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Many had qualified education but were never called for interview because of strange names and

broken Swedish.His Swedish was not perfect, but good enough and you could not see his skin color
on the phone. I do not know how many apartments he was looking at and where the values upon
further thought realized that this apartment actually received a new tenant just because of that.
Eventually in an extremely remote suburb he was finally accepted., y

ou will always be perceived as a stranger, so do not fight so much to be one of them, otherwise you
will be a beautiful day to be deeply disappointed.

Try to provide you with a job that Swedes can not or do not want to do, otherwise you are perceived
as a dangerous threat.

People around me spoke of hypocritical politicians who used to preach the value of immigrants and
immigration, but who did not tolerate immigrants in any way, behind the scenes.

I remember that even very skilled foreign doctors and surgeons argued that immigrants were
accepted and well-liked, as long as they were in a state of dependence or in a victim position.

I who have in the blood never give up and never be willing to sell my integrity would exemplify
and prove that there is a difference between immigrants and immigrants and that if you struggled
hard enough you would defeat all the adversities and elbows.

, I wonder time and time again if I belong to the "privileged" and "well-integrated" immigrant can
feel this strong sense of disappointment and exclusion after so long and after doing what has been
desired and required of me, how shall It then feels for those "condemned" in the suburb that has
long been perceived and treated as problem immigrants?

"During my upbringing here, I became so Swedish someone could become. If you speak like a
Swedish, behave like a Swedish and think like a Swedish, but still do not count as Swedish because
you have another hair color - then their whole idea falls. It's not enough that you get to the door and
stand and knock. The other side must be prepared to open too. "

It also happened that I got openly indecent offers - so disgusting and offensive. I sincerely wish that
all those who refuse to support energetic, willing and enthusiastic forces and refuse to open any
doors on their behalf, at least do not shut doors for them.

would also like to add that I am rather kind to a racist than to a smugglerist. A smuggler is a
hypocrite. I do not want hypocrisy near me.

Believe me, the immigrants AVSKYR environmentalists who outwardly have fake-smiles near
immigrants, preach about everyone's equal value but not one of their acquaintances / friends are
overseas people, and they never live / are with non-Europeans

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