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“Work and Energy”






4. Work and Energy

4.1 Definiton of Work

In physics, work is a process of energy change and this effort is

always connected to the style (f) causing the displacement of an object. In other
words, if there is a force that causes a transference of an object, it is said that the
style does the work of the object.

“The great work of a constant style has been defined as the great result of the
force component in the direction of the move with the amount of displacement
W = F. s

W : great work (kg . m2/s2)

Fs : Huge components of the style on the move (newton)
s : Big move (m)

If a force that creates a corner into a moving Angle, then the style can be
described in two components, that is :

1. The vertical components of the movement are vertical (Fy= F sin a)

2. It's a direct component of movement (Fx = F cos a)

4.2 Definition of Energy

According to physics, energy is defined as the ability to do business.

The energy that belongs to the object's position to its acuity. But the
reference area is a field that is taken as a reference to a place where
objects have potential energy equals zero. As a sampling of potential
energy, it's a compressed energy energy, it's a slingshot of the slingshot,
energy surpasses.
Type Of Energy :

1. Potensial of Energy

If the surface of the earth as a potential level of zero and altitude no

more than 1000 km (the acceleration of gravity is not too different,
is considered constant), the formulation of potential energy, can be
mathematically written.

Ep = m g h

Ep = energi potensial (joule)

m = mass of noun (kg)

g = acceleration of gravity (m/s2)

h = ketinggian dari muka bumi (m)

2. Kinetic Energy

A force does work on the block. The kinetic energy of the block increase
as a result by the amount of work. This relationship is generalized in the
work-energy theorem. in a mathematical way, a kinetic energy can be
written as:

m = mass (kg)

v = velocity (m/s)

Ek = kinetics energy (joule)

3. Mechanical energy

It's a form of energy related to motion. Well, both types of energy above
the kinetic energy and potential energy are part of the mechanical energy.
Mechanical energy equations are dined by:
4.3 Conservation law of Mechanics Energy

The mechanical energy that belongs to an object of its value is always

constant in every single trajectory. Then an eternal law equation is
dinotated by:

= mechanical energy (Joule)

= energi mekanik di posisi 1

= energi mekanik di posisi 2

4.4 Work-Energy relationship

1. Relationship works and potential energy

When in the system only applies only to gravity potential energy, then
the usaha-energy theory can be determined with the equation:
W = △ Ep

W = m . g . h2 – m . g . h1 …………………………………………(3-

2. Relationship energy with Kinetic energy

When the system only applies to kinetic energy, then the usaha-
energy theory can be determined as follows:

To see the connection between efforts by the force of the gay-force

system with kinetic energy, consider the example below.

An object berm mass is above a flat area without friction. To work at

the same task force, the parallel line and the thing can move straight
through the line

At one point, the speed of a v1 thing and after the pace of the pace has
become the v2, the result-based relationship between the result-
generated efforts of the result-driven force is the following: the result-
force field that works on the object (object does not experience friksi)

total F= F

Usaha W

W = F s cos a

W = F s cos a = m a s (1) = m (a s)

Ingat hubungan v2 2 – v2 2= 2 a s

In other words, an effort made by the force of the force working on

objects is the same as kinetic energy change

W by resulton style = 0 no change in kinetic energy

(speed speed)

W by the balance of the force... > 0 effort made results of kinetic


W by the resulta force < 0 effort results in a kinetic energy reduction


Power is the rate of energy that is transported during an effort in a

particular time period. The unit of si (international unit) to power is a
joule/sekon (j /s) = watt (w). A force of watt is used to be a tribute to a
scientist who invented a steam engine called James watt. Other forces that
are often used are horse power or horse power (cell phone), 1 HP = 746
watts. Power is an enlargemenet, since the power only has value, has no

Formula and power unit

In physics, power is symbolized by the following equation:


From the equation above, we can also turn the power formula into:

P = (F.s) / t


The results were obtained because of the work formula (w) = the (f) time gap
divided the time (t)

And the speed formula (v), the distance is divided in time (t).

Note :

P = power( satuannya J/s atau Watt )

W = work ( Satuannya Joule [ J ] )

t = time( satuannya sekon [ s ] )

F = force (Satuannya Newton [ N ]

s = distance (satuannya Meter [ m ] )

v = velocity (satuannya Meter / Sekon [ m/s ] )

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