Royal Easy English Grammar Through Tamil FIRST CHAPTER PDF

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Royal Easy English Grammar Through Tamil

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1st Chapter contains the following lessons.

Lesson No. Contents Page No

1 The meaning of Grammar 2

2 English Letters –Classification 2

3 Some Words often used in our daily life 3

4 Sentence and Kinds of Sentence 46

5 Parts of Sentence 60

6 Parts of Speech 67

7 First Person, Second Person and Third Person 77

Royal Easy English Grammar Through Tamil
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What is Grammar ?

Grammar is nothing but the rules and regulations framed for speaking and
writing in any language without a mistake.

! "# $
" %

There are twenty six letters in English. Out of these 26 letters, five letters
namely A,E,I,O,U are called Vowels. The remaining 21 letters are called

&! 26 # ## %' () # 5
# ' A,E,I,O,U * #
'" + % ,- # # 21 # #
'" + %

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- * " #

We have to know some important words used often in the Sentence.

Knowing meaning and usage of the word in the sentence will help us to
use these words in sentences in future .

'. . /. - * " "#

' ## . % ## ' * "
+ '* " # !
* " "# + 0
0 %

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1. To --- 0


To me 0

To School ## / 0

To my father ' 0

To go to school ## 0 0

To go to school with your son 1 ## 0 0

To drive a car "$2 + 0

To see a picture " 0

To meet my friend in Madras " " 0

To take a book 3 " + 0

To go to shop to buy a book 3 " ! " 0 0

To speak with him & 1 0

Note: Please note that always After “To”, if any verb comes, only
present verb will come. There are some exceptions which will be studied
in later stage.

## + + # To * " 0 '+
" " + %
0 "# ! # %

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2. In -

In Dubai

In Madras "

In New york 4 *

In my school ## /

In me

In him '

In my father '

In my family 0+

In writing

In speaking truth "

In writing a letter to my friend 1 0 .

In seeing a picture *

In buying good things "# !0

In having written a letter .

In having seen a picture *

In having taken a book 3 +

In having discussed the matter 5 "

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Note: Please note that if any verb comes after “In”, it should be a
present participle. In the above examples, please note that after “In
having” , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after “In
having” if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

“In” * " 0 '+ "

" + % 6# # 7 8 9 # “In
having” * " 0 '+ " ! #
## % “In” * " 0 '+
" - : “In having” * " 0 '+
" - $ + " 6 ## %

3.For - &

For me

For you

For him ' 1

For her ' ;

For it '

For them ' * ;

For seeing *

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For writing a letter .

For meeting my friend 1" "

For sending money to my father 1" ' 0 '1 3

For having written a letter .

For having told truth "

For having beaten him ' " '.

For having killed a snake "

For having sold this house ' 1" ,"

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after “For”, it should be a
present participle. In the above examples, please note that after “For
having” , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after “For
having” if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

“For” * " 0 '+ "

" + % 7 % 9 # “For
having” * " 0 '+ "
##" % “For” * " 0
'+ " - “For having” * " 0
'+ " - $ + " ,
! #
## +

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4. From -


From me

From my father 1" '

From our country -" .

From their money ' * ;"

From the forest .

From writing a story "

From seeing a picture *

From learning good books 3 ! "# .

From understanding this point 5 " 3 #

From having known this " '

From having seen a good man " *

From having studied your lessons ! "# .

From having cut this relationship " -

From having gone to school ## 0

From having taught this lesson "

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Note: Please note that if any verb comes after “From”, it should be a
present participle. In the above examples, please note that after “From
having” , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after “From
having” if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

"From" * " 0 '+ "

" + % ## 8 # "From
having" * " 0 '+ "
##" % “From having”
* " 0 '+ "
$ + %

5. With - & 8 8 2+
With your help , 6 , +,

With me 1 7& 2 +9

With you + 7& 9

With my father ' 7& 2 +9

With money 3 7 2 +9

With her friend ' ;" +

With pen

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6. Without -

Without money

Without hard work . "

With no work "

Without seeing *

Without writing a letter . .$

Without earning money

Without studying books 3 ! # .

Without having written a story "

Without having understood you " 3$

Without having met my friend < 1" "

Without having done any work " 6

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after “Without ”, it should be a
present participle. In the above examples, please note that after
“Without having” , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always
after “Without having” if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

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"Without" * " 0 '+ "

" + % ## 8 “Without
having” * " 0 '+ "
##" % "Without having"
* " 0 '+ "
" + %

7.On - ' $


On this table "

On the wall '

On me

On this instruction "

On seeing this film " *

On writing this letter . "

On having studied this matter 5 " .

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On having met him in time $ ' "

On having obeyed to his words ' 1" * " ; 0 , .

On having visited many places ! "# *

On having gone to America ' 0

On having understood this point 5 " 3 .

On having sold this house ,"

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after “On”, it should be a
present participle. In the above examples, please note that after “On
having” , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after “On
having” if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

"On" * " 0 '+ "

" + % ## 8 “On
having” * " 0 '+ "
##" % "On having"
* " 0 '+ "
" + %

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8. On account of
Because of
Due to $
By virtue of
By dint of
Thanks to
Owing to
By Virtue of
In consequence of
In the light of

a.He has passed the examination because of his hard work
' 1" . " $ ' * %

b.He did not go to school due to his illness.

' 1" $ ' ## 0 " %

c.By virtue of his hard efforts, he has achieved a good position in his life.
' 1" . - ' ' 1" " "
'" .

d.On account of his having passed in First Class, he has got a good job.
' - 0 ' " " %

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e.Thanks to the development of science, we have got so many things in our

daily life.
' #* $
' 7 5 ! " #9 "# # # %

f.Owing to his illness, he did not go to school.

' $ ' ## 0 " .

g.In consequence of his failures in life, he learnt a lot of experiences.

' # "# 7 $ 9 <$ #
'1 ! "# ' . .

h.By virtue of his powers, the President ruled the country under control.
' ' $! # $ ' = "
+ . & *% 7& *9.

9.According to:- ' !


According to the instructions given by the Employer, the workers are doing
their work.
- # + " ; ! ' # #
' * # " " + * #.

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10.As per:- . 7' .9


As per the list attached herewith, the supplier will send the goods
" . . ' " #* '
"# '1 3 *%

11.With immediate effect:- .

The fraudulent employee has been removed from service with immediate
' 7 9 " # .
, + *%

12.In force: ' -


The rules and regulations are in force since 1947.

>?@A – ! # '- .

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Even though -------------- /


Though he was lazy, he was very brilliant.

' ' " 6# # %

Even though he is very rich, he is a very hard worker.

' $ / ' .
" # .

14. In the Place of

In lieu of
In stead of


a. Please take this book instead of that box.

' . 0 3 " +
7 + # 9%

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b.Mr.Kumar has been appointed as manager in the place of Mr.Ram.

$- 0 #$ 0 * + *%

15. In the event of
In case of


a.In the event of your passing the examination, you will get the job.
, 7 1" 9 * B , ' " "

b.In case of his going to school, he will study well.

' 7' 1 " 9 ## 0 ' . %

16.As far as I am concerned – " "$

a.As far as I am concerned, I have done my work perfectly.
" "$ 1" " " - "

b.As far as he is concerned, he is very good in all the ways.

' " "$ ! # '

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c.As far as you are concerned, you can get the prize.
" "$ ,' $" - .6 %

17. So far: "$


I have not completed my work so far.

"$ " " -. " %%

18.Till now:- "$

Till now, he has not finished his work.
"$' ' " " -. " %

19.When 8

a.When did you come to my house ?
, 1" ,+ 0

b.When you came to my house, I was doing my home work.

, 1" ,+ 0 ,+ " "
. %

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20.After 0
a.I am not after money.
0 " 7 " 9%

b.I came here after you had left the office.

,' " + 0 ! .

c.After seeing my brother, I returned home by bus.

$" * 0 ,+ 0 %

21.Before: -

You should reach office before 10 A.M

" >C 0 - ,' " '" + %

You had completed your office work before you went (left for) home.
, ,+ 0 0 7 9- , 1" '
" " -. .

Before seeing you, I had met him on my way to house.

" * 0 - ,+ 0 0 ' "

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22.In front of : - . - -

The coconut tree is in front of my house.

' " $ 1" ,. 0 - .

23.Below: ,

A student should not secure marks below 35 out of 100.

>CC 0 DE 0 , # + 7/ 9.


A student should obtain marks above 35 out of 100 to pass in the

* 0 >CC 0 DE8 0
# + + %.

25.With Reference to: 0 + 0

With reference to your letter dated 25th March 2003, I do hereby bring to
your kind attention the following points.
* (D (CCD ! ;" . 0 + 70 9
, "# ! # ' 3 0 F
+ %.

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26. On the go:-


My mother is always on the go in kitchen.

" " ' #%

27. As regards
In regard to
With regard to + 0



a.Regarding the advertisement in the “Hindu” news paper for the post of
Manager, I apply for the same.
#* " # ## # $
' 1 .

28. As soon as:


As soon as the police arrived the spot, the thief escaped from the house.
, ' 0 ' '
,. %

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29. No sooner ………… than

No sooner did the police arrive the spot than the thief escaped from the

, ' 0 ' '
,. %

30. If

If you work hard, You will pass in the examination.

, . " , * .

31. Unless:


Unless you work hard, you will not pass in the examination.

, . " 7 " 9 , *

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32. Despite
In spite of


a.Despite his having failed in the SSLC examination, he has come up in life.

' (' ) B% B B " 1 '

- .

b.In spite of his working hard, he could not get good marks in the

' 1" . " 3 1 ' *

"# -. " .

c.Notwithstanding the warning by the management to remove the workers

from service, the workers continued their strike.

#* " # ,0 0 * "
1 ' #* # ' * # " "
* * #%

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33.Now that:- . ,


Now that he had passed the Higher Secondary Examination with good
marks, he applied for the Higher studies in Medicine.

; ' ' "G * *

. 7 9 .
1 %

34.As :-


As he had gone to Gulf Countries for a good position, he earned a lot of

" 7 " 09 "#0 . 0 ' '
<$ # " .

35. As long as:- 0 "$

As long as he was alive, he lived for poor people and nation.
' $+ "$' <" ; .

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36.As a general rule / In general :-

As a general rule, We should respect the rules and regulations of a country
where we live in.
. ! "#
+ .

37.With the help of / By means of :- F

Our thoughts are generally expressed by means of words.
* " # 7F 9 ! #
# + + .

38.By all means:- / / /

By all means you will succeed in the examination.
7 9 , * %

39. a man of means: rich man - $

Mr.Ramanathan is a man of means.
$ $ %

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40.Beyond Measure :- Very big - ' 8 '# -.


Her joy was beyond measure.

' # '# -. '# 0 %

41.Nevertheless: 1


He did not study well nevertheless he hopes he can win first rank.
' . " 1 ' - $!
- .6 1 ' 3 %

42. By mistake:

By mistake, he forgot to take his umbrella during the rainy season.

' * " 0" " + 0

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43. On behalf of : *


He took this problem to the management on behalf of workers.

# # * * 0 $ " " '
+ %

44. In accordance with: ' . !


In accordance with your instruction, they have done their work without fail.
! # " ! ' * # ! # " "
* #%

45.In order to: 0 – $ 0


He reached the Railway station in order to send off his friend in time.
' " $ '1 " 0 7' 1 " 0
$ 09 ' $ " " '" %

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46. In course of :


In course of time, he realized his mistakes.

' ' "# * %

47.Agreeably to: !

Agreeably to the terms of settlement, we have paid the money in time.
* " ; 0 ! ! # $ '
" %

48.In favour of:

The money has been sent by our company in favour of M/s.Lotus Co.Ltd.
B $ 7 9 ! #
'1 " + %

49.Provided that: "


We will do the work provided that the employer should pay the salary in
- # # " - 7- . 9 +
" ! # " " %

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50. On the ground that:


He was punished by the court on the ground that he was found guilty.
0 # ' + . '. "
' , . %

51. About to:

He was about to leave this company.
' " + %

As if
As though "


a.He talks with others as if he were rich.

' $ " * #

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b.The office boy behaves in the manner as though he were a manager of this
' ' " #" $


On the verge of #
On the brink of ;


The country is on the verge of disaster.

+ ' # ## 7 9.

She is now on the brink of shedding tears.

' # ,
* # "# # 7 " 9 ## #
7 # 9.

54. On one’s own accord: 5 .


He has resigned his post on his own accord due to some personal problems.
$ " # $ 7'
5 . 9 ' " " $= .

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55. Far and near: ! # 7 " #9


People came from far and near to see this building.

# . " * 0 ! # * #.

56. In time : $ $

We went to theatre in time to see this film.
" * 0 $ $ 0 ! #

57. In vain : ,

He tried in vain to get first rank.

- $! " 0 , - %.

58. In a moment: 0

In a moment, there was an utter silence when he entered the house.
' ,. 0 # H " '! - "
'" %.

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59. Ins and outs: - " $! #

He knows the ins and outs of this subject.
' - " $! " # ' .

60. In the nick of the time: $ $ " $

He disclosed all the facts in the nick of the time.
$ 7 " 9 $ ' " " #6
# 7 # + 9.

61. Little by little:


Little by little he earned a lot of money.

' <$ # " .

62. On the whole:

On the whole he has done a very good business.
' " .

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63.To and Fro: - 1 1

He walked to and fro on the platform.
$ ' - 1 1 7' ! 0 ! 0 9 .

64. One by one :

Please read these sentences one by one.
! "# .

65. All of a sudden: I $


All of a sudden the police came to the house and arrested the two persons.
I $ B '
, ,. 0 $ + * "# " ..

66.At the most: ' 7 /. 9


At the most I can help the poor man by giving Rs.100/=

J >CC + F ' ' <" 1 0
- .6 %

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67.At any rate or At any cost : , .


I can pass the examination with good marks at any cost.

. ; *
- .6 .

68.At once: .
You should do the work at once.
,' " " . + .

69. At a stretch $. $F
At a stretch you cannot finish all the pending jobs.
" ## " "# , $. 7 9
-. %

70. At last "

He confessed his mistakes at last.
' " ' "# .

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71.As well as: + 7 9

Raman is a doctor as well as a very good business man.
$ * + $

72. At the top of: $

He is at the top of name and fame.
' 3 .

73.By the way of: F

I told him this matter by way of joke.
' 1 0 5 " " " .

74.Day by day: ;
The Prices are increasing higher day after day.
" # ; * .

75.For a while: K $
He took some rest for a while after doing a hard work.
. " 0 ' K $ K 2
+ .

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76. From head to foot: " - "$


He looked at the stranger from head to foot.

' ' ' "$ " - "$ .

77.For want of: " 7 " $ 9


For want of money, he could not continue his studies further.

3 " $ ' ' . "
-. " .

78.For the sake of: $ 7 9


He died fighting for the sake of his country.

' . " +7 9 .

79.For the purpose of: $

He went to Dubai for purpose of earning a lot of money in a short period.
0" <$ # " 0 $
' .

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80. In a short span of time: 0 " #


He cannot finish the work in a short span of time.

0 " # ' ' " " -. -. .

81.From far and wide: ! #


People came from far and wide to see the beautiful building.
' ' " * ! # # * #.

82.At '#

At first 88 -
At 8 O’clock --- + '#
At Mela Kadayanallur 88 "

Note: We have to use the Word “At” to denote for Time and Small Places.
$ " 8 ! "# 0 0 " At" # * " "
+ + .

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83. Of: "


Leg of the chair -- ' 7 " 9

Capital of Tamil Nadu -- . 7 " 9 " *
Of his life --' " "
At the end of the Meeting --/ 7 " 9
Novels of Shakespeare --- 5 B #

84.But for:

But for her help, he could not have studied well.

' ;" ' .
-. .

85. Once upon a time –


Once upon a time in a forest, there lived a beautiful lady named Latha.
## ' .
7' ! 9 #%

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86.By force of circumstance: L " $


By force of circumstance, I could not go to England, leaving my family

0+ * "# + + L " $
! 0 -. " .

87.At large 8Free 88 # 88 $

The escaped prisoner is still at large.
' . " " 1 # $ .

88.By and large --


By and large I like her conduct and characters.

' " 6 0 ! "#6 3 .

89.As a last resort / in the last resort: - " 3


As a last resort, he decided to sell his house to settle his debts.

' "# ,
* 0 ' ," " 7 "
3 9 ' *
, .

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90. Out of Question: impossible 88 - .

His efforts to go to Dubai are now out of question.
0 ' - # " 0 -.

91.On the way to : 0

I met my friend on the way to Calcutta.
0 " .

92.In the middle of: + 7 9


The employees were standing in the middle of the road and demanding their
& # # $ . + ' * #
" "# " 6 + + * #%

93.Off and on: ' 7 + +9

It rained off and on.
-" ' .

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94.At the eleventh hour: " $


He was studying his lessons at the eleventh hour.

' " $ ' ! "# . . .

95. Past time – 0


Reading novels is his past time.

# . ' %

96.On the other hand:


He had not helped me even though I was in need of money in my rainy time
but on the other hand I am helping him at his rainy days.

5 " 6# # /
' 0 " %& '
5 # + %

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97.Once in a blue moon: ' 34



He comes to house to visit my parents once in a blue moon.

' 34
* ' * "# *" ,. 0

98.In Cold blood: $ 88 " 88 M$


Sometimes one of friends behaves with others in cold blood.

$! # * # * # M$
" 7 # 9.

99.In the event that:


In the event that you do not pay the money in right time, your credit facility
will be stopped without any notice.
$ ' " . 7 9
! # # ' 0 " $6 + .

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100.Off: Cancelled/ delayed ---- $ +


The proposed meeting is off.

' ,
* / $ . .

101. Pros and cons. ! # 88 " ,

" #
You have to consider the pros and cons before taking any decision in any
$ " -. + 0 - ,
! # '
! "# 0 + . 7 + 9.

102.As usual:
He is late to office as usual.
' & , 0 .

103. Through and through: - "

He is an honest person through and through.
' - " *" .

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104. Through:

I saw the person walking in the street through the window.

= . ' "$ * .

105. Whereas: 7' 9

Some people like fatty meat whereas others hate it.
# 3# # " " 3 * '
* # '" * #.

106. To the extent of: - ' '# 0

He has come to the extent of criticizing me in the presence of others.
* # - " " * 6 # 0 '

107. At the outset – - &$

At the outset, he thanked you very much for your help.
- ' 1" / %

108. As of : from --
As of today, you have been appointed as a Manager of this company.
" ! #
, #$ + ,
* #%

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109. In the presence of: - "

I want to say some thing about my history in the presence of you.
! # - " $ " "
3 %

110. As a consequence of: "#

As a consequence of the recent budget, the prices have gone up at all levels.
" = . "# " # " #
* %

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What is a sentence ?

A sentence is a group of words which gives a complete sense.

- " '* " + * " # 0
0 %

1.Raman went to school.
$ ## 0 %.

2.Raman did not eat a mango.

$ " " .

3.Do they read news papers?.

' * # # "# * #

4.Where did they buy a book?

' * # ! 3 " ! * #

5.Go to school and study.

## 0 ..

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6.Do not talk in the class room.

0 " .

7.Please help me to lift the box.

." * 7 9 0 .

8.What a picture !

9.What a cruel king he is !

M$ '$ ' N

10.How beautifully she danced!

# ' ' # &. #N

The above each and every sentence has a group of words. At the same
time, each sentence gives a complete sense.

## - * " # 0 "
## % ' - - "
'* " + %

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Kinds of Sentence
" #

There are four kinds of sentence. These are as follows.

0 " + %' " # O

1.Assertive Sentence -----

2.Interrogative Sentence --- #

3.Imperative Sentence --- "#

4.Exclamatory Sentence.—& 7 3 9

1.Assertive Sentence:
A Sentence which gives an affirmative or a negative sense is called an
Assertive Sentence.
' *" " +
'" + %


1.Raman eats an apple.

$ & "# + %

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2.Kamala has gone to Madras.

" 0 #.

3.Rahim had seen a picture.

$G , " * %

4.The teacher teaches grammar.

' & * " *.

5.Gopal does not write a letter.

. " " .

6.Rahul will not fight with his brother.

$0 ' 1" $1 " %

7.Rahim has not gone to Singapore.

$G , ! 34
* " .

8.I do not want to harm others.

* "# 3 0 3 " .

Please note that the above sentences are giving affirmative and negative
## ! # *" '* ! "#
+ . " .

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An assertive sentence is divided into two types namely 1. Affirmative

Sentence and 2. Negative Sentence.

$ + %'
>% + (% *"

1.Affirmative Sentence: +
A Sentence which gives an affirmative sense is called an Affirmative
'* " + +
'" + %


1.Raman eats an apple.

$ & "# + %

2.Kamala has gone to Madras.

0 " 0 #.

3.Rahim had seen a picture.

$G , " * %

4.The teacher teaches grammar.

' & * *%

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2.Negative Sentence - *"

A sentence which gives a negative sense is called a negative sentence

*" " + *"
" + .


1.Gopal does not write a letter.

. " " .

2.Rahul will not fight with his brother.

$0 ' 1" $1 " %

3.Rahim has not gone to Singapore.

$G , ! 34 0 " .

4.I do not want to harm others.

* "# 3 3 " .

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2.Interrogative Sentence – #

A sentence which gives a sense of asking or questioning is called an

Interrogative sentence.
# + '* " #
'" + %


1.What do you want ?

, 3

2.Where did you go yesterday?


3.How are You ?

, .

4. How old are you ?

, " 0 "

5.Who are you?

, $ 7 , * 9.

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6. What is your father?

1" ' * ' *

7. Have you finished your work?

, " " -.

8.Will you meet me in Madras ?

" , "

9. Are you happy in doing this work ?.

" " , 5

10. Will you help me ?

, 0

11. Did you study these subjects?

! "# ,.

12. May I come in ?

# # $

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An Interrogative sentence is divided into two types

namely 1.Specific Type and Yes or No Type

# $ + %'
>%- " " #
(%& ' " " # .

1. Interrogative Sentence under Specific Type

- " " #

An interrogative sentence which gives a specific or full answer type is called

An Interrogative sentence under Specific Type
- " " # - ,
## # '" + .

1. What do you want?

, 3

2.Where did you go yesterday?

, !0

3.How are You ?


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4. How old are you ?

0 " 7 , " ## 9

5.Who are you?

, * 7 , $ 9

6. What is your father?

' *

2. Interrogative Sentence under Yes or No Type

& ' " " #

An interrogative sentence which gives a Yes or No answer type is called An

Interrogative sentence under Yes or No Type
& ' " " # &
' " , ## # '"
+ %


1. Have you finished your work?

, 1" " " -.

2.Will you meet me in Madras ?

, " "

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3. Are you happy in doing this work ?.

" " , '"

4. Will you help me ?

, 0

5. Did you study these subjects?

! "# .

6. May I come in ?
# # $

3. Imperative Sentence "#

A sentence which expresses a command or an entreaty is called an

imperative sentence.

"# ' + "# # +

"# '" + %.


1.Do what I say.

" .

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2.Do not go to Madras.

" 0 .

3.Obey my instructions.
1" " ; 0 + +.

4.Go to shop and buy a book.

" 0 3 !0.

5.Go to shop to buy a book.

3 !0 0 " 0 %

6.Please follow my ways.

1" "# .

7.Please advise him so that he can correct himself.

' " # # - .6
' 1 0 ' "$ %.

8.Please treat him in a good manner.

' " -" %

9.Please hear my advice and then do your work.

1" ' "$ "# + 0 1"
" " .

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10. Please try to understand our situation.

-" " " 3 ## - .

4. Exclamatory Sentence & $7 39

A sentence which expresses the feeling of mind such as joys and sorrows is
called an exclamatory sentence.

' * " # +
3 '" + %.


1.What a picture it is !

2.What a sad news !


3. Hurrah ! we have won the match.

G P$ $N ' . = .

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4.Alas ! the leader was dead.

# N' " * *.

5.How beautifully she dances !

' ' # . + #N

Note : We can learn more about sentence when we are going to study
Direct and Indirect Speech.

! "# 1 ' */ ' /

. 0 $ # # - .6 .

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$ 0 #



A simple sentence has two parts namely 1.Subject and 2.Predicate

$ 0 "# % '" >%
(% "

What is a subject in a sentence?

A Subject in a sentence is the part which indicates the person or thing

we are speaking about.

# ' "$ 0 0
+ %

What is a predicate in a sentence?


A predicate in a sentence is the part which tells something about the

0 "
' " + %

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The following table will explain the subject and the Predicate in a
, ' " "
# 0 %

Sl.No Subject Predicate

1 He Eats an apple.
2 She Goes to school.
3 They Have seen a picture.
4 Kumar Has written a letter.
5 The bus Comes here.

1. He eats an apple. –' & # + %

2. She goes to school. –' # ## / 0 #%

3. They have seen a picture. ' * # " * * #%

4. Kumar has written a letter. –0 * . %

5. The bus comes here.—' ! %

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1. A subject of sentence always comes first in a sentence. We can
understand this from the above examples.
- % " 8
# F 3 # # - .6 %

2. Some times in poetry and some other sentences, a subject in a sentence

comes last in the sentence.
+ # ! # $! #
" $ %' 8 # , O

1. On the top of the hill lives the hermit.

' ' " *%

Here the subject - the hermit

(The hermit lives on the top of the hill)

2. After the storm comes the calm.

3 0 '" %

Here the subject – the calm.

(The calm comes after the storm)

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3. Here comes the bus.

! %

Here the subject – the bus.

(The bus comes here)

4. Once upon a time ruled over this country a king.

- '$ " & %

Here the subject – A king.

(Once upon a time a king ruled over this country)

5. Under the table are some boxes.

. # "= , %
Here the subject – Some boxes.
(Some boxes are under the table)

3. A subject of a sentence will not come in an Imperative sentence but it

is understood.
"# ! # $ & ' 3$ ## + %


1.Go to school. ## %

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2.please bring the book. – ' 3 " + %

3.Do not go there. –' ! %

4.Be happy. – 5 %

5.Do not waste your time. 1" $ " , %

In the above sentence, the subject “You” is understood.

## ! # Q,
Q 0 #!0 %

Object in the Predicate

" + #

We can find out an object in the Predicate of a sentence.

" + "# + ##
- .6 %

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What is an Object?
+ #

If a question of what, which, whom. To what, to which, and to whom is raised with
the verb in a sentence, the answer for the question is called an Object.

## " " "$ 0 0

# + ' # + #
'" + %


Sentence Objects for the Verb in

the sentence
1.I killed a snake. A snake
" % 2 3

2.They gave me a book. Me, A book

' * # 0 3 + * #% < 0 3

3.Kumar has drunk water. Water

0 * * 0.
, % *

4.Sita sings a song. A song

, + + #% 2 +

5.Tamil films attract many foreigners. Many foreigners

! # # * "# * % # * #

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6.They have distributed the students sweets. The students, Sweets

' * # 3 "# ' * ; 0 ! - * #8 3 #
* #%

7.I bought my brother a car. My brother, A car

$1 0 "$ ! % $ 8 *

8.They have seen a picture. A picture

' * # " * * #% 2

9.He will give me a gold watch. Me, A gold watch

' 0 ! . $ % < 0 8 !
. $
10.They have given me a pen Me, A pen
' * # 0 + * #% < 0 –

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# " #
Words are divided into eight parts according to their usage or
work they do in a sentence. These are called parts of speech.
# " '
. ! * " # + " #
+ %' " # " # '" + .

Eight Parts of Speech

1. Noun *

2. Adjective *

3. Pronoun 3$ *

4.Verb "

5.Adverb "

6. Preposition "

7.Conjunction " 3

8.Interjection 3

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A word which is used to express the name of a person, a place, an
animal, a bird , a thing or a quality is called a noun.
" # "
"$ # + + *
'" + %

1. Akbar was a king.

' * '$ *%

2.The Sun rises in the East.

L %

3.Tamil Nadu is one of states in India.

+ ## ! # %

4.The Dove flies in the Sky.

' 3 & %

5. The pen writes well.

& %

6.Her knowledge made her get good position in the office

' ;" ' ' " " '" %

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A Word which qualifies or describes a noun is called an Adjective.

* " '
* " + %


1. Sita is a beautiful girl

, ' #.

2. Kumar is a clever boy.

0 * 3 " .

3.This is a red pen.

3 .

4. Chennai is a busy city.

" $ .

5. Rahman is a generous man.

$0 $# 0 -## %

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$ *

A word which is used instead of a noun is called a Pronoun.

* 0 + $
* '" + %


Rama went to forest. He saw a tiger

$ + 0 %' 3 " * %
In this above sentence, the word "he" has come instead of Rama. So He is
noted as pronoun.
## ' * " $ 1 0
+ +# # % ' * " $
* +

Please note that all First person, second person and third person are called
< " - " * " * " # $ *
'" + " %

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A word which expresses an action or a state is called a verb.

" " " # + "
'" + %


Rahim went to school.

$G , # # 0 %

Kamala dances very well.

+ #%

Ram is a teacher.
$ & $ *%

Mohan will come to my house

1" ,+ 0 %

He has sung a song.

' + . %

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A word which is used to add some thing to the meaning of a
verb or an adjective or an another adverb is called an adverb.
" ' * '
" ; 0 7' * 09 <
" * + * " "
'" + %


Sita writes an essay beautifully.

, +" $" ' #%

Kumar is a very good boy.

0 * " %

She has danced very beautifully.

' # ' . #%

He did the sum quickly

' ' " %

The pen is very beautiful.

' ' %

The boy used the word quite correctly.

' " ' * " " + %

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A word which is used to show the relationship between two words is

called a preposition.

$ + * " ; 0 " ## *" +

+ * " " '" + %


1.Ravi sat on the wall.

$ * %

2.Sheela went to school.

5, ## 0 #%

3.Kamala killed a snake with a stick

" #%

4.He worked for this nation.

' . " %

5.He has come from America.

' '

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" 3

A word which is used to join two words or sentences is called a Conjunction.

$ + * " # ' ! # " "

+ + * " " 3
" + %


1. Ram and Hari went to school.

$- G 6 ## 0 * #%

2. He passed in the examination because he had studied very well.

' " '
. %

3. A sentence cannot finish with because because because is a

- < * " -. <
< " 3 %

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A word which is used to express some sudden feelings of joys and

sorrows arising out of mind is called an Interjection.

I $ 5 * "#
# + + 3
'" + %


1.Alas ! she was dead.

' N' # #%

2.Hurrah ! We have won the match.

G NH . = %

3.What a picture!

4.What a sad news!

/ N

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I– My- Me – Mine-
1" 08 " 1"

We – Our – Us – 0 Ours –
! # -" " 8 ! "# -"
! ;" ! ; 0 ! ;"
You – Your – You – Yours –

H, 1" 08 " 1"

You – Your – You – Yours –
! # ! ;" ! ; 0 ! ;"
! "#
He – ' His – Him –' " His –
& * ' 1" ' 1 0 & 1"
' " ' 0 & "
' "$

She – Her – Her – Hers –

& # ' ;" ' ; 0 & ;"

' "#
It – ' Its – It – Its –
' 1" ' 0 & 1"
' "
They – Their – Them – Theirs –
& * # ' * ;" ' * "# & * ;"
&" # '" ;" ' * ; 0 &" ;"
'" "#
'" ; 0

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