Hypometabolic Strategy and Glucose Metabolism Maintenance of Aedes Aegypti Egg Desiccation

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

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Hypometabolic strategy and glucose metabolism maintenance of Aedes T

aegypti egg desiccation
Renato Martins da Silvaa, Wagner Oliveira Vitala, Rodrigo Nunes da Fonsecaa,
Yolanda Porto Muniz Martinsb, Francisco José Alves Lemosb, Itabajara da Silva Vaz Jrc,

Carlos Logulloa,b,
Laboratório Integrado de Bioquímica Hatisaburo Masuda (NUPEM), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Campus Macaé, Macaé, RJ, Brazil
Laboratório de Sanidade Animal/CCTA, Unidade de Experimentação Animal, Laboratório de Biotecnologia/CBB, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy
Ribeiro (UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil
Centro de Biotecnologia and Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Keywords: The mosquito Aedes aegypti is vector of several viruses including yellow fever virus, dengue virus chikungunya
Desiccation virus and Zika virus. One of the major problems involving these diseases transmission is that A. aegypti embryos
Glucose metabolism are resistant to desiccation at the end of embryogenesis, surviving and remaining viable for several months
Gluconeogenesis inside the egg. Therefore, a fine metabolism control is essential to support these organisms throughout this
period of resistance. The carbohydrate metabolism has been shown to be of great importance during arthropod
embryogenesis, changing dramatically in order to promote growth and differentiation and in periods of re-
sistance. This study investigated fundamental aspects of glucose metabolism in three stages of A. aegypti egg
development: pre-desiccated, desiccated, and rehydrated. The activities of regulatory enzymes in carbohydrate
metabolism such as pyruvate kinase, hexokinase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were evaluated. We
show that these activities were reduced in A. aegypti desiccated eggs, suggesting a decreased activity of glycolytic
and pentose phosphate pathway. In contrast, gluconeogenesis increased in desiccated eggs, which uses protein as
substrate to synthesize glucose. Accordingly, protein amount decreased during this stage, while glucose levels
increased. Glycogen content, a major carbohydrate reserve in mosquitoes, was evaluated and shown to be lower
in desiccated and rehydrated eggs, indicating it was used to supply energy metabolism. We observed a re-
activation of carbohydrate catabolism and an increased gluconeogenesis after rehydration, suggesting that
controlling glucose metabolism was essential not only to survive the period of desiccation, but also for sub-
sequent larvae hatch. Taken together, these results contribute to a better understanding of metabolism regula-
tion in A. aegypti eggs during desiccation periods. Such regulatory mechanisms enable higher survival rate and
consequently promote virus transmission by these important disease vectors, making them interesting subjects in
the search for novel control methods.

1. Introduction control methods, which can be aided by a better understanding of the

mosquitoes physiology. In this context, the biochemical processes be-
Aedes aegypti mosquito is a medically important vector of viruses hind A. aegypti development, and particularly the mechanisms of re-
that cause yellow fever, zika, chikungunya and dengue, with strong sistance enabling survival and completion of the life-cycle during per-
impact especially in Africa and Latin America (Gould and Solomon, iods of unfavorable environmental conditions, are an interesting subject
2008). Aedini mosquitoes, including A. aegypti, produce eggs that are demanding investigation.
resistant to desiccation, increasing mosquito survival in seasonal per- Animals need proper nutrition for growth and survival, as a source
iods of drought (Christophers, 1960; Kliewer, 1961; Clements, 1992). A of energy for cellular processes. However, the availability of nutrients
great impact on human health has prompted the search for novel in the environment changes with seasonal climatic transitions. To

Abbreviations: HK, hexokinase; PK, pyruvate kinase; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; G6PDH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; G6P, glucose-6
phosphate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate

Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ/NUPEM, Av. São José Barreto, 764 - São José do Barreto, Macaé, RJ 27965-045, Brazil.
E-mail address: logullo@uenf.br (C. Logullo).

Received 13 September 2018; Accepted 20 September 2018
Available online 25 September 2018
1096-4959/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

overcome periods of unfavorable conditions, different species adopt 2. Methods

biological strategies which are classically named diapause, quiescence,
torpor or hibernation, depending on the species and the physiological/ 2.1. Mosquito maintenance and the ethics committee
metabolic aspects associated to each one (Denlinger and Armbruster,
2014). Arthropods can adopt diapause, quiescence, or simply resistance Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (Rockefeller strain) were reared and
to abiotic stress as survival strategies (Denlinger, 2002; Perez and maintained in our laboratory. Larvae were fed rat food, and adults were
Noriega, 2013; Rezende et al., 2008). The hypometabolic stages of re- fed sucrose solution 10% (w/v). For egg production, female mosquitoes
sistance are normally characterized by a developmental arrest, which were blood-fed on mice. During oviposition assays, females were kept at
allows survival under unfavorable conditions, synchronizing periods of 28 °C in a 80% humidity chamber, with a 12 h:12 h (light:dark) cycle,
growth and reproduction only when conditions are optimal (Lees, 1955; for periods of 24 or 48 h after a blood meal.
Tauber and Tauber, 1976; Denlinger, 1986; Denlinger, 2002). Species- The procedures were performed in the Animal Experimentation Unit
specific physiological changes occur during different forms of devel- (UEA) Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
opmental arrest, including decreased metabolism, enhanced stress tol- (UENF) in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil. All experiments were
erance, and altered protein production. These changes ensure protec- performed in accordance with the standards and ethics of animal ex-
tion against numerous environmental stressors, such as desiccation, perimentation, established by Brazilian federal law no. 11794/08 a er
extreme temperatures, and oxidative stress (Denlinger, 2002; Lee et al., approval of the Ethics Committee of Animal Use (CEUA) of the
2002; Clegg, 1965). Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, under pro-
Metabolism depression, accompanied by a decrease in biosynthetic tocol number: 171/2012.
activities (e.g. protein synthesis), is one of the hallmarks of a dormancy
period (Wigglesworth, 1957; Kunkel and Williams Jr., 1951). Larvae 2.2. Synchronous egg-laying and preparation of egg homogenates
and adult insects perform diapause or quiescence utilizing energy re-
serves obtained before the dormancy period (Denlinger, 2002; Hahn Adult A. aegypti females were handled for oviposition as described
and Denlinger, 2007). Likewise, all nutrients necessary for embryo previously (Rezende et al., 2008), with few modifications. The start of
development are previously deposited in the eggs during oogenesis, and egg development was defined as 30 min after egg laying. Eggs were kept
embryogenesis occurs without exogenous supplies (Stewart and in an 80% humidity chamber at 28 °C until the end of embryogenesis
Thompson, 1993), except for oxygen required for aerobic metabolism, (62 h). A. aegypti eggs were assessed in three different conditions: pre-
and water, in some species (Rahn et al., 1974; Vleck, 1991). desiccated (PrD), desiccated (D), and rehydrated (R), simulating dif-
A. aegypti females lay their eggs in humid substrates near the water ferent stages of the natural cycle. The PrD group included synchronized
surface (Funasa - Fundação Nacional de Saúde, 2001). During ovipo- 62-h eggs that did not undergo desiccation. In turn, D eggs were syn-
sition, these eggs are permeable to water; however, within around 20 h, chronized 62-h eggs that were dried and remained dehydrated for
eggs develop the serosal cuticle, an impermeable layer that lends re- 2 weeks. Finally, R eggs included desiccated eggs that were rehydrated
sistance to desiccation (Rezende et al., 2008). Some studies have sug- by soaking in water for 10 min (maximum time before they start
gested that the A. aegypti eggs may be quiescent after oviposition (Silva hatching) and immediately used in the experiments.
and Silva, 1999; Perez and Noriega, 2013); however the purpose of the Eggs homogenates (containing twenty milligrams of eggs) were
present study is the dehydration tolerance of these eggs. Although they prepared by mechanical homogenization in appropriate buffer ac-
can tolerate the absence of water, the eggs need appropriate energy cording to the downstream assay (described below), followed by cen-
metabolism to survive for long periods, since the embryogenesis re- trifugation (200 ×g for 10 min). The supernatant of the eggs homo-
quires high energy levels in order to sustain cell proliferation and de- genates was used in biochemical tests. For enzyme assays, a protease
velopment and, subsequently, promote egg hatching (Thompson and inhibitor cocktail was added to egg homogenates containing 1 μM
Stewart, 1997). Metabolic modulation during periods of stress varies phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), 1 mM ethylenediaminete-
from species to species, and different organisms mobilize diverse classes traacetic acid (EDTA), 1 μM pepstatin A, and 10 μM leupeptin. The
of nutrients in order to obtain the energy necessary during latency protein content of samples was determined according to the Lowry
(Adedokun and Denlinger, 1985; Yaginuma et al., 1990; Godlewski method (Lowry et al., 1951).
et al., 2001). The beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata uses carbohydrate
reserves primarily in the early diapause stage; however, if the latency 2.3. Mosquito eggshell clarification and morphological assessment
period extends for too long, the beetle starts to mobilize lipid reserves
(Lefevere, 1988). In contrast, the pupa of the Sarcophaga crassipalpis fly Eggs obtained from synchronous eggs laying (PrD, D, or R) were
preserves the carbohydrate reserves for the late diapause stage, for fixed and clarified according to Trpisˇ (1973). This technique fixes the
arousing (Adedokun and Denlinger, 1985). embryo and turns the eggshell transparent. Eggs were viewed under a
Thus, a fine metabolism control is essential to support these or- magnifying glass with 10× magnification for the evaluation of embryo
ganisms throughout these processes. Carbohydrate metabolism has morphology.
been shown to be of great importance during arthropod embryogenesis,
changing dramatically in order to promote growth and differentiation 2.4. Determination of glucose, glycogen, and glucose-6-phosphate content
(Moraes et al., 2007). Our group previously demonstrated that glucose
metabolism undergoes a dramatic alteration during A. aegypti egg de- Eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were homogenized in 200 mM phosphate
velopment, where germ band retraction is a morphological landmark, buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 and glucose content was enzymatically
suggesting that carbohydrate metabolism is fundamental to regulate the quantified by glucose oxidase reaction (Glucox® enzymatic Kit for
mosquito embryogenesis (Vital et al., 2010). Since carbohydrate re- glucose dosage; Doles, Inc.). After 30 min of incubation at 37 °C, the
serves are mobilized by various organisms as a way to readily obtain assays were read at 510 nm in a Shimadzu U1240 spectrophotometer,
energy, it is reasonable to hypothesize that they are important during according to the manufacturer's instructions.
dessication in A. aegypti eggs. In this work, key enzymes involved in the For glycogen quantification, eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were
gluconeogenic and glycolytic pathways were investigated in three homogenized in 200 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.8, and supernatant ali-
phases of A. aegypti egg development (pre-desiccated, desiccated, and quots were incubated with 1 unit of alpha-amyloglucosidase (Sigma
rehydrated). The results will be useful to understand the modulation of Chemicals) for 4 h at 40 °C. The newly generated glucose was en-
energy metabolism during latent stages of the mosquito life-cycle. zymatically determined by glucose oxidase as described above. Free
glucose quantified in samples without alpha-amyloglucosidase was

R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

subtracted from the results. Glycogen content was determined using a 2.10. Relative quantification of PEPCK transcripts by RT-qPCR
standard curve submitted to the same conditions.
For determination of glucose-6-phosphate content, eggs (20 mg, Total RNA was extracted from A. aegypti eggs using the Trizol re-
PrD, D or R) were homogenized in 55 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.8. Supernatant agent (Life Technologies) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
aliquots (in triplicate) were assayed in 1 mL of 55 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8 The amount of total RNA was estimated by spectrophotometry at 260/
containing 6 mM MgCl2, 100 mM, 0.5 mM beta-NADP+ and G6PDH 280 nm in a Shimadzu spectrophotometer U1240.
(300 U/mL). The reaction was started with sample addition. The for- Two micrograms of total RNA were reverse-transcribed using the
mation of beta-NADPH was monitored at 340 nm in a Shimadzu U1240 High-capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription synthesis kit according to
spectrophotometer during 5 min, using a molar extinction coefficient of the manufacturer's instructions (Life Technologies). Amplification was
6.22 M−1 as described by Worthington (1998). performed in a real-time PCR LightCycler 1.5 (Roche) that uses a ca-
pillary platform. Serial dilutions of cDNA were used to construct the
2.5. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity assay calibration curve for each pair of primers. Primer efficiencies between
85 and 100% were determined from calibration curves for each set of
Eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were homogenized in extraction buffer primers in 10-μL reactions. There are three distinct sequences of A.
containing 100 mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.0. Supernatant aliquots (in aegypti PEPCK genes deposited in GenBank with the accession numbers
triplicates) were assayed in 400 μL of 100 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.0 XP_001647936.1, XP_001647935.1, XP_001647937.1, referred to as
containing 10 mM MnSO4, 100 mM KHCO3, 2 mM reduced glutathione, PEPCK-25, PEPCK-6, and PEPCK-80, respectively. Specific primers were
10 mM PEP, 0.2 mM NADH, and 24 units of malate dehydrogenase designed for each of the three A. aegypti PEPCK genes as follows:
(Sigma Chemicals). The reaction was started by the addition of 10 μL 5′-TTCCGTAGCGGACAACCAAATCC-3′ (forward) and 5′-AGCGTGAAG
2.5 mM inosine diphosphate (IDP). The consumption of beta-NADH was AGTATTAATCAGGGTAGCA-3′ (reverse) for PEPCK-25; 5′-GCCAAAGG
monitored at 340 nm, and PEPCK activity was determined as described CCATCTACAACCACC-3′ (forward) and 5′-TCGGTGTAGCATCTTCAGT
by Petersen et al. (2001). AGTGTGTTG-3′ (reverse) for PEPCK-6; and 5′-CCCAAGTCGCAAAACG
2.6. Hexokinase (HK) activity assay GAG-3′(reverse) for PEPCK-80. Relative expression was determined
relative to pre-desiccated eggs (group PrD) using the crossing-point
Eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were homogenized in extraction buffer (Cp) values obtained for each reaction. Analyses were done using the
containing 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 MgCl2. Supernatant aliquots (in Relative Expression Software Tool-REST (Pfaffl, 2001), and primers for
triplicates) were assayed in 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5 containing 6 mM the constitutive rp49 gene as an internal reference gene (Gentile et al.,
MgCl2, 1 mM ATP, 0.5 mM NAD+ and 2 mM glucose. HK catalytic ac- 2005). For this test, we used the Master SYBR Green I kit (Roche), in 10-
tivity was measured by adding Leuconostoc mesenteroides glucose 6- μL reactions according to the manufacturer's instructions.
phosphate dehydrogenase (Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals) (Worthington
Code: ZF or ZFL) dissolved to 1 UI/mL in Tris-MgCl2 buffer described 2.11. Statistical analyses
above (Tøien et al., 2011). The production of beta-NADH was mon-
itored at 340 nm in a Shimadzu U1240 spectrophotometer using a The experiments were carried out in triplicate. All data values are
molar extinction coefficient of 6.22 M−1, as described by Worthington expressed as mean ± S.D. ANOVA was used to determine significant
(1998). differences between groups for normally distributed data. The Tukey's
test was used to compare data between three groups. Significance was
2.7. Pyruvate kinase (PK) activity assay set at *p < .05.

Eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were homogenized in extraction buffer 3. Results

containing 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5 with 5.5 mM MgCl2. Supernatant
aliquots (in triplicate) were assayed in 1 mL of 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5 3.1. Glycolytic pathway decreases in A. aegypti desiccated eggs
containing 5.5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM ADP, 0.4 mM NADH, 1 unit/mL lactate
dehydrogenase and 1 mM phosphoenolpyruvate. Beta-NADH con- The glycolytic pathway was evaluated in A. aegypti pre-desiccated,
sumption was monitored at 340 nm in a Shimadzu U1240 spectro- desiccated, and rehydrated embryos by determining the enzymatic ac-
photometer using a molar extinction coefficient of 6.22 M−1, as de- tivity of pyruvate kinase (PK) (Fig. 1A), hexokinase (HK) (Fig. 1B).
scribed by Worthington (1998). Comparing with the end of embryogenesis in pre-desiccated eggs, all
two enzymes activities significantly decrease after desiccation period.
2.8. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity assay In rehydrated embryos, PK and G6PDH activity returned to a level si-
milar to that observed in the pre-desiccated group (p < .05); in con-
Eggs (20 mg, PrD, D, or R) were homogenized in extraction buffer trast, HK activity was lower than in the previous stages. Glucose 6-
containing 55 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.8. Supernatant aliquots (in triplicate) phosphate levels were low in pre-desiccated eggs, increased in desic-
were assayed in 1 mL of 55 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8 containing 6 mM cated eggs, and decreased again after rehydration (Fig. 2).
MgCl2, 100 mM glucose 6-phosphate, and 0.5 mM beta-NADP+. The
reaction was started with sample addition. The formation of beta- 3.2. Embryo external morphology upon desiccation
NADPH was monitored for 5 min at 340 nm in a Shimadzu U1240
spectrophotometer, using a molar extinction coefficient of 6.22 M−1 as Embryo morphology was not affected by desiccation and rehydra-
described by Worthington (1998). tion processes (Fig. 3). All three groups analyzed showed typical size
and segmentation pattern previously described for A. aegypti embry-
2.9. Phylogenetic analysis of PEPCK in insects ogenesis (Vital et al., 2010). The 2-week period of desiccation also did
not cause visual differences on eggshells.
Aedes aegypti PEPCK protein sequences were used as queries for Pentose phosphate pathway decreases in A. aegypti desiccated eggs
BLAST searches in other insect genomes. The best protein sequence The Pentose phosphate pathway was evaluated in A. aegypti pre-
model was calculated with MEGA6 and maximum likelihood trees were desiccated, desiccated, and rehydrated embryos by determining the
calculated. One hundred bootstraps were used for tree resampling. The enzymatic activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)
source of the PEPCK protein sequences is found in the Section 2.10. (Fig. 4). Comparing with the end of embryogenesis in pre-desiccated

R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

Fig. 1. Glycolysis decreases in A. aegypti desiccated

eggs. The canonical glycolytic pathway decreases in
the desiccated stage, as suggested by glycolytic key
enzymes, pyruvate kinase activity (A), and hex-
okinase activity (B), pointing to a hypometabolic
program activation, consuming less G6P. Enzyme
activities were determined spectrophotometrically
by the presence of beta-NADH (340 nm). Each ex-
periment was replicated three times and error bars
represent standard deviation of sample means
(*p < .05; ***p < .001 ANOVA).

Fig. 2. Glucose 6-phosphate content accumulates in A. aegypti desiccated eggs

Fig. 4. Pentose-phosphate pathway undergoes reduction when A. aegypti eggs
as a consequence of a hypometabolic program. G6P levels increase nearly 4
enter a period of desiccation. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, a
times during desiccation due to glycolysis and pentose-phosphate pathway re-
key enzyme in the pentose-phosphate pathway, decreases by nearly 50% after
duction, as well as during glycogen degradation. Glucose concentration was
desiccation induction, as a consequence of a hypometabolic program activation.
enzymatically measured in A. aegypti pre-desiccated, desiccated, and rehy-
Enzyme activity was determined spectrophotometrically by the presence of
drated eggs. Each experiment was replicated three times and error bars re-
beta-NADH (340 nm). Each experiment was replicated three times and error
present standard deviation of sample means (*p < .05; ***p < .001 ANOVA).
bars represent standard deviation of sample means (*p < .05; ***p < .001
eggs, both enzymes activities significantly decrease after desiccation
period. In rehydrated embryos, G6PDH activity returned to a level si-
milar to that observed in the pre-desiccated group (p < .05).

3.3. Gluconeogenesis increases in desiccated and rehydrated eggs

The glycogen levels was evaluated in A. aegypti in pre-desiccated,

desiccated, and rehydrated groups as well as the gluconeogenic
pathway, by measuring phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)
enzymatic activity, total protein and glucose levels. The Glycogen re-
serves decreased continually in desiccated and rehydrated eggs (Fig. 5).
The protein level was high in pre-desiccated eggs, and decreased in
desiccated and rehydrated eggs (Fig. 6). Conversely, PEPCK activity
was low in pre-desiccated group, increasing in desiccated and rehy- Fig. 5. Glycogen degradation is necessary to arouse the A. aegypti desiccated
drated eggs (Fig. 7A). Glucose level also was low in pre-desiccated eggs, eggs. Egg homogenates of different egg stages (PrD, D, and R) were homo-
and increased in desiccated and rehydrated eggs (Fig. 7B). genized and glycogen content was assayed. Glycogen reserves help maintain
high-energy demand during rehydration, decreasing by > 50% after water
stimulus in these eggs, thus ensuring hatching. Glycogen was measured en-
3.4. Representation of glucose metabolism regulation in A. aegypti eggs
zymatically; each experiment was replicated three times and error bars re-
present standard deviation of sample means (*p < .05; ***p < .001 ANOVA).
The Fig. 8 summarizes the metabolic mechanisms presented in this
study. Here, the glycolysis is represented by the activities of HK and PK.
The gluconeogenesis is represented by the activity of PEPCK, and the

Fig. 3. No significant differences in external morphology

were observed in A. aegypti egg stages. Eggs of different stages
(PrD, D, and R) were clarified and viewed under a magnifying
glass (10×) in order to observe embryo morphology. Egg
morphology does not vary consistently between pre-desic-
cated, desiccated, and rehydrated eggs, showing that two
weeks of desiccation are not sufficient to alter eggs structure.
Scale bar 100 μm.

R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

dormancy period (Denlinger, 2002; Danks, 1987; Zaslavski, 1988). This

strategy ensures the organism's reproductive success and the comple-
tion of its life cycle. Thus, modulation of energy metabolism is essential
for insect survival and for reinfestation. Although has not been de-
scribed that the A. aegypti enters in diapause stage, the resistance to
drought observed in Aedes aegypti also ensures a prolongued lifespan
(Silva and Silva, 1999), therefore, a refined metabolism modulation is
likely required for mosquito survival in the environment.

4.1. Glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway during desiccation and

Fig. 6. Protein reserves support gluconeogenesis in A. aegypti desiccated and
rehydrated eggs. Protein degradation increases in desiccated (D) and rehy- Here we observed that, even though the external morphology of the
drated (R) eggs, supporting gluconeogenesis in these stages. Total protein embryo remained unaltered, profound metabolic changes were in place
concentration was measured in A. aegypti pre-desiccated (PrD), desiccated (D), during desiccation and rehydration periods. The enzymatic activities of
and rehydrated (R) eggs, using the method of Lowry. Each experiment was PK and HK, key enzymes in glycolysis, decreased in desiccated eggs,
replicated three times and error bars represent standard deviation of sample suggesting a reduction in glycolysis at this dormancy stage. This may be
means (*p < .05; ***p < .001 ANOVA). an evolutionary strategy to reduce overall energy metabolism, and
ensure survival. Similar strategies have been reported for other species
pentose phosphate pathway is represented by the activity of G6PDH. in nature (Lyman and Chatfield, 1955). Dormancy periods have broad
The metabolites studied in this work are also highlighted to help un- metabolic implications, since ATP demand is reduced during such
derstand their routes in pre-desiccated, desiccated, and rehydrated times, mitigating the need for production. Additional evidence that
groups. supports the hypothesis of metabolic rate reduction in A. aegypti mos-
quito during desiccation is decreased oxygen consumption, when
compared with pre-desiccated eggs (data not shown). To ensure egg
3.5. Phylogenetic and transcriptional analysis of PEPCK in A. aegypti eggs
survival, energy conservation becomes indispensable, and it is neces-
sary to control the metabolism. The reduction of the main energy-
The three PEPCK genic sequences present in the A. aegypti genome
producing pathways is observed in A. aegypti desiccated eggs, strongly
(PEPCK-6, PEPCK-25, and PEPCK-80) were phylogenetically similar to
suggesting the activation of a particular metabolic program that leads
other mosquito PEPCKs (Fig. 9A). The amounts of transcripts (mRNA)
to a drought-induced hypometabolic state. A schematic representation
of the three A. aegypti PEPCK was different among the studied condi-
of these pathways during egg development is shown in Fig. 8, and helps
tions. PEPCK-80 and PEPCK-25 was increased in pre-desiccated and
to understand the metabolic alterations observed.
desiccated eggs, respectively (Fig. 9B and C). The PEPCK-6 showed no
After egg rehydration, PK enzymatic activity increases, returning to
transcription in any of the stages investigated in the present work.
similar levels to those observed in pre-desiccated eggs. This change in
PK activity profile suggests a higher consumption of glucose-6-phos-
4. Discussion phate by glycolysis, sustaining the reactivation of larval metabolism
after exposure to water. In contrast, HK enzymatic activity remains low
Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules in living or- in rehydrated eggs suggesting that glucose-6 phosphate is instead pro-
ganisms, performing a wide range of structural and signaling functions. vided by glycogen degradation. The amount of glucose 6-phosphate is
They are important energy reserves, and play a central role in meta- lower in pre-desiccated and rehydrated eggs, whereas G6PDH activity,
bolism in most organisms. Our group previously demonstrated that like PK, increases (Fig. 4). The glycolytic and pentose phosphate
glucose metabolism undergoes a dramatic alteration during A. aegypti pathway utilize glucose 6-phosphate to produced intermediates and
egg development, where germ band retraction is a morphological ATP. In desiccated eggs we observed an increase in the amount of G6P,
landmark, suggesting that carbohydrate metabolism is fundamental to possibly due to reduced carbohydrate catabolism at this stage, which
regulate the mosquito embryogenesis (Vital et al., 2010). Therefore, the seems to be reversed by rehydration. Together, these results suggest an
study of the nutrient utilization dynamics in A. aegypti eggs during important role for the pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways after
desiccation stages complements the prior data on mosquito embry- metabolism reactivation in rehydrated eggs.
ogenesis, providing important insights on the mechanisms of resistance Environmental signals and energy metabolism regulation that pro-
to unfavorable conditions. mote arousal in dormancy periods vary between species (Tauber et al.,
It is well established that quiescence and diapause prolong lifespan 1986; Danks, 1987; Harvey, 1962). Many studies monitored oxygen
of an insect, which therefore is better prepared to wait until the ap- consumption and reported an increased metabolic rate in insects at the
propriate stimulus is provided, when it is then able to conclude its final moments of diapause (Wipking et al., 1995; Kostal et al., 1998;

Fig. 7. Gluconeogenesis is essential to sustain de-

siccation satage in A. aegypti mosquito.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity (A), a
key gluconeogenic enzyme, increases in desiccated
and rehydrated eggs, when also the levels of this
pathway's end product, glucose, are the highest (B).
Each experiment was replicated three times and
error bars represent standard deviation of sample
means (*p < .05; ***p < .001 ANOVA).

R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

Fig. 8. Metabolism regulation in A. aegypti pre-desiccated (PrD), desiccated (D), and rehydrated (R) eggs. The hypothesis of the glucose metabolism regulation and
routes of substrates is represented for each stage of A. aegypti egg development: pre-desiccated (PrD), desiccated (D), and rehydrated (R) eggs. The name of enzymes is
in bold.

Singtripop et al., 2007). However, few studies describe the changes in 4.2. Utilization of glycogen reserves
the central pathways of glucose metabolism in the transition from a
dormancy pediod to awakening. Studies conducted in the 1980's Glycogen is the main form of glucose stored in animal cells and is
showed that mobilization of carbohydrates is essential for the moth considered as a primary form of energy in these organisms. Under low
Bombyx mori and the fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis to wake from diapause caloric energy intake, the moths Manduca sexta and B. mori carry out
(Adedokun and Denlinger, 1985; Su et al., 1994). Nevertheless, these glycolysis by glycogen degradation (Steele, 1985; Danks, 1987). In
studies lacked a more detailed description of glucose metabolism reg- oviparous animals, carbohydrate reserves may change systematically
ulation during arousal. during the embryonic process, like observed in the tick Rhipicephalus
microplus (Moraes et al., 2007). During the first 9 days of embryogenesis
of this tick, glycogen levels dramatically decrease. After this period,
glycogen re-synthesis occurs, supported by intense gluconeogenesis

Fig. 9. Phylogenetic analysis and transcriptional

regulation of PEPCK in A. aegypti egg stages.
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree (A) and the
relative quantification (RQ) of PEPCK-25 (B) and
PEPCK-80 (C) in A. aegypti pre-desiccated (PrD),
desiccated (D), and rehydrated (R) eggs. Sequences,
species and the respective accession numbers are
represented in the figure.

R.M. da Silva et al. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 227 (2019) 56–63

(Moraes et al., 2007). Hence, carbohydrate mobilization from glycogen transcription was correlated to the enzymatic activity (gluconeogenesis
reserves is a dynamic process, essential for normal embryonic devel- hypothesis). Transcription profile showed a higher transcript level of
opment. According to our present data, it is also important for meta- isoform PEPCK-80 in pre-desiccated eggs, compared with desiccated
bolic changes observed during desiccation-induced dormancy in A. and rehydrated groups. This profile was in disagreement to that ob-
aegypti eggs. The amount of glycogen showed to be higher in pre-de- served for PEPCK activity, which has the lowest value in pre-desiccated
siccated eggs and decreased in desiccated eggs. After rehydration, eggs, while the highest activity was observed in rehydrated eggs. On the
glycogen levels in the mosquito eggs continued to decrease, reaching other hand, the isoform PEPCK-25 showed a high number of transcripts
the lowest values. Some insects that perform diapause, like the potato in desiccated eggs, suggesting that PEPCK activity in this period may be
beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata and the fly Eurosta solidaginis, normally linked to the expression of this particular isoform. Abrupt changes
use carbohydrate reserves primarily in early diapause (Lefevere, 1988; observed in the PEPCKs transcriptional levels might reflect the different
Storey and Storey, 1986). In a similar way, carbohydrate reserves in A. energetic needs of the embryos experienced in the three conditions,
aegypti eggs are mobilized during desiccation and arousal (Fig. 8). since the transcription and synthesis of this enzyme only occurs if the
energetic needs of the cell requires (Hanson and Reshef, 2003). Thus,
4.3. Protein reserves mobilization and gluconeogenesis PEPCK transcripts would be present at late embryogenesis (pre-la-
tency), but would only be reflected later on, in the desiccated and re-
To maintain a stage of dormancy, various insects accumulate es- hydrated stages as observed for the enzymatic activity (Fig. A), when a
sential energy reserves and protein (Danks et al., 1987). Like carbo- greater demand for this enzyme is observed. Studies based on enzy-
hydrate reserves, protein content helps maintain energy homeostasis matic activity and transcriptional profiles show that PEPCK-25 and
during the dormancy period, as it proceeds. In the present study, we PEPCK-80 genes correspond to the mitochondrial and the cytosolic
observed that the total protein levels in A. aegypti eggs varied among isoforms, respectively (unpublished data). The third gene (PEPCK-6)
the different investigated stages. The amount of protein increased in showed no transcription in any of the stages investigated in the present
pre-desiccated eggs when compared with desiccated eggs. During de- work.
siccation, protein levels undergo a significant decrease, suggesting that
protein degradation, in addition to carbohydrate reserves, contributes 5. Concluding remarks
to latency period maintenance. Some insects performing diapause
usually store proteins in larval stages before the latency period for this Taken together, the results described here provide an overview of
purpose (Telfer and Kunkel, 1991). The corn borer larvae, Diatraea energy metabolism in A. aegypti eggs. Apart from the similarities ob-
grandiosella, and the potato beetle, L. decemlineata, store amino acids in served to quiescence or diapause in other organisms, this study showed
specialized proteins before the unfavorable season. When these insects that A. aegypti eggs modulates its metabolism, as a strategy to survive
enter diapause during winter, the levels of stored proteins decrease long periods of dryness, possibly ensuring reinfestation. Although this
(Chippendale, 1973; Lefevere, 1988). Proteins can be degraded during stage is largely neglected, other studies on the embryogenesis of ar-
diapause, and their amino acids may oxidize in order to generate energy thropods, particularly focused on carbohydrate metabolism, have shed
or produce other compounds, such as glucose through gluconeogenesis. new light on nutrient utilization dynamics, from the formation of the
We believe that a similar process may occur in A. aegypti eggs during oocyte to the mobilization of reserves and embryo formation (Vital
desiccation. et al., 2010; Moraes et al., 2007; Campos et al., 2006). However, to our
Gluconeogenesis is an antagonistic pathway of glycolysis, and is the knowledge, no study has been published before describing egg energy
central pathway that leads to glucose formation from non-carbohydrate metabolism during desiccation in the mosquito A. aegypti. The present
precursors such as lactate, glycerol, and amino acids. Interestingly, the study contributes new knowledge on this topic, and indicates that
enzymatic activity of PEPCK, a key enzyme in gluconeogenesis, was at glucose metabolism regulation during A. aegypti eggs desiccation can be
its lowest in pre-desiccated eggs, when compared with desiccated or a more dynamic process than previously thought. It is important to
rehydrated stages, suggesting an activation of the gluconeogenic mention that the study of lipid metabolism is also essential to elucidate
pathway in the latency period. The levels of free glucose increased various cellular processes, including maintenance of the dormancy
concurrently with PEPCK activity. Total protein content showed a periods (Adedokun and Denlinger, 1985; Hahn and Denlinger, 2007;
contrasting profile, compared to PEPCK activity. It is possible that Mitchell and Briegel, 1989). Lipids are an important source of energy,
protein degradation during desiccation provides amino acids as gluco- which is stored by animals as intracellular neutral lipid drops in spe-
neogenic substrate for glucose synthesis (Fig. 8). As stored glycogen is cialized tissues such as adipose tissue in mammals and the fat body in
utilized and depleted during desiccation, glucose resynthesis from other insects (Teixeira et al., 2003). The maintenance of a dormant period
precursors is necessary for maintenance of the organisms' physiological requires a species-specific metabolic modulation, in which lipids, as
processes. well as carbohydrates, may have an important role. Further investiga-
tion of energy metabolism will continue to improve our understanding
4.4. Phylogeny and expression of PEPCK isoforms of the mechanisms that sustain A. aegypti eggs development during the
initial phase of desiccation.
Changes in the transcription rate of the PEPCK gene are critical to
determine the total activity of the enzyme (Chakravarty et al., 2005). Competing interests
After years of research on PEPCK, the consensus is that changes in
PEPCK transcription regulate the total activity of the enzyme (Hanson The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
and Reshef, 2003). It is known that eukaryotes have a cytoplasmic and a
mitochondrial isoform of this enzyme (Yang et al., 2009; Hanson and Conflict of interest
Reshef, 2003). In this study we analyzed three isoforms of the PEPCK
gene in the mosquito A. aegypti (PEPCK-25 PEPCK-6 and PEPCK-80) The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
and compared them with other mosquito PEPCKs. Interestingly, PEPCK
duplications appear to be specific to mosquitoes, since Culex quinque- Authors' contributions
fasciatus and Aedes aegypti PEPCKs were identified as a single group
separated from the duplicated PEPCKs in higher diptera, like Drosophila. CL directed the project and participated in the coordination and
The transcriptional analysis of the three isoforms of the PEPCK gene in management of the study. RMS performed the laboratory tests and the
the A. aegypti eggs was performed in order to observe if PEPCK data analysis and wrote the manuscript. WOV, RNF, MRF, YPM, and ISV

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