GL Blend Set PDF

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gl Blend


by Cherry Carl
Artwork: ©

Cherry Carl, 2012

gl Blends List
glacier glen gloomy
glad glide glorious
gladiator glider glory
gladiolus glimmer gloss
glance glimpse glossary
gland glisten glossy
glare glitter glove
glass gloat glow
gleam globe* glue
glee gloom

Cherry Carl, 2012

Glitter and Glue
(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)
by Cherry Carl

I tried to make a card for you,

but it’s a gloppy mess of glitter and glue!

I hoped that you would be so glad,

but my hopes just went from glad to bad.

Maybe I should wear a glove

when I make a card that’s filled with love!

Cherry Carl, 2012

A Glacial Glass
(Tune: Yankee Doodle)
by Cherry Carl Artwork:

This side of the globe just glows with heat,

and so I’d gladly take a treat.

Is someone there who’ll really listen,

and give me a glacial glass that glistens?

I’ll take a straw and gulp it down,

and make a gleeful slurping sound.

With glimmering cubes of glorious ice,

I’m thinking large would be so nice!

Cherry Carl, 2012

Configuration Station: gl

Word Bank

glitter glad glee globe

glare glow glue glass
glance glove

Cherry Carl, 2012

gl: Cloze the Gap!
Read the following sentences, saying the word
“globe” when you come to a blank space. Use words
from the gl blends word bank to fill in the blanks
and make sense. Reread your sentences to double
check your choices!

1. is the opposite of sorry.

2. We use a book’s to find the meanings of words.

3. A baseball has one place for fingers.

4. My new help me see things better.

5. May I please have a of milk?

6. Will you please pass me the bottle of ?

7. Our class found the oceans on the new .

8. I put sparkly on my art project.

9. The of the jack-o-lantern’s candle is orange.

10. An ice skater seems to across the ice.

11. My team was when they lost the game.

12. A is a large mass of ice that moves slowly.

Word Bank
glossary glide glitter glass globe gloomy

glue glad glasses glow glove glacier

Cherry Carl, 2012

Cut and Paste: gl

glue glass

globe glare

glee gloomy

glider glasses

Cherry Carl, 2012

Crossword Puzzle: gl
1 2

Across Down
1. a covering for warming your hands 1. a quick look
4. sad; dark and dreary 2. the world
7. a list of words and meanings 3. sparkle, twinkle
5. what we drink out of
6. to paste or stick together

Word Bank
glove gloomy glance glass
globe glitter glossary glue

Cherry Carl, 2012

Score With Scrabble!

Cherry Carl, 2012
Order in the
Place the words below in alphabetical order.

1. 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12.

globe glad glue glare gloss glider

glass gloomy glance glory glove glow
Cherry Carl, 2012
Word Search: gl
k c g l o a t j z x
z g l i s t e n c g
g l o b e c z x k l
l o v c g k j g b a
a s e z l x g l a d
n s e k u b l o c i
c a c x e k o w z a
e r z k g l o r y t
b y j m x k m c z o
z c k g l i t t e r
gloat globe glitter glad glossary
glove glisten gladiator glow gloom
glory glance glue
Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Shape Book
Directions: Duplicate one globe shape book for each child in the group. Staple
several sheets of white bond behind the globe shape, staple at the top in the
allotted spot. Allow children time to draw pictures of things that begin like
globe. Children may dictate picture labels to the teacher/aide or make
attempts to write their own. The teacher can write the correctly spelled
under the child’s invented spelling. Add the completed book to each child’s
collection of familiar reading.

Cherry Carl, 2012

gl Blends Word Slide


gl Blends Word Slide

(Sound Blending)
Print on vellum, cut, and laminate for durability. Cut the top and bottom slits to the
right of the blend for the slide. Model proper use for students: blending to form and
say new words.
Cherry Carl, 2012
obe ow ee
ue eam oat
ove oom ory
aze are en
ide ad

Cherry Carl, 2012

Cherry Carl, 2012
Cherry Carl, 2012
Cherry Carl, 2012
Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Words and Pictures for Sorts
Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Words and Pictures for Sorts
Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Words and Pictures for Sorts
Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Words and Pictures for Sorts
Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff Gl Pictures for Sorts and Stuff

Cherry Carl, 2012
gl Blends
glad, glance, glare, glass, glide, glisten, glitter, gloat,
glob, globe, gloomy, glossary, glove, glow, glue

Write sentences or a story with gl words of your choice.

Cherry Carl, 2012

My gl Book My gl Book

Cherry Carl, 2012

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