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Name: ______________ Divided Human: Native Texans Cultural Regions Per: ___

To receive full points students work must be high quality and include the required listed information.
 Breakdown of point system
o To earn 20 points in a category, the student must have fully met the requirements
o To earn 10 points in a category the student met part, but not all, of the requirements
o Zero points are earned when a student fails to meet most or all of the requirements

Full Credit Half Credit No Credit

20 points each 10 points each 0 points each

Included accurate
location of each tribe
with a clear
understanding of Native
American cultural

Showed what the tribes

ate and how they
acquired their food.

Included a cultural fact –

such as religious,
clothing, family, etc.

Included an accurate
representation of the
type of shelter used.

Showed whether the

tribe was nomadic or

Paragraph is well written

with a clear controlling
idea. Paragraph was six
to eight sentences with
three points that
support the main idea.

Overall quality of work –

Are items labeled with
complete sentences?
Is it neatly colored?
Did student show care
for the assignment?

____ ____ Total:_________

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