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Use of recycled plastic in concrete: A review

Article in Waste Management · December 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2007.09.011 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors:

Rafat Siddique Jamal M Khatib

Thapar University University of Wolverhampton


Inderpreet Kaur
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College


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Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852


Use of recycled plastic in concrete: A review

Rafat Siddique , Jamal Khatib b, Inderpreet Kaur a

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deemed University, Patiala – 147 004, India
School of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Wolverhampton, City Campus, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV1 1SB, United Kingdom

Accepted 15 September 2007

Available online 5 November 2007


Numerous waste materials are generated from manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes. The increas-
ing awareness about the environment has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes.
Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns in the world. With the scarcity of space for landfilling and
due to its ever increasing cost, waste utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Research is being carried out on
the utilization of waste products in concrete. Such waste products include discarded tires, plastic, glass, steel, burnt foundry sand,
and coal combustion by-products (CCBs). Each of these waste products has provided a specific effect on the properties of fresh
and hardened concrete. The use of waste products in concrete not only makes it economical, but also helps in reducing disposal prob-
lems. Reuse of bulky wastes is considered the best environmental alternative for solving the problem of disposal. One such waste is
plastic, which could be used in various applications. However, efforts have also been made to explore its use in concrete/asphalt con-
crete. The development of new construction materials using recycled plastics is important to both the construction and the plastic
recycling industries.
This paper presents a detailed review about waste and recycled plastics, waste management options, and research published on the
effect of recycled plastic on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The effect of recycled and waste plastic on bulk density, air
content, workability, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, impact resistance, permeability, and abrasion
resistance is discussed in this paper.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cation materials, security systems, and other uses. With

such large and varying applications, plastics contribute to
Plastics have become an inseparable and integral part of an ever increasing volume in the solid waste stream. In
our lives. The amount of plastics consumed annually has the year 1996, plastics amounted to about 12% of MSW,
been growing steadily. Its low density, strength, user- by weight, in United States (Franklin Associates Ltd.,
friendly designs, fabrication capabilities, long life, light 1998). The waste plastics collected from the solid wastes
weight, and low cost are the factors behind such phenom- stream is a contaminated, assorted mixture of plastics. This
enal growth. Plastics have been used in packaging, automo- makes the identification, segregation, and purification of
tive and industrial applications, medical delivery systems, the various types of plastics very challenging. In the plastics
artificial implants, other healthcare applications, water waste stream, polyethylene forms the largest fraction,
desalination, land/soil conservation, flood prevention, which is followed by PET. Lesser amounts of other plastics
preservation and distribution of food, housing, communi- can also be found in the plastics waste stream, as given in
Table 1 (Subramanian, 2000).
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 175 239 3207; fax: +91 175 2393005/
The world’s annual consumption of plastic materials has
2364498. increased from around 5 million tons in the 1950s to nearly
E-mail address: (R. Siddique). 100 million tons in 2001 (

0956-053X/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1836 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

Table 1 2. Types of plastic and plastic waste

Types and quantities of plastics in municipal solid waste in the USA
(Subramanian, 2000)
The quantity of plastics consumed annually all over the
Type of plastic Quantity (1000 tons) world has been growing phenomenally. Its exceptionally
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 1700 user-friendly characteristics/features, unique flexibility,
High density polyethylene (HDPE) 4120 fabricatability and processability coupled with immense
Low density polyethylene (LDPE) 5010
Polypropylene (PP) 2580
cost-effectiveness and longevity are the main reasons for
Polystyrene (PS) 1990 such astronomical growth. Besides its wide use in packag-
Other 3130 ing, automotive and industrial applications, plastics are
also extensively used in medical delivery systems, artificial
implants and other healthcare applications, water desalina-
tion and bacteria removal, preservation and distribution of
Table 2 presents the details about the amount of plastic food, housing appliances, communication and the electron-
consumption and plastic waste generated in the UK, ics industry, etc. Table 3 details the uses of plastics and
USA and Western Europe. In the UK, a total of approxi- recycled plastics (Recycling and Resource Recovery Coun-
mately 4.7 million tons of plastic products were used in var- cil, 1994).
ious economic sectors in 2001. The amount of plastic waste
generated annually in the UK is estimated to be nearly 3
2.1. Benefits/advantages of plastics
million tons. An estimated 56% of all plastics waste is used
packaging, three-quarters of which is from households. It is
The growth in the use of plastic is due to its beneficial
estimated that only 7% of total plastic waste arising is cur-
properties, which include:
rently being recycled. According to a 2003 Environment
Agency report, 80% of post-consumer plastic waste is sent
 Extreme versatility and ability to be tailored to meet
to landfill, 8% is incinerated and only 7% is recycled. In
specific technical needs.
addition to reducing the amount of plastics waste requiring
 Lighter weight than competing materials reducing fuel
disposal, recycling plastic can have several other advanta-
consumption during transportation.
ges. In the United States, approximately 11 million tons
 Good safety and hygiene properties for food packaging.
of plastic wastes are produced each year, which represents
 Durability and longevity.
about 11.1% of total MSW generation (EPA, 2003). Plastic
 Resistance to chemicals, water and impact.
wastes are very visible as they contribute to a large volume
 Excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties.
of the total solid wastes. Precisely because of their large
 Comparatively lesser production cost.
visibility, plastic wastes (and particularly non-sustainable
 Unique ability to combine with other materials like alu-
plastic products) have been viewed as a serious solid waste
minum foil, paper, adhesives.
 Far superior aesthetic appeal.
The largest component of the plastic waste is low density
 Material of choice – human life style and plastic are
polyethylene/linear low density polyethylene (LDPE) at
about 23%, followed by 17.3% of high density polyethyl-
 Intelligent features, smart materials and smart
ene, 18.5% of polypropylene, 12.3% of polystyrene (PS/
extended PS), 10.7% polyvinyl chloride, 8.5% polyethylene
terephthalate and 9.7% of other types (Association of Plas-
tics Manufactures in Europe, 2004).
2.2. Disadvantages of plastics

Plastics production also involves the use of potentially

Table 2 harmful chemicals, which are added as stabilizers or colo-
Plastic consumption and plastic waste data rants. Many of these have not undergone an environmental
Quantity Reference risk assessment and their impact on human health and the
(million tons) environment is currently uncertain. Such an example is
Plastic consumption in UK 4.7 phthalates, which are used in the manufacture of PVC.
in 2001 (2001) PVC has in the past been used in toys for young children
Plastic waste in UK in 3.0 and there has been concern that phthalates may be released
2001 (2001)
Plastic consumption in 43.5 APME (2004)
when these toys are sucked (come into contact with saliva).
Western Europe in 2004 Risk assessments of the effects of phthalates on the envi-
Plastic consumption in 26.7 EPA (2003) ronment are currently being carried out. The disposal of
USA in 2003 plastics products also contributes significantly to their envi-
Plastic waste in USA in 11.0 EPA (2003) ronmental impact. Because most plastics are non-degrad-
able, they take a long time to break down, possibly up to
Author's personal copy

R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1837

Table 3
Uses of plastics and recycled plastics (Recycling and Resource Recovery Council, 1994)
Name of plastic Description Some uses for virgin plastic Some uses for plastic made from recycled waste
Polyethylene Clear tough plastic, may Soft drink and mineral water bottles, filling for Soft drink bottles, (multi-layer) detergent bottles,
terephthalate be used as a fiber sleeping bags and pillows, textile fibers clear film for packaging, carpet fibers, fleecy jackets
High density Very common plastic, Crinkly shopping bags, freezer bags, milk and Compost bins, detergent bottles, crates, mobile
polyethylene usually white or coloured cream bottles, bottles for shampoo and cleaners, rubbish bins, agricultural pipes, pallets, kerbside
(DPE) milk crates recycling crates
Unplasticised Hard rigid plastic, may be Clear cordial and juice bottles, blister packs, Detergent bottles, tiles, plumbing pipe fittings
polyvinyl clear plumbing pipes and fittings
Plasticized Flexible, clear, elastic Garden hose, shoe soles, blood bags and tubing Hose inner core, industrial flooring
polyvinyl plastic
Low density Soft, flexible plastic Lids of ice-cream containers, garbage bags, Film for builders, industry, packaging and plant
polyethylene garbage bins, black plastic sheet nurseries, bags
Polypropylene Hard, but flexible plastic – Ice-cream containers, potato crisp bags, drinking Compost bins, kerbside recycling crates, worm
(PP) many uses straws, hinged lunch boxes factories
Polystyrene (PS) Rigid, brittle plastic. May Yoghurt containers, plastic cutlery, imitation Clothes pegs, coat hangers, office accessories,
be clear, glassy crystal ‘‘glassware’’ spools, rulers, video/CD boxes
Expanded Foamed, lightweight, Hot drink cups, takeaway food containers, meat
polystyrene energy absorbing, thermal trays, packaging
(EPS) insulation

hundreds of years – although no-one knows for certain as  Reduced emissions of carbon-dioxide (CO2), nitrogen-
plastics have not existed for long enough – when they are oxide (NO) and sulphur-dioxide (SO2).
landfilled. With more and more plastics products, particu-
larly plastics packaging, being disposed of soon after their
3.1. Advantages of waste/recycled plastic
purchase, the landfill space required by plastics waste is a
growing concern.
Advantages of using waste/recycled plastics are: (i)
reduction of municipal solid wastes being landfilled; and
3. Utilization of waste/recycled plastics (ii) an alternative to pressure-treated lumber that leaches
toxic chemicals into water.
Applications of plastic usage are wide-ranging. Some
plastic items such as food packaging become waste only a
3.2. Classification of recycled plastic in concrete
short time after purchase. Other plastic items lend them-
selves to be reused many times over. Reusing plastic is pref-
3.2.1. Virgin polypropylene
erable to recycling as it consumes lesser amounts of energy
The virgin polypropylene fibers are 19 mm (3/4 in.) long
and resources. Long life, multi-trip plastics packaging has
fibrillated fibers. These are in slender fiber-form.
become more widespread in recent years, replacing less
durable and single-trip alternatives, thereby reducing
waste. In the United States, 80% of post-consumer plastic 3.2.2. Recycled plastic (melted processed)
waste is sent to landfill, 8% is incinerated and only 7% is The recycled plastic (melted processed) is produced by
recycled (EPA, 2003). In addition to reducing the amount drawing molten automobile bumpers into long strands,
of plastic waste requiring disposal, recycling plastic can which are cut to 28 mm (1.1 in.) length. It is in slender
have several other advantages: fiber-form.

 Conservation of non-renewable fossil fuels – plastic pro-

duction uses 8% of the world’s oil production, 4% as 3.2.3. Recycled plastic (automobile shredded residue)
feedstock and 4% during manufacture. Automobile shredded residue comprised mainly mixed
 Reduced consumption of energy. plastics and some rubber, with a maximum particle dimen-
 Reduced amounts of solid waste going to landfill. sion of 19 mm (3/4 in.). It is in flake form.
Author's personal copy

1838 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

3.2.4. Recycled plastic (shredded) tions involved in a waste management process include the
The recycled plastic (shredded) is produced by shredding collection of the plastic waste outside or inside the munici-
plastics obtained from a mixed plastic stream; the process pal waste stream, its disposal in landfills, its energy recov-
yielded plastic flakes with a maximum planar dimension ery, recycling into useful products, and the establishment
of 25 mm (1 in.). It is in flake form. of markets for the recycled products (Rebeiz and Craft,
Zoorob and Suparma (2000) reported the physical 1995).
properties of recycled plastic (low density polyethylene,
LDPE), which are given in Table 4. Details of the proper-
ties of a virgin and recycled discrete reinforcement system 4.1.1. Collection
used in concrete by Soroushian et al. (2003) are given in Plastic wastes could be retrieved in two ways: the first
Table 5. method consists of collecting plastics after they enter the
municipal waste stream, and the second method involves
4. Management option/recycling methods

An integrated approach is required in an attempt to Plastic Wastes

manage such large quantities of a diverse, contaminated
mixture of plastics in an energy efficient and environmen-
tally benign manner. This would require examining
critically various steps in the life of the plastics such as
the raw materials for their manufacture, the manufactur-
ing processes, design and fabrication of the finished
Outside the Inside the
products, possible reuse of those items, and the proper Municipal Waste Municipal Waste
Stream Stream
disposal of the wastes, in totality. Such an integrated waste
management concept comprises: (i) source reduction;
(ii) reuse; (iii) recycling; (iv) landfill and (v) waste-to-
energy conversion. Landfill Incineration

4.1. Framework for plastic waste management Recycling

The flow chart of a plastic waste management operation

system is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The major opera- Thermal Chemical
Reprocessing Modification Fillers

Table 4
Physical properties of waste plastics (low density polyethylene, LDPE)
(Zoorob and Suparma, 2000) Plastic/Non-Plastic Products

Properties Low density polyethylene

(LDPE) Market

Granulate shape Pellet

Size (mm) 5.00–2.36 Non-Plastic
Specific gravity 0.92 Management
Softening point (C) 120
Melting point (C) 140
Fig. 1. Plastic waste management process (Rebeiz and Craft, 1995).

Table 5
Properties of virgin and recycled discrete reinforcement system (Soroushian et al., 2003)
Mixture identification Discrete reinforcement Aspect ratio Specific gravity Dosage in concrete (kg/m3) Volume (%)
poly1.5 & poly3.0 Virgin polypropylene 150 1.2 0.9 0.075
1.8 0.15
plmp1.5 & plmp2.5 Recycled plastic (melt processed) 11.1 0.8 0.9 0.1
1.5 0.19
plasr34 Recycled plastic (automotive shredded residue) 1.65 1.0 20 2.0
plsh17 & plsh34 Recycled plastic (shredded) 3.70 1.0 10 1
20 2
Polypropylene fibers is not a waste plastic.
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collection of plastics before they enter the municipal waste exhaust gases) and bottom ash (the large and heavy parti-
stream. Most post-consumer wastes end up in the munici- cles removed from the bed of the incinerator), which
pal waste stream. Curlee (1986) reported that these plastic require disposal. Landfilling these ash residues may not
wastes are usually very contaminated and are difficult to always be acceptable because of the potential for ground-
recycle economically. Therefore, the wastes are either dis- water and soil pollution due to leachate carrying heavy
posed in landfills or incinerated to reduce their volume metals such as lead and cadmium. Methods of protecting
and to recover their energy content. Conversely, plastic groundwater and soil from leachate, such as lining the
wastes collected outside the municipal waste stream are rel- landfill, can be expensive and are not always effective from
atively clean and can be recycled after undergoing some an environmental standpoint. Accordingly, some research
separation and purification processes. is being undertaken to effectively stabilize and recycle incin-
eration residues in construction applications (Goumans
4.1.2. Landfilling plastics et al., 1991).
The disposal of plastics in landfills raises some concerns
since the material degrades very slowly. Wastes such as
paper and food wastes are equally very slow to degrade 4.1.4. Plastics recycling
in landfills. Therefore, the degradation of plastics and Plastics recycling has to be taken into consideration in
other wastes should not be made an issue since it has little any plastic waste management program. In addition to
effect on landfill capacity. Plastic wastes do not create dif- reducing the amount of waste disposed in landfills, it can
ficulties in landfill operations and also do not contribute also significantly contribute to the conservation of raw pet-
to the toxicity of leachate from the landfills (EPA, 1991; rochemical products, as well as energy savings (EPA, 1991;
Office of Solid Waste and Office of Water, 1990). Biodeg- Office of Solid Waste and Office of Water, 1990). Rebeiz
radation (such as incorporating starch additives to the and Craft (1995) have reported that there are a few techno-
plastic) and photo degradation (such as incorporating logical and economic constraints that currently limit the
photo-sensitive additives to the plastic) are the two tech- full and efficient recycling of plastic wastes into useful
nologies that are being explored for commercial applica- products, and these are: (i) contamination of plastic wastes
tions. Light and air must be present for these materials with other materials such as dirt and metals that can dam-
to decompose, along with sufficient moisture and nutrients age the equipment used in the reprocessing of the waste; (ii)
to sustain microbial action (Alter, 1993; Boettcher, 1992). plastics are not homogeneous materials like aluminum or
These requirements are not met for materials buried in paper, but consist of a large number of grades with differ-
landfills. Accordingly, the EPA does not believe that the ent molecular structures and properties, and each plas-
use of degradable plastics will help solve landfill capacity tic component in a mixed waste has a different melting
problems. Furthermore, the environmental impact of behavior, rheology, and thermal stability; (iii) plastic mix-
degradable residues is still not well understood (EPA, tures are usually insoluble and form discrete phases within
1991; Office of Solid Waste and Office of Water, 1990). a continuous phase; (iv) plastic waste feedstock is not usu-
Moreover, making plastics degradable would lower the ally uniform over time and (v) plastic wastes have a rela-
quality and performance of the material and therefore tively low density. Therefore, they are usually compacted
would mitigate some of its major desirable features in var- or ground-up before transportation to reduce shipping
ious applications. costs.

4.1.3. Incineration of plastics 4.2. Recycling methods and construction applications

The heat content of plastic wastes can be recovered by
incineration. Plastic wastes are a good fuel source because 4.2.1. Mechanical recycling
most resins have a heating value almost equivalent to that Mechanical recycling of plastics refers to processes
of the coal. In addition to providing an attractive source of which involve melting, shredding or granulation of waste
alternative energy, preserving natural resources and mini- plastics. Plastics must be sorted prior to mechanical recy-
mizing the impact of dependency on energy, incineration cling. Technology is being introduced to sort plastics auto-
also greatly reduces the volume of garbage by about matically, using various techniques such as X-ray
90–95%. But, there is always public resistance emerging fluorescence, infrared and near infrared spectroscopy, elec-
against incineration because of the emission of some toxic trostatics and flotation. Following sorting, the plastic is
fumes. However, current technology makes it possible to either melted down directly and moulded into a new shape,
operate incineration plants in a way that emissions would or melted down after being shredded into flakes and than
not be a problem and, therefore, would conform to the processed into granules called regranulate.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Alter, 1993; Yako- Zhang and Forssberg (1999) studied the liberation and
witz, 1990). its impact on the separation of personal computer (PC)
Two types of ash are produced by an incineration pro- scrap and printed circuit board (PCB) scrap. Special equip-
cess; fly ash (the very fine particles entrained in incinerator ment functioning as a shape separator and an aspirator was
Author's personal copy

1840 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

used for the classification of electronic scrap. Yarahmadi Chemical modification. Plastic can be recycled by
et al. (2001) reported that retained properties and durabil- chemical modification or depolymerization. The two ways
ity are among the most important tasks when evaluating to achieve depolymerization are hydrolysis (chemical
the possibility of mechanical recycling of plastic waste of decomposition) and pyrolysis (thermal decomposition).
rigid PVC. For example, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) can be
Ambrose et al. (2002) performed the mechanical recy- chemically modified to produce unsaturated polyester,
cling of 100% post-consumer plastic waste into high-qual- thermoset polyester typically used in bathtubs, boat hulls,
ity products. The chemical and physical properties of and automobile exterior panels. Another example is the
these recycled materials were compared with similar prod- thermal decomposition of acrylic wastes into methyl meth-
ucts manufactured from virgin resins. The properties of a acrylate (MMA), a monomer typically used in aircraft win-
blow-moulded bottle prepared from 100% post-consumer dows and neon signs. The technology of depolymerizing
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) showed that this recy- single condensation polymers such as urethanes, PET,
cled polymer exceeded the materials specifications for vir- nylon, and polymethyl methacrylates is relatively easy.
gin plastics designs. Similarly, a sample of thermoplastic However, it is much more complicated to chemically mod-
polyolefin (TPO, 100% polypropylene), obtained entirely ify mixed plastics to produce useful and economical chem-
from shredder residue (SR), displayed sufficient material ical feedstocks (Rebeiz and Craft, 1995).
strength for future separation and reprocessing.
Avila and Duarte (2003) studied the thermo-mechanical
recycling of post-consumed plastic bottles, especially the Thermal reprocessing. Thermal reprocessing con-
ones made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and its sists of heating a thermoplastic at very high temperatures,
use as composite materials for engineering applications. thus making the plastic flow. The plastic is then converted
Yarahmadi et al. (2003) reported that PVC floorings as into a new product as it cools. This method does not
plastic waste can be mechanically recycled in the form in involve the modification of the chemical composition of
which they were recovered without upgrading, and without the plastics. For example, PET, being thermoplastic polyes-
the addition of new plasticizer. Paula et al. (2005) prepared ter, can be heated and reprocessed into building panels,
polymeric blends by mechanical recycling and character- fence posts, or fibers for carpeting. This process cannot
ized LDPE/Al residues from cartooned packaging with be repeated indefinitely since repeated thermal reprocessing
recycled HDPE/LDPE and virgin PE resins. It was may eventually adversely affect the plastic properties. Ther-
observed that processability, mechanical properties, chem- mal reprocessing is quite straightforward if it is applied to
ical resistance and water absorption are dependent on the relatively pure thermoplastics. However, thermal repro-
blend compositions. cessing could not be applied to thermosets (such as cross-
Dodbiba et al. (in press) compared the two treatment linked polyesters) because they cannot soften at high
options, i.e., energy recovery and mechanical recycling of temperatures without degrading. Thermal reprocessing
plastic wastes from discarded TV sets in the context of life becomes much more involved if various thermoplastics
cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. They concluded that are mixed together. One way of doing is to separate
mechanical recycling of plastics is more attractive treat- the various plastics. Separation of various plastics can
ment option in environmental terms than incineration for be easy or complicated depending on the source of the
energy recovery, which generates a larger environmental waste. The other way to thermally reprocess mixed plas-
burden. Eswaraiah et al. (in press) reported that air classi- tics is to use special equipment that takes into account
fication is one among the clean mechanical separation the different thermal properties or makes few demands
methods that can achieve reasonably good separation of on the melting behavior of the plastic wastes (i.e., com-
metals and plastics from the PCB stuff. pression molding or melting in salt bath) and does not
require meticulous removal of non-plastic wastes. Sys-
tems/mechanisms have been developed to reprocess
4.2.2. Chemical or feedstock recycling mixed or commingled plastic wastes where plastics with
Feedstock recycling describes a range of plastic recovery lower melting point act as a matrix that carries other
techniques to make plastics, which break down polymers plastics and contaminants into the mould. Chemical
into their constituent monomers, which in turn can be agents, called compatibilizers, could be used to improve
used again in refineries, or petrochemical and chemical the adherence between different polymer phases (Barlow
production. A range of feedstock recycling technologies is and Paul, 1987; Stein, 1992). Plastics are currently being
currently being explored. These include: pyrolysis, hydro- recycled with some success into wood products replace-
genation, gasification and thermal-cracking. Feedstock ment (Ehrig, 1992; Barlaz et al., 1993). These materials
recycling has a greater flexibility over composition and is can be cut, sawn, and nailed like wood. They are more
more tolerant to impurities than mechanical recycling, resistant to moisture but more sensitive to temperature
although it is capital-intensive and requires very large variations than wood. Such construction products include
quantities of used plastic for reprocessing to be economi- fence posts, large cable reels, park benches, railroad ties,
cally viable. boat docks, breakwaters, auto curb stops and traffic
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R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1841

posts. However, these products cost about 2–4 times Shen et al. (2002) investigated the floatability of seven
more than the same product made from wood. There plastics (POM, PVC, PET, PMMA, PC, PS and ABS) in
are many commercially available machines that could the presence of methyl cellulose (MC) and separation of
handle certain commingled plastic wastes of varying com- plastics mixtures. It was found that the seven plastics can
positions (Ehrig, 1992; Barlaz et al., 1993). be separated into three groups by using the wetting agent
MC. In addition, flotation selectivity for the plastics is
dominated not only by wettability of plastics, but also by Fillers. Plastic waste can also be used as fillers with particle size, density and shape.
virgin resins or other materials like concretes or as fill Miskolczi et al. (2004) reported that fuel-like utilization
material in road construction. In such applications, chem- is one way of chemical recycling of liquids from waste poly-
ical composition of the plastics is generally not very signif- mers. Hall and Williams (2007) investigated three plastic
icant. This is an easy way to recycle thermosets or fractions from a commercial waste electrical and electronic
contaminated plastics in second grade applications. One equipment (WEEE) processing plant for the possibility of
such use is thermoplastic wastes that are melted and co- recycling them by batch pyrolysis.
extruded or co-injected into mouldings with virgin resins.
These virgin resins with superior properties are forced into
the perimeter of the mold while the recycled plastics, with Other recycling techniques. In this section, recycling
inferior properties, are injected in the center of the mold techniques other than mechanical, chemical and thermal
(Curlee, 1986). Plastic wastes may also be used with some are presented.
effectiveness as a partial replacement of inorganic aggre- Poulakis and Papaspyrides (1997) proposed a dissolu-
gates in concrete applications to decrease the dead weight tion/reprecipitation technique for recycling of polypropyl-
of structures. Similarly, recycled rubber can be used in ene (PP). It comprises dissolution of the plastic in an
asphaltic concrete mixes (McQuillen et al., 1998) or as a fill appropriate solvent, reprecipitation by using a non-solvent,
material in road construction (Eldin and Senouci, 1992). thorough washing of the material obtained and drying.
The advantages of adding recycled rubber to the asphalt Furthermore, the solvent mixtures involved are separated
mix include increased skid resistance under icy conditions, by fractional distillation for reuse.
improved flexibility and crack resistance, and reduced traf- Burillo et al. (2002) discussed radiation technology for
fic noise. Many researchers have reported the use of scrap polymer waste recycling. They provided an overview of
tire/rubber in cement mortar and concrete, and Siddique the polymer recycling problem, describing the major tech-
and Naik (2004) have published a review paper, detailing nological obstacles to the implementation of recycling tech-
the research on the use of scrap tire/rubber in concrete. nologies, and outlining some of the approaches to be
Remias et al. (2000) developed a system which utilizes adopted.
nitrogen oxides and dioxygen to break down and oxidize Mantia and Gardette (2002) photo-oxidized low density
polyethene. The principal nongaseous products were a,x- polyethylene films in artificial accelerated ageing condi-
diacids, mainly succinic, glutaric, adipic and pimelic acids. tions, and then the brittle films have been melt reprocessed.
Ernst et al. (2000) used electrochemical applications for They showed that the secondary material, after reprocess-
quantification of heavy metals for the recycling of waste ing, shows mechanical properties, in particular elongation
plastics. at break, better than those of the photo-oxidized films. This
Masuda et al. (2001) developed a new reactor system for behaviour was attributed to the fact that the melt repro-
recovery fuels from the waste plastic mixture in steam cessing has the effect of homogenizing the various defects
atmosphere. This system was composed of three kinds of resulting from photo-oxidation.
reactors connected in series. One was a reactor filled with Gente et al. (2004) showed that cryo-comminution
stirred heat medium particles, which enabled the high heat improves the effectiveness of size reduction of plastics, pro-
transfer rate, the high holdup and the good contact of the motes liberation of constituents and increases specific sur-
melted plastics with steam. The second was a tank reactor. face size of comminuted particles in comparison to a
The last one was a fixed bed reactor with FeOH catalyst comminution process carried out at room temperature.
particles, which showed the catalysis in steam for the Kang and Schoenung (2005) described various methods
decomposition both of a wax and sublimate materials gen- available to recover materials from e-waste. In particular,
erated by the degradation of plastics. various recycling technologies for the glass, plastics, and
Cavalieri and Padella (2002) reported that a polymer metals found in e-waste were discussed. For plastics, chem-
milling process with liquid CO2 was applied to polymeric ical (feedstock) recycling, mechanical recycling, and ther-
mixed waste, obtaining a powder material which was suc- mal recycling methods were analyzed.
cessfully utilized as a matrix for a new composite material. Anzano et al. (2006) reported that in the recycling of
Developed materials have interesting mechanical proper- post-consumer plastic waste, there is a pressing need for
ties, and material performance can easily be improved. rapid on-line or at-line measurement technologies for
Investigations on selected mixtures of PP and PE clearly simple identification of the various commercial plastic
showed evidence of chemical compatibilization. materials. They discussed instant-identification of post-
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1842 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

consumer plastics by laser-induced plasma spectrometry the density of concrete. Mixture proportions of concrete
(LIPS). were planned so that the water–cement ratios were 45%,
Martin-Alfonso et al. (2007) studied the feasibility of 49%, and 53%, and the replacement ratios of WPLA were
recycling polyolefins as additives to improve the rheologi- 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% by volume of fine aggregate. Den-
cal properties of lithium 12-hydroxystearate lubricating sity of concrete mixtures decreased with the increase in
greases. WPLA content.

5. Research findings on the use of recycled plastic in concrete 5.1.2. Air content
Bayasi and Zeng (1993) studied the effect of polypropyl-
In this section, research findings related to the effects of ene fibers on the air content of concrete. For the purpose,
recycled and waste plastics on the fresh and hardened con- seven mixtures of polypropylene fibers reinforced concrete
crete are presented. Properties of concrete covered are bulk were made. Mixture proportions and details (length and
density, air content, slump, compressive strength, splitting percentages) of polypropylene fibers are given in Table 6.
tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, impact resistance, They reported that air content increased with the inclusion
permeability, and abrasion resistance. of polypropylene fibers, and there was no detectable effect
on air content of fresh concrete at volume below 0.3%.
Soroushian et al. (2003) reported that inclusion of recy-
5.1. Fresh concrete properties cled plastic in concrete resulted in the reduction of air con-
tent. The dosages of various virgin and recycled discrete
5.1.1. Bulk density reinforcement systems considered in the investigation are
Al-Manaseer and Dalal (1997) investigated the effect of given Table 5. Fig. 3 shows the effects of recycled plastic
plastic aggregates on the bulk density of concrete. For this (fibers) on the air content of concrete. Discrete reinforce-
purpose, they made 12 concrete mixes with different w/cm ment systems caused a significant loss (approximately
containing varying percentages (0%, 10%, 30%, and 50%) 1%) in air content. Mehta and Monteiro (1993) also
of plastic aggregates. Angular post-consumer plastic aggre- reported that slump loss reduced the efficiency of air
gates having a maximum size of 13 mm were used. They entrainment in the fresh concrete.
concluded that: (i) bulk density of concrete decreased with
the increase in plastic aggregates content (Fig. 2); (ii) reduc-
tion in bulk density was directly proportional to the plastic 5.1.3. Slump test
aggregates content; and (iii) density of concrete was Slump test, K-test and inverted slump cone are tests used
reduced by 2.5%, 6%, and 13% for concrete containing for measuring the workability of concrete. Workability of
10%, 30%, and 50% plastic aggregates, respectively. Reduc- concrete is defined as the ease with concrete can be mixed,
tion in density was attributed to the lower unit weight of transported, placed and finished easily without segregation.
the plastics. Slump test is used extensively at the site. The mould for
Choi et al. (2005) studied the effects of polyethylene tere- slump test is a frustum of cone, 305 mm high. It is con-
phthalate (PET) bottles lightweight aggregate (WPLA) on ducted per ASTM C 143-78. After filling the concrete in
cone, it is lifted slowly, and then unsupported concrete will
slump. The decrease in height of the concrete is called


2400 Table 6
w/cm=0.40 Fresh concrete properties of polypropylene reinforced concrete (Bayasi
w/cm=0.50 and Zeng, 1993)
Bulk density (kg/m3)

Mix Fiber Fiber volume Air Slump Inverted

no. length fraction (%) content (mm) slump cone
2200 (mm) (%) (s)
1a – 0 2.0 216 –
2100 2 12.7 0.1 1.5 241 –
3 12.7 0.3 2.5 203 –
2000 4 12.7 0.5 4.5 191 14
5 19.0 0.1 1.5 267 –
6 19.0 0.3 3.5 241 –
1900 7 19.0 0.5 5.0 25 18
0 10 30 50
Plastic aggregate (%) Mix 1 is the control mix in which there are no fibers (consists of cement
content 424 kg/m3, water–cement ratio = 0.41, aggregate-cement = 4.0,
Fig. 2. Bulk density versus plastic aggregates percentage (Al-Manaseer dry aggregate content = 1696 kg/m3, superplasticizer-cement ratio =
and Dalal, 1997). 0.01).
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R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1843

10 105
• Control (Plain concrete) • Control (Plain concrete)
9 • • poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene, 0.075%)
poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene, 0.075%) 90 •
• poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene, 0.15%) poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene, 0.15%)
8 • plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.1%) • plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.1%)
• plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.19%) • plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.19%)
7 • plasr 34 (recycled plastic – automotive shredded residue, 2%)
75 • plasr 34 (recycled plastic – automotive shredded residue, 2%)
• plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%) • plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%)

Slump (mm)
Air content (%)

6 • plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%) • plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%)

3 30
0 control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp 1.5 plmp 2.5 plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp 1.5 plmp 2.5 plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
Fiber type Fiber type

Fig. 3. Air content versus plastic fiber type (Soroushian et al., 2003). Fig. 4. Slump test versus plastic fiber type (Soroushian et al., 2003).

slump. K-test is a simple test consisting of the determina- 50% plastic aggregates had a slightly higher cone slump
tion of the depth to which 152 mm diameter metal hemi- than the concrete without plastic aggregates. (ii) K–slump
sphere, weighing 13.6 kg, will sink under its own weight consistency results showed a similar pattern to that
into fresh concrete, and then sink (slump) is noted. It is obtained from the cone slump. Plastic aggregates neither
covered under ASTM C 360-63. Inverted slump cone test absorbed nor added any water to the concrete mix. Due
is used for measuring the slump of fiber reinforced con- to this non-absorptive characteristic, concrete mixes con-
crete. The shape of the cone is same as for the slump test taining plastic aggregates will have more free water. Conse-
(ASTM 143), but is placed inverted. This test is done per quently, the slump increased.
ASTM C 995. Soroushian et al. (2003) reported reduction in slump
Bayasi and Zeng (1993) studied the effects of polypro- with the use of recycled plastic in concrete. Slump test
pylene fibers on the slump and inverted slump cone time results are shown in Fig. 4. It is evident that the addition
of concrete mixes. Test results are given in Table 6. They of any discrete reinforcement caused slump loss. While
reported: (i) increase in inverted slump cone time; (ii) for non-slender plastic particles, automobile shredded residue,
fiber volume fractions less than or equal to 0.3%, fiber and flakes were used at dosages that were in order of mag-
effect on fresh mix workability appeared insignificant and nitude of those of slender fibers, their effects on fresh mix-
rather inconsistent; and (iii) for fiber volume of 0.5%, how- ture properties were comparable. This could be attributed
ever, fibers appeared to adversely affect fresh mix workabil- to the pronounced adverse effects of highly slender fibers
ity, more evident by the increase in inverted slump cone on fresh mixture workability. Mehta and Monteiro
time with 19 mm fibers with a more pronounced effect than (1993) concluded that slump loss reduced the efficiency of
12.7 mm fibers. air entrainment in the fresh concrete.
Al-Manaseer and Dalal (1997) determined the slump of Choi et al. (2005) investigated the influence of polyethyl-
concrete mixes made with plastic aggregates. Table 7 shows ene terephthalate (PET) bottles lightweight aggregate
the cone and K–slump data for all mixes. They reported (WPLA) on the workability (slump) of concrete. Mixture
that: (i) there was increase in slump when plastic aggregates proportions of concrete were planned so that the
were incorporated in concrete. The concrete containing water–cement ratios were 45%, 49%, and 53%, and the

Table 7
Cone and K–slump data (Al-Manaseer and Dalal, 1997)
Plastic aggregate (%) Consistency (mm) Workability (mm) Cone slump (mm)
w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm w/cm
0.28 0.40 0.50 0.28 0.40 0.50 0.28 0.40 0.50
0 65 70 70 50 55 55 178 190 –
10 60 73 65 55 60 45 – 190 –
30 75 70 75 60 45 50 178 – –
50 73 83 80 55 60 50 206 216 –
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1844 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

replacement ratios of WPLA were 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% pressive behaviour characteristics are listed in Table 9, and
by volume of fine aggregate. They reported that slump include compressive strength strain at peak stress and com-
value of waste PET bottles lightweight aggregate concrete pressive toughness index. Compressive toughness index is
(WPLAC) increased with the increase in water–cement defined as the total compressive energy absorbed (total
ratio and the replacement ratio. The improvement ratios area under compressive stress–strain curve) divided by
of workability represent 52%, 104%, and 123% in compar- the pre-peak compressive energy absorbed (area under
ison with that of normal concrete at the water–cement the stress–strain diagram up to peak stress). From the com-
ratios of 45%, 49%, and 53%, respectively. This may be pressive test results, Bayasi and Zeng concluded that
attributed to not only the spherical and smooth shape 19 mm fibrillated polypropylene fibers had no obvious
but also to the absorption of WPLA. effect on the compressive strength of concrete. However,
Batayneh et al. (2007) investigated the effect of ground 19 mm fibrillated polypropylene fibers enhanced the energy
plastic on the slump of concrete. Concrete mixes of up to absorption and toughness characteristics of concrete under
20% of plastic particles are proportioned to partially compression. This was evidenced by the increase in
replace the fine aggregates. Details of mixture proportions compressive toughness index of concrete as a result of
and slump test results are given in Table 8. It can be seen fiber addition. From Table 9, it may also be concluded
from these results that: (i) there was a decrease in the slump that 12.7 mm long polypropylene fibers improved the com-
with the increase in the plastic particle content and (ii) for a pressive strength of concrete when used at volumes that do
20% replacement, the slump decreased to 25% of the origi- not cause adverse effects on the workability (less than
nal slump value with 0% plastic particle content. This 0.5%).
decrease in the slump value is due to the shape of plastic Al-Manaseer and Dalal (1997) investigated the effects of
particles, i.e., the plastic particles have sharper edges than inclusion of plastic aggregates on the compressive strength
the fine aggregate. Since the slump value at 20% plastic of concrete. Concrete mixtures were made with different w/
particle content is 58 mm, this value can be considered cm and varying percentages of plastic aggregates. Test
acceptable and the mix can be considered workable. results are shown in Fig. 5. Compressive strength decreased
with increase in aggregates content. At any given plastic
5.2. Hardened concrete properties aggregates content, the compressive strength was found
to decrease when the w/cm was increased. Fig. 6 shows
5.2.1. Compressive strength the percentage reduction in the compressive strength due
Bayasi and Zeng (1993) reported the effects of polypro- to the addition of plastic aggregates. In general, the rate
pylene fibes on the compressive strength of concrete. Com- of reduction in strength was found to decrease with the

Table 8
Mix proportions and fresh concrete properties (Batayneh et al., 2007)
Plastic (%) Mix proportions (kg/m3) w/cm ratio Slump (mm)
Water Cement CA FA Plastic
0 252 446 961 585 0 0.56 78
5 252 446 961 555.7 17.8 0.56 73
10 252 446 961 526.5 35.5 0.56 69
15 252 446 961 497.2 53.2 0.56 63
20 252 446 961 468.0 71.0 0.56 57

Table 9
Hardened concrete properties of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete (Bayasi and Zeng, 1993)
Mix Fiber length Fiber volume Compressive behaviour characteristics Impact strength Permeability, Permeable
no. (mm) fraction (%) (no. of blows) coulombs voids (%)
Strength Strain at Toughness At first At
(MPa) peak index crack failure
1 – 0 39.3 0.0016 1.167 5 5 3678 15.3
2 12.7 0.1 46.9 0.0019 1.173 17 28 6770 15.0
3 12.7 0.3 46.9 0.0017 2.031 186 201 4830 14.4
4 12.7 0.5 38.3 0.0022 1.243 50 71 6796 13.0
5 19.0 0.1 37.2 0.0017 1.451 11 20 8614 14.4
6 19.0 0.3 40.0 0.0021 1.440 19 42 11905 17.1
7 19.0 0.5 38.6 0.0017 1.600 34 72 8332 12.1
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R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1845

75 70
• Control (Plain concrete)
• poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene, 0.075%)
w/cm=0.28 60 • poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene, 0.15%)
60 • plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.1%)
Compressive strength (MPa)

Compressive strength (MPa)

w/cm=0.40 • plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.19%)
50 • plasr 34 (recycled plastic – automotive shredded residue, 2%)
w/cm=0.50 • plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%)
• plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%)

30 30


0 0
0 10 30 50
control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp 1.5 plmp 2.5 plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
Plastic aggregate (%) Fiber type
Fig. 5. Compressive strength versus plastic fiber percentage (Al-Manaseer Fig. 7. Compressive strength versus plastic fiber type (Soroushian et al.,
and Dalal, 1997). 2003).

75 ing plastic aggregates were capable of resisting the load

Reduction in compressive strength (%)

w/cm=0.28 for a few minutes after failure without full disintegration.

60 w/cm=0.40 This trend was found to be more obvious as the percent
w/cm=0.50 age of plastic aggregates was increased.
Soroushian et al. (2003) demonstrated that compressive
strength of concrete decreased with the inclusion of recy-
cled plastic in it. The compressive strength test results are
30 shown in Fig. 7. The mean values and 95% confidence
intervals were derived based on nine test specimens (three
specimens per mixture, three replications of each mixture).
All mixtures containing slender fibers (poly, and plmp in
Table 5) showed a slight increase in compressive strength.
0 The mixtures containing non-slender fibers (plasr and plsh
10 30 50
Plastic aggregate (%) in Table 5) showed a relatively small (approximately 5%)
loss in compressive strength, which could be attributed to
Fig. 6. Percentage reduction in compressive strength versus plastic fiber
percentage (Al-Manaseer and Dalal, 1997). the relatively low elastic modulus of these non-slender
Choi et al. (2005) studied the effects of polyethylene tere-
phthalate (PET) bottles lightweight aggregate (WPLA) on
the compressive strength of concrete. Mixture proportions
increase in plastic aggregates content. There was 34%, 51%, of concrete were planned so that the water–cement ratios
and 67% reduction in the compressive strength for concrete were 45%, 49%, and 53%, and the replacement ratios of
containing 10%, 30%, and 50% plastic aggregates. The WPLA were 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% by volume of fine
reduction in the compressive strength due to the addition aggregate. Compressive strength test results are given in
of plastic aggregates might be due to either a poor bond Table 10. It can be seen that: (i) compressive strength of
between the cement paste and the plastic aggregates or to concrete mixtures decreased with the increase in PET
the low strength that is characteristic of plastic aggregates. aggregates and (ii) for a particular PET aggregate content,
Fractured surface of concrete cylinder showed that most of compressive strength increased with the reduction in w/cm
the plastic aggregates pulled out rather than splitting apart. ratio.
The failure of the concrete specimens containing plastic Batayneh et al. (2007) investigated the effect of ground
aggregates under compression load did not exhibit the typ- plastic on the compressive strength of concrete. Concrete
ical brittle type of failure normally obtained for conven- mixes of up to 20% of plastic particles are proportioned
tional concrete. The observed failure was more of a to partially replace the fine aggregates. Details of mixture
gradual failure, depending on the plastic aggregates con- proportions are given in Table 8. They concluded that: (i)
tent. As the plastic aggregates content was increased, the addition of the plastic particles led to a reduction in the
failure type became more ductile. The specimens contain- strength properties. For a 20% replacement, the compres-
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1846 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

Table 10
Hardened concrete properties (Choi et al., 2005)
w/cm ratio PET aggregate (%) Compressive strength (MPa) Splitting tensile Modulus of
strength (MPa) elasticity (MPa ·103)
3 days 7 days 28 days
53 0 18.4 24.0 31.5 3.27 23.5
25 17.6 23.4 29.7 2.65 23.0
50 17.1 21.5 26.3 2.25 21.2
75 14.8 19.2 21.8 2.04 18.5
49 0 19.0 27.8 34.6 3.27 23.3
25 18.8 26.7 33.7 2.76 22.8
50 18.6 24.3 29.1 2.35 18.1
75 15.8 21.6 23.2 1.94 16.7
45 0 24.8 31.3 37.2 3.32 25.5
25 23.2 27.4 33.8 2.80 18.7
50 22.0 26.5 31.8 2.55 17.3
75 20.7 24.8 24.9 2.04 15.6

sive strength exhibited a sharp reduction up to 72% of the 8

original strength. With 5% replacement the compressive w/cm=0.28
strength showed a 23% reduction. (ii) Similar behavior,
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

but in a lower effect, was observed in both the splitting 6 w/cm=0.50
and flexural strengths of the tested samples. (iii) This reduc-
tion in strength was due to the fact that the strength of the
plastic particles is lower than that of the aggregate. There- 4
fore, both the use of concrete with plastic particles and the
percentage of replacement should be controlled, according
to the allowable strength of the structural element to be
Marzouk (2007) studied the innovative use of consumed
plastic bottle waste as sand-substitution aggregate within
composite materials for building application. Bottles made 0
0 10 30 50
of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were used as partial Plastic aggregate (%)
and complete substitutes for sand in concrete composites.
Various volume fractions of sand varying from 2% to Fig. 8. Splitting tensile strength versus plastic aggregate percentage (Al-
Manaseer and Dalal, 1997).
100% were substituted by the same volume of granulated
plastic, and various sizes of PET aggregates. They con-
cluded that: (i) substituting sand at a level below 50% by
volume with granulated PET, whose upper granular limit
equals 5 mm, affected neither the compressive strength gates percentage (the splitting tensile strength was found to
nor the flexural strength of composites and (ii) plastic bot- decrease by 17% for concrete containing 10% plastic aggre-
tles shredded into small PET particles may be used success- gates); (ii) for a given plastic aggregate content, the split-
fully as sand-substitution aggregates in cementitious ting tensile strength was found to decrease when w/cm
concrete composites. These composites appeared to offer was increased and (iii) splitting failure of concrete speci-
an attractive low-cost material with consistent properties; mens containing plastic aggregates did not exhibit the typ-
moreover, they would help in resolving some of the solid ical brittle failure observed in the case of conventional
waste problems created by plastics production and in sav- concrete. The splitting tensile failure was more of a gradual
ing energy. failure as was the case for specimens tested under compres-
sion load. In general, specimens containing plastic aggre-
gates were found to be more capable of resisting the
5.2.2. Splitting tensile strength splitting load after failure without full disintegration.
Al-Manaseer and Dalal (1997) studied the effects of The failure was found to be more ductile in nature when
plastic aggregates on the splitting tensile strength of con- the percentage of plastic aggregates was increased.
crete. The splitting tensile strength of concrete made with Choi et al. (2005) studied the influence of polyethylene
different w/cm and various percentages of plastic aggre- terephthalate (PET) bottles lightweight aggregate (WPLA)
gates is shown in Fig. 8. They concluded that: (i) splitting on the splitting tensile strength of concrete. Mixture
tensile strength decreased with the increase in plastic aggre- proportions of concrete were planned so that the water–
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R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1847

cement ratios were 45%, 49%, and 53%, and the replace- perature when recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
ment ratios of WPLA were 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% by was used. The production of the unsaturated polyester resin
volume of fine aggregate. Splitting tensile strength test based on recycled PET was done in two steps (Rebeiz et al.,
results are given in Table 10. It is clear from this table that: 1991). The first step consisted of digesting the PET mole-
(i) splitting tensile strength of concrete mixtures decreased cules by charging the PET scrap and a glycol into a reactor
with the increase in PET aggregates; and (ii) for a particu- and heating for several hours in the presence of a transeste-
lar PET aggregate content, splitting tensile strength rification catalyst. The second step consisted of adding
increased with the reduction in w/cm ratio. dibasic acids to the solution to produce the polyester resin.
The unsaturated polyester was then diluted with styrene to
reduce its viscosity and allowed it to further cure to a solid
5.2.3. Modulus of elasticity (polymer) upon the addition of suitable free radical initia-
Al-Manaseer and Dalal (1997) reported the effects of tors and promoters. Curing took place because the styrene
plastic aggregates on the modulus of elasticity of concrete. combined with the reactive double bonds of the polyester
Fig. 9 shows the results of modulus of elasticity of concrete chains, thus linking them together and forming a strong
containing different percentages of plastic aggregates. They three-dimensional polymer network (Rebeiz et al., 1991).
concluded that: (i) modulus of elasticity decreased with the The unsaturated polyester resin used in this study had a
increase in plastic aggregate content; (ii) depending upon low viscosity of 110 cps at 25 C. The excellent wetting
w/cm, modulus of elasticity varied between 24.3 GPa for properties of the resin made it possible to formulate a PC
concrete containing no aggregates (w/cm = 0.28) to system with a high aggregate-resin ratio. About 25%, by
8.6 GPa for concrete containing 50% plastic aggregates weight, of recycled PET was used in the production of the
(w/cm = 0.50); and (iii) in general, increase in w/cm ratio final resin. The resin was dark in colour since the recycled
decreased the modulus of elasticity of concrete. PET used in its production was not purified to the same
Choi et al. (2005) investigated the effect of polyethylene extent as the recycled PET used in other applications, which
terephthalate (PET) bottles lightweight aggregate (WPLA) could facilitate the proper recycling operation and minimize
on the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Mixture propor- its cost. It should be noted that the most expensive part of
tions of concrete were planned so that the water–cement the PET bottles recycling process is the removal of alumin-
ratios were 45%, 49%, and 53%, and the replacement ratios ium and paper impurities, and green and brown colors. The
of WPLA were 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% by volume of fine PC mixing procedure followed ‘Polymer Concrete Test
aggregate. Modulus of elasticity test results is given in Method 1.0’, of the Society of Plastics Industry; referred
Table 10. It is clear from this table that modulus of elastic- to as SPI l.0 (Composite Institute, 1987). The optimum
ity of concrete mixtures decreased with the increase in PET mix design, proportioned by weight, was: 10% resin, 45%
aggregates. oven-dried coarse aggregates, 32% oven-dried sand and
13% fly ash. To start the curing process, 1% (by weight of
resin) of 9% active oxygen methylethyl ketone peroxide ini-
5.2.4. Time and temperature dependent properties
tiator and 0.1% (by weight of resin) of 12% solution cobalt
Rebeiz (1995) reported that compressive strength
naphthenate (CoNp) promoter (used as an accelerator)
increased with age and decreased with the increase in tem-
were added to the resin immediately prior to its mixing with
the inorganic aggregates.
The effect of age on the compressive strength of polymer
30 concrete (PC) is shown in Fig. 10. Polymer concrete (PC)
achieved more than 80% of its final strength in 1 day. Con-
25 w/cm=0.28 versely, normal cement concrete usually achieves about
w/cm=0.40 20% of its final strength in 1 day. The early strength gain
Modulus of elasticity (GPa)

w/cm=0.50 is important in precast applications because it permits the

structures to resist large stresses early due to transportation
and erection operations. The good compressive strength of
PC allows the use of thinner sections in precast compo-
nents, thus reducing dead loads in structures and mini-
10 mizing transportation and erection costs. The effect of
temperature on the compressive strength of PC is shown
5 in Fig. 11. It is evident from the figure that increase in tem-
perature resulted in strength loss in PC because the resin
0 binder decreases in strength with an increase in tempera-
0 10 30 50 ture. For example, an increase in temperature from 25 to
Plastic aggregate (%) 60 C decreased the compressive strength by about 40%.
Fig. 9. Modulus of elasticity versus plastic fiber percentage (Al-Manaseer The same kind of behaviour was observed when PC using
and Dalal, 1997). 100% virgin resin was tested (Okada et al., 1975). PC is
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1848 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

100 mechanical properties such as dynamic Young’s modulus,

logarithmic decrement, creep coefficient and compressive
and flexural strengths. Based on the test results, they con-
Compressive strength (MPa)

cluded that: (i) thermal properties of RECs were very sim-

ilar to those of ordinary cement concrete; (ii) deformation
60 and strength properties of RECs were temperature-depen-
dent, and showed distinct inflection points in temperature
in the respective properties where temperature-dependence
became dominant and (iii) the inflection points were related
to the HDT of the resins used rather than T[g], and were
20 not affected by the resin content. The points can be defined
as heat distortion temperatures of RECs. The maximum
ambient temperature must be limited to these points or
1 3 7 28 lower for the structural use of RECs. Consequently, the
Age (days) high HDT of the resins is preferable for structural RECs.
Fig. 10. Compressive strength versus age (Rebeiz, 1995). Byung-Wan et al. (2006) studied the mechanical proper-
ties such as the compressive strength, the splitting tensile
strength, and the flexural strength of polymer concrete
using an unsaturated polyester resin based on recycled
PET. They concluded that at the age of 7 days, polymer
120 concrete using resin based on recycled PET achieved
compressive strength of 73.7 Mpa, flexural strength of
100 22.4 Mpa, splitting tensile strength of 7.85 Mpa, and elastic
modulus of 27.9 Gpa. Some relationships exist between the
Compressive strength (MPa)

compressive strength of polymer concrete and other prop-
erties (elastic modulus, flexural strength, and splitting ten-
sile strength). The use of recycled PET in polymer concrete
helps in reducing the cost of the material, solving some of
the solid waste problems posed by plastics, and saving

5.2.5. Impact resistance

0 Bayasi and Zeng (1993) investigated the influence of
-10 25 60
polypropylene fibers on the impact resistance of concrete.
Temperature (degree centigrade)
Impact resistance results are given in Table 9. Based on
Fig. 11. Temperature effect on compressive strength (Rebeiz, 1995). the test results, they concluded that polypropylene fiber
enhanced the impact resistance of concrete significantly.
This was especially true for 12.7 mm long fibers. These
fibers significantly increased the impact resistance of con-
crete for volumes that do not affect mix workability (less
much more susceptible to high temperatures than normal than 0.5%), while, at higher volume contents, impact resis-
cement concrete because the synthetic viscoelastic resin tance may tend to decrease.
binder used in producing PC is more temperature-sensitive Soroushian et al. (2003) studied the effect recycled
than the inorganic cement binder used in producing normal plastic on the impact resistance of concrete. The impact
cement concrete. test involved repeated dropping of a standard hammer
Hayashi et al. (1996) examined the thermal and temper- from a particular height until a 63.5 mm concrete cylinder
ature-dependent mechanical properties of resin concrete with a 152.4 mm diameter exhibited failure (Balaguru and
(REC). Resin concrete (REC) is a concrete in which aggre- Shah, 1992). The specimens were moist-cured for 28 days,
gates are bonded with synthetic resin instead of cement and then allowed to air dry in the laboratory at 50% rel-
hydrates in ordinary cement concrete. RECs with various ative humidity and 22 C for an additional 3 months. The
resin contents were prepared by using two kinds of unsat- mean values and 95% confidence intervals were derived
urated polyester resins and two kinds of epoxy resins with using nine specimens (from three replicated mixtures)
different heat distortion temperatures (HDT) and glass for each concrete material. It is evident that all discrete
transition temperatures (T[g]), and tested for thermal prop- reinforcement systems considered herein yielded impor-
erties such as specific heat, thermal conductivity and coef- tant gains in the impact resistance as shown in Fig. 12.
ficient of thermal expansion, and temperature-dependent Different fibers provided different geometric, bond, and
Author's personal copy

R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852 1849

200 quick-disconnect
• Control (Plain concrete)
Initial crack
180 • poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene, 0.075%)
Failure • poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene, 0.15%)
• plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.1%) directional
160 • plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.19%)
• plasr 34 (recycled plastic – automotive shredded residue, flow valve
mass flowmeter
Number of blows

140 2%)
• plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%)
120 • plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%)

Vacuum pump vacuum transducer
control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp 1.5 plmp 2.5 plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
Fiber type concrete

Fig. 12. Impact resistance versus fiber type (Soroushian et al., 2003). Fig. 13. Air permeability test setup (Soroushian et al., 2003).

stiffness characteristics, which explains rather significant 35

differences observed in the improvements in impact resis- •

Control (Plain concrete)
poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene,
tance brought about by different fiber reinforcement 30 0.075%)
• poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene,
systems. 25 •
plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-
processed, 0.1%)
Flow (ml/m)

• plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-

20 processed, 0.19%)

5.2.6. Permeability plasr 34 (recycled plastic –
automotive shredded residue, 2%)

Bayasi and Zeng (1993) investigated the effect of recy- 15 •
plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%)
plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%)
cled plastic on the permeability of concrete. Test results
of permeability and permeable void volume are given in 10
Table 9. They concluded that 19-mm polypropylene fibers
significantly increased the permeability of concrete with an
inconsistent effect on the volume fraction of permeable 0
voids; 12.7-mm long fibers somewhat increased the perme- control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp plmp plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
1.5 2.5
ability of concrete and tend to decrease the volume of per-
meable voids. Fiber type
Soroushian et al. (2003) demonstrated that there was Fig. 14. Air permeability versus fiber type (Soroushian et al., 2003).
decrease in air permeability with the inclusion of discrete
reinforcement in concrete. The air permeability test as
shown in Fig. 13 measured the rate of air through a con-
crete specimen. The specimens were allowed to air dry in
a laboratory at 59% relative humidity and 22 C before
testing. This test involved attachment of a vacuum pump • Control (Plain concrete)
• poly 1.5 (virgin polypropylene, 0.075%)
to the surface of the specimen, with the rate of airflow 1.5 • poly 3.0 (virgin polypropylene, 0.15%)
• plmp 1.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.1%)
under vacuum measured. Fig. 14 depicts the air permeabil- • plmp 2.5 (recycled plastic- melt-processed, 0.19%)
1.3 • plasr 34 (recycled plastic – automotive shredded residue, 2%)
ity test results that were performed on impact test speci- • plsh 17 (recycled – shredded, 1%)
Mass loss (g)

• plsh 34 (recycled – shredded, 2%)

mens prior to the performance of impact test. Lower 1.1
airflow rates are preferable, indicating lower permeability.
Discrete reinforcement systems were used in the project
to reduce permeability of concrete, which could be attrib- 0.7
uted to reduced shrinkage micro-cracking. Reduced perme-
ability favours long-term durability of concrete systems
incorporating discrete reinforcement. 0.3

control poly 1.5 poly 3.0 plmp 1.5 plmp 2.5 plasr 34 plsh 17 plsh 34
5.2.7. Abrasion resistance
Fiber type
Soroushian et al. (2003) investigated the effect of recy-
cled plastic on the abrasion resistance of concrete as per Fig. 15. Abrasion resistance versus fiber type (Soroushian et al., 2003).
Author's personal copy

1850 R. Siddique et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1835–1852

ASTM C 779. The abrasion test results are shown in 5. Discrete reinforcement for concrete can be derived
Fig. 15. Most discrete reinforcement systems were observed from shredded mixed plastic, milled mixed plastic
to cause some reduction of the abrasion resistance of con- particles and melt-processed plastic fibers. These
crete (reflected in increased mass loss in the presence of result in significant gains in resistance of concrete to
fibers). This effect could result from the fact that fibers impact and shrinkage cracking, and enhanced the
occurring near the surface could debond under abrasion impermeability and deicer salt scaling resistance.
effects, thereby contributing to mass loss; change in the However, there was reduction in the abrasion resis-
bleeding characteristics of concrete in the presence of fibers tance of concrete with the addition of recycled plastic.
could also modify surface characteristics of concrete and 6. Polypropylene fibers had an adverse effect on the air
thus its abrasion resistance. content of concrete. With the inclusion of 0.5% poly-
propylene fibers, air content of concrete was
increased whereas workability was reduced. Polypro-
6. Summary and conclusions pylene fiber enhanced the impact resistance of con-
crete significantly.
The increase in the awareness of waste management and 7. Fibrillated polypropylene fibers tend to increase the
environment-related issues has led to substantial progress impermeability of concrete.
in the utilization of waste/by-products like plastics. This 8. Recycled plastic can be effectively used in the repair
paper has presented various aspects on plastics and its and overlay of damaged cement concrete surfaces in
usage in concrete, which could be summarized and con- pavements, bridges, floors, and dams.
cluded as: 9. Recycled plastic can used in a variety of recast
applications such as utility components (e.g., drains
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