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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In

Structural Concrete


The traditional methods for inspecting large concrete structures such as bridges, high rise
buildings dams, cooling towers etc require large erecting of scaffoldings to access the surface of
concrete structure become in order to sound the concrete with an impact device or hammer to
expose the damaged or defective area .
Another method for accessing the surface of the largeconcrete structure is to employ climbing
which possess a considerable risk.
The traditional methods are employed to determine the defect within a few inches of the
surface,the hammering can cause damage if care is not taken properlythe early detection and
evaluation of faults with respect to remediation and repair becomes necessary .
Infrared Thermography (IRT), also referred to as thermal imaging, utilizes the infrared spectrum
to show differences in heat dissipating from a structure using a thermal imaging camera. In
simpler and broader terms, when a subject is heated by external sources such as the sun, ambient
temperatures, friction, or other thermal sources it emits radiation in the long-infrared range of the
electromagnetic spectrum which is detected by a thermographic camera. As shown Figure 1

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

shows a typical arrangement of heat source and IRT camera to record thermal images. Note that
the typical heat source for large structures is direct sunlight (often referred to as “flash
thermography”). However, some research has shown that adequate ambient temperature change
is often sufficient to detect defects.The current financial climate in the construction industry
throughout Europe and the industrial countries dictates the early detection and evaluation of
faults with respect to remediation and repair. Not all faults become potentially harmful to
structures. It is therefore essential to identify faults and cracks of specified length and width,
both as a part of repair measures and as a means of preventative and pre-emptive strengthening
and maintenance strategy.
In recent years, the detection of defects by non-destructive testing (NDT) has gained
prominence. Amongst the non-mechanical methods are use of radar, ultrasonics, ultrasound and
infrared thermography. In a perfect heat conducting medium, with simple boundary conditions,
the lines of heat flow have geometrically predictable trajectories. Any interference with the
original geometry distorts the lines of heat flow. In thermal NDT methods, the surface
temperature distribution is recorded and analyzed using an infrared (IR) camera. This is due to
interference in the lines of heat flow through an originally perfect and isotropic/homogenous
continuum. In general all geometrical anomalies or material discontinuities influence the
propagation of the heat flow is detected by a suitable IR camera. In the current investigation, the
geometrical parameter is only the crack width which presents a resistance to heat flow the extent
of which is to be evaluated.
The aim of this work is to identify the surface temperature distribution captured by the IR
camera in order to determine the position of the crack/delamination and other geometrical
imperfections., the IR camera is applied as a temperature monitoring device, to observe
temperature variations sourced from a continuous and constant heat supply. Concrete specimens
with specified geometrical discontinuities have been prepared. The cracked material simulated is
plain concrete. There is research related to moisture movement in structures due to possible
damp etc. Published reports on use of IR Thermography in structural concrete for crack and fault
detection is more restricted.
The technique is somewhat new to civil engineering as a nondestructive evaluation
(NDE) method for detecting damage or defects in concrete structures by providing a visual map

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

of the surface of the structure that exhibits differences in heat dissipation to show areas where
defects may exist. For concrete structures, the surface of the structure cools or heats from
changes in direct sunlight or ambient temperature thus potentially highlighting defective areas of
the concrete structure that heats or cools at different rates than non-flawed concrete. IRT can
potentially detect defects in concrete up to a depth of 5 to 6 inches depending on the equipment
used for recording the thermal image and the amount of thermal exposure. Renshaw were able to
detect a small crack on the order of 1/16 inch wide, which was not documented using visual
inspection methods, using IRT on a large dam structure. Furthermore, the defects detected using
IRT generally aligned with known visible defects and the IRT method appears to have a very low
probability of false identification.





Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete









09 REFERENCE 26 -27

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete



Concrete test pieces, 80x400x100mm with known maximum crack widths of 0.5 and 1 mm, are
mounted vertically and heated by a uniform output heating element. The concrete mix complies
to British Standard BS8110 specification and is designed to an approximate cube strength of 40
MPa. This is a generic mix which is meant to represent many of the concrete structures in the
UK and EU, hence adding realism to the experiments. The concrete mix can be procured from
most contractors for industrial use. The surface temperature distribution of the specimen is
registered by the IR camera which has a resolution of 240 x 360 pixels, and a sensitivity of 0.15
°C. The IR camera is capable of capturing consecutive images using a Frame Grabber through
an image acquisition expansion


for PC. Appropriate software is used to control the grabber, and many frames of recorded images
may be displayed simultaneously in pseudo-colours. A schematic diagram of the experimental
set-up is shown in FIG 1

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Figure 1.B The Schematic of the Experimental Set-up

The infrared camera sensors exitant (radiated,reflected and transmitted ) thermal energy from the
body ,converts into temperature and displays thermal images .while thermal images provide
useful data , the exitant energy should be considered in analyzing and interpreting and thermal
images .while exact values of thermal properties are not always required to assess
thermographs,the sources of radiation from the body help in correct assessment .A source of
radiant thermal energy close to a body may lead to incorrect interpretation of images.
It should also be appreciated that infrared senses only the radiant energy received from the
surfaces , and not the visible light reflected from the surfaces . An inferred camera should be
handled with considerable care the lens should be protected from scratches and should never be
wiped or touched by hand to protect its sensitivity .


Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

The infrared camera is a simple device and can be handled with usual precautions like ordinary
photographic camera.
The images have to be focused and composed the same way.The focus ,composition and range of
temperatures chosen cannot be altered later, though brightness and contrast can be adjusted in the
image to highlight the required details its essential to focus the camera for sharp images.


After establishing proper conditions for examination, recording images could be performed
during the natural cooling process in the night time, when the solar radiations are no longer
present. Most anomalies will be detected in the thermographic image areas showing cooler
temperatures than the


Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

adjacent areas. A daylight analyse will show reversed results - the damaged areas will show
higher values of temperature. This technique is frequently used when testing large areas.


IRT for concrete defect detection in a laboratory setting

compare various NDE methods for detecting defects in concrete bridge decks using a
laboratory-created bridge slab. The authors apply IRT and other NDE methods, such as ground
penetrating radar (GPR), to lab samples of representative bridge deck slabs. For the IRT testing,
the specimens were subjected to solar heating as would be the case in a real world test. They
conclude that IRT is the fastest method for detecting defects in concrete structures such as bridge
slabs compared to GPR. Determining the depth of the defect depends on environmental
conditions such as the amount of solar heating and the time it takes for the structure to heat or
cool. evaluate the effects of air-entrainment and porous aggregates in concrete mix designs and
how they affect thermal images for damage detection of reinforced concrete specimens in the
form of slab structures. The authors conclude that the more porous mixes offer greater thermal
conductivity and thus provide a better chance that defects in the concrete will be detected. apply
IRT to detect concrete defects in mock ups of concrete walls and slabs. Other NDE methods
were performed on the specimens as well including elastic wave methods, impact echo, and coin
tapping. For the IRT test, the specimens were heated using halogen lamps to simulate solar
heating. The authors report that smaller defect depths were detected sooner than deeper defects
using IRT. The other NDE methods were found to be time consuming but complementary to IRT

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

to confirm IRT defect detection. Live examples of infrared analysis Historical building and a
church of st Francisco

Fig- 1E historical building Fig-1 F staint fransisco chruch

Fig-1 F staint fransisco chruch

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete



The experimental results are analysed using a bespoke software package. Surface
temperature distribution is presented in the form of the images. Results for cracks with a width 1
mm are shown in Fig. 2 (images 1-8).

(Figure 2A Set of Infrared Images Which Show the Extent of Heat Flow Blocking due to Surface
Discontinuity Caused by A Mechanical Crack. Image 7 is at Steady-State Condition after 394
Minutes of Test Starting).

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

The heat 'front' is allowed to propagate at various time intervals and its progress recorded as
isotherms by the Frame-Grabber software. The temperature field variation graph indicates the
sharp change in temperature between the leading and the lagging crack-tip, due to interference
with the natural heat conduction of the continuum. Images 1-6 are taken at given intervals in
Table 1 for a total time lapse of 354minutes. This constitutes a transient heat flow condition.
Image 7 and 8 are at steady-state after 394 minutes. Table 1 includes the complete time and
image recording details for this experiment at which the images were taken.

Image Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lapse time ts in minutes(t start = t 0 = 0 ) 0 26 90 210 266 354 394 
Transient (Tn)Steady-state (Ss) Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Ss Ss
Table 1: Image and Time Lapse Specified

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete


A commercially available finite element (FE) software is used to model the geometry of
the test specimens as well as determine the temperature variation field in the material due to a
specified heat source (ANSYS, Release 5.4, 1997). There are standard text books discussing the
use of FE method for heat transfer, for example see Bonet and Henwood, Zienkiewicz.
All present analytical models are formulated in two-dimensions, see Fig. 3. The 2-D
model which includes the crack, is generated automatically using 2480 triangular FE's from
which the temperature distributions are obtained. Material parameters such as the thermal
conductivity k, specific heat C, and the heat transfer coefficient a are used based on the
referenced literature such as Carslaw[11], Chapman[12], DeWitt and Incropera[13], Jaluria and
Torrance[14], and Minkowycz et al [15]. The density of the specimen is obtained accurately
from the standard laboratory measurements.

(Fig 3Temperature Distribution for a dimensional model) (Fig 4 Typical FE

Crack Geometry Model).

The characteristic of the temperature distribution is identical to the images gained from
the experiments. Figure 4 is an example representing the shape of the predicted temperature
field. As the heat is continuously delivered by the source, the temperature distribution along the
concrete surface, at steady-state conditions, can be plotted by a single curve. A group of such
Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore
Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

curves are shown in Fig. 5. This shows surface temperature distributions due to a concentrated
heat source (generating heat) as multiples of the ambient temperature (T). Similar results are
shown in Fig. 6, where each curve represents the surface temperature variation due to input of
heat, in this instance assumed to be uniformly distributed as a plateau, also as multiples of the
ambient temperature (T).

Fig 5: Surface Temperature Distribution due to

Different Temperatures of an Applied Point
Heat Source (curves relate to various source
temperatures, from T to 5T), S/d = 0.5

Fig 6: Surface Temperature Distribution due

to Different Temperatures of the Distributed
Heat Source Applied (S is the distance of the
leading edge of heat source to crack centre,
refer to Fig. 1), S/d = 0.5

A series of calculations are carried out with both heat source models in order to study the
effect of varying geometric parameters of the crack on heat flow characteristics. As an example,
the temperature distributions along the specimen for different widths of the cracks are presented
in Fig. 7; where the source temperature is 3T due to a plateau-type heat source.

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Fig 7 Surface Temperature Variation for Different Crack Width (S = leading edge heat source to
crack centre, refer to Fig1)

It is surmised that if there were no cracks present, the temperature distribution on the
concrete surface would be expected to be symmetrical and continuous. In the section of the
surface with at least 1 crack, there would be a sharp local change in the temperature distribution.
The temperature value is seen to reduce with the increase of distance from the heat source. To
summarise, the theoretical study indicates that:

1. As expected, the temperature distribution on the surface is symmetrical relative to the

source centre-line, in the absence of surface discontinuities (assuming that the edge
effects are negligible).
2. Even very small cracks have significant effects which interfere with the heat flow.
3. The difference of crack geometry would have a varying impact on the temperature
difference between the leading and trailing edges across the crack width.
4. Geometrical parameters of the crack influence surface temperatures only in close vicinity
of damage.
5. It can be seen in Fig 6 that on the left side of heating element temperature variation has a
fixed variation irrespective of different crack widths.

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

6. Increasing the source temperature (within limits) exaggerates the temperature difference
across the crack width, for the same damage geometry

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete



Both experimental and numerical results display clear trends in identifying the position of
the crack. Temperature drops across the crack width are easily identifiable in both the
thermographs and FE plots. Surface temperature distributions of the concrete specimens vary
with different types of configurations and dimensions of the defects. Qualitatively, the obtained
results show remarkable consistency of variation. However, the experimental data differ from the
numerical values within acceptable limits. These differences are thought to be caused by
unconfirmed values of the thermal properties (such as those cited in Section 4) used for FE
analysis, and the simplification of the heat transfer phenomena in numerical modelling. For the
follow-on research, the additional experiments in evaluating the uncertain thermal properties will
be implemented by making appropriate adjustments to the numerical model. Comparison
between few experimental data and the remainder of the theoretical results, is shown in Fig. 8

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Fig: 8 Theoretical and Observed Influence of Crack Widths on Percentage Difference of

Crack-tip Temperatures over than Ambient Value, Refer to
Specimen Geometry in fig 1.

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Chapter -6



 Moisture Penetration.
Presence of moisture causes lower temperatures due to ambient evaporation, and
consequent cooling of surfaces. Thermal images indicate the regions of temperatures
distinguished by various colors or shades, depending upon the palette selected. Indicates
the thermal image of a canopy. The image was taken late in the evening on a hot summer
day in May.

 Plumbing.
Infrared camera also helps assess plumbing and flow through pipes. Figure is the thermal
image of sewage pipes in an apartment building. The flow of warm sewage flowing in
the pipes is discernible in the thermal image taken in the morning at about 8.00 am
before the pipes were exposed to sunlight. The bright band along the inclined pipe
indicates that the pipe is not running full and is not choked and there is no
sedimentation. It may also be noticed that the pipe is enclosed in a recess below the
cantilever beam.

 To test effectiveness of curing

The effectiveness of curing procedure adopted can be assessed by the camera. Figure
shows the concrete columns of a structure being cured. The image was taken at about
6.00 am (before sunrise) in summer The bright columns at the right are at temperatures
of 29 – 30ºC with little curing, while the columns with gunny bags wrapped around
are cured better with surface temperatures at about 25ºC. However, the upper parts of the
columns are not wrapped properly, and appear to have dried out with a surface
temperature of about 28ºC.

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

 Testing Reinforcement bar.

Reinforcement bars tested for their tensile strength fail at a section after necking.
However, tensile tests do not reveal the yield point precisely, or the critical section
until after failure. Figure indicates the thermal patterns in a deformed bar during tensile
tests. The temperature of the bar increases with load and generally the temperature rise
During the post-elastic loading, the temperatures start increasing locally, in the region of
failure, The temperature in the critical (brightest) region is about 45ºC, while in the
vicinity of the critical section the temperature is about 43ºC, and the temperature away
from the critical section is about 40ºC. with the tips of the failed section at a higher
temperature than the rest of the bar. Thermal image can be useful in determining the
yield point more accurately than by conventional strain measurements.

fig : 9 Testing reinforcement bar

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Fig 10 : concrete structure during curing

Fig :11 cylator dam

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete


Active infrared thermography (IRT) has established as a fast and reliable tool in many
areas of non destructive testing (NDT). It is well known for material testing in several
industry branches for the detection of voids and delaminations. Because of its small
penetration depth and slow velocity of propagation "Thermal Waves" normally are used
for thin materials with high thermal conductivity (e.g. metal plates). As concrete has a
very small thermal conductivity the application of infrared thermography in civil
engineering (CE) was mostly limited to passive investigations of the quality of thermal
insulation of building envelopes. Further developments and applications in civil
engineering are using the sun as a natural heat source. Examples are inspections of bridge
decks and of paving in general. Nevertheless, in recent years a lot of investigations have
been done to apply active thermography to civil engineering (CE). As shown recently
there are certain CE applications where a customized active IRT is reasonable The
measurements presented here were performed by external heating of the specimen-
surface andfurther investigation of the cooling down process. The heating up pulse causes
a instationary heat flow, describable as propagation and attenuation of thermal waves.
The propagation of the thermal wave strongly depends on the material properties like
thermal conductivity, heat capacity and mass density. Due to anomalous thermal
properties inhomogeneities in the structural element affect the uniform heat flow and thus
the surface temperature distribution. While observing the temporal changes of the surface
temperature distribution with the infrared camera near surface inhomogeneities will be
detected. The differences between temperature transient curves at surface positions above
non-defect regions and above inhomogeneities include information about defect
parameters like depth, lateral size and the type of material.

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete


Infrared thermography is a non-destructive and non-contact testing method. All other NDT
methods require access to the test element, and surface treatment (Schmidt rebound hammer and
ultrasonic pulse velocity tests). Some of them may at the best be termed as semi-destructive
(pull out and push off methods) rather than nondestructive. Advanced techniques, such as
ground penetrating radar and impulse echo, require direct access and contact with the structural
element. Thermography does not need any access and generally no surface treatment and it does
not obstruct construction or restrict the use of the structure during investigations. Infrared
thermography has huge scope in investigation and research. It is necessary to use IRT in all type
of construction to improve quality of construction. IRT also have best result in quality control of
concrete. Throughout study of IRT in civil Engineering is require.

Chapter -7

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Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete


 Numerical results obtained using a commercial FE program show that the geometrical
imperfections can be clearly identified.
 The location of a typical crack is reasonably simple to determine.
 The geometrical parameters of the damage are difficult to quantify without knowing the
thermal properties of the specimen. In order to determine the geometrical parameters in
engineering practice, some preliminary tests should be carried out to calibrate the system
parameters before applying IR monitoring.
 The experimental study demonstrates that in using IR thermography, an unmistakable
image of crack/damage, through heat conduction blocking mechanism emerges.
 Theauthors conclude that IRT is capable of detecting cracks, voids, delamination, and
other anomalies over wide areasof the dam very quickly compared to traditional methods.
 The IRT is very helful to detect damages in large structures such as Dam and chimneys

 IRT remains to be promising technology for economical health monitoring of structures

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete



1. Burger C. and Raj Babak, Nondestructive Evaluation

Through Transient Thermographic Imaging (TTI).,
15th Symp. On NDT San Antonio, 4, 56-67, 1985
2. Buyukozturk O., Imaging of Concrete Structures. ,
NDT&E International, 31, 233-243, 1999
3. Inagaki T., Ishii T., Iwamoto T., On the NDT and E
for the Diagnosis of Defects Using Infrared
Thermography, NDT&E International, 32, 247-257,
4. Maldague X.P.V., Infrared Methodology and
Technology, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,
7, 3-319,199
5. Maldauge X.P.V., Nondestructive Evaluation of
Material By Infrared Thermography, Springer-
Verlag London Ltd., 12-110,1993
6. Arya N.K., Muralidhar C., Evaluation of Defects in
Axisymmetric Composite Structures by
Thermography, NDT&E International, 26, 189-193,
7. Cielo P., Maldague, Deom A.A.,
Lewak, Thermographic Nondestructive Evaluation of
Industrial Materials and Structures , The American
Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, 453-365 ,
8. Luthi T. Meier H. Primas R., Zogmal O., Infrared
Inspection of External Bonded CFPR-Sheets,
International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in
Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), 26, 689-704,1995
9. Bonet J., Henwood D., Finite Elements. Gentle
introduction., Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1996
10. Zienkiewicz O.C., The Finite Element Method,
11. /mice.1223

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete


The traditional methods are employed to determine the defect within a few inches
of the surface, the hammering can cause damage if care is not taken properly the
early detection and evaluation of faults with respect to remediation and repair
becomes necessary. Infrared Thermography (IRT), also referred to as thermal
imaging, utilizes the infrared spectrum to show differences in heat dissipating from
a structure using a thermal imaging camera. In simpler and broader terms, when a
subject is heated by external sources such as the sun, ambient temperatures,
friction, or other thermal sources it emits radiation in the long-infrared range of the
electromagnetic spectrum which is detected by a thermography camera.
Comparing the experimental set up with the numerical modeling and concluding
the results.

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

Application Of Infrared Thermography For Damage Detection In
Structural Concrete

Civil Engineering Department, MVJCE Bangalore

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