Hope Is Evil: St. Benedict's Academy

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Benedict’s Academy

Hope is Evil
: It is a concept of Deception

Angela G
Philosophy Paper
Bro. Henry Allorde

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Introduction p.3

Statement of the Problem p.3

Significance of the Study p.4

Scope and Methodology p.5

Review of Related Literature p.5

Chapter 2: Why hope is a delusion

A) Defining hope a) p.8
B) Primitive hope b) p.9
C) Of optimism c) p.10
D) Futility of hope in actuality d) p.12

Chapter 3: In defense of hope

A) Of human condition e) p.14
B) Hope that delivers f) p.15
C) Optimalism in oppose to hoping g) p.16

Conclusion p.18

Bibliography p.19


Hope is often found as a concept of comfort. This thought though is said to be

immature by realists. The thought of imposing yourself in a sudden and unforeseen future
seems very irrational as it frequently results into self-deception.
From wisdom passed from history, great minds that reject hope like the late,
Friedrich Nietzsche and Nikos Kazantzakis concludes hope for weaklings that we must
overcome. Their viewpoint led to what they say as the freedom of the mind, an experience
beyond physicality.
Hope, and faith are also misinterpreted as metaphysical expectations, the
expectation of great and uninclined with reality entities to come to you but do no action
to attain it at all. These people have become unable to move from the confines of their
delusion. The regretful side of this is that their denial composes of blaming other things
rather than themselves.
Moreover, it is a sardonic reality that optimistic people are usually the recipient
of what they deny; a sad reality. As it shows that an outward optimism can be a coping
mechanism, they have greater impact of falling from their high standpoints in life.
These situations are what man encounters daily. Hoping presents itself into many
forms that includes deception, temptation, or delusion. There should be a limitation to
where everything lies to be able to overcome this inner desire to be more than what a
person is and what he has.
This is the ground of the document. The extent between absurdity and reality
distinguishing hope had started to blur over time. The definition of hope has been warped
in a lot of concepts, not all good.
Keeping the eyes open in the dangers of hoping, to be able to resolve and establish
the stasis and reality of it in humanity is what man ought to do.

Statement of the Problem

Humanity is all too familiar with hope in religion, society, and expectations as it
is throughout observed in many concepts such as thus. But is it all considered beneficial
to man? Or is it one of the supreme disguises of doom in humanity?

Notably in the present day, hope is seen as a lifeline. This is not a particularly bad
thing to a degree but outside that degree is where all the wellspring of evil, the bases of
the study, appears.
The following questions are the ground-basis of the paper
1) When does hope, from being good, turns evil?
2) Why is hope often associated with comfort even though
in rationality we gain nothing but temporary comfort?

3) Are all hope evil?

4) What is the significance of hope in reality?

Significance of the Study

Humanity is generally confined into two different concepts: The good and the
wicked. Two opposing forces that in each of themselves is perilous and chaotic. But there
is an existence that holds the two, it is balance.
One of the foremost motives for this paper is to maintain that balance. To balance
the excessive reliance of good conformity and the obscured actuality of hope.
The paper is also made in order to help future people that may have pessimistic
awakening and that come across these pessimistic thoughts. To assure them that they are
not alone nor wronged in their beliefs but rather console them that their thoughts are valid
and justified.
And for scholars that are open to new discoveries in humanity and reality, this is
a paper of purpose in discovering new insights to ponder upon.
To help people free themselves in the comfort chains of hope in order to achieve
what they should’ve and could’ve achieved.
The paper can also inhibit less laziness and more efficiency in humanity as effect,
in assumption of a reflection.

Scope and Methodology

The paper will be focusing on the role and of hope in the observable world. The
tricky nature of hope is undefined for it precedes the awareness of the mind. The
researcher had done vigorous study and consideration to conclude the proposed study to
be rational and feasible in every given situation. This includes informal survey
It should be considered that the paper exhibits strong pessimism and acute
nihilism in a way that the realistic mind is habituated. Not agreeing with the sensibility of
the author about these matters should not change any of the statements herein as all are
validated, nonetheless reading further would be subjecting oneself in these arguable
concepts of existentialism.
The references used are works and books of Nikos Kazantzakis’, Friedrich
Nietzsche as a base guide for undertaking metaphysical aspects. The philosophical
reflection of John G. Messerly, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ernst Bloch, Jean-Marie Guyau and
editors working under the-philosophy industry are also used to conduct deep penetration
of human concurrences regarding the study.

Review of Related Literature

One of the giants of Greek literature, Nikos Kazantzakis, thought of hope as a

temptation and an obstacle that we must reject. In one of his books he had written:

“Free yourself from the terror of the heart that seeks and hopes to find the essence of things.
Conquer the last, the greatest temptation of all: Hope… 1

notably on his epitaph he also wrote:

Nikos Kazantzakis, The Saviors of God: The third duty (translated by Kimon Friar) line 6

I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free. 2

His book Saviors of God advocates nihilism mingled with his theological
sensibility. Although he acknowledges the presence beyond human, God and
spirituality, it is futile to ask for there is no answer and we can only continue moving
forward beyond humanity, beyond what tie us to our weary state. And the elements of
that vulnerable condition that makes us human is the mind, the heart, and hope.
The hope that he refers to is the phenomena of the heart and mind to seek of
something when there is nothing to seek. There is only freedom from the mind and from
the heart knowing that only thing herein is the present existence.

Correspondingly, Kazantzakis’ philosophy had been influenced by Nietzsche.

Nietzsche debunked about hope and other religion and traditional ethics morality
on his book Human, All Too Human.

…In reality it [hope] is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torments of Man 3

He used the Greek mythology of the Pandora box where Pandora was given the
‘box of good fortune’ from the gods. When Pandora opened it, all the evils flew out and
since then, they have been hovering about doing harm to men. However, by the will of
Zeus, Pandora shut the lid trapping hope within.
Now man have the box of good fortune allured by its beauty and keeps it within
his grasp not knowing it is where all the evils had come from. Pandora brought the box
and regards the good-fortune as the evil left inside, hope. That was Zeus intention, even
when man cannot be harmed by other evils, he should not throw life away but torment
himself in hope reveling in its seduction and illusion.

Nikos Kazantzakis’ epitaph that is also found in his book The Saviors of God; the third duty (translated by Kimon
Friar) line 7
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human All Too Human (Menschliches, Allzumenschiches) 1878 Section 71 p. 45

This brief story of the Pandora and Nietzsche’s conclusion had been a huge
contributing factor of this research. Hope had, still have, been evil disguised as a
blessing to man for the longest of time.
The myth of the box can be analyzed in real life. Such if god(s) exist, what is
there to hope for but be nearer to its greatness and one day attain it? But if man is able
to attain it, then that is no god at all. Therefore, this hope can be pertained, for
Nietzsche, as an evil gift by the origin of evil and of the highest entity. Hence, hope is
naturally evil.
Another interpretation would be is that, misery comes from within hope. When
the box has been closed, it became the source of hope, ironically though that if we hold
unto this and got inflicted with the spreading evilness, we cling into hope more and
more until we die. That could only mean that it really is the greatest of all evil because it
holds the person’s perception cloud it with fear and reliance while it does nothing to
solve the evil that tortures the man.

The works of Kazantzakis and Nietzsche helped the student in understanding

better and bigger concepts from the proposed study especially in view of metaphysical
aspects and its influence in reality.

Chapter 2
Why Hope is a Delusion

What is hope? Why do people hope? The phenomenon of hoping is an enigma because it
precedes the awareness. The mind hopes before it acknowledges that it is hoping. Does this mean
hope is a condition prior to knowledge? Is it one of the primitive human sensibility along fear? For
most people it is a light in the tunnel of life and even though that may be an indisputable truth in
their reality, realists of past generations have time and time again tried to reject it. Why would that
be? Because along other things, truth is not as kind and apparent.

A) Defining hope

In psychology, hope is viewed as a coping mechanism. Psychologist Barbara Frederickson

argues that hope is a natural response system of the aspects of one’s self namely cognitive,
psychological, social, or physical perspective.
Charles Snyder, with a similar argument from philosophical anthropologist Ernst Bloch,
argues that hope should be viewed as a cognitive skill that comes from a goal and mental willpower
of pursuing them. He postulated ‘Hope Theory’, a study where Snyder proclaims that hope is goal
pursuit cognitions.
Robert Matox, a social activist and futurist, proposed a social change theory based on hope
in relevancy to leadership. He proposes a change management theory that suggests a leader can
dominate and shape culture and community creating a “hopescape” by harnessing hope and a
In terms of culture, globalization uses hope as a tool for economic and social propaganda.
The definition of hope is referred to as a tool for a step forward to betterment on current conditions.
In this vantage point, we see that the societal mechanism is about the bourgeois’ purpose is to set
standards, he is the hope for the lower-classes to strive for and thus create an unequal but working
present society.

One perpetual definition of hope is found in religion. The Bible4 especially infers hope as
an expectation with a foreseen reward—salvation—and is rooted in faith.

“For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still
hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with

In all these different undertaking of hope, one thing is a core; all comes from an expectation
of something. There is an underlying desire to seek something either intentionally or
unintentionally. It is then that the researcher derives the common ground of hope to be 1) futuristic
and 2) reward compliant.
But is it not human’s nature to change? To strive? According to Ernest Bloch, humans live
on the future that is why the want and the struggle occur. It is then that hope appears because of
the determined future that we advance to it with self-interest. And in this greed, we revel on the
thought of self-righteousness. The evil within of desire is awaken.

B) Primitive hope

Primitive hope is the hope of seeking and illusion. In this illusionary hope of grandeur, man
day dreams of self-worth in oppose to nihilism. Advocating non-existent rescue from the physical
world of values.
It is because of this primordial function that man tries to function. Hope and function goes
on spontaneously, especially in the time of growing societies. But man is never contented enough,
because of this hope that he carries, he tries to change for the best of the best not stopping. It is the
evil of the futile seeking of what is not there. We torment ourselves that way.

As if it is not enough, hope for grandeur fictional scene is delusional. This hope branches
from primitive hope but is exclusively based on oneself. Knowing that the world is unpredictable

The book of sacred writings used in the Christian Religion
NIV Bible Romans 8: 24-25

and unkind, what kind of comfort is it to think that someday a miracle would appear without a
force to enforce it? It is a matter of self-preservation in this matter. Universal laws themselves
wouldn’t agree. If a force is needed for something to happen, why would we wait for an invisible
force to bring us what we want? Is it what humans is supposed to be in accordance to the primitive
hope? Humans are capable. That is why they are set aside from differing creatures. But some of
them wait for a divine intervention of self-appraisal. If this so happens then we are supposedly not
going to evolve and go against the disposition of human lives in the changing timeline.
It is foolish and plain insult to human effort. It took man millions of years to be what they
are now, from Thomas Edison’s light bulb, fighting epidemics and plagues, avoiding extinction
and then what? Suddenly one’s consciousness of self-worth transcends the norms? It is a mere
proclamation of narcissism.
If primitive man hoped for a paradise with no predators and every food imaginable and
dedicated himself in finding such a frivolous thing, he would have been eaten by predators not
long in his idleness. And what does hope in his case gain? No less of a delusion.

The intricacy of the nature of hope lies in its nature. Hope, on its own, is not hope but an
illusion. What makes this primitive hope work is the capability of the rational being. And when
there is lack of this awareness, it is the home of the primitive hope when the mind is not conscious
of its trap.
Don’t we only want what we don’t have? If so, the when we hope, is it not hope that we
are holding but rather expectations? Therefore, we cope from the weary life in expectation of
something. These expectation and function that relates to it is the answer of the questionable source
of hope, if it is good or not.

C) Of optimism

Hope and Optimism should not be intertwined; hope is fundamental but optimism is
definitely a larger concept of mentality.

Optimism and Pessimism is an attitude and a lifestyle that depends upon the present course
of action while hope and despair is a futuristic view in their respective idea. One is an optimist
when he thinks that today will be a good day and does his work accordingly about, hoping on the
other hand is solely the viewpoint of having a (good) day.

Alternatively, a research done by Neil Weinstein6 concluded that optimism can be

perceived wrongly. When someone think or project that they are not of risk of certain behaviors,
then they are most likely to be a victim of it. It is referred to as unrealistic optimism. We can take
this as something like a close optimist friend always inviting you to hang about and to relieve your
problems through diverting ourselves. And then ironically, he hanged himself sometime later.
This unrealistic optimist behavior occurs more too often than inherent optimism. When
people want to channel grief and pain, they are the usual ‘optimist’ friends. Unfortunately, this
perception of false optimism is sometimes diagnosed as an occurring personality trait that brings
about tragedies of suicide.
In a nutshell, this can be discussed as a coping mechanism or a façade being the last resort
in despair.

In relation with optimism, it is also wise not to use the case of hope as kindness to
physically and mentally challenged people. Instilling hope on these people will cause serious
damage in its deprivation. Like, if a cancer patient asks if he/she have longer time to live or higher
chances of getting better. In this situations, instilling hope is definitely deception. Saying things
are progressing well when in reality, there is no saving.7
These people, in point of optimism, will go thread needles just to satisfy their hope. It is
good to be of optimistic behavior but it won’t make it any less damaging to the soul of the patients
that have their hopes high. These people in desperation, would not be aware because they are
engrossed in hoping in the grandeur of life. Realistically speaking, their hopes are going to be used

Neil Weinstein is a psychologist that studied the phenomena of unrealistic optimism about future life events.

The idea is derived from a testimony of a nursing student studying and observing cancer and other serious death-
related sickness. (https://reasonandmeaning.com/category/hope-other-views/)

by people. Some are going to try and satisfy them, some are going to lie for a sweet (deceptive)
It is the process of understanding your hopes better this way. When you are facing the truth
of death, you are now irrational in the hopes of life. But look at it clearly, all humans are imposed
to die, why hope to be overcoming death? Rather than ending the misery, it will start to trigger it

D) Futility of hope in actuality

The relation of hope in the observable world is a grand scale. Everyone hopes for
themselves. Hope is on every corner, it is hope that builds city and technology in the hope of
simpler life.
Since hoping is of the future, we often regress the past. In Ernest Bloch’s works he talks
about the futuristic condition of humans.8 Humans only seek to try and to improve because that’s
what they ought to do. But then in seeking that improvement they take for granted the past when
they are striving for their current position. Hoping in this sense is counterproductive. It only fuels
man’s desire to take new heights, not that it is wrong in the partiality that humans are supposed to
evolve, but appreciation and striving blindly cannot satisfy the thirst of greediness of them thus
start an evil entity about them.
On another hand Nietzsche’s view is immense too. Since he advocates nihilism, his
‘prolonging torment’ means the seeking and hoping of a purpose in actions when it is all futile. In
relation to the pandora box, hope is the greatest of all evils because we try to hold unto it in times
of desperation. But if we hold unto it and never let it go from our grasp it only holds us back down
into its chains. We then turn into it every desperation and that makes us the slaves of these comfort
although we gain nothing.
So why hope is futile? Because it is an endless loop of futuristic entity that may or may not
happen. In that endless loop, we end up forgetting where we stand, and thus another force will take
us to hope again and to start the loop again.

Ernest Bloch. The Principle of Hope.

In relevance to society, hope is a propaganda. Function, and hope is spontaneous, especially

in times of societal domination, they are continuously activated and extended. The society works
under how the upper-classes ministates their stands so that the lower classes will hope and do
action. If that so happens, the society works perfectly well. With that said, there would always be
a need for persecuted ones. Another deception to them.
Laziness is then born under these two instances of: 1) Having no desire to pursue and is
contented on the life he is living or 2) lost in hoping. Having no desire to pursue and is contented
would make sense to those people that is blessed in good household that they no more want to. But
if you are lost in hoping and so you become inefficient, the paradox there is, is that, if the person
did not choose to hope at first and keep moving forward, then he would not lose any hope.
From the primitive man that struggles in nature, he thinks of food and comfort and warmth,
he hopes to find these things conquering his fear of predators. But in his hope, he dies upon
encountering wild animals. Because his hope may overcome himself, but not his approach in

Chapter 3
In defense of hope

There is always another side of the coin. Even if hope is of an intrinsic state to be deceptive,
it brings about stasis of morality. Kazantzakis’ believed of the one truth is that the present exist.
This existence is temporal but also the only truth next to death. In how one perceives and
understand this weary state, whether in optimism or pessimism, is a byproduct of whatever force
and mechanism that happens in nature. But it is always to be remembered, there are two-opposing

A) Of human condition

Irrefutably, hope is a fundamental base of human life. If there is no hope, there is no will
to live, there is only nihilism. (Although the researcher ultimately advocates nihilism) It is not
quite right to trash other people’s belief of optimism and their dedication in finding truth, and

“The future alone is our end. So, we never live, but we hope to live; and as we are always preparing to be happy, it is
inevitable that we should never be so”9

Man hope because he wants to live. Man hope because it is innate. Man hope because it is
unattainable. Man hope because he wants to. It is because of hope that man trespasses boundaries
of evolution. It is the evil that is insatiable, uncontended yet it what drives the world in its orbit.
It is the answer of learning and manipulating hope. Its work doesn’t renounce, the Will is
bended upon its grasp. Hope, superior to fear, is neither passive like the latter, nor locked into
nothingness. The notion of hope is daydreams and everybody’s life are pervaded by daydreams:
one part of this is just stale, enervating escapism but another part is the provocation of action that

Blaise Pascal on Diversion.

comes from unacceptance. It is the question to know it deeper and training it without errors and in
usefulness on what is right, on whatever it means to be ‘right’.
Fraudulent (evil) hope is a malefactor of human race but its benefactor is genuine hope:
from nothingness we dig up reason to keep action, to keep moving, to keep keeping. This is how
we overcome fear of emptiness, hope arises out of deprivation.

All in all, it means that human life is determined by the future, in cynical self-interest, that
is why even in the presence of nothingness, we thrive.
Hopelessness is temporal and intolerable to human needs. That is why even if it is
deception, hope is effective to arouse corruption and action. This is why hope is everywhere and
yet nowhere in itself, it only exist when something doesn’t but when it comes true, it ceases.
But don’t we seek what we don’t have? If we hope, does it mean that there was actually no
hope to begin with? The paradox continues.

B) Hope that delivers

But hope, as conformed by the majority, can be an attitude in the present; a kind of hope
illuminated by contrasting it with opposites—despair.
Despair is ontologically much worse then pessimism. If in pessimism you accept and resign
or overcome, despair makes you cease all efforts. Why would you do something, when in the
ultimate end it would mean nothing? This despair disrepair human function and makes him lose
all hope.
For the reason that hope arises from the unknown, what we do is strive into the present. If
this happens and we go about on our attitudes, then we overcome hope that may lead to optimism.
In this way hope is good because hoping is caring, acting in accordance, and striving even in a
pessimistic lifestyle. Being in peace with your own personal cognition about these things is what
it means to be conscious and if man is conscious while hoping, then he overcomes. Not just

ourselves but also nature. He can now exercise his will to power10 and free will with control and

Another hope that is recommended is unrestricted hope. This hope is not the same as
illusionary (primitive) hope stated on the former chapter. Unrestricted hope is hoping without
expectations. One might comment that it is the essence of hope to have a certain goal or
expectation, but that exactly what separates unrestricted hope from wishful hope. This can be
sometimes referred to as ‘imagination’. We use our mind to hope of something grand on personal
scales, but as long as we don’t expect for it to happen, we free ourselves from fear and
disappointment that comes along with hope. We separate ourselves from the insatiability. But it is
still on the form of our free will, it delivers us comfort but in the confines of apprehensible facts
and choices. It is a sensible and deliberate human course of action that is most definitely
acceptable. For without this expectation, you live the truth of your present existence.

C) Optimalism in oppose to hoping

Optimalism is a belief of having the best outcome. This type of naturalistic thinking should
not be confused with optimism. Optimalism, from the word optimal meaning best, is to do
something and knowing that the outcome will be a success or a failure yet still the best outcome
that could have occurred in belief that the alternative reality is the best world created in nature.11

The Will to power is Nietzsche’s undertaking of Arthur Schopenhauer’s “The World as Will and Representation”.
The force “Will” constitute the dynamic essence of the world. This cosmic Will manifests itself through each
individual in the form of the sexual drive and the “will to life” that can be seen throughout nature. It is the source
of much misery since it is essentially insatiable. The best thing one can do to reduce one’s suffering is to find ways
to calm it. On Nietzsche’s standpoint it is a basic standpoint that is present in everyone but is expressed in many
ways (https://www.thoughtco.com/nietzsches-concept-of-the-will-to-power-2670658)
This belief of having the best world possible came from Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. In his book he crafted the
idea to his 1710 work Essais de Theodicee sur la bonte de Dieu, la liberte de l’homme et l’origine du mal (Essays of
Theodicy on the Goodness of God, Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil). He claims that the actual world is the
best of all possible worlds as the central of his theodicy.

In relation to strong pessimism12, as described by Nietzsche, optimalism is a much more

optimistic state but is relatable to pessimism. In this way, optimalism is not derived solely from
the primitive hope, or the art of delusion, but also realistic thriving of man.

It is to be observed that hoping does not, almost, exist in optimalism. The world operates
interactively to the way we live our life in correlation to divine intervention. The optimal mind
goes on and on in learning from every happening knowing that which is that happened and is to
happen is the best course of action of divinity.
Though, the theory of Optimalism has no clear doctrine as of now. It is centralized
in Panglossian attitude and Leibniz’s theodicy, but an actual evaluation of the word has not
undergone philosophical hermeneutic13. Entrepreneurs and Unitarian Universalist, to a degree,
follows this theory and pass on the intellectual mass that they gain in being ‘optimal’
philosophically and psychologically.

Strong pessimism or pessimism of strength is found in Friedrich Nietzsche’s first book, The Birth of Tragedy. He
argued between Schopenhauer’s pessimism, to live a life of resignation because the world is full of harsh realities,
as weak pessimism and strong pessimism as acknowledging that life is burdensome, tragic, and realizes that
struggle and suffering are intrinsic to the human condition and thus cannot be eradicated but rather than adhering
in self resignation, one must take joy in the tragedy that is human life. One who adheres pessimism of strength
values development and growth above comfort and satisfaction, and thus views suffering not as a curse but as
valuable material to be used in the transfiguration of one’s self into something continually wiser and stronger. “He
who steps upon misery stands higher”, Nietzsche wrote. (https://academyofideas.com/2014/09/pessimism-of-

Hermeneutic is the study of the methodological principles of interpretation. (Merriam Webster, 2019)


To seek something, to long for something, and to look forward is hope. To act accordingly
to this sentiment is Optimism. Hope is deceptive in thought because it enslaves the mind and
restricts our awareness. This means that hope blinds us at times and contributes to the growing
greediness of oneself. It also means that hope is the reason why we cannot attain contentment and

But humans are capable of manipulating nature (not fighting against it) and in that way the
researcher strongly rejects hoping alone and pursues interactivity with nature and the awareness to
gain that unlimited acceptance and profound perception of the reality man lives in without the
boundary of hope, because what lies ahead is still of death and the recognition of insignificance
and vulnerability of human life.

Do not hope but move forward in enthusiasm. This will free you of fear, anxiety and
disappointment. Knowing and believing is much more powerful than imagining it, you have but
one (1) life, do not waste it. Know to be human, to be humane, to be you without the variable
controlling your senses and morality, beyond the social constructs and prejudice instilled. Social
constructs are for the weak, it hinders you in attaining the transcendence of your being.

Lastly, hope entraps us in expectations. But being courageous means being able to grasp
your own reality even in the absence of hope. It is what makes human magnificent. The rationality
beyond any definition and technology deprived of sources. It what makes life exhilarating.
Knowing, experiencing and just living. It what makes yourself as ‘you’ determined of infinite
spaces between the letters but brimming of life and the control of the whole being.

There may never be the discovery of the truth. But there is reality. And that reality is
existence. The profound way of assessing and manifesting the reality that you live in without
external forces, is undeniably, unquestioningly, the ultimate and final derivative of overcoming
and transcending.

Primary Sources:
Nietzsche, F. Human, All too Human,
Kazantzaki, N. The Saviors of God,
Nietzsche, F. The Gay Science
Messerly, J.G. Reason and Meaning
Bloch, E. The Principle of Hope
Nietzsche, P. The Birth of Tragedy

Secondary Sources:


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