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NAME: __________________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION: _____________

SCHOOL: _________________________________________________DATE: ______________________


A. Direction: Give 5 importance of planting and propagating trees and fruit- bearing trees and marketing
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Direction: Directions: Put check (/) if the statement tells fact and cross(x) if it is not.

____. 6. In planting fruit-bearing trees one should consider the type of soil and plants to be planted.
____7.Farmers should find new innovations in technology for further development of fruit bearing-
____8.One should consider the fruits to be planted for the consumption of the community.
____9. Fruits which are in demand should be identified for later consumption in the community.
____10.It is not important to use pesticides and fertilizers in the orchard.

C. Directions: Write True if the statement tells a fact and False if it is not.

________11. Farmers should have a wise choice on what particular fruit-bearing trees to be

________12. One should consider the location and climate of the place on where the trees to be
________13. Budding, marcotting, and grafting are some ways of propagating trees.
________14. To lessen the expenses we could buy seeds in the nursery and propagate it.
________15. Do not put junior fence in the seedlings.

D. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

16. What kind of basket will you use in storing fruits harvested?
a. laundry basket b. wicker basket c. closed basket
17. This is done by transferring seedlings from one seed box to another to provide more space for
proper development
a. thinning b. pricking c. hardening
18. This process is done 7 to 15 days before transplanting. The purpose is to make the tissue of the
plants harder in order to survive the rigors of transplanting.
a. thinning b. pricking c. hardening
19. All of the following are fruit-bearing trees, EXCEPT:
a. Duhat b. Balimbing c. Molave
20. She is well-knows as the Dragon Lady because of her dragon fruit business
a. Alfredo Yao b. Editha Dacuycuy c. Patricia Base

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