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1. What are keywords.

2. What are variables.

3. What are constants.
4. What are different type of operators.(arithmetic, logical, relational, bitwise, conditional) etc.
5. What is difference between getch() and getche().
6. What is type casting?
7. What is difference between character and string array.
8. Why we use stdio.h and conio.h?
9. Which operator can be used in place if else statement.
10. What is difference between pre increment and post increment
11. Which operator is having more precedence Pre-increment and post increment.
12. How many conditional operators are there.
13. What happens when we put a digit in % and conversion character (i.e. %5d)
14. What are decision making statements .
15. What is difference between if and switch.
16. What are different type of loops.
17. What is difference between while and do while loop.
18. What are various jump statements.
19. What is difference between break and continue.
20. Why do we use goto statement.
21. What are arrays. Why do we use them.
22. What will be the values of uninitialized array.
23. Can we create a array without specifying size.
24. What will be maximum subscript of array having sizen.
25. What are various operations that can be done on arrays.
26. How does a array gets passed to a function.
27. How memory is allocated to 1D and 2 D array.
28. What are functions.
29. What are recursive functions and why do we use recursive function.
30. How to create a function with return type.
31. What is difference between call by value and call by reference.
32. What is function prototyping.
33. What are two things that we must write when creating a recursive function
34. Why we need main() function in our program.
35. What are pointers.
36. What is datatype of pointers.
37. Define generic pointer.
38. What is pointer referencing and dereferencing.
39. How to declare pointer to pointer.
40. How to declare array of pointer.
41. How to declare pointer to structure.
42. What are Disadvantage of generic pointer
43. Why we use pointers.
44. What are various arithmetic operations that can be done on pointers.
45. What are disadvantages of pointers.
46. What are void, wild, dangling and NULL pointers.
47. What are uses of structures
48. What is difference between array and structure.
49. What are structure and union.
50. What are nested structures.
51. Can we have pointer type structure variable.
52. How to access elements of structures by using pointer variable.
53. What is dynamic memory allocation
54. What are the functions for dynamic memory allocation
55. What is the difference between calloc and malloc
56. Why we need free() function
57. What is memory leak.
58. What is file handling
59. What are different modes of opening files.
60. What is difference between various modes.
61. “r+” can create a new file or not if the file doesnot exists.
62. What are different types of file.
63. What are text and binary files.
64. What are functions for reading and writing in file.
65. What are sequential and random access files.
66. What are fseek() ,ftell and rewind functions.
67. What is difference between macro and function.
68. What is difference between symbolic constant and macro.

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