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Report on

Case Study

Dr. Rajinder Singh Dharitri Haloi

Assistant professor BED 17014


INTROUCTION: Cerebral palsy is a neurological movement disorder that can be caused by
injury to the brain at birth, during the early stages of development in the womb, or during the
first two years of life. The injury may result from bleeding into the brain, lack of oxygen at birth,
or an infection affecting the mother and the developing fetus. Scissor gait is a form
of gait abnormality primarily associated with spastic cerebral palsy. It is characterized by
involuntary contractions of the muscles in the arms and legs and an awkward “scissor gait”.

I have chosen one student of class VII for my case study who studies in kendriya
Vidyalaya, Central University, Tezpur. The subject is suffering from scissor disease.


 To understand the subject’s improper movements in the classroom.

 To analyse the subject relation with others.
 To study the scholastic and co-scholastic achievements.


In this case study, direct observation and interview method was followed to gather information.

 Direct Observation: This strategy involves observing the subject, often in the classroom.
In this case study, the subject was also observed in natural setting, playground, assembly
 Interviews: It is one of the most important methods for gathering information in case
studies. This case study involves informal interview with the class teacher and the other
teachers of the class, peers of the subject and interview with the subject’s parents.

Name: Rahul Kashyap

Sex: Male
Father’s name: Nagen Lahkar
Mother’s name: Mousumi Lahkar
Address: Cotton Road, Tezpur
Date of Birth: 15/02/2006
Name of the school: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Central University, Tezpur
Class: VII
1. Problems: Scissor in brain, brain malformation, poor blood flow to the brain due to
which the child sometimes faint.

2. Physical Appearance

Skin color: White

Height: 4.8

Hair color: Black

Weight: 40 Kg
Eye sight: Normal
Power of Conversation: Poor
Condition of teeth: Normal
Does the subject perform daily exercise of health: No
Body type: physically fit from outside appearance
Blood group: o+
3. Birth Information:
Place of Birth: Tezpur
The health of the mother at the time of his birth: Normal
Ranking of the child: 1st
The health of the subject at the time of birth: suffered from severe jaundice
4. Family Information
Father is alive or dead: Alive
Mother is alive or dead : Alive
Education of father: Graduation passed
Education of mother: Under graduate
Number of real brothers/sisters : One sister
Total members in the family: 4
Joint Family: No
Does the subject gets proper love and affection from parents? : Yes
Do the parents meet all the basic needs? : Yes
Do the parents provided due encouragement to the subject: Yes
How does the subject spends his leisure time : With family members
His attitude towards sibling: good
5. Socio-Economic status:
The total monthly income of the family : approx 25000-30000
The source of the income: Business
The surrounding where family is residing : scattered settlement is there. Not too crowded
and not too isolated
The status of the family in the society: Middle
6. Level of intelligence:
The opinion of the teachers: Below average intelligence
The opinion of the parents: Below average intelligence
7. Level of Creativity
The opinion of the teachers: Not creative
The opinion of the parents: Not creative
8. Area of interests: Singing
9. Behavior in the classroom:
Does the subject behave properly with his teachers.: Very introvert in natures, sometimes
laughs loudly while classes are going on, only give smile while ask something to him.
Does the subject take interest in classroom activity: No
10. Behavior in the playground: The subject do not go outside to play with his peers.

12. Personality Traits

Traits High Level Middle level Low Level
Self confidence L
Emotional stability L
Mental stability L
Leadership L
Persistence L

13. Strength : Singing

14. Weaknesses: Speech impairment, lack of sensation, involuntary movement, shy, hideous,
temporary loss of consciousness at any time


I have chosen a 7th grade student for my case study at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Central
University, Tezpur. He is a student who has some cerebral problem caused by scissor disease. He
has one sister who is just one year old. I chose Rahul as my case to study after observing him in
the classroom laughing and smiling at any time while I was taking their class. After that I talked
with the class teacher along with the other subject teachers and came to know that he has some
mental problem. The total strength of the class was 40 students who were from different cultural
and religious background. In that class Rahul was the only one who laughs very loudly at any
time while the classes were going on. He laughed without any reason. He was the only one who
sat in the same bench and also in the same side. While I asked something to him during the
deliverations of my lesson plan, he used to keep his mouth shut by putting a smile on his face.
Not only in the area of academics, whenever I asked anything in general he just gave a smile. For
instance, if I asked questions related to his food habit, his home, he never bothers to tell the
answers of my questions. Instead of giving responses, he kept smiling. He extremely finds
difficulty interacting with others. After speaking with his class teacher, she stated that he has
some mental problem due to which he cannot able to connect with the people around. The other
teachers told me that he is suffering from scissor disease. When I inquired more about it, I found
that it is one kind of abnormality related to brain. Due to the brain malformation during the
development of the brain part, he is suffering from scissor disease. The teachers told me that
sometimes he has no control in his movement. For example, sudden loud laugh in the classroom.
Sometimes he loses his consciousness by seeing the lights. When I asked about the reason behind
this sudden unconsciousness, they told me that due to the poor blood flow to the brain, he faints.
The reason of poor blood flow in brain is sudden weakness in the limbs. There are many more,
but in this particular case due to the sudden weakness in the limbs, the blood cannot flow to the
brain which results in temporary unconsciousness of the body.


As he was my case for study, I started focusing on him by keeping the points that
teachers have told me earlier. I used to talk with him regularly. Many times I talked with him
asking questions to him but he always gave his responses by shaking his head. He never bothered
to tell any sentences whenever I asked something to him. There I found the student has lack of
sensation. He could not able connect with the outer world easily. He understood a little of our
sayings. One of the teachers also told me the same thing.

One day I found that there would be organised some sports in the upcoming days and for
that the students were practicing. While I was taking the class, some senior students of the school
entered into classroom and asked about how many of the class has joined for sports competition.
Rahul also raised his hand along with the other students. But the senior students ignored him by
saying that he could not able to perform. When the class was ended I asked the classmates of
Rahul about why they said like that. The peers told me that he could not play sports in the
outside as he faint suddenly when he sees light. Moreover, sometimes he suffered from sudden
weakness in the limbs which caused him to fall down in the ground.

When I conducted the achievement test, he got 7 marks in the exam. When I inquired
about his marks to the class teacher, she showed me the record of previous exams where he got
very less marks in every subject. However, the teacher told me that Rahul’s marks in
examinations were increasing day by day in comparison to earlier tests. That was because he was
taking medical treatment. The person who is unable to connect with outer world or can connect a
little with other persons, how can he able think reasonably? He cannot think critically. For a
student like him it is of great news that he could give some responses to our sayings.

When I asked one of the teachers about the school’s steps or reinforcement to improve
his behavior, the teacher told me that he never got special treatment from the teachers which
Rahul has needed urgently. The teacher told me that he never touch the boy or ask anything in
classroom. The teacher has a fear that what if he would get fainted when he ask something or
touch him. But it was not like the case with me. At the very beginning of my internship I found
difficulty to communicate with Rahul but when I regularly talked with him in the classroom and
exchanged a bit of communication, gradually he started to response to my sayings. Nothing more
but at least he used to raise his hand whenever I asked questions to the students. He would say
nothing to me but he used to raise his hand upward while I asked questions to the students.


I talked with Rahul’s parents about this matter. At first, they felt hesitation to talk
about Rahul but when I said about Rahul’s day by day improvement, they became a little
cooperative. His parents told me that Rahul was suffered from severe jaundice immediate after
his birth which resulted in brain malformation during the brain development. First, they found
very difficulty in raising their child. Now, He is getting treatment. He is given some therapy to
improve his speaking as well as other organs of body. The persons who have scissor disease
cannot move properly due to the stiffness in body parts. But in case of Rahul, he was not fully
affected by this disease. Rahul is affected a little by scissor gait disease which leads into
involuntary movement. They also told me about his singing quality. Once he was participated in
a reality show. Rahul’s class teacher also told me about his singing talent but I never saw him
sing in the school. His parents also told me about how he play with his sister.


 Firstly, he needs the love and care from the people who are always in his surroundings
like his parents does.
 He needs physiotherapy. He is undergoing this treatment which improves him a lot.
 The teacher should give extra care and importance for his improvement. They should talk
regularly with him for the improvement of his speaking. The teachers should not forget
about inclusive environment of classroom which refers to an environment where all
students feel supported intellectually and academically, and are extended a sense of
belonging in the classroom regardless of identity, learning preferences, or education.
 The teacher should give moral lesson to other students of the classroom that everyone is
equal irrespective of their caste, race, physical appearance, abilities, color, sex etc.
 The subject should be given regular counseling session for better adjustment. As the
subject is improving day by day for the treatment which was given by his parents, it
would be of great help to overcome from other problems like adjustment and speaking
from counseling.
 Teacher should take care of the thing that no one give any comments on him or laugh at

From the above information and analysis, it can be said that along with the medical treatment
the student needs emotional and proper guidance from the teachers. This case study may help
the teachers to change their attitudes towards the child.


 Agarwal, JC.(2015), Essentials of educational Psychology, Vikas Publishing HousePVT

LTD, New Delhi – 1100014(India)

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