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1.Adult Only Guild -- Must be 18 years old, or older, to join this guild.

2. You must speak English, have a microphone and be actively involved in voice communcation
3. Members are expected, and required, to participate in mandatory content
a. members are required to meet at the guild island once a day (if online) in approved 6.1, or higher, ZvZ gear ready to fight wit
b. 1150 IP is the standard and 1200 IP is the goal
c. ZvZs are usually around 02:00 UTC (in game time) and/or 17:00 UTC.
4. Gatherers are expected to donate 25% of their resources to the guild. This includes enchanted resources.
5. There is a zero tolerance policy for combat looting.
a. looting as little as one potion while your guild mates fight is a kickable offense
b. looting is forbidden even after the fight ends unless you are specifically told otherwise by the shotcaller
6. Using emotes, skills and local chats in alliance massing in strictly forbidden. You can use guild chat for everything not related
1. Respect others. Treat all other players with dignity and respect. Be respectful of other members of the guild, their abilities, t
2. Be mature. Immature and infantile behaviour is not tolerated. This is a guild of adults, so make sure you act like it.
3. You are part of a guild. We succeed as a group, not as individuals. Self-centred and self-absorbed attitudes are not helpful. B
4. Not everyone will agree with everyone else. Its a large guild and conflict will inevitably arise. As adults, members are expecte
5. Constructive feedback and discussion on all aspects of the guild is always welcome. Complaints should not be made unless a
6. Do not engage in any activity that will bring the guild's name into disrepute. Behaviours such as spamming, trolling, ninjaing
7. Abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or prejudicial behaviour of any form is expressly forbidden and will be met with immed
igher, ZvZ gear ready to fight with a minimum Item Power (IP) of 1100

ed resources.

e shotcaller
d chat for everything not related to the specific event.
bers of the guild, their abilities, their contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the guild running.
ke sure you act like it.
rbed attitudes are not helpful. Being a team player is required.
As adults, members are expected to either try to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately and independently. Failing that
nts should not be made unless accompanied by alternative proposals.
h as spamming, trolling, ninjaing, begging, flaming, or other anti-social actions are not acceptable.
den and will be met with immediate expulsion from the guild.
y and independently. Failing that, try to work around it. Approach an Officer for assistance if you have exhausted all other options.
usted all other options.
The Council 1. Guild Leader tasks:
1. Guild Leader -Recruiting Leader (coordinates recruiting officers, generates recruiti
2. Right Hand -Provides information and full support to the other members of the
3. Master of Coin 2. Right Hand tasks:
4. Lead Crafting Officer -Same perms as the Guild Leader (e.g Recruiting Leader)
5. Lead Gathering Officer -Acts as a Guild Leader when Guild Leader is not available
3. Master of Coin tasks:
-Handles everything involving currency (incoming donations, ZVZ/G
4. Lead Crafting Officer tasks:
-Provides information and full support to crafting officers and craftin
-Cooperates with Lead Gathering Officer for support regarding gath
-Cooperates with Master of Coin to support regearing
5. Lead Gathering Officer tasks:
-Provides information and full support to gathering officers and gath
-Cooperates with Lead Crafting Officer to support the crafting busin


1. The Council has a minimum of one mandatory meeting per week and a minimum of five mandatory meetings per month.
a. It is recommended that the fifth meeting take place at the end of the month where discussions of what went good/wrong an
2. A council meeting can not be validated if the quorum is not met.
a. *quorum is 50%+1 of the council pool
3. Every special guild related situation is discussed in the council
a. the council is obliged to form an extraordinary meeting for every special situation that requires consultation
b. every decision is to be made by unanimous vote
c. obvious offenses against the guild's/alliance's conduct and set of rules that involve specific proof do not require council cons
4. Every task performed by a member of the council must be able to be verified if it is required by the council
5. Every council member must announce his/her absence from a mandatory meeting at least 24 hours prior to the meeting
g officers, generates recruiting requirements for new members and formulates the recruiting announcement + posts it in the discord chann
the other members of the council, thus enabling them to split and take over the major duties of the guild

cruiting Leader)
r is not available

ncoming donations, ZVZ/GVG regearing)

crafting officers and crafting members

for support regarding gathering materials needed in crafting
ort regearing

gathering officers and gathering members

support the crafting business with gathered materials

ry meetings per month.

what went good/wrong and what should be (not) done take place

do not require council consultation

rs prior to the meeting

nt + posts it in the discord channel; recruits recruiting officers)
All members (except gatherers) are required to donate 250k silver per week
Every extra amount above the mandatory 250k is greatly appreciated
The system guarantees ZVZ (re)gearing for every elite/core ZVZ member
The system guarantees premium membership for the most loyal members in need
In order to qualify for regearing you need to send the killboard link in a discord private message to the Master of Coin. The link
In order to qualify for premium membership you need to send a login screen screenshot of your account. The screenshot stand
In order to be considered a loyal member, after sending the proof needed to evaluate your need for premium membership, the
The system guarantees Elite corps regearing

All gatherers are required to donate 25% of their resources

Every extra amount above the mandatory 25% is greatly appreciated
Any gatherer that donates at least 50% on a daily basis is qualified for gathering regear
e to the Master of Coin. The link stands as proof for your ZVZ death, while wearing approved ZVZ gear
ur account. The screenshot stands as proof for your inability to purchase the membership for yourself, thus being regarded as "in need" (ON
ed for premium membership, the Master of Coin will convene a council meeting where your status within the guild will be evaluated, decid
being regarded as "in need" (ONLY APPLIES TO LOYAL MEMBERS)
he guild will be evaluated, deciding whether you qualify as a loyal member or not
Elite corps:
- Members are chosen by the council
- You can submit an application in the discord channel for becoming a member of the elite corps
- Members are guaranteed with regearing ONLY for elite corps tasks
- Members are considered loyal and are guaranteed with premium membership if they are in need

*trustworthy core players: 80% presence in EU/NA WC (depending on their timezones) with approved ZVZ gear and a minimum
**approved ZVZ gear refers not only to the build, but also to the gear level (approved gear level is 6.1)
***wearing 6.1 gear with at least 1150 IP is mandatory and proves that your mastery/spec levels are high enough for you to pa
****having 1150 IP with any gear level higher than 1150 IP is not considered approved
*****if you have 1150 IP in 6.1 gear and choose to wear higher level gear, it's only up to you (not mandatory); however, the gu

Elite corps tasks:

- participate in guild/alliance mandatory ZVZ massing (if online)
- participate in defending territories (if available)
- perform escorting activities for gatherers and members in need (mandatory)
pproved ZVZ gear and a minimum of 1150 IP

els are high enough for you to participate in ZVZs

not mandatory); however, the guild only guarantees regearing for 6.1 sets
Option A:
Regearing done through personal chests on the island

Option B:
Regearing done through Auction House (Marketplace) in a new guild island where only regearing-qualified members have acce

In order to qualify for regearing you need to send the killboard link in a discord private message to the Master of Coin. The link
Any gatherer that donates at least 50% on a daily basis is qualified for gathering regear: in order to qualify for regearing you ne
Elite corps performing elite corps tasks are qualified for regearing: in order to prove your death, you need to send the killboard
ng-qualified members have access

e to the Master of Coin. The link stands as proof for your ZVZ death, while wearing approved ZVZ gear
er to qualify for regearing you need to send the killboard link in a discord private message to the Master of Coin. The link stands as proof fo
h, you need to send the killboard link in a discord private message to the Master of Coin. You also need the gatherer to testify that you were
Coin. The link stands as proof for you gathering death, while wearing gathering gear
gatherer to testify that you were escorting him at the time of your death

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