Why Do Ethnic Conflicts Take Place

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A well saying that social world are the thinking and reflections on different events which
happened in our daily life. Globalization which gives a sense of temporal unity of the world .But
the world is globalized by different sovereign states which have their own different identities
.However, we are in the domain of identity issues. “Identity” is the sense of belonging and
sense of collective will. Similarly an ethnic group is a small group of people which has common
objectives (common descent, blood ties, language, culture, shared history and heroes) and
essentially they also having self-perception which persist generation after generation. Secondly,
Ethnic conflict arises when there is a trouble between two groups on the same issue, as a result
civil war may take place or there can be a conflict without violence for long time. Naturally
ethnic conflicts take place in two different ways .One that is in between two different ethnic
groups at the mass level involving ethnic elites and second where a conflict between an ethnic
group and the state which is in the control of another ethnic group. According to an article by
Dr Raza khan “Dynamics of ethnic conflicts in Pakistan” .That approximately 80% of states are
multiethnic. So Ethnic conflicts are the world’s most common sources of warfare and insecurity
.it is mentioned that according to minorities at risk database. 121 ethnic conflicts occurred
between 1945 and 2003. In addition some of 40% of conflicts started after 1990.Since 1955,
ethnic conflicts have killed between 13 million and 20 million civilians. In addition to this
resulted in 14 million internationally recognized refugees and about 17 million internally
displaced persons.

There are so many reasons which can become the cause of ethnic conflict. It depends on the
nature of the problem. Ethnic conflicts are mostly political in nature. It can be on the bases of
languages, also a demand for self-governance, autonomy, better access to resources or
territory like Baluch having a demand for separation. Some violent ethnic conflicts are caused
by social and political systems that lead to inequality and grievances .And do not offer
platforms for peaceful expression of differences. Ethnic identity itself can cause conflict, as
feeling of superiority due to objective characteristics of an ethnic group. But mostly conflicts
take place, where the goals are defined in ethnic terms and the conflict it causes is over
political, economic, social, cultural and territorial matters.

Further to explain that conflicts which arise due to political system, it is compulsory to
understand that which type of state system prevails. As in majoritarian democracies conflict
arises by denying power share. This system support the majority, the greater numbers have the
more power to rule where minorities representation become decrease which creates conflicts.
Secondly the liberal democracy where individuals are free to criticize the government but the
conflict take place when the state elite are not willing to listen the voices or not in favor to
encourage criticism resulted in conflict. In Ethnocratic states such as in Srilanka where Sinhalese
are dominated over Tamils. Thirdly “wimmer” that modern states are based on the principles of
nationality and social exclusion. Conflict arises when bureaucrats favors their own ethnic group.
Economically weak states are suffered of corruption, where the factor of favoritism takes place
.Corrupt states basically denies development in peripheral groups which cause conflict.

Social Psychological theory of ethnic conflict explains that social perceptions also play a role in
causing conflicts. Like which type of environments it provides .How thinking prevails about
ethnic groups. And “Horowitz” explains that ethnic groups making comparisons over group
worth and legitimacy which then breed self-esteem, anxiety and prejudices. Psychoanalytic
theories that how people form images about themselves and other groups. About the cultural
symbols, rituals, enemies, chosen glories and chosen traumas, the borders that facilitate clear
distinction between in group and out groups. So, in last that the sudden start of fighting takes
place when ethnic activists and ethno political entrepreneurs increase homogeneity of existing
ethnic groups and polarize the society .It is said that ethnic conflicts provides an opportunity to
increase groupness and group solidarity. And on of the most important point is that group
security is issue within ethnic groups as well. For example ordinary Tamils have suffered not
only from the central government but from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam as well.
It is biological characteristic of human beings that they live in associations, we cannot live in
isolation. We need each other but we also fight with each other. Competition for limited
resources is one of the major factors leading to ethnic conflict. The conflict in former east
Pakistan and the today’s Baluchistan have primarily been due to these factors.

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