization’s
sustainability efforts.

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