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15EC409 – Tutorial Sheet

Unit -II
1. Find the radius of curvature R at which the number of modes decreases by 40% in a graded
index fiber. For this fiber let α=2, n2=1.5, ∆=0.01, a=30µm and let the wavelength of the
guided light be 1.5µm.

2. Find the intermodal dispersions for a 500m long fiber with NA = 0.22 and n1=1.4.

3. How much will a light pulse spread after travelling along 3km of a step index fiber whose
NA=0.3 and n1=1.48.

4. A graded index fiber has n1=1.47 and ∆=1% for a link length of 3km. Compute pulse spreading
due to modal dispersion and determine maximum bit rate.

5. A Graded index fiber’s NA=0.28 and n1=1.48. What is the bit rate restricted by modal
dispersion for 2km link.

6. Caluculate the pulsewidth of the received signal and approximate maximum bitrate for a single
mode fiber operating at 1.3 µm from the given data ∆tmat = 2.8ns, ∆twg = 0.50ns, pulse width

7. Compute the material dispersion of a 25Km single mode fibre which is connected with a 1.3
µm light source of spectral width 6nm. D(λ) = 6.5ps/nm/Km

8. Consider a 30 km long optical fiber that has an attenuation of 0.8dB/km at 1300nm.Find the
optical output power Pout if 200µW of optical power is launched in to the fiber.

9. Calculate the maximum transmission distance for the fiber link with an attenuation of 0.9db/km
if the power launched is 1mw and the receiver sensitivity is 30µw.

10. An optical fiber has losses of 0.6dB/Km at 1300nm. If 100 µW of power is injected into the
fiber at the transmitter, how much will the power be at a distance of 22Km down the fiber.
11. A continuous 10Km long fiber link has a loss of 1.2dB/Km (i) Calculate the minimum optical
power level that must be launched into the fiber to maintain an optical power level of 0.25 µW
at the receiving end. (ii) What is the required input power if the fibre has a loss of 2.0dB/Km.

12. Calculate the maximum transmission distance for the fiber link with an attenuation of
0.9dB/km if the power launched is 1mw and the receiver sensitivity is 30µw.

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