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IN SESAME (Sesamum indicum L.) AND ITS

CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.)

Thesis submitted to the

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of




DHARWAD-580 005




Approved by :
Chairman : ____________________________

Members : ____________________________


3. (P.L. PATIL)








VI. SUMMARY 97-100




1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil of 26
experimental area
2. Monthly meteorological data for the experimental year 28
(kharif, 2004) and the mean of past 54 years (1950-
2003) as recorded at the Meteorological Observatory,
Main Agricultural Research Station, University of
Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka)
3. Plant height and number of branches of sesame at 42
different growth stages as influenced by integrated
nutrient management
4. Leaf area and leaf area index of sesame at different 45
growth stages as influenced by integrated nutrient
5. Dry matter production and its accumulation in various 48
parts of sesame at different growth stages as
influenced by integrated nutrient management
6. Yield, yield components and harvest index of sesame 51
as influenced by integrated nutrient management

7. Nutrient contents in different plant parts of sesame at 55

harvest as influenced by integrated nutrient

8. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake 58

by sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient

9. Available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur 61

in soil at harvest of sesame as influenced by integrated
Contd… nutrient management

10. Plant height and number of branches of chickpea at 63

different growth stages as influenced by residual effect
of integrated nutrient management in sesame

11. Leaf area and leaf area index of chickpea at different 65

growth stages as influenced by residual effect of
integrated nutrient management in sesame

12. Dry matter production and its accumulation in various 67

parts of chickpea at different growth stages as
influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient
management in sesame
13. Yield, yield components of chickpea as influenced by 70
residual effect of integrated nutrient management in
14. Nutrient contents in chickpea at harvest as influenced 72
by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in
15. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake 75
by chickpea as influenced by residual effect of
integrated nutrient management in sesame
16. Available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur 77
in soil at the harvest of chickpea as influenced by
residual effect of integrated nutrient management in

17. Economics of sesame-chickpea sequence cropping as 80

influenced by integrated nutrient management in

18. Correlation coefficient (r) between seed yield (kg ha-1) 85

and some important parameters of sesame as
influenced by integrated nutrient management

19. Correlation coefficient(r) between green matter yield (q 93

ha-1) and important parameters of chickpea as
influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient



1. Monthly meteorological data 2004-05 as recorded at 28-29

the meteorological observatory, Main Agricultural
Research Station, University of Agricultural
Sciences, Dharwad

1a. Monthly meteorological data for the mean of past 54 28-29

years (1950-2003) as recorded at the meteorological
observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station,
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

2. Plan of layout 29-30

3. Total dry matter production at harvest of sesame as 48-49

influenced by integrated nutrient management

4. Number of capsules per plant and number of seeds 51-52

per capsule of sesame as influenced by integrated
nutrient management

5. Seed yield (kg ha-1) of sesame as influenced by 52-53

integrated nutrient management

6. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur 58-59

uptake (kg ha-1) by sesame as influenced by
integrated nutrient management

7. Number of pods per plant and total green matter 70-71

yield (q ha-1) of chickpea as influenced by residual
effect of integrated nutrient management in sesame

8. Total green matter yield of chickpea as influenced by 70-71

residual effect of integrated nutrient management in

9. Economics of sesame-chickpea sequence cropping 80-81

as influenced by integrated nutrient management in



1. General view of sesame crop in the experimental site 29-30

2. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through urea 82-83

(100% RDN)

3. Absolute control (No FYM and fertilizer) 82-83

4. Sesame fertilized with 10 kg N per ha through FYM (25% 82-83

RDN)+30 kg N per ha through urea (75% RDN)

5. Sesame fertilized with 20 kg N per ha through FYM (50% 83-84

RDN)+20 kg N per ha through urea (50% RDN)

6. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through FYM 83-84

(100% RDN)+COT @ 0.5 t per ha

7. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through FYM 83-84

(100% RDN)+25 kg S per ha

8. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% 90-91

RDN)+COT @ 0.5 t per ha on chickpea

9. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through urea (100% 90-91

RDN) on chickpea

10. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% 90-91

RDN) on chickpea

11. Residual effect of 50 kg N per ha through FYM (125% 91-92

RDN) on chickpea

12. Residual effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (150% 91-92

RDN) on chickpea

13. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% 91-92

RDN)+25 kg S per ha on chickpea



1. Price of inputs and outputs used in calculating cost 120

of cultivation
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the important oilseed crops in Indian
agriculture. Sesame seeds are rich source of food, nutrition, edible oil and bio-medicine.
Sesame oil has excellent nutritional, medicinal, cosmetic and cooking qualities for which it is
known as ‘the queen of oils’. Due to the presence of potent antioxidants, sesame seeds are
called as ‘the seeds of immortality’. Sesame cake or meal obtained as a by-product of the oil-
milling industry is rich in protein, vitamin (Niacine) and minerals (Ca and P).
India ranks first in area (29%), production (26%) and export (40%) of sesame in the
world. In India, sesame is grown on an area of 13.85 lakh hectares with an annual production
of 4.34 lakh tonnes. The average yield of sesame in India is very low that is 311 kg per ha
(Anon., 2004). It is cultivated on a large area in the states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Gujarath
and Karnataka. In Karnataka, it is grown on an area of 0.73 lakh hectares with an annual
production of 0.29 lakh tonnes with a productivity of 397 kg per ha (Anon., 2004).
The production of oilseed crops in our country including sesame is not enough to
meet the domestic demand of the large population. Low production of sesame is attributed to
the fact that the crop is usually grown during rainy season on marginal and less fertile soils.
Further, lack of proper nutrient management is one of the major causes for low yields.
Balanced fertilization with NPK was proved beneficial in all the oilseed crops both
under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Further, nutrients like S, Ca, Cu and B are also needed
for higher yields (Ghosh et al., 2002). Excessive use of agrochemicals have raised concern
regarding depleting soil productivity and overall nutrient imbalance. Integrated use of organic
and inorganic fertilizers in a balanced proportion for sustainable production of sesame was
therefore emphasized by USDA (1980), Pannase et al. (1995), Tiwari et al. (1995), Hegde
(1998) and Deshmukh et al. (2002). Integrated use of organic manures and mineral fertilizers
helps in maintaining stability in crop production, besides improving soil physical conditions
(Muthuswamy et al., 1990 and Subba Rao, 1994).
Sulphur has long been recognized as one of the essential elements for plant growth
particularly for oilseed crops. Sulphur is a constituent of three amino acids commonly found in
plants viz., cystine, cystenine and methionine, which are essential components of proteins.
Sulphur increases the oil content and gives pungency to oil as it forms certain disulphide
linkages. Oilseed crops require more sulphur than cereals as their oil storage organs are
mostly proteins, rich in S. Deficiency of sulphur is known to hamper N metabolism in plants as
well as synthesis of S-containing aminoacids and thus exerts adverse effects on both seed
and oil yield.
Integrated nutrient management including non-conventional but local resources would
be cheap and ecologically sustainable also, for instance, application of copper ore tailings
(COT), a byproduct of Cu industry found to improve the yields of groundnut (Gundlur and
Manjunathaiah, 2002 and Rajasekhar, 1995) and chickpea (Jadi, 1997), since it supplies
micronutrients such as Zn, Fe, Mn and S besides Cu. Large quantities of COT are dumped in
the vicinity of mining industries without any proper utilization.
Keeping these points in view an experiment was conducted at the Main Agricultural
Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during growing seasons of
2004-05 under rainfed condition to study the “Integrated nutrient management in sesame and
its residual effect on succeeding chickpea” with the following objectives :
a. To study the response of sesame to integrated nutrient management,
b. To know the effect of COT and sulphur on sesame, and
c. To study the residual effect of integrated nutrient management in sesame on
succeeding chickpea.
d. To study the overall effect of integrated nutrient management on sesame-chickpea
cropping system with respect to soil health and crop production.
Review of literature pertaining to effect of “integrated nutrient management in sesame
and its residual effect on succeeding chickpea” are presented in this chapter.
Nitrogen is a component of protoplasm, proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophyll and plays
a vital role both in vegetative and reproductive phase of crop growth.
Sesame has been recognized as a heavy feeder and uses more nitrogen than any
other nutrient element. Higher nitrogen levels are reported to increase plant height, leaf area,
dry matter and seed yield.
2.1.1 effect of nitrogen on growth, yield and yield attributes of sesame
Bhan and Singh (1973) reported the beneficial effect of nitrogen on number of
capsules per plant, test weight and oil content. An application of 40 kg N per ha increased oil
content by 3.83 per cent over control.
On black clay loam soils of Dharwad, Krishne Gowda and Krishnamurthy (1977)
reported higher seed weight per plant, number of capsules per plant and seed yield of
sesame with 60 kg N per ha.
In a study on response to N application at Coimbatore during monsoon and summer
seasons (Subramanian et al., 1979) reported that the response to N was quadratic in summer
and linear in monsoon. The yield and yield components viz., number of capsules per plant,
seeds per capsule, 1000-seed weight and number of branches showed superiority at 30 kg N
per ha during summer, while 45 kg N per ha during monsoon.
Nitrogen application to the tune of 90 kg N per ha was found beneficial in increasing
the number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, 1000-seed weight, plant
height and finally the seed yield of sesame (Ghosh and Sen, 1980). Similar results were
obtained by Ghosh and Maji (1985).
Under irrigated conditions, Maiti et al. (1981) and Majumdar and Pal (1988) reported
that, varying levels of N from 0 to 120 kg per ha significantly increased the seed yield, growth
and yield attributes viz., plant height, branches per plant, seeds per capsule and 1000-seed
weight. The oil content of sesame seed declined with increase in nitrogen level. Similarly,
Kadam et al. (1989) obtained significantly higher seed yield and yield attributes (number of
capsules per plant, seed weight per plant and test weight) with application of 50 kg N per ha
compared to application of 25 kg N per ha and control. Further, they observed that application
of 50 kg N per ha significantly reduced the oil content compared to control. The reduction in
the oil content with increase in N levels was attributed to greater accumulation of protein in
plants and ultimately in seeds thereby, hindering a satisfactory availability of carbohydrates
for polymerization of fatty acids and thus leading to a lower oil content.
Daulay and Singh (1982) reported that the response to N per kg applied was 9.3 kg
seed at 30 kg N per ha and 8.0 kg seed at 60 kg N per ha level. The plant height, number of
branches per plant and other yield components and seed yield increased with increase in
levels of nitrogen upto 40 kg N per ha (Ananda Rao et al., 1984).
Gopala Rao et al. (1985) observed significant increase in yield and its components
viz., number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and 1000-seed weight at
every additional nitrogen level and maximum yield was recorded with highest level of nitrogen
(60 kg N ha ).
Studies conducted during summer under irrigation at Sriniketan (W.B.) on soils with
low N content revealed that, application of 60 kg N per ha significantly increased the seed
yield and other yield components viz., more number of capsules per plant and 1000-seed
weight (Maiti and Jana, 1985). In another study at the same place, Majumdar et al. (1987)
also obtained significantly increased seed yield and other yield attributes at 60 kg N per ha
over control. Increase in N beyond 60 kg has not resulted in higher seed yield.
Studies conducted at Parbhani during kharif under rainfed condition indicated that
sesame responded to nitrogen upto 120 kg per ha, in terms of seed yield and test weight,
whereas, number of capsules per plant and seed weight per plant responded upto 80 kg N
per ha (Deshmukh et al., 1990 and Puste and Maiti, 1990).
The studies conducted at Bangalore, Prakasha and Thimmegouda, (1989 and 1992)
revealed that application of 60 kg N per ha produced significantly higher seed yield due to
enhanced value of yield attributes viz., capsules per plant, seeds per capsule and seed yield
per plant.
Tomar (1990) at Tikamgarah (M.P.) reported that application of nitrogen during kharif
season enhanced the seed yield significantly. An increase of 53.4, 132.6 and 167.3 per cent
in seed yield was recorded with the use of 20, 40 and 60 kg N per ha, respectively over
control. Application of 60 kg N per ha produced significantly higher yield, taller plants, more
number of capsules per plant, grain yield per plant and superior test weight over other doses
of nitrogen.
The trials conducted at Bhubaneswar during 1990 and 1991 indicated that the variety
OMT-11-6-5 recoded maximum yield at 45 kg N per ha (Anon., 1991).
At Parbhani, Jadhav et al. (1991) obtained increased seed yield significantly upto 120
kg N per ha during summer under irrigation. The increase was due to increase in yield
attributes viz., 1000-seed weight, seed weight per plant, number of seeds per plant and
number of capsules per plant.
During summer, Jadhav et al. (1992), reported that with increase in N level from 0 to
120 kg per ha, seed yield increased significantly. Similar results were also reported by Mandal
et al. (1992), Shrivastava and Tripathi (1992) and Praveen Rao and Raikhelkar (1993).
In sandy clay loam soil of Bilaspur, Singh et al. (1997) reported increased seed yield
with increase in N level from 0 to 120 kg per ha.
Sarala and Jagannatham (2002) in red sandy loam soils of Tirupati opined that
application of 60 kg N per ha to sesame produced seed yield which was comparable to that of
45 kg N per ha + Azospirillum.
The response by crops to copper fertilizer application have been reported in all
agricultural environments. The effect of deficiency on crops may range from complete failure
to a significant reduction in yield. Copper application resulted in yield increase both under low
and high yielding situations.
2.2.1 Effect of copper on growth and yield of oilseeds
Chew et al. (1979) reported that total dry matter and seed yields were greatly
improved by fertilizing with 20 kg copper sulphate in groundnut. Application of Cu also
enhanced the absorption of Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn.
Lixandrug et al. (1979) noticed increase in the soybean seed yield from 218 kg per ha
to 588 kg per ha with the application of Cu. They also reported increased seed copper content
with Cu application.
Application of Cu increased pod number by 18 per cent and seed yield by 44 per cent
but had no effect on total dry matter production of groundnut (Beech, 1987).
Karlen and Hunt (1985) reported that the application of Cu significantly increased the
number of pods per plant and also increased the nitrogen fixation capacity of soybean crop.
Further they indicated that low Cu content in plants was responsible for pod abortion in
determinate soybean.
In sunflower, Mishra et al. (1985) observed that addition of Cu along with
recommended doses of NPK showed significant increase in the seed yield, oil content,
thousand seed weight and oil yield over control. In addition, they also noticed reduction in per
cent sterility with Cu application.
Johannes and Gunarto (1987) reported that application of Cu, increased the nodule
number per plant, plant height, root and shoot dry weight in soybean.
At Hissar, Antil et al. (1988) conducted a greenhouse experiment to study the
nitrogen-copper relationship in Raya. Nitrogen was applied @ 0, 40, 80 and 120 ppm as urea.
Cu at 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm levels in the form of CuCl2.2H2O. The crop responded to Cu
only in the presence of N and significant responses to N and Cu were observed upto 80 ppm
N and 5 ppm Cu.
In sandy loam soils of Tami Nadu, Devarajan et al. (1988) reported that, 10 kg CuSO4
per ha along with recommended dose of N, P, K fertilizer gave seed yield of 2.8 t per ha as
against 1.96 t per ha with N, P and K alone.
Katawatin et al. (1989) observed that application of 4 kg CuSO4 per ha increased Cu
uptake by groundnut and there was no interaction between P and Cu on Ca uptake.
Sarkar and Sasmal (1989) reported that application of Cu @ 1 kg per ha increased
the head diameter, thousand seed weight, seed yield, dry stalk yield and decreased the
number of unfilled seeds per head in winter sunflower.
In soybean, Gairo (1992) reported increased seed yield with the application of copper
over no application. Nodule number and weight were also increased with application of
Vishwanath Bhat (1993) reported that application of 40 kg CuSO4 per ha recorded
significant increase in seed yield of sunflower (11.51 q ha ) and oil content (49%) over
In groundnut, Desai (1994) reported increased pod yield (27.88 q ha ), haulm
yield (38.08 q ha-1) and oil yield (10.32 q ha-1) with application of 40 kg CuSO4 over control,
but there was no significant increase in shelling percentage.
2.2.2 Effect of Copper Ore Tailings (COT) on growth and yield of oilseeds
In black clay soils of Dharwad, Desai (1994) reported the application of COT @ 320
kg per ha increased the pod, haulm and oil yields. Also the concentration and uptake of all
nutrients increased over control.
Rajasekhar (1995) on vertisols of Dharwad reported that application of 320 kg COT
per ha along with RDF significantly increased pod, haulm and oil yield in groundnut.
In black clay soils of Dharwad, application of COT @ 600 kg per ha along with
recommended dose of fertilizer to soybean increased the seed and oil yield and uptake of all
the nutrients (Virupaksh, 1995).
Application of 1000 kg COT per ha along with RDF recorded significant increase in
per cent filling (68.30), diameter of head (15.90 cm ) and seed test weight (34.90 g) of
sunflower during rabi season in vertisols of Dharwad. Total dry matter production at button
-1 -1 -
formation (38.10 q ha ), at peak flowering (51.20 q ha ) and at harvest (76.90 q ha
) were found higher at 1000 kg COT + RDF per ha. Major, secondary and micronutrients
concentration in crop were found higher at 1000 kg COT + RDF (Srinivasa, 1996).
Jadi (1997) reported that in black soils of Dharwad, the residual effect of COT @ 600
kg per ha which was applied to kharif soybean gave higher chickpea grain yield (16.27 q ha-1)
and haulm yield (25.72 q ha ). COT also increased the content and uptake of other nutrients.
In alluvial soils of Kanpur, Pathak and Pathak (1972) reported that, sulphur affects
favourably upon the oil content of groundnut. The number of root nodules showed an
increasing trend due to S application.
Satyanarayana et al. (1977) observed significant increase in yield of sunflower with
increasing levels of sulphrur upto 37.5 kg per ha in the lateritic soils of Bangalore.
Dillon and Dev (1980) observed increase in protein and sulphur content of soybean
with sulphur fertilizers.
In vertisols of Dharwad, Channal and Balakrishna Rao (1981) obtained highest yield
of sunflower with 20 kg S per ha followed by 10 kg S per ha. Differences in yield between
control and S application was because of significant variations in head diameter, thousand
seed weight and filling percentage.
Sulphur application to soil increased the number and size of root nodules in soybean,
which were thus able to provide increased nitrogen to plant and there by increased yields
(Ismunadji, 1986).
Fazal and Sissodia (1989) found that the dry matter production and oil content in
soybean increased with the increased level of S application. The maximum oil content
(23.33%) was recorded at 75 kg S + 50 kg P per ha. Further plant height, number of branches
and leaves per plant increased with increased S levels.
Aulak et al. (1990) observed that the combined application of P and S showed a
synergistic effect upto 35 kg P per ha and 40 kg S per ha. The balanced P-S fertilization
resulted in maximum seed yield and enhanced the process of protein and oil synthesis.
Sulphur application @ 5 and 10 kg per ha increased significantly the yield and oil
content of sunflower as well as concentration of SO4, B, Fe, Mn and Cu in the plant parts
(Gangadhar et al., 1990).
Kumar and Shivashankar (1990) on sandy loam soils observed that sulphur
application did not affect pod yield, but oil content increased from 47.3 to 49.3 per cent with 0
– 45 kg S per ha and was higher with sulphur application at pod initiation stage of groundnut.
Application of 45 kg S per ha to sunflower gave a seed yield of 777 kg per ha and
335 kg oil yield per ha as against 599 kg seed yield per ha and 247 kg oil yield per ha at
control. Response to sulphur was however not observed with 60 – 80 kg per ha (Sagare et
al., 1990).
Choudhary et al. (1991) reported that increased sulphur application from 0 to 60 kg
per ha to clayey soil increased the oil content of groundnut from 48.3 to 50.5 per cent but had
no effect on pod yield.
Abbes et al. (1992) in greenhouse and field trials found that the highest dry matter
and pod weight were obtained with the combined application of 120 kg S and 90 kg N per
hectare to soybean crop. Whereas, higher level of S and P application reduced P and K
Sharma et al. (1992) observed that the highest average pod yield was obtained with
-1 -1
application of gypsum (2.97 t ha ) followed by FeSO4 (2.81 t ha ) in groundnut.
In soybean, Kandpal and Chandel (1993) reported that oil and protein content in seed
were highest at 30 kg S per ha. Further, they also noticed increased nitrogen fixation from 49
to 170 kg per ha with the application of 40 kg S per ha.
In sunflower, Reddy and Reddy (1993) noticed increased seed yield upto 60 kg S per
Sreemannarayana and Sreenivasa Raju (1993) reported that application of 60 kg S
per ha to sunflower gave highest seed yield (1.48 t ha ) and soil available S increased
with increasing S application and crop age. The S utilization at maturity stage decreased with
increased S fertilization upto 60 kg S per ha. Further, they observed that, on the alfisol, dry
matter yield increased upto 60 kg S per ha, whereas on the vertisol, the increase in yield was
recorded only upto 40 kg S per ha.
Joshi et al. (1998) reported that application of sulphur to soybean was beneficial only
upto 20 kg S per ha and beyond 40 kg S per ha a negative response was recorded. Sulphur
levels did not alter the oil content of soybean, while, a slight increase in protein was observed
upto 60 kg S per ha.
In alluvial soils of Varanasi, Singh et al. (2000) reported that application of sulphur @
40 kg per ha to linseed recoded maximum oil content and proved significantly superior to
control and 20 kg S per ha.
At Rajouri, Bhagat and Soni (2002) reported significant improvement in growth as
well as yield parameters of mustard due to S application over control. The crop responded
upto 50 kg S per ha in terms of seed yield, oil content, length of silique and seeds per siliqua.
Patel et al. (2002) studied the response of rainfed safflower to different levels and
sources of sulphur. Results revealed that application of 45 kg per ha sulphur produced
significantly higher yield than 15 kg per ha. Further they found that applied sulphur brought
significant improvement in the heat soluble sulphur content of the soil.
Sarkar and Banik (2002) reported that application of 50 kg S per ha was more
effective in improving leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation
rate, yield attributes and crop yield of sesame than applying 25 kg S per ha.
In sandy loam soils of Tamil Nadu, Poonkodi and Poomurugesan (2004) reported
increased sunflower seed yield with application of 60 kg S per ha over lower doses. The
increasing levels of sulphur significantly increased the protein content upto 60 kg S per ha.
In clay soils of Rahuri, sulphur addition at 30 kg per ha improved N and S availability
in soil which in turn increased N and S uptake and thereby yield, protein and oil content in
kharif soybean (Sangale and Sonar, 2004).
Singh et al. (2004) on loamy sandy soils of Bikaner observed that sulphur fertilization
@ 20 kg per ha significantly increased oil content in mustard over control, whereas oil yield
and chlorophyll content were enhanced significantly upto 40 kg S per ha. N and S content
both in seed and straw and total uptake of N and S were increased significantly upto 40 kg S
per ha over control and 20 kg S per ha.
Thakur and Patel (2004) on light textured inceptisols of Chattisgarh found that K and
S had a profound influence on yield attributes of sesame. They concluded that optimum
economic seed yield of sesame can be harvested with 24.9 kg K and 20 kg S per ha.
In a field experiment on sandy clay-loam soils of Madhya Pradesh, Singh et al. (1997)
reported that application of 10 t per ha poultry manure alone gave highest sesame seed yield.
On the other hand, Mandel et al. (1992) concluded that application of FYM @ 10 t per ha
produced higher seed yield of sesame.
Singh et al. (1997) reported 61.1 and 60.6 per cent increase in seed yield with poultry
manure and 120 kg N per ha, respectively over control in summer sesame. They also
observed an increased organic carbon with combination of 120 kg N per ha plus poultry
Duhoon et al. (2001) carried out experiment on integrated nutrient management in
sesame, under different soil types (vertisols, alfisols and inceptisols). The results revealed a
significant improvement in sesame yield with the application of fertilizer in combination with
manure at all the locations and soil types. The highest yield of sesame was recorded under
50 per cent N through urea + 50 per cent N through FYM + 50 per cent phosphorus with soil
application of PSB @ 500 g per ha + 100 per cent potash.
Deshmukh et al. (2002) studied the effect of integrated nutrient management in
sesame on clay loam soils of Jabalpur under rainfed conditions. Results indicated that
application of 50 per cent N through urea + 50 per cent N through FYM + 50 per cent P and
100 per cent K through fertilizers + phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) @ 500 g per ha
produced the highest seed yields. The improvement in seed yield was due to superior growth
parameters (plant height and number of branches/plant) and yield attributing characters
(capsules/plant, test weight of seeds and seed yield/plant).
Imayavaramban et al. (2002) carried out field investigations to study the impact of
integrated nutrient management in sesame. They reported that application of FYM @ 12.5 t
per ha + recommended dose of NPK favourably improved the growth, yield attributes and
yield of sesame over recommended dose of NPK alone. Similar results were also obtained by
Thanunathan et al. (2002).
Chittapur (1982) reported that application of FYM increased the pod yield of
groundnut (29.69 t ha-1) by 11 per cent over control and oil content was (42.73%) also
increased over control (40.75%).
Rayar (1986) noticed that FYM application increased the nodulation whereas N and P
application decreased the nodulation. Further FYM, nitrogen, phosphorus application
increased the root dry weight, branches per plant and 100-seed weight. Application of FYM,
nitrogen and phosphorus increased the pod yields by 29 to 42 per cent in groundnut.
Nimje and Seth (1988) at IARI reported that application of FYM @ 15 t per ha
recorded significantly higher dry matter yield at flowering and harvest stage in soybean.
Agasimani and Hosamani (1989) reported that application of 7.5 t FYM per ha
increased the pod yield (2417 kg ha-1) and also yield components compared to no FYM
application in groundnut.
At Pantnagar, FYM (10 t ha ) in combination with 20:80:5 N:P2O5:Zn kg per ha has
increased the LAI, photosynthetic rate and N physiological efficiency as compared to
inorganic fertilizer alone in soybean (Bisht and Chandel, 1991).
Studies conducted by Geethakumari and Shivashankar (1991) Hebbal, Bangalore,
revealed that application of FYM @ 4 t per ha significantly increased the yield and uptake of
N, P and K by soybean. The marked increase in N uptake was due to mineralization and
reduced N losses.
Field experiment conducted by Gopalkrishna and Palaniappan (1992) at Coimbatore,
indicated that application of FYM registered significantly higher grain yield of soybean –
sunflower system than no FYM application. After harvest of soybean, FYM applied plots had
medium available N and high available P as compared to no FYM treatment. Application of
FYM did not show any significant effect on soil available K.
Deshmukh et al. (1995) observed that in groundnut application of 37.5 kg N as urea +
75 kg P2O5 an SSP gave the highest pod yield of 1.53 t per ha which was on par with the
yield obtained with 25 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 + 10 t FYM (1.52 t) or 10 kg ZnSO4 (1.51 t ha ).
Application of FYM @ 5 t per ha has significantly enhanced the plant height, number
of leaves per plant, number of pods per plant, 100-seed weight and finally soybean yield.
This increase in growth contributory characters was ascribed to the increased availability of
major as well as minor nutrients in soil and increase in nodulation bacteria (Jain et al., 1995).
In soybean - potato sequence, under mixed organic farming (FYM + fertilizers), the
yield of soybeans and potatoes were 53 and 58 per cent higher than under conventional
farming respectively (Rajput et al., 1995).
In a field trial conducted by Patel et al. (1996), mustard was grown with 0, 10 or 20 t
FYM and 25, 50 or 75 kg N per ha as urea plus diammonium phosphate plus single super
phosphate. Seed yield increased upto 10 t FYM (2.2 t ha ) and it was higher with fertilizers
containing S.
Application of 10 tonnes of organic matter per hectare recorded maximum oil content
(19.38%), protein content (38.54%), oil yield (522.7 kg ha ) in soybean, which were
significantly higher than those observed at 5 tonnes organic matter application and control
(Ramamurthy and Shivashankar, 1996).
Talashilkar and Chavan (1996) reported that application of N and P in combination
with FYM significantly increased the pod yield by 17 per cent in groundnut. Pod yield further
increased significantly with the addition of calcium, sulphur and boron by 42.7, 37.2 and 44.0
per cent, respectively as compared to control (without fertilizer and FYM).
Sadhu et al. (1997) observed significant increase in seed yield of mustard with
application of 10 t FYM per ha compared to without FYM.
Kathireshan et al. (1999) revealed that among the growth components of soybean
excluding plant height, the data on leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter production (DMP)
shown significant variations due to the application of enriched FYM. The application of
enriched FYM significantly registered the maximum mean LAI (3.90) and DMP (51.39 q
ha-1), which was 11 and 23 per cent higher over control. In yield components also, the
enriched FYM application recorded significantly higher mean number of pods (164/plant),
number of grains (2.3/pod) with test weight of 8.4 g. The maximum mean soybean grain yield
of 2031 kg per ha was obtained under enriched FYM application which was 32 per cent
higher over control.
Babhulkar et al. (2000) studied the residual effect of long-term use of fertilizers alone
and in combination with FYM on properties of vertisols and yield of soybean based cropping
system. Results indicated a significant improvement in soil properties and the highest yield of
soybean with the application of 7.5 Mg FYM per ha with half dose of recommended N and P
which registered 26.81 and 20.10 per cent increase over control and full dose of fertilizer,
respectively. Soybean followed by gram was superior over other cropping sequences with
respect to seed and straw yield and soil fertility.
In sandy loam soils of Bangalore, Nanjundappa et al. (2001) reported that the
application of a recommended dose of fertilizer (62.5:75:62.5 kg NPK ha-1) coupled with
10 t per ha of FYM has recorded highest seed and stalk yields of sunflower. Seed oil content
was not influenced by the application of organic or inorganic sources of nutrients.
Srinivasa Rao et al. (2004) on sandy loam soils of Bapatla observed the highest
number of total and filled pods per plant, shelling per cent, 100-kernel weight, pod, oil and
protein yields of groundnut with the application of 100 per cent RDF + FYM 5 t per ha but
highest haulm yield was recorded in 100 per cent RDF + vermicompost 2.5 t per ha.
On vertisols of Raipur, 50 per cent RDF + 50 per cent N through FYM + PSB has
given significantly higher growth parameters as well as yield of both mustard and chickpea in
intercropping than RDF + PSB and RDF alone (Tigga et al., 2004).
Ranjit Singh and Rai (2004) on sandy loam soils of IARI reported that the application
of NPK fertilizers along with FYM and biofertilizers resulted in highest seed yield of soybean
owing to improved leaf area index, higher dry matter accumulation, increased pods per plant,
seeds per pod and higher 100-seed weight. The residual effect of integrated nutrient
management in soybean significantly increased the grain yield of succeeding wheat. The
combined application of NPK fertilizer at recommended rates, FYM and biofertilizers
registered highest grain yield of wheat which was significantly higher than the treatment
where only NPK fertilizers were applied.
On sandy loam soils of IARI, Subha and Gajendra Giri (2004) reported that,
application of recommended dose of fertilizer accumulated highest dry matter in sunflower
plants. Use of vermicompost alone or in combination with RDF also recorded significantly
higher dry matter over half RDF alone. N, P and K uptake was highest in RDF applied plots.
At Hebbbal, Bangalore application of FYM @ 4 t per ha significantly increased the
uptake of N, P and K in soybean. The marked increase in N uptake was due to slower
mineralization and reduced N losses (Geethakumari and Shivashankar, 1991).
Ramamurthy and Shivashankar (1996) reported that the uptake of major nutrients
increased significantly with the increasing levels of organic matter application to soybean. The
maximum values for uptake of N, P and K (225.1, 23.4 and 86.5 kg ha , respectively) were
recorded with the application of 10 t organic matter per ha and were significantly higher over 5
t per ha and no organic matter application.
Babalad (1999) noticed significantly increased uptake of N, P and K in soybean-
cotton system with application of RDF + FYM @ 5 t per ha or RDF + vermicompost @ 2.5 t
per ha as compared to RDF alone.
In sandy clay loam soils of Northern Karnataka, Manjappa (1999) also noticed that
application of RDF + FYM or RDF + vermicompost to rice significantly increased the uptake of
NPK over RDF alone.
Shanwad (1999) in black clay soils of Dharwad, recorded higher NPK uptake with
combined application of either vermicompost or poultry manure with 100 per cent RDF than
fertilizer application alone in sunflower-pigeonpea intercropping system.
Gorlich (1989) reported that single application of copper at 24 kg per ha rate
persisted for at least ten years. It was noticed that there had been significant migration of
applied copper from 0-10 cm layer to the 10-20 cm layer and the residual fertilizer copper was
bound by organic matter or occluded by free metal oxides.
Sherell (1989) observed that in a field trial with lucerne, application of 0-1 kg copper
per ha as CuSO4 and repeating the crop next year without copper did not affect dry matter
accumulation. Copper content of the plant indicated that the residual effect of copper applied
may last for a considerable time.
When copper was applied at 0 to 4.48 kg per ha to vertisols and inceptisols, 47 to 74
per cent of copper applied could be extracted immediately after application and exponentially
decreased with time. There was significant relationship between residual copper and humic
acid content of the soil. It was concluded that application of 4.4 kg copper per ha would
increases DTPA extractable copper for 9 to 27 years with mean of 16 years (Cox, 1992).
In vertisols of Dharwad Rajasekhar (1995) reported that the residual effect of COT @
320 kg per ha improved the seed yield of chickpea to the tune of 19.12 q per ha from 12.44 q
per ha in RDF. He also reported that residual Cu increased the concentration and uptake of
N, P, K, SO4, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn at all stages of chickpea growth and at harvest in stalk and
In red soils of Northern Karnataka, Gundlur and Manjunathaiah (2002) observed COT
applied to groundnut crop left considerable amount of residual Zn, Cu, Fe and S which was
enhanced soil fertility level and improved the growth and yield of succeeding crop.
Chapman and Cellier (1986) reported that application of 1 - 4 t S per ha in alkaline
soil increased the rice yields and residual effects did not extend beyond 4 crop.
Chaplot et al. (1992) observed that application of 0 and 50 kg S per ha gave the
sesame yield of 0.66 and 0.76 t per ha and grain yield of wheat grown in winter was increased
by the residual effects of applied S and P.
In sunflower based cropping system, the succeeding crops (greengram, safflower,
sorghum) showed higher yields from residual value of S at the level of 40 kg and 60 kg S per
ha (Sreemannarayana and Sreenivasa Raju, 1993).
Residual sulphur increased the chickpea yield from 19.72 (10 kg S ha-1) to 22.06 q
per ha (40 kg S ha ) in vertisols of Dharwad (Rajasekhar, 1995).
Mann et al. (1978) studied the direct effect of FYM on maize and residual effect on
succeeding wheat. FYM @ 10 t per ha significantly increased the grain yield of maize (10 q
ha-1) and wheat (2.9 q ha-1).
Bhati and Mathur (1987) observed that residual effect of 5 t FYM per ha persisted
upto second year. Application of 25 t FYM per ha increased the groundnut pod yield in a
wheat-maize-groundnut/paddy cropping sequence as reported by Patel et al. (1993).
Kademani et al. (2003) in vertisols of Karnataka reported that the available N, P, K
and S in soil at harvest of sunflower was highest with application of vermicompost @ 2 t per
ha followed by FYM @ 5 t per ha.
Das et al. (2004) reported that maximum residual effect was observed with combined
application of 30 kg N per ha + FYM @ 12 t per ha along with Azotobacter in terms of higher
available N, P, K at harvest, that resulted in the marked improvement in N uptake, yield
attributes and yield of succeeding wheat crop.
Kaushik et al. (1984) estimated that application of FYM (15 t ha ) alone and with 60
and 120 kg N per ha in rice crop gave Rs.1270, Rs.2950 and Rs.3729 per ha more income
over control, respectively.
Surendra (1997) obtained higher gross returns (Rs. 46950 ha ) and net returns (Rs.
30285 ha ) with application of FYM along with fertilizers in maize-cowpea cropping system
than fertilizer alone.
Babalad (1999) found that the net returns differed due to cropping systems viz.,
soybean-safflower and soybean + cotton with crop residues (soybean, safflower and cotton)
and organics (FYM, vermicompost and vermiculture). Significantly higher net returns were
recorded in soybean + cotton system with RDF + FYM @ 5 t per ha (Rs. 30950 ha-1) as
compared to soybean – safflower system (Rs. 25502 ha ).
Deshmukh et al. (2002) reported that integrated nutrient management in sesame with
application of 50 per cent N through urea + 50 per cent N through FYM + 50 per cent P and
100 per cent K through fertilizers + PSB @ 500 g per ha fetched the highest net monetary
returns (Rs. 20,400 ha-1).
Duhoon et al. (2004) observed that application of recommended dose of NPK along
with 20 kg S per ha to sesame gave maximum net monetary return of Rs. 12766 per ha and
B:C ratio of 2.66 and closely followed respectively by net monetary return of Rs. 11812 per ha
and B:C ratio of 2.39 recorded with application of 3.75 t FYM per ha along with other
bio/natural inputs.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of “integrated nutrient
management in sesame and its residual effect on succeeding chickpea” under rainfed
condition during kharif and rabi seasons of 2004-05. The details of the materials used and the
experimental techniques adopted during the course of investigation are described below.
The experiment was conducted at the Main Agricultural Research Station, University
of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad in plot number 130 of E-block during 2004-05. Dharwad is
situated at 15°26’ N latitude and 75°07E longitude with an altitude and 678 m above the mean
sea level.

Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil of experimental area

Sl. Value
Particulars Rating Method adopted
No. obtained

I. Physical properties

1. Mechanical analysis

Course sand (%) 5.91

Fine sand (%) 14.30 Clay texture International Pipette Method

(Piper, 1966)
Silt (%) 26.55

Clay (%) 53.24

2. Bulk density (Mg m -3) 1.34 Core Sampler Method

(Dastane, 1961)

II. Chemical properties

1. Soil pH 7.8 Slightly pH meter (Piper, 1966)


2. Electrical conductivity 0.30 Normal Conductivity Bridge (Jackson,

(dSm-1) 1967)

3. Organic carbon (%) 0.52 Medium Wet Oxidation Method

(Jackson, 1967)

4. Available nitrogen (kg 220.7 Low Alkaline Permanganate Method

ha-1) (Subbaiah and Asija, 1956)

5. Available phosphorus 31.6 Medium Olsen’s Method (Jackson,

(P2O5) (kg ha-1) 1967)

6. Available nitrogen (K2O) 324.5 High Flamephotometer (Jackson,

(kg ha-1) 1967)

7. CaCl2 (0.15%) soluble S 11.2 ppm Medium Turbidometric Method

in soil (ppm) (Jackson, 1967)
The soil of the experimental site was black clayey soil. A composite soil sample to a
depth of 30 cm was drawn from the experimental area before sowing. The soil was analysed
for physical and chemical properties. The values obtained along with the method of
determination are given in the Table 1. Experimental soil was clayey, slightly alkaline, medium
in organic carbon status, low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and high
in available potassium.


The Main Research Station, Dharwad is situated in the Northern Transitional Zone
(Zone-8) of Karnataka. This zone receives the rainfall from both south-west and north-east
monsoons which is well distributed from June to November with lower coefficient of variation
with an average rainfall of 753.30 mm. During the experimentation 2004-05 a total rainfall of
606.9 mm was recorded. Of the total rainfall received, a rainfall of 444.5 mm was received (29
rainy days) during the period of sesame crop (19-07-2004 to 04-11-2004). During chickpea
growth period (08-11-2004 to 27-01-2005) 4.8 mm (1 rainy day) was received during its
later growth stages. For the establishment of crop stand an irrigation was given after chickpea
sowing. The maximum and minimum air temperature did not deviate from the normal to
influence the crop performance to a great extent. However, relative humidity showed lower
values than the average values during the crop growth periods (Table 2, Fig. 1 and 1a).
A general crop of sorghum was raised on the experimental site during previous year.
3.5.1 Treatments
The experiment consisted of 10 treatments.
Treatment details
T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)
T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea
T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea
T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea
T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM
T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM
T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM
T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha
T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha
T10 – Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

Note : Recommended dose of P2O5 and K2O (25 kg/ha and 25 kg/ha) were applied from T1 to
RDN – Recommended dose of nitrogen
FYM – Farm yard manure
3.5.2 Design and layout
The experiment was laidout in a Randomised Complete Block Design with three
replications. The plan of layout of the experiment is given in Fig. 2.
Plot size
Gross : 4.8 m x 3.6 m
Net : 3.6 m x 3.2 m
The FYM sample was air dried and sieved through 2 mm sieve. The air dried and
sieved FYM was analysed for N, P and K content.
Similarly, available Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn in COT was determined by shaking 20 g of
sample with 40 m of 0.05M DTPA (Diethylene triamine penta acetic acid) + 0.01M CaCl2 +
0.1M Triethanolamine (TEA), pH adjusted to 7.3, shaken for 2 hours and filtered (Lindsay and
Norvell, 1978). The concentration of the nutrients were analysed using atomic absorption
spectrophotometer with suitable standards and cathode lamp for each element and the
results were expressed in mg per kg. The nutrient composition are as under :
Table 2. Monthly meteorological data for the experimental year (kharif, 2004) and the mean of past 54 years (1950-2003) as recorded at the
Meteorological Observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka)

Temperature (°C)
Rainfall (mm) Relative humidity (%)
Month Mean maximum Mean minimum
2004 Mean* 2004 Mean* 2004 Mean* 2004 Mean*
February - 1.161 32.5 34.52 16.4 16.02 53 51.18
March - 0.147 36.5 35.73 19.6 18.81 49 56.47
April 24.4 48.45 37.4 37.00 19.8 21.32 51 76.98
May 61.1 81.40 33.6 36.52 21.4 21.48 66 66.71
June 43.8 109.14 28.8 29.50 21.5 21.21 80 81.69
July 24.8 15.77 29.2 22.06 21.0 20.95 79 87.46
August 160.7 95.30 27.0 22.01 20.3 20.62 83 86.51
September 222.1 100.54 28.6 28.75 19.9 20.16 77 82.40
October 64.6 130.99 30.1 30.12 18.4 19.30 65 76.44
November 0.6 32.04 30.2 29.46 15.9 15.50 52 68.13
December 0.0 54.50 29.4 29.18 12.5 13.44 45 63.81
January 2005 4.8 0.086 30.7 29.15 15.0 19.23 49 63.34
Total 606.9 753.30

*Mean of 54 years (1950-2003)

250 50
Rainfall (mm) Relative humidity (%) Max. temp. Min. temp.


200 40
Rainfall (mm) and relative humidity (%)


Max. and Min temp. ( 0C)

150 30


100 20


50 10

0 0
February March April May June July August September October November December January
Fig. 1: Monthly meteorological data 2004-05 as recorded at the meteorological observatory, Main
Fig. 1: Monthly meteorological data 2004-05 as recorded at the meteorological observatory, Main Agricultural
Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
140 50
Rainfall (mm) Relative humidity (%) Max. temp. Min. temp.
Rainfall (mm) and relative humidity (%)



Max. and Min temp. ( 0C)





40 15


0 0




















Fig. 1a: Monthly meteorological data for the mean of past 54 years (1950-2003) as recorded at the meteorological
observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

Fig. 1a: Monthly meteorological data for the mean of past 54 years (1950-2003) as recorded at the meteorological
observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10 – Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)


T2 T1

T8 T3

T7 T6

T10 T9



T1 T4

T9 T8

T7 T2

T10 T3

T6 T5

T5 T6

T3 T10

T2 T7

T8 T9
3.6 m

T4 T1

4.8 m

Fig. 2. Plan of layout

Plate 1. General view of sesame crop in the experimental site

Chemical composition of FYM and COT used in the experiment

FYM Content (%)
N 0.50
P 0.35
K 0.47
COT DTPA-extractable (mg kg )
Cu 6.5
Zn 2.4
Fe 23.6
Mn 7.3
SO4 (CaCl2 0.15% soluble) 34.6


3.7.1 Land preparation
The land was ploughed once followed by tilling with cultivator and harrowed twice to
bring the soil to a fine tilth. FYM was incorporated 15 days before sowing in the respective
plots as per the treatment specifications.
3.7.2 Fertilizer application
As per the treatment specifications the basal dose of fertilizer (50% N and entire P
and K) were applied at sowing 5 cm away from the seed line and 5 cm deep in the soil. Rest
of the nitrogen was top dressed at 30 days after sowing.
3.7.3 Seeds and sowing
Shallow furrows were opened at 30 cm apart, with the help of a marker. The seeds
mixed with sand in 1:4 proportion were hand sown on 19-07-2004 uniformly in the furrows
and was covered with moist soil immediately after sowing. Chickpea was sown after the
harvest of sesame on 08-11-2004 at a row spacing of 30 cm and intra row spacing of 10 cm
in the plough line.
3.7.4 After care
Thinning was done after 15 days of sowing to maintain one healthy plant at a
distance of 10 cm between the plants in the row. Hand weeding was carried out twice at 25
and 40 days after sowing. Monocrotophos @ 1.6 ml per litre of water was sprayed against
sucking pests and Dithane M-45 @ 2.5 g per litre of water against disease as a prophylactic
3.7.5 Harvesting
Crop was harvested on 4 November 2004 when the crop matured as indicated by
yellowing of capsules. At first ring line plants were harvested and then plants in net plot were
Chickpea was harvested on 27-01-2005 (i.e., 80 DAS) for table purpose when the
plants are in milky/dough stage.
3.7.6 Threshing
Threshing of sesame plants was done after they were air dried by turning the plants
upside down and tapping with hand to separate the seeds. The produce was winnowed,
cleaned and weighed. The stalk weight from each net plot was recorded after sun drying.
3.8.1 Observations on growth parameters
For recording growth observations of the crop, five plants were selected randomly
from the net plot area of each treatment and tagged. These tagged plants were used for
recording observations at 50 DAS, 75 DAS and at harvest. Plant height (cm)
The plant height was measured from the ground level to the tip of the plant in five
selected plants. Average value for each treatment was computed and expressed in cm. Number of branches
The number of branches arising from the main stem were counted and the mean was
taken as number of branches per plant. Leaf area per plant (LA)
Leaf area per plant was determined from randomly selected 10 leaves by following
leaf disc method on the dry weight basis at 50 DAS, 75 DAS and at harvest as per the
procedure suggested by Vivekanandan et al. (1972).
Wa x A
LA =
LA = Leaf area (dm²)
Wa = Weight of all leaves in g
Wd = Weight of 10 discs in g
A = Area of the disc (dm²) Leaf area index (LAI)
Leaf area index was worked out by dividing the leaf area per plant by the land area
occupied by the plant (Sestak et al., 1971). Dry matter production and accumulation in different plant parts
Five plants were uprooted randomly from each treatment. The root portion of the
plant was discarded and then partitioned in to leaf, stem and reproductive parts separately.
These plant parts were kept in hot air oven and dried at 70°C till constant weight was
obtained. The completely dried samples of each plant parts were weighed and weight was
recorded in grams. The data obtained was used to estimate the total dry matter production
per plant.
3.8.2 Observations on yield components and yield Number of capsules per plant
The capsules from five tagged plants were counted and the mean number of
capsules per plant were calculated. Number of seeds per capsule
Total number of seeds from the five randomly selected capsules were counted and
the mean was worked out and expressed as number of seeds per capsule. Seed weight per capsule
Five capsules were selected randomly from the plants in the net plot area at harvest
and mean seed weight per capsule was worked out after separating the seeds from the
capsules and expressed in grams per capsule. Seed weight per plant
From the five random plants that were selected at harvest the seeds were separated
and weight was recorded. The average yield per plant was calculated and expressed as seed
weight per plant in grams. Test weight (1000-seed weight)
From the seed yield of each net plot 1000 seeds were randomly counted and weight
was recorded. This weight was taken as thousand seed weight and expressed in grams. Seed yield per hectare

Seed yield of the net plot was recorded after hand threshing and air drying. After
recording the seed yield of net plot area, seed yield ha was worked out and expressed in kg
ha-1. Stalk yield per hectare
The plants from the net plot area after threshing were dried and weight was recorded.
Stalk yield per ha was worked out and expressed as q per ha. Harvest index (HI)
The harvest index was worked out by using following formula given by Donald (1962).
Economic yield
Harvest index (HI) =
Biological yield
Seed yield (kg ha -1 )
Seed yield (kg ha -1 ) + Stalk yield (kg ha -1)
3.8.3 Quality parameters Oil content (%)
Fifteen grams of dried seeds of sesame drawn from the net plot of each treatment
were used for estimation of oil content by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) method and
expressed in percentage. Oil yield (kg ha-1)
Oil yield was calculated by multiplying the oil per cent with seed yield as follows.
Seed oil content (%) x Seed yield (kg ha -1 )
Seed oil yield (kg ha -1 ) =
3.8.4 Chemical analysis of plant samples
The plant samples after recording dry matter were ground in a willey mill and the
ground material was collected in a butter paper bag and later used for chemical analysis. Nitrogen
The powdered plant sample of 0.5 g was digested with concentrated H2SO4 in
presence of digestion mixture (CuSO4 + K2SO4 + selenium powder) till it turned colour less.
The digested sample was further diluted carefully with distilled water to a known volume.
Then, aliquot was transferred to distillation unit and liberated ammonia was trapped in boric
acid mixed indicator solution. Then it was titrated against standard acid and the amount of
nitrogen liberated was estimated Jackson (1967) and expressed the concentration in
percentage. Digestion of plant samples
Powdered plant samples were pre-digested separately in HNO3. The pre-digested
samples were digested with diacid (HNO3 : HClO4) mixture at 9:4 ratio till clear solution was
observed, cooled and dissolved in 1:6 dilute HCl. The content was made upto known volume
by using double distilled water. A known quantity of liquid was used for further analysis (for
P.K and S). Phosphorus
Phosphorus content (%) in plant parts was determined by Vanado-
molybdophosphoric yellow colour method (Jackson, 1967) by using spectrophotometer at 420
nm and expressed the concentration in percentage. Potassium
Potassium content in plant parts was estimated by using Flame photometer (Jackson,
1967) and expressed the concentration in percentage. Sulphur
Sulphur in plant parts was estimated by turbidometric method using
spectrophotometer at 420 nm (Jackson, 1967) and expressed the concentration in
3.8.5 Uptake of nutrients (kg ha-1)
Total uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur were calculated for
each treatment separately using the following formula.
% nutrient concentration x biomass (kg ha -1 )
Nutrient uptake =
Five plants per plot were selected at random and labelled for recording the following
observations at 30 DAS, 60 DAS and 80 DAS (harvested for table purpose).
3.9.1 Growth components Plant height (cm)
The plant height was measured from ground level to the tip of the main shoot and
average plant height was recorded in cm. Number of primary branches per plant
The number of branches emerging directly from the main stem per plant was counted
and their average was taken as number of primary branches per plant. Leaf area per plant (dm²)
Leaf area was measured by leaf area meter (LI-COR). All the leaves of five randomly
selected plants were separated and these were passed through leaf area meter. Leaf area index (LAI)
It was calculated by dividing leaf area per plant by the land area occupied by a single
plant (Sestak et al., 1971).
LAI = Leaf area index
A = Leaf area (dm )
P = Unit land area (dm2). Dry matter production and distribution (g/plant)
Five plants were uprooted randomly from each treatment. The root portion of the
plant was discorded and then partitioned in to leaf, stem and reproductive parts separately.
These plant parts were kept in hot air oven and dried at 70°C till constant weight was
obtained. The completely dried samples of each plant parts were weighed and was expressed
in gram per plant.
3.9.2 Yield components and yield
The yield components were recorded from five randomly selected plants from net plot
at harvest. Number of pods per plant
The number of pods were counted and recorded. The average number was taken as
the number of pods per plant. Total green matter yield
As the crop harvested for table purpose, fresh weight per net plot was recorded and
based on this yield per hectare was computed and expressed in q per ha.
3.9.3 Chemical analysis of plant samples
The plant samples after recording dry matter were ground in a willey mill. And the
ground material was collected in a butter paper bag and later used for chemical analysis.
Methods and techniques used for plant sample analysis are indicated in 3.8.4.
3.10.1 Soil sampling
Composite soil sample from 0-30 cm depth was collected from each treatment plot
before sowing of sesame, after harvest of sesame and after harvest of chickpea for estimation
of available nitrogen phosphorus, potassium and sulphur.
3.10.2 Available nitrogen (kg ha-1)
Available soil nitrogen was estimated by alkaline permanganate oxidation method as
outlined by Subbaiah and Asija (1956).
3.10.3 Available phosphorus (kg ha-1)
Available phosphorus content of soil samples was estimated by Olsen’s method
(Jackson, 1967).
3.10.4 Available potassium (kg ha-1)
Available potassium of soil samples was determined in 1:5 ammonium acetate extract
of the soil using flame photometer (Jackson, 1967).
3.10.5 Sulphur
Available sulphur was extracted with CaCl2 (0.15%) and was determined by
turbidometric method, using spectrophotometer at 420 nm (Jackson, 1967).
The prices in rupees of the inputs that were prevailing at the time of their use were
considered for working out the cost of cultivation (Appendix I). Net returns per ha were
calculated by deducting the cost of cultivation per ha from gross income and benefit cost ratio
was worked out as under :
Gross returns (Rs ha -1 )
B : C ratio =
Cost of cultivation (Rs ha -1 )
The data collected from the experiment at different growth stages were subjected to
statistical analysis as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). The level of significance used
in ‘F’ and ‘t’ tests was P=0.05. Critical difference values were calculated wherever the ‘F’ test
was significant. Treatments were compared by following DMRT for all parameters.
Correlation analysis was carried out to study the nature and degree of relationship
between yield and yield attributing characters in both sesame and chickpea crops as per the
procedure described by Gomez and Gomez (1984).
The results of the experiment conducted to study the effect of “Integrated nutrient
management in sesame and its residual effect on succeeding chickpea” during kharif and rabi
seasons of 2004-05 are presented in this chapter.
4.1.1 Plant height
The data on plant height (cm) of sesame recorded at three stages (50 DAS, 75 DAS
and at harvest) were presented in Table 3.
The plant height of sesame differed significantly due to integrated use of nutrients. At
50 DAS, significantly higher plant height (66.07 cm) was recorded with the application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) over rest of the treatments. Significantly
lower plant height was recorded in absolute control (T10). The plant height recorded in other
treatments was intermediary. At 75 DAS, again significantly maximum plant height (106.07
cm) was noticed with the application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1)
while treatments receiving 40 kg N through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8), 10 kg N per ha
through FYM + 30 kg N through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9),
20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3) and 60 kg N per ha through
FYM (T7) were comparable with T1. Significantly lower plant height was noticed in absolute
control (T10).
At harvest, significantly taller plants (113.04 cm) were noticed with recommended
dose of nitrogen through urea (T1). However plants in treatments supplied with 10 kg N per ha
through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t
per ha (T8), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) on par with T1. Significantly
lower plant height was recorded with absolute control (T10).
4.1.2 Number of branches
Number of branches of sesame differed significantly due to integrated nutrient
management (Table 3).
At 50 DAS, significantly the highest number of branches were recorded in treatment
receiving recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (2.82) (T1). Significantly lower number
of branches were recorded in absolute control (T10). The number of branches produced in
other treatments were intermediary.
At 75 DAS, significantly higher number of branches (3.05) were recorded with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1), while application of 10 kg N per ha through
FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per
ha (T8) were comparable with T1. Significantly lower number of branches were produced in
absolute control (T10).
Almost similar trend was observed at harvest, where in significantly higher number of
branches (3.2) were recorded with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). While
number of branches produced in treatments receiving 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N
per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3), 30
kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea (T4), 40 kg N per ha through FYM +
COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were
comparable to T1. Significantly lower number of branches were noticed in absolute control
4.1.3 Leaf area per plant
Leaf area per plant differed significantly at all growth stages due to integrated nutrient
management (Table 4).
At 50 DAS, significantly highest leaf area per plant (6.4 dm2) was recorded with the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1). On the other hand
significantly lower leaf area per plant was recorded with absolute control (T10). Rest of the
treatments (T2 to T9) were comparable to T1. At 75 DAS, significantly the highest leaf area per
plant (7.65 dm ) was recorded with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) over
rest of the treatments. However, treatments applied with 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg
N per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3),
60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and
40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable with T1. Significantly
lower leaf area per plant was recorded with absolute control (T10). The similar trend was also
Table 3. Plant height and number of branches of sesame at different growth stages as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Number of branches plant-

Plant height (cm) 1
At At
50 DAS 75 DAS 50 DAS 75 DAS
harvest harvest

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 66.07a 106.07a 113.04a 2.82a 3.05a 3.20a

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 59.13b 99.20ab 106.07ab 2.47b 2.65ab 2.81ab

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 56.09bcd 96.15ab 103.17b 2.37bcd 2.55b 2.74ab

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 53.44bcd 93.34bc 100.24b 2.20cd 2.40b 2.71ab

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 49.52de 89.11bc 96.84bc 2.13d 2.32bc 2.55b

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 50.27cde 91.07bc 97.04bc 2.16d 2.37b 2.59b

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 55.59bcd 95.51abc 102.29b 2.24bcd 2.45b 2.60b

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 59.69b 99.52ab 106.34ab 2.48b 2.72ab 2.84ab

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 56.93bc 97.43ab 104.23ab 2.43bc 2.60b 2.77ab
T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 45.31e 85.17c 90.46c 1.66e 1.95c 2.02c

S.Em.± 2.09 3.19 2.97 0.08 0.14 0.15

C.D. (0.05) 6.2 9.48 8.83 0.24 0.40 0.45

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing

Table 4. Leaf area and leaf area index of sesame at different growth stages as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Leaf area (dm² plant-1) Leaf area index

No. At At
50 DAS 75 DAS 50 DAS 75 DAS
harvest harvest

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 6.40a 7.65a 2.52a 2.13a 2.55a 0.84a

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 6.17ab 7.29ab 2.40abc 2.06ab 2.43ab 0.80abc

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 5.97abc 7.01abc 2.31abcd 1.99ab 2.34abc 0.77abcd

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 5.87abc 6.96bc 2.25bcd 1.96abc 2.32bc 0.75bcd
T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 5.68bc 6.85bc 2.15cd 1.89bc 2.28bc 0.72cd

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 5.83abc 6.92abc 2.20abc 1.94abc 2.31bc 0.73bcd

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 5.93abc 7.02ab 2.28abcd 1.98abc 2.34abc 0.76abcd

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 6.30a 7.40ab 2.43ab 2.10a 2.47ab 0.81ab

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 6.00ab 7.20c 2.33abcd 2.00ab 2.40ab 0.77abcd

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 5.38c 6.47 2.10d 1.79c 2.16c 0.70d

S.Em.± 0.18 0.20 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.03

C.D. (0.05) 0.53 0.60 0.23 0.18 0.20 0.08

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing
observed at harvest, where in significantly maximum leaf area per plant was recorded
2 -1
with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (2.52 dm plant ) (T1) over rest of the
treatments. On the other hand significantly lower leaf area per plant was recorded in absolute
control (T10).
4.1.4 Leaf area index
Leaf area index (LAI) differed significantly among the treatments due to integrated
use of nutrients (Table 4).
At 50 DAS, significantly higher LAI (2.13) was noticed with the application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) than absolute control (1.79) (T10). Rest of
the treatments (T2 to T9) were comparable with T1. At 75 DAS, significantly higher LAI (2.55)
was recorded with 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). On the other hand, significantly lower
LAI (2.16) was observed in absolute control (T10). Treatments receiving 10 kg N per ha
through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per
ha through urea (T3), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT
@ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable
to T1. The similar trend was also observed at harvest, where in significantly higher LAI (0.84)
was recorded with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) and significantly lower
LAI (0.7) was recorded with absolute control (T10).
4.1.5 Dry matter production and its distribution Total dry matter production
Significant differences were observed in total dry matter production (TDMP) at
different stages of crop growth (Table 5).
At 50 DAS, significantly highest TDM production (11.61 g plant-1) was recorded in
treatment receiving 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). TDM produced with the application of
10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha through FYM
+ COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were
comparable to that of T1. Significantly lower TDM production (8.38 g plant ) was recorded
with absolute control (T10).
At 75 DAS, significantly maximum TDM production (13.16 g plant ) was recorded
with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) over absolute control (T10). While
other treatments were on par with T1.
At harvest, significantly higher TDMP (18.34 g plant ) was recorded in treatment
supplied with recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1). On the other hand,
significantly lower TDMP was noticed with absolute control (T10). TDM produced with the
application of 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha
(T9) were comparable with T1. Total dry matter produced in other treatments was intermediary
in nature (Fig. 3). Dry matter accumulation in leaves
Dry matter accumulation in sesame leaves varied significantly due to integrated use
of nutrients (Table 5).
At 50 DAS, significantly higher dry matter accumulation in leaves (3.89 g plant-1) was
recorded in treatment receiving 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). On the other hand
significantly lower dry matter accumulation (2.64 g plant ) was observed in absolute control
(T10). Dry matter (DM) accumulation in other treatments was comparable to that of T1.
At 75 DAS, significantly higher DM accumulation in leaves (3.19 g plant ) was
recorded with the application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1). On the
other hand significantly lower DM accumulation (2.45 g plant ) was noticed in absolute
control (T10). DM accumulation with application of 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per
ha through urea (T2) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) were
comparable to that of T1. Other treatments were intermediary in nature. The similar trend in
DM accumulation was observed at harvest.
-1 Dry matter accumulation in stem (g plant )
Dry matter (DM) accumulation in stem differed significantly due to integrated use of
nutrients at all the growth stages under study (Table 5).
At 50 DAS, DM accumulation in stem was significantly higher with the application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (6.08 g plant-1) (T1). On the other hand,
significantly lower DM accumulation was recorded in absolute control (T10). Dry matter
accumulation in stem with 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5) was comparable to that of
Table 5. Dry matter production and its accumulation in various parts of sesame at different growth stages as influenced by integrated
nutrient management

-1 -1 -1
50 DAS (g plant ) 75 DAS (g plant ) At harvest (g plant )
Tr. Reprod Reprod Reprod
No. Leaf Stem uctive Total Leaf Stem uctive Total Leaf Stem uctive Total
parts parts parts

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 3.89a 6.08a 1.63a 11.61a 3.19a 6.13a 3.84a 13.16a 1.06a 8.77a 8.51a 18.34a
-1 a ab bc ab ab a a a a ab a ab
T2 10 kg N ha through FYM + 30 3.86 5.63 1.42 10.91 2.92 5.93 3.80 12.65 0.97 7.90 7.92 16.77
kg N ha through urea

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 3.64a 5.54ab 1.38bcde 10.56 b 2.80b 5.81a 3.72a 12.33a 0.85b 7.78ab 7.80a 16. 43b
kg N ha through urea
-1 a ab def b bc a a a b b a b
T4 30 kg N ha through FYM +10 3.64 5.40 1.20 10.24 2.70 5.72 3.62 12.04 0.81 7.60 7.73 16.14
kg N ha-1 through urea
-1 a bc f b bc a a a c b a b
T5 40 kg N ha through FYM 3.70 5.22 1.14 10.07 2.62 5.55 3.50 11.67 0.71 7.43 7.58 15.72
-1 a ab ef b bc a a a bc b a b
T6 50 kg N ha through FYM 3.60 5.35 1.18 10.13 2.68 5.65 3.58 11.91 0.78 7.52 7.62 15.92

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 3.62a 5.45ab 1.25cdef 10.32 b 2.80b 5.79a 3.66a 12.25a 0.85b 7.75ab 7.77a 16.37b

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 3.88a 5.74ab 1.50ab 11.12ab 3.17a 5.95a 3.83a 12.95a 0.99a 8.06ab 8.02a 17.07ab
t COT ha

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 3.72a 5.56ab 1.40bcd 10.68ab 2.84b 5.85a 3.78a 12.47a 0.87b 7.89ab 7.86a 16.63ab
kg S ha
b c f c c b a b d c b c
T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 2.64 4.64 1.11 8.38 2.45 4.50 2.92 9.87 0.51 6.31 6.34 13.15

S.Em± 0.14 0.22 0.07 0.31 0.09 0.22 0.13 0.45 0.03 0.30 0.30 0.55

C.D. (0.05) 0.43 0.66 0.19 0.92 0.27 0.65 0.39 1.33 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.62

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing

T1– 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2– 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3– 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4– 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5– 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6– 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7– 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8– 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9– 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

20 Total dry matter production


Total dry matter at harvest (g/plant)




T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10

Fig. 3. Total dry matter production at harvest of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Fig. 3. Total dry matter production at harvest of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management
absolute control (T10). Rest of the treatments (T2, T3, T4, T6, T7, T8 and T9) were on
par with T1.
At 75 DAS, significantly higher DM accumulation in stem was noticed with the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (6.13 g plant-1) (T1), while
significantly lower DM accumulation was recorded with absolute control (T10). Other
treatments were on par with T1.
At harvest, significantly higher DM accumulation was observed (8.77 g plant-1) in
treatment receiving recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) on the other hand
significantly lower DM accumulation was observed in absolute control (T10). Treatments
supplied with 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha
through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7), 40 kg N
per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S
per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T1. Dry matter accumulation in reproductive parts
Dry matter (DM) accumulation in reproductive parts differed significantly at all stages
of crop growth.
At 50 DAS, significantly maximum dry matter accumulation (1.63 g plant ) was
observed with the application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) over rest of the treatments.
However, application of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) was
comparable to that of T1. Significantly lowest dry matter accumulation was recorded in
absolute control (T10). Other treatments were intermediary in nature.
At 75 DAS and at harvest, significantly maximum DM accumulation in reproductive
parts (3.84 and 8.51 g plant , respectively) was recorded with the application of 40 kg N per
ha through urea (T1), on the other hand absolute control (T10) recorded significantly lowest
DM accumulation. Other treatments were on par with T1.
4.2.1 Number of capsules per plant
Number of capsules per plant differed significantly due to integrated use of nutrients
(Table 6 and Fig. 4). Significantly higher number of capsules per plant were noticed with the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (34.02) (T1), while treatment
receiving 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8), 10 kg N per ha through
FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha
(T9) were comparable to that of T1. Significantly lower number of capsules (22.38) per plant
were observed in absolute control (T10). Other treatments are intermediary.
4.2.2 Number of seeds per capsule
Significantly higher number of seeds per capsule (49) were noticed with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) over rest of the treatments (Table 6 and Fig.
4). On the other hand significantly lower number of seeds per capsules were observed in
absolute control (T10). Treatments receiving 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha
through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T1.
4.2.3 Seed weight per plant
Seed weight per plant differed significantly due to integrated use of nutrients.
Treatments receiving 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1), 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg
N per ha through urea (T2), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg
N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were recorded significantly higher seed weight
per plant over rest of the treatments. Significantly lower seed weight per plant recorded in
absolute control (T10). Other treatments were intermediary.
4.2.4 Thousand seed weight
Thousand seed weight of sesame was not significantly influenced due to different
sources of nitrogen as well as application of COT and sulphur.
4.2.5 Seed yield
Seed yield differed significantly among the treatments due to integrated use of
nutrients. Significantly highest seed yield (298 kg ha ) was recorded with the application of 40
kg N per ha through urea (T1). On the other hand significantly lower seed yield was recorded
with absolute control (212 kg ha ) (T10). Seed yield recorded with the application of 10 kg N
per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg
N per ha through urea (T3), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg
Table 6. Yield, yield components and harvest index of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Number of Number Seed Seed Stalk
Tr. seed Oil yield Harvest
Treatments capsules of seeds weight yield yield
No. weight (kg ha-1) index
plant-1 capsule-1 plant-1 (g) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1)

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 34.02a 49.00a 4.70a 3.50 298a 1414a 146 a 0.173

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 31.15ab 47.00ab 4.51a 3.41 259ab 1249b 127 ab 0.173
through urea

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 29.26b 44.00bcd 3.73b 3.37 256abc 1216b 124 ab 0.177
through urea

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 28.80b 42.00cde 3.53b 3.30 238bc 1144bc 117 b 0.173
through urea

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 23.39c 41.00de 3.44b 3.22 220 bc 1058c 108 b 0.173

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 25.04c 42.00cde 3.50b 3.28 229 bc 1122bc 111 b 0.173

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 29.19b 44.00bcd 3.63b 3.36 240bc 1154bc 116 b 0.173

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha- 31.64ab 48.00ab 4.62a 3.45 262ab 1256b 126 ab 0.173

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 30.85ab 46.00abc 4.42a 3.40 257abc 1228b 125 ab 0.173

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 22.38c 38.67e 3.20bc 3.12 212c 1012c 104 b 0.173

S.Em.± 1.07 1.45 0.16 0.10 14 44 7 0.01

C.D. (0.05) 3.17 4.29 0.48 NS 41 131 20 NS

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, NS = Non-significant


T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

Number of capsules per plant Number of seeds per capsule

No. of capsules per plant and No. of seeds per capsule









T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 4. Number of capsules per plant and number of seeds per capsule of sesame as influenced by integrated
nutrient management

Fig. 4. Number of capsules per plant and number of seeds per capsule of sesame as influenced by integrated
nutrient management

T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)



Seed yield (kg/ha)





T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 5: Seed yield (kg ha ) of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Fig. 5: Seed yield (kg ha-1) of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management
N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of 40 kg N per
ha through urea (T1). Other treatments were intermediary in nature (Fig. 5).
4.2.6 Stalk yield
Stalk yield differed significantly among the treatments due to integrated use of
nutrients (Table 6). Significantly maximum stalk yield (1414 kg ha-1) was recorded with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). The lowest stalk yield (1012 kg ha-1) was
recorded with absolute control (T10). Stalk yield recorded with 40 kg N per ha through FYM
(T5) was comparable to that of absolute control (T10). Stalk yields recorded in rest of the
treatments (T2, T3, T4,, T6, T7, T8 and T9) were intermediary.
4.2.7 Oil yield (kg ha-1)
Significantly higher oil yield (Table 6) was recorded with the application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (146 kg ha ) (T1). On the other hand
significantly lower oil yield was recorded (104 kg ha ) with absolute control (T10). Oil yield
recorded in treatments receiving 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea
(T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3), 40 kg N per ha through
FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were
comparable to that of T1.
4.2.8 Harvest index (HI)
No significant differences were observed in harvest index due to integrated use of
nutrients in sesame.
4.3.1 Nitrogen content
Nitrogen content (%) differed significantly in different plant parts at harvest due to
integrated use of nutrients (Table 7).
In leaf, significantly highest percentage of nitrogen (1.65) was observed with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). However, application 40 kg N per ha through
FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) was comparable to that of T1. Significantly lower nitrogen per
cent was noticed with absolute control (T10). Other treatments are intermediary.
In stem, significantly maximum nitrogen per cent was recorded with the application of
40 kg N per ha through urea (0.5) (T1). On the other hand significantly lower nitrogen per cent
was observed with absolute control (T10). Nitrogen content in 10 kg N per ha through FYM +
30 kg N per ha through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea
(T3), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha
(T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were on par with T1.
In seed, application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) recorded
significantly higher nitrogen per cent (3.93), on the other hand significantly lower nitrogen per
cent (3.5) was recorded with absolute control (T10). The nitrogen content in other treatments
was comparable to that of T1.
4.3.2 Phosphorus content
Significant differences were observed among the treatments with respect to
phosphorus content (%) in sesame plant parts due to integrated nutrient management (Table
In leaves, significantly maximum phosphorus content was observed in all the
treatments receiving N in the form of urea/FYM or in combination except application of 40 kg
N per ha through FYM (T5). Significantly lower phosphorus content was recorded with
absolute control (T10) which inturn on par with T5.
In stem, significantly higher phosphorus content (0.036) was recorded with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) and treatment receiving 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (0.034) (T8). Significantly lower phosphorus content was
recorded with absolute control (T10).
In seed, significantly higher phosphorus content was (0.54) recorded with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1). Other treatments receiving N in the form of
urea/FYM or in combination except, application of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5) were
comparable to T1. Significantly lower phosphorus content (0.44) was recorded with absolute
control (T10) which inturn was on par with T5.
Table 7. Nutrient contents in different plant parts of sesame at harvest as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Nitrogen content Phosphorus content Potassium content Sulphur

Tr. (%) (%) (%) content (%)
Leaf Stem Seed Leaf Stem Seed Leaf Stem Seed Stem Seed

-1 a a a a a a a a a ef ab
T1 40 kg N ha through urea 1.65 0.50 3.93 0.21 0.036 0.54 1.60 1.21 1.02 0.16 0.20

-1 -1 b abc a a b ab a a a de ab
T2 10 kg N ha through FYM + 30 kg N ha through urea 1.50 0.47 3.84 0.20 0.032 0.52 1.53 1.19 0.98 0.17 0.20

-1 -1 bc abc a a b ab a a a cd ab
T3 20 kg N ha through FYM +20 kg N ha through urea 1.46 0.46 3.76 0.19 0.030 0.51 1.51 1.18 0.97 0.18 0.21

-1 -1 bc bcd ab a bc abc a a a bc ab
T4 30 kg N ha through FYM +10 kg N ha through urea 1.43 0.43 3.75 0.19 0.028 0.49 1.49 1.16 0.95 0.18 0.21

-1 bc cd ab b bcd bc a a ab bc ab
T5 40 kg N ha through FYM 1.42 0.42 3.68 0.18 0.026 0.47 1.47 1.14 0.92 0.19 0.22

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.42bc 0.42cd 3.70ab 0.19a 0.027bc 0.48abc 1.48a 1.15a 0.94a 0.19bc 0.22ab

-1 bc abcd ab a bc ab a a a ab ab
T7 60 kg N ha through FYM 1.44 0.44 3.75 0.19 0.028 0.50 1.50 1.15 0.96 0.20 0.23

-1 -1 ab ab a a a ab a a a a ab
T8 40 kg N ha through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha 1.55 0.48 3.90 0.21 0.034 0.53 1.55 1.20 1.00 0.21 0.24

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 1.47bc 0.46abc 3.80a 0.20a 0.031b 0.51ab 1.51a 1.19a 0.98a 0.22a 0.25a
c d b b bcd c b b b f b
T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 1.32 0.38 3.50 0.16 0.023 0.44 1.31 1.04 0.84 0.14 0.18

S.Em.± 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.001 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01

C.D. (0.05) 0.13 0.07 0.23 0.02 0.003 0.04 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.02 0.03

Note : FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings

4.3.3 Potassium content
Potassium content (%) in plant parts differed significantly due to integrated nutrient
management (Table 7). All the treatments (T1 to T9 either receiving urea/FYM alone or in
combination with urea, FYM) recorded significantly higher potassium content in leaf than
absolute control (T10).
Similarly, in stem, all the treatments (T1 to T9 either receiving urea/FYM alone or in
combination with urea and FYM) recorded significantly higher potassium concentration than
absolute control (T10). In seed, treatments receiving N in the form of urea or FYM alone or in
combination (T1 to T9) recorded significantly higher potassium content than absolute control
(T10). Significantly lower K concentration in seed was observed with absolute control which
inturn was comparable to T5.
4.3.4 Sulphur content
Significantly maximum sulphur content (%) was noticed in stem with the application of
40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (0.22) (T9) which was comparable with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (0.21) (T8) and 60 kg N per
ha through FYM (0.20) (T7). Significantly lowest sulphur content was recorded with absolute
control (T10).
In seed, application of 40kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) recorded
significantly higher sulphur content (0.25). Significantly lower sulphur content (0.18) was
recorded with absolute control (T10). The sulphur content in other treatments was comparable
to that of T9 (Table 7).
4.4 NUTRIENT UPTAKE (kg ha-1)
Data on the N, P, K and S uptake by sesame at harvest as influenced by integrated
use of nutrients was presented in Table 8 and Fig.6.
4.4.1 Nitrogen uptake
Total uptake of nitrogen differed significantly among the treatments. Significantly
maximum total uptake of nitrogen was recorded with 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) (35.38
kg ha ). Next best treatment was 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (28.31
kg ha-1) (T8). Significantly lower total uptake of N was recorded with absolute control (T10)
which in turn comparable to that of T5 and T6.
4.4.2 Phosphorus uptake
Significantly maximum total uptake of phosphorus (4.92 kg ha ) was recorded with
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1), while 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @
0.5 t per ha (T8) was comparable to that of T1. Significantly lowest total uptake (2.81 kg ha-1)
was recorded with absolute control (T10). Total uptake of P in other treatments was
4.4.3 Potassium uptake
Significantly higher total K uptake (35.76 kg ha ) was recorded with application of 40
kg N per ha through urea (T1). The next best treatment was 40 kg N per ha through FYM +
COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). Significantly lower total K uptake (20.5 kg ha ) was recorded with
absolute control (T10) which in turn comparable to 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5).
4.4.4 Sulphur uptake
Significantly higher sulphur uptake was recorded with treatments receiving 40 kg N
per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t
per ha (T8). Significantly lower total S uptake was recorded with absolute control (T10). Other
treatments were intermediary in S uptake.
The available nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur in soil
after sesame harvest differed significantly due to integrated use of nutrients (Table 9).
4.5.1 Available nitrogen (kg ha-1)
Application of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM +
COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) recorded significantly higher available soil nitrogen (240 and 237 kg
-1 -1
ha , respectively). Significantly lower available nitrogen (209 kg ha ) was recorded in
absolute control (T10) which was comparable to that of T1. Rest of the treatments were
comparable to that of T7 and T8.
4.5.2 Available phosphorus (kg ha-1)
Significantly maximum soil available phosphorus (48.27 kg ha-1) was recorded with
the application of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7). Available phosphorus in T3, T4, T5, T6, T8
Table 8. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake by sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Total uptake (kg ha )
Tr. No. Treatments

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 35.38


T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 28.03b 4.18bc 30.33a 2.58b

kg N ha through urea

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 26.88bc 4.02bcd 29.08bc 2.56b

kg N ha through urea

-1 bcd cde bcd b

T4 30 kg N ha through FYM +10 24.57 3.68 26.88 2.60
kg N ha through urea

-1 de ef de b
T5 40 kg N ha through FYM 22.18 3.27 24.36 2.48

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 23.39cde 3.53de 25.80cd 2.68b

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 24.58bcd 3.73cde 27.14bcd 2.86b

-1 b ab b a
T8 40 kg N ha through FYM + 0.5 t 28.31 4.40 30.37 3.28
COT ha

40 kg N ha through FYM + 25 27.00bc 4.09bcd 29.54bc 3.30a
kg S ha-1
T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 19.57e 2.81f 20.50e 1.83c

S.Em.± 1.26 0.18 1.34 0.12

C.D. (0.05) 3.74 0.55 3.99 0.34

Note : FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings


T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

40 Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur


Nutrient uptake (kg/ha)





T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 6. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake (kg ha-1) by sesame as influenced by integrated
nutrient management

Fig. 6. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake (kg ha-1) by sesame as influenced by integrated
nutrient management
Table 9. Available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur in soil at harvest of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Tr. Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur

No. (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (ppm ha-1)

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 215bc 33.22cd 322bc 10.90cd

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 220abc 35.42bcd 325bc 11.60bc

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 219abc 38.44abc 329bc 11.70bc

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 225abc 39.40abc 332bc 11.73bc

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 227abc 40.36abc 335abc 12.00bc

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 232ab 44.20abc 347ab 12.25bc

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 240a 48.27a 361a 12.70bc

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 237a 43.12ab 342ab 13.33b

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 235ab 42.54abc 339abc 15.30a

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 209c 28.41c 312c 9.84d

S.Em± 7 3.11 9 0.55

C.D. (0.05) 19 9.23 26 1.64

Note :FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, NS = Non-significant

Table 10. Plant height and number of branches of chickpea at different growth stages as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient
management in sesame

Number of branches
Plant height (cm)
Tr. plant-1
Treatments imposed to sesame crop
30 DAS 60 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS 80 DAS*

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 23.87 28.74bc 32.95bc 2.40 3.09ab 3.17bc

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 24.07 29.05bc 33.54ab 2.46 3.10ab 3.25bc

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 24.33 29.28bc 33.92ab 2.58 3.14ab 3.30bc
T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 24.53 29.56bc 34.35ab 2.55 3.15ab 3.33abc

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 24.75 29.78bc 34.83ab 2.57 3.20a 3.36abc

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 25.00 30.08bc 35.86ab 2.61 3.35a 3.42ab

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 25.13 31.30ab 36.28ab 2.64 3.35a 3.48ab

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 25.55 33.32a 36.85a 2.67 3.40a 3.66a

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 24.85 29.92bc 35.25ab 2.63 3.30a 3.40ab

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 23.23 27.33c 30.20c 2.20 2.87b 3.05c

S.Em.± 0.52 1.01 1.02 0.11 0.09 0.10

C.D. (0.05) NS 3.01 3.01 NS 0.29 0.30

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing,
NS = Non-significant, * Harvested for table purpose
and T9 were comparable to T7. Significantly lower available phosphorus was recorded
with absolute control (T10) which in turn was comparable to T1 and T2.
4.5.3 Available potassium
Significantly higher available potassium (361 kg ha ) was recorded with the
application of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7). Available potassium in 40 kg N per ha
through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @
0.5 t per ha (T8) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable with
that of T7. Significantly lower available potassium was recorded with absolute control (T10).
4.5.4 Available sulphur
Significantly the highest soil sulphur (15.30 ppm) was recorded with the application of
40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9). The next best treatment was 40 kg N per
ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). Significantly lower sulphur content was noticed
with absolute control (T10) which inturn was comparable to T1.
Residual effect of integrated nutrient management treatments imposed to sesame
during kharif on growth, yield components, yield and nutrient uptake of chickpea during rabi
are presented in this chapter.
4.6.1 Plant height
The plant height of chickpea differed significantly at 60 DAS and at 80 DAS, whereas
at 30 DAS plant height did not differ significantly (Table 10).
At 60 DAS, significantly higher plant height (33.32 cm) was recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8), while 60 kg N per ha
through FYM (T7) was comparable to the former treatment. Significantly lower plant height
(27.33 cm) was recorded with the residual effect of absolute control (T10). Other treatments
were intermediary.
At 80 DAS, significantly taller plants (36.85 cm) were noticed with the residual effect
of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). On the other hand significantly
shorter plants (30.20 cm) were noticed with absolute control (T10). The residual effect of T2,
T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 was comparable to T8.
4.6.2 Number of primary branches
The number of primary branches differed significantly at 60 DAS and 80 DAS,
whereas at 30 DAS it did not differ significantly (Table 10).
At 60 DAS, significantly higher number of primary branches (3.4) were recorded with
the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) applied to
preceding sesame, on the other hand significantly lower number of primary branches (2.87)
were recorded in absolute control (T10). Rest of the treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and
T9) were comparable to T8.
At 80 DAS, significantly higher number of branches were recorded (3.66) with the
residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). On the other hand
significantly lower number of branches were noticed with absolute control (T10). Residual
effect of 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N through urea (T4), 40 kg N per ha through
FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N
per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T8.
4.6.3 Leaf area
Leaf area per plant differed significantly at 60 DAS and 80 DAS, whereas at 30 DAS
leaf area did not differ significantly (Table 11).
At 60 DAS, residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8)
applied to preceding sesame recorded significantly higher leaf area per plant (2.54 dm2).
Significantly lower leaf area per plant was recorded with absolute control (T10). The latter
treatment was in turn comparable to the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1)
and 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2) applied to sesame. Rest
of the treatments (T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9) were comparable to that of T8.
At 80 DAS, all the treatments (T1 to T9) either receiving urea/FYM alone or in
combination with urea and FYM recorded significantly higher leaf area per plant than absolute
control (T10).
Table 11. Leaf area and leaf area index of chickpea at different growth stages as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in

Tr. Leaf area (dm² plant-1) Leaf area index

Treatments imposed to sesame crop
No. 30 DAS 60 DAS 80 DAS* 30 DAS 60 DAS 80 DAS*

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 2 2 2. 0 0 0.

.08 .26bc 48ab .66 .74bc 82ab

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 2 2 2. 0 0 0.

.10 .30bc 50a .70 .77abc 83ab

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 2 2 2. 0 0 0.

.12 .34abc 53a .71 .78ab 84a

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 2.14 2.37abc 2.57a 0.71 0.79ab 0.85a

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 2.15 2.40ab 2.59a 0.72 0.80ab 0.86a

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 2.18 2.43ab 2.63a 0.72 0.81ab 0.87a

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 2.19 2.48ab 2.66a 0.73 0.82ab 0.88a

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 2.20 2.54a 2.71a 0.74 0.85a 0.90a
T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 2.17 2.42ab 2.60a 0.72 0.81ab 0.87a

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 2 2 2. 0 0 0.

c b c b
.00 .16 26 .66 .69 76

S.Em.± 0 0 0. 0 0 0.
.04 .07 08 .04 .03 03

C.D. (0.05) N 0 0. N 0 0.
S .20 23 S .08 08

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing,
NS = Non-significant, * Harvested for table purpose

Table 12. Dry matter production and its accumulation in various parts of chickpea at different growth stages as influenced by residual effect of
integrated nutrient management in sesame

30 DAS (g plant-1) 60 DAS (g plant-1) 80 DAS* (g plant-1)

Tr. Treatments imposed to sesame
Reprodu Reprodu
No. crop Leaf Stem Total Leaf Stem ctive Total Leaf Stem ctive Total
parts parts

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 1.22 4.85 6.07 2.85ab 6.73cd 3.92bc 13.47de 3.70a 5.88de 19.80bc 29.79bc
T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg 1.24 4.87 6.11 3.03ab 7.10bcd 4.34bc 14.46cd 3.74a 6.00cde 20.09bc 30.11bc
N ha-1 through urea

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg 1.25 4.88 6.13 3.05a 7.11abcd 4.34bc 14.50cd 3.77a 6.11bcde 20.20bc 30.27bc
N ha-1 through urea

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg 1.26 4.91 6.17 3.07a 7.22abcd 4.39b 14.67bcd 3.79a 6.22abcd 20.25bc 30.46bc
N ha-1 through urea

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.27 4.92 6.19 3.09a 7.30abc 5.30ab 15.70abc 3.83a 6.30abcd 20.92ab 31.05ab

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.30 4.95 6.25 3.15a 7.54abc 5.47ab 16.15ab 3.87a 6.54abc 21.57ab 31.97ab

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.32 4.97 6.29 3.16a 7.64ab 6.06ab 16.87a 3.96a 6.64ab 22.10ab 32.69ab

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t 1.33 4.98 6.31 3.27a 7.74a 6.74a 17.76a 4.00a 6.74a 23.12a 33.85a
COT ha-1
T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S 1.29 4.94 6.23 3.13a 7.47abc 5.43ab 16.03ab 3.84a 6.43abcd 21.43ab 31.52ab
T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 1.18 4.76 5.94 2.49b 6.30d 3.55c 12.33e 3.33b 5.59e 18.09c 27.05c

S.Em± 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.21 0.20 0.47 0.11 0.19 0.63 0.98

C.D. (0.05) NS NS NS 0.24 0.63 0.60 1.40 0.33 0.56 1.87 2.92

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, DAS= Days after sowing,
NS = Non-significant, * Harvested for table purpose
4.6.4 Leaf area index (LAI)
Leaf area index differed significantly due to the residual effect of integrated nutrient
management at 60 DAS and 80 DAS, whereas at 30 DAS LAI did not differ significantly
(Table 11).
At 60 DAS, residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8)
applied to preceding sesame recorded significantly higher LAI (0.85). Significantly lower LAI
was recorded with absolute control (T10) which inturn was comparable to T1. Rest of the
treatments which received FYM (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9) were comparable to that of T8.
At 80 DAS, all the treatments (T1 to T9 either receiving urea/FYM or in combination with urea
and FYM) recorded significantly higher LAI than absolute control (T10).
4.6.5 Total dry matter production
Total dry matter production (TDMP) per plant differed significantly at 60 DAS and 80
DAS, whereas at 30 DAS it did not differed significantly (Table 12).
At 60 DAS, significantly higher TDMP (17.76 g plant ) was recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 60 kg N per ha through
FYM (T7) than absolute control (T10). TDMP recorded in T5, T6 and T9 were comparable to that
of T8 and T7. Similarly, at 80 DAS, significantly higher TDMP (33.85 g plant ) was recorded
with the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). However,
TDMP recorded in T5, T6, T7 and T9 were comparable to that of T8. Significantly lower TDMP
was observed in T10).
4.6.6 Dry matter accumulation in leaves
Dry matter (DM) accumulation in leaves of chickpea differed significantly at 60 DAS
and 80 DAS due to residual effect of integrated nutrient management, whereas at 30 DAS no
significant difference was observed (Table 12).
At 60 DAS, all the treatments (T1 to T9) recorded significantly higher DM accumulation
in leaves than absolute control (T10).
Similarly at 80 DAS, residual effect of all the treatments (T1 to T9 either receiving N in
the form of urea/FYM or in combination) recorded significantly higher DM in leaves than
absolute control (T10).
4.6.7 Dry matter accumulation in stem
Significant differences were observed in DM accumulation in stem both at 60 DAS
and 80 DAS due to the residual effect of integrated nutrient management however the
differences at 30 DAS were not significant (Table 12).
At 60 DAS, significantly maximum DM accumulation was recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (7.74 g plant ) (T8) than that of
absolute control (T10). The residual effects of 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha
through urea (T3). 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea (T4), 40 kg N
per ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7)
and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to T8.
At 80 DAS, significantly higher DM accumulation (6.74 g plant-1) was observed with
the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). DM
accumulation in 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea (T4), 40 kg N per
ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and
40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to T8. Significantly lower
DM accumulation was observed in absolute control (T10).
4.6.8 Dry matter accumulation in reproductive parts
At 60 DAS, residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8)
was recoded significantly higher DM accumulation in reproductive parts (Table 12). However,
DM accumulation in T5, T6, T7 and T9 was comparable to that of T8. Significantly lower DM
accumulation was recorded in absolute control (T10). Similar trend was noticed at 80 DAS.
4.6.9 Number of pods per plant
Number of pods per plant differed significantly among the treatments due to the
residual effect of integrated nutrient management (Table 13).
Significantly higher number of pods per plant (66.21) were recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). Number of pods per plant
recorded with the residual effect of T5, T6, T7 and T9 were comparable to that of T8.
Significantly lower number of pods was recorded in absolute control (T10).
Table 13. Yield, yield components of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in sesame

Total green
Number of
Tr. No. Treatments imposed to sesame crop matter yield (q
pods per plant

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 58.30bcd 45cd

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 57.29cd 47cd

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 59.23bcd 51bc

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 59.74bcd 52bc

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 63.37ab 55ab

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 64.33ab 57ab

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 64.48ab 58ab

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 66.21a 60a

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 63.92ab 55ab

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 55.50d 41d

S.Em± 1.86 2

C.D. (0.05) 5.54 7

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, * = Harvested for table purpose

T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

Number of pods per plant Total green matter yield

No. of pods per plant and total green matter yield (q/ha) 60






T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 7. Number of pods per plant and total green matter yield (q ha-1) of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of
integrated nutrient management in sesame

Fig. 7. Number of pods per plant and total green matter yield (q ha-1) of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of
integrated nutrient management in sesame

Total green matter yield (q ha-1)





T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 8 . Total green matter yield of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in

Fig. 8 . Total green matter yield of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in
Table 14. Nutrient contents in chickpea at harvest as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in sesame

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur content

Tr. content (%) content (%) content (%) (%)
Treatments imposed to sesame crop
Stalk Seed Stalk Seed Stalk Seed Stalk Seed

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0

.67bc .97a .15f .26e .89ef .23d .19ef .16g

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0

through urea
.70abc .02a .17ef .27de .93de .31cd .19ef .17fg

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0

through urea
.75abc .03a .19cd .28de .96cde .36bc .20de .18fg

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0

through urea
.78ab .07a .19bcd .29cd .00bcd .41abc .22cd .18ef

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.80ab 3.08a 0.20abc 0.30bc 1.01abcd 1.44abc 0.22cd 0.20de

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.80ab 3.12a 0.21ab 0.31ab 1.04abc 1.46ab 0.22bcd 0.21cd

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 1.85a 3.14a 0.22a 0.31ab 1.11a 1.51a 0.23abc 0.22bc
40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT 1.87a 3.04a 0.21ab 0.32a 1.09ab 1.52a 0.23ab 0.23ab
8 ha-1

40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 1.77ab 3.02a 0.19de 0.30bc 1.00bcd 1.44ab 0.24a 0.25a

Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 1.60c 2.64b 0.13g 0.24f 0.83f 1.19d 0.18f 0.14h

S.Em.± 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.01

C.D. (0.05) 0.16 0.24 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.03

Note : FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings

4.6.10 Total green matter yield
Green matter yield (q ha ) of chickpea differed significantly due to the residual effect of
integrated nutrient management (Table 13 and Fig. 8).
Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) applied to
preceding sesame recorded significantly higher green matter yield (60 q ha -1). Total green
matter yield recorded with residual effects of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha
through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg
S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T8. Significantly lower total green matter yield was
obtained with absolute control (T10).
4.6.11 Nitrogen content
Nitrogen content (%) differed significantly both in stalk and seed at harvest due to the
residual effect of integrated nutrient management applied to sesame (Table 14).
In stalk, significantly higher nitrogen content was recorded with the residual effect of
40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7).
Residual effect of treatments namely T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T9 were however comparable with
that of T8 and T7. Significantly lower nitrogen content was recorded with absolute control
which inturn was comparable to that of residual effect of T1.
In seed, the residual effect of all the treatments (T1 to T9 either receiving N in the form
of urea/FYM or in combination) recorded significantly higher nitrogen content than absolute
control (T10).
4.6.12 Phosphorus content
In stalk, significantly higher content of phosphorus (0.22%) was noticed with the
residual effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) (Table 14). The residual effects of 40 kg
N per ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 40 kg N per ha through FYM +
COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) were comparable to that of T7. Significantly least phosphorus content
was observed with absolute control (T10).
In seed, significantly higher amount of phosphorus recorded (0.32%) with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). The residual effects of 50
kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) were comparable to that of
T8, significantly lower phosphorus content was noticed with absolute control (T10).
4.6.13 Potassium content
In stalk, significantly higher potassium content (1.11%) was recorded with the residual
effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) (Table 14). On the other hand significantly lower
potassium content was noticed with absolute control (T10). The residual effects of 40 kg N per
ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 40 kg N per ha
through FYM (T5) were comparable to that of T7.
In seed, significantly higher potassium content was recorded with the residual effect
of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT 0.5 t per ha (T8). The residual effects of 30 kg N per ha
through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea (T4), 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N
per ha through FYM (T6), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM
+ 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T8. Absolute control (T10) recorded
significantly lower potassium content.
4.6.14 Sulphur content
In stalk, significantly maximum sulphur content (%) was recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) (Table 14). The residual effects of
40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7)
were comparable to that of T9. Significantly lower sulphur content was recorded with absolute
control (T10).
In seed also significantly maximum sulphur content (0.25%) was noticed with the
residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9). The residual effect of 40
kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) was comparable to that of T9.
Significantly lower sulphur content was recorded with absolute control.
4.6.15 Nutrient uptake
Total uptake of N, P, K and S varied significantly due to the residual effect of
integrated nutrient management (Table 15). Total uptake of nitrogen
Significantly higher nitrogen uptake (38.8 kg ha ) was recorded with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). The residual effects of 50 kg
N per ha through FYM (T6), 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5), 30 kg N per ha through FYM +
Table 15. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur uptake by chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient management in
Total uptake (kg ha-1)
Tr. No. Treatments imposed to sesame crop

T1 40 kg N ha through urea 27.58de 2.44fg 12.65fg 2.17gh

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 29.06cd 2.70ef 13.86ef 2.27fgh

-1 -1 bcd de de efg
T3 20 kg N ha through FYM +20 kg N ha through urea 32.07 3.13 15.83 2.60

-1 -1 abc cd cd def
T4 30 kg N ha through FYM +10 kg N ha through urea 33.21 3.30 16.62 2.80

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 35.45ab 3.65bc 17.90bcd 3.05cde

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 37.06ab 3.88ab 18.98abc 3.28bcd

-1 a ab ab abc
T7 60 kg N ha through FYM 37.85 4.04 20.12 3.52

-1 -1 ab a a ab
T8 40 kg N ha through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha 38.80 4.18 20.65 3.64

T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 36.54ab 3.61bc 18.58abc 3.95a

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 23.55e 2.03g 11.12g 1.87h

S.Em.± 1.72 0.15 0.80 0.18

C.D. (0.05) 5.09 0.45 2.37 0.53

Note : FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings

Table 16. Available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur in soil at the harvest of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated
nutrient management in sesame

Tr. Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur

Treatments imposed to sesame crop
No. (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (ppm ha-1)

T1 40 kg N ha-1 through urea 206bc 29.10e 312bc 9.74cd

T2 10 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 30 kg N ha-1 through urea 212abc 31.63de 315abc 10.20c

T3 20 kg N ha-1 through FYM +20 kg N ha-1 through urea 212abc 34.76cd 319abc 10.27c

T4 30 kg N ha-1 through FYM +10 kg N ha-1 through urea 219abc 35.85bc 321abc 10.37c

T5 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM 222ab 36.55bc 326abc 10.54bc

T6 50 kg N ha-1 through FYM 226ab 39.66ab 337ab 10.77bc

T7 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM 230a 41.81a 343a 11.00bc

T8 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 0.5 t COT ha-1 232a 38.66ab 332ab 11.82ab
T9 40 kg N ha-1 through FYM + 25 kg S ha-1 229a 37.59bc 329abc 13.10a

T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 198c 25.50f 302c 8.50d

S.Em± 7 1.18 9 0.43

C.D. (0.05) 20 3.50 26 1.29

Note: FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings, NS = Non-significant

10 kg N per ha through urea (T4) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha
(T9) were comparable to that of T8. Significantly lower nitrogen uptake (23.55 kg ha ) was
recorded with absolute control (T10). Total phosphorus uptake
Total phosphorus uptake differed significantly due to the residual effect of integrated
use of nutrients. Significantly higher P uptake was recorded (4.18 kg ha ) with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). The residual effects of 60 kg
N per ha through FYM (T7), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6) were comparable to that of T8.
Significantly lower total uptake (2.03 kg ha ) was recorded with absolute control (T10). Total potassium uptake
Significantly maximum total uptake was recorded (20.65 kg ha ) with the residual
effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8). The residual effect of 60 kg
N per ha through FYM (T7), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6) and 40 kg N per ha through
FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were comparable to that of T8. Significantly lower total uptake was
recorded with absolute control. Total sulphur uptake
Significantly maximum total sulphur uptake (3.95 kg ha-1) was noticed with the
residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9). The residual effects of
40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7)
were comparable to that of T9. Significantly lower total uptake was recorded with absolute
control (T10).
The available nutrients viz., nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur in soil after
harvest of chickpea differed significantly due to the residual effect of integrated nutrient
management imposed to sesame (Table 16).
4.7.1 Available nitrogen
Residual effect of treatments namely T8, T9, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3 and T2 which received N
in the form of FYM or in combination with urea recorded significantly higher available nitrogen
in soil.. Available nitrogen with absolute control was significantly lower and was in turn
comparable to the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1).
4.7.2 Available phosphorus
Significantly higher amount of phosphorus (41.81 kg ha ) was recorded with the
residual effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7). The residual effects of 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + COT 0.5 t per ha (T8) and 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6) were comparable
to that of T7. Significantly lower amount of phosphorus (25.50 kg ha ) was recorded with
absolute control (T10).
4.7.3 Available potassium
Residual effect of the treatments (T2 to T9) which received N in the form of FYM or in
combination with urea recorded significantly higher available potassium in soil than absolute
control (T10) and 40 kg N per ha though urea (T1). The residual effect of T1 and T10
comparable to each other.
4.7.4 Available sulphur
The residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) recorded
significantly higher amount of sulphur (13.10 ppm ha-1). However, the residual effect of 40 kg
N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha was comparable to that of T9. Significantly lower
content was recorded with absolute control (T10). Other treatments were intermediary.
Significant differences were observed with regard to gross returns, net returns and
B:C ratio (Table 17 and Fig. 9).
4.8.1 Gross returns
Significantly higher gross returns (Rs. 25,147 ha-1) were realized with 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) when compared to the rest of the treatments. The
treatments receiving 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5), 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6), 60
kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were
however found on par with that of T8. Gross returns obtained with absolute control (T10) were
significantly the lowest (Rs. 18,309 ha-1).
Table 17. Economics of sesame-chickpea sequence cropping as influenced by integrated nutrient management in sesame

Cost of Gross
Tr. Net returns B:C
Treatments cultivation returns
No. -1 -1
(Rs. ha-1) ratio
(Rs. ha ) (Rs. ha )

T1 40 kg ha-1 N through urea 11321 21800 1047 1.92a


T2 10 kg ha-1 N through FYM + 30 kg ha-1 N through urea 12116 21199 9083 1.75bc
b bc

T3 20 kg ha-1 N through FYM +20 kg ha-1 N through urea 12415 22359 9944 1.80bc
b b

T4 30 kg ha-1 N through FYM +10 kg ha-1 N through urea 12709 22163b 9454bc 1.74bc

T5 40 kg ha-1 N through FYM 13109 22583ab 9475bc 1.72c

T6 50 kg ha-1 N through FYM 13509 23414ab 9905b 1.73c

T7 60 kg ha-1 N through FYM 13909 23971ab 10062ab 1.72c

T8 40 kg ha-1 N through FYM+0.5 t ha-1 COT 13509 25147a 11638a 1.86ab

T9 40 kg ha-1 N through FYM+25 kg ha-1 S 13235 23642 1040 1.78bc


T10 Control (No FYM and fertilizer) 10310 18309 7999 1.77bc
c c

S.Em.± - 826 511 0.04

C.D. (0.05) - 2453 1517 0.12

Note : FYM= Farmyard manure, COT = Copper ore tailings


T1 – 40 kg N per ha through urea (RDN)

T2 – 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea

T3 – 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea

T4 – 30 kg N per ha through FYM + 10 kg N per ha through urea

T5 – 40 Kg N per ha through FYM

T6 – 50 kg N per ha through FYM

T7 – 60 kg N per ha through FYM

T8 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha

T9 – 40 kg N per ha through FYM + S @ 25 kg per ha

T10– Absolute control (no FYM and fertilizer)

Gross returns (Rs./ha) Net returns (Rs./ha)


Returns (Rs./ha)




T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10


Fig. 9. Economics of sesame-chickpea sequence cropping as influenced by integrated nutrient management

in sesame

Fig. 9. Economics of sesame-chickpea sequence cropping as influenced by integrated nutrient management

in sesame
4.8.2 Net returns

Significantly higher net returns (Rs. 11,638 ha-1) were realized with 40 kg N per ha
through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) as compared to rest of the treatments. However, the
treatments receiving 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and
40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) were found on par with that of T8. Net
returns obtained with absolute control (T10) were significantly the lowest (Rs.
7,999 ha-1).

4.8.3 B:C ratio

Application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) recorded significantly higher B:C ratio
(1.92). B:C ratio obtained with 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) were
found on par with T1. Significantly the lowest B:C ratio was recorded with treatment receiving
40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5).
The results of the field investigation on ‘Integrated nutrient management in sesame
and its residual effect on succeeding chickpea’ conducted at Main Agricultural Research
Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during kharif and rabi seasons of 2004-
05 were discussed in this chapter.
Dharwad is situated at 15°26‘ N latitude and 75°07‘ E longitude in Northern
Transitional Zone (Zone-8) of Karnataka. The soil of the experimental site was black clay
loam in texture (vertisol), slightly alkaline in reaction (7.8) with medium organic carbon
-1 -1
(0.52%), low available nitrogen (220.7 kg ha ), medium phosphorus (31.6 kg ha ), high
available potassium (324.5 kg ha ) and medium sulphur (11.2 ppm) contents.
The rainfall received during the year of experimentation was 606.9 mm and it was
19.4 per cent lower than the average of past 54 years (753.3 mm). During the sesame growth
period (19-07-2004 to 04-11-2004), a total rainfall of 445.5 mm (29 rainy days) was received,
which was 6.5 per cent lower than the average of past 54 years. Due to sufficient and proper
distribution of rainfall during sesame growth period, crop did not faced any moisture stress
and there was good crop stand establishment. But the yield levels recorded were low since
crop was sown late in the season (19-07-2004) and there was heavy rainfall coinciding
flowering, which resulted in flower drop. The other weather parameters like mean minimum
and mean maximum temperature during the crop growth period did not deviate much from the
average of past 54 years, except relative humidity which was 9.7, 4.1, 6.6 and 15.0 per
cent lower than average of past 54 years for July, August, September and October,
respectively. As a prophylactic measure, Monocrotophos @ 1.6 ml per litre of water was
sprayed against sucking pests and Dithane M-45 @ 2.5 g per litre of water against
During chickpea growth period (08-11-2004 to 27-01-2005) 4.8 mm of rainfall (1 rainy
day) was received that too during its later growth stage. At the time of sowing of chickpea
there was sufficient residual moisture in the soil, however for the better of establishment of
crop stand an irrigation was given after sowing. Crop experienced a mild moisture stress
during flowering period to pod development stage, which affected performance of the crop
resulting in reduced yield. The other weather parameters like mean minimum and mean
maximum temperature during the crop growth period did not deviate much from the average
of past 54 years, except relative humidity which was 23.68, 29.48 and 22.64 per cent lower
than average of past 54 years for November, December and January months, respectively.
In view of the increased cost of chemical fertilizers in recent years, efficient use of
fertilizers in combination with organic sources in crop production has became imperative.
Balanced fertilization through organic sources and fertilizer would go a long way in
maximising production per unit area, without affecting the soil fertility and productivity.
In the present investigation, application of recommended dose of nitrogen (40 kg N
ha-1) in the form of urea (T1) (Plate 2) recorded significantly higher seed and stalk yield (298
-1 -1
and 1414 kg ha , respectively) over absolute control (212 and 1012 kg ha , respectively)
(T10) (Table 6, Fig. 5 and Plate 3) and the improvement was to the tune of 41 and 40 per cent,
respectively. Increased seed yield with the application of nitrogen at recommended rate in the
form of urea (inorganic source) in sesame was in accordance with results reported by Tomar
(1990), Mandal et al. (1992) and Praveen Rao and Raikhelkar (1993). The seed yield
obtained with the application of 10 kg N per ha through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea
(T2) (Plate 4), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg N per ha through urea (T3) (Plate 5), 40 kg
N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) (Plate 6) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM
+ 25 kg S per ha (T9) (Plate 7) were also comparable to that of T1 and the yields with these
treatments were 22.2, 20.75, 24.0 and 21.2 per cent respectively higher than absolute control
(T10). The higher yields in these treatments could be attributed to the availability of nutrients
throughout the crop growth and its higher uptake by the crop (Table 8). These results are in
conformity with the findings of Duhoon et al. (2004), Deshmukh et al. (2002) and
Imayavaramban (2002). Application of recommended dose of nitrogen through FYM + COT
(T8) and FYM + S (T9) produced significantly higher seed yield over absolute control (T10) on
Plate 2. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through urea (100% RDN)

Plate 3. Absolute control (No FYM and fertilizer)

Plate 4. Sesame fertilized with 10 kg N per ha through FYM (25% RDN)+30 kg N per ha
through urea (75% RDN)
account of increased sulphur availability in the soil. However, the seed yields of the
former two treatments were comparable to that of application of recommended dose of
nitrogen through urea (T1). The non-response of sesame to COT/S over and above T1 could
be attributed to fact that the experimental site was medium in S.
The differences in seed yield could be related to the differences in number of
capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and test weight (Table 6). With the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1), number of capsules per plant (34.02) was
increased by 52 per cent, number of seeds per capsule (49) by 26.7 per cent and test weight
(3.5 g) by 12.17 per cent than absolute control (T10) resulting in higher seed yield per hectare.
Number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and seed weight per plant
realized from T2, T8 and T9 were comparable with that of T1 (Fig.4). These yield parameters
showed significant positive correlation between yield and number of capsules per plant (r =
0.943), number of seeds per capsule (r = 0.942) and seed weight per plant (r = 0.912) (Table
18). Application of recommended dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha-1) through FYM alone (T5)
significantly reduced the seed yield compared to T1. Reduction in the seed yield was due to
reduction in number of capsules per plant and number of seeds per capsule. With the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through FYM alone (T5), number of capsules
per plant was decreased by 45 per cent (23.39) and number of seeds per capsule by 19.5 per
cent (41) compared to recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1).
In the present investigation, the differences in various yield components which led to
significant yield differences could be traced back to significant variations in dry matter
production and its accumulation in various plant parts viz., leaves, stem and reproductive
parts (Table 5 and Fig.3). At 50 DAS and at harvest, TDMP per plant was significantly higher
in T1 and TDMP per plant in T2, T8 and T9 was comparable with T1. The extent of increase in
TDMP per plant was 39.5 per cent higher with T1, 27.5 per cent higher with T2, 30 per cent
higher with T8 and 26.4 per cent higher with T9 over absolute control (T10). Similarly, the
favourable effect of TDMP on yield was also seen through a significant positive correlation (r
= 0.883) between seed yield per hectare and total dry matter production per plant at harvest.
Distribution of dry matter among the plant parts was very important in regulating crop
yield. With the application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) at 75 DAS,
24.24 per cent of the total dry matter (13.16 g plant-1) has accumulated in leaves (3.19 g),
whereas 29 per cent (3.84 g) was in reproductive parts. At harvest, the dry matter
accumulation in leaves (1.06 g) was reduced to 6 per cent of the total (18.34 g), while that in
reproductive parts increased to 46 per cent (8.51 g). Magnitude of assimilate translocation
from source (leaves) to sink (pods) from 75 DAS to harvest accounted to 2.13 g per plant
(3.19 g to 1.06 g) in T1. Similar trend was also observed in T2 and T8. This higher
translocation was possible perhaps due to the better sink capacity as indicated by the higher
number of capsules and seeds per plant. The better sink capacity might be attributed to the
better dry matter production owing to better photosynthetic capacity of the plant during the
reproductive phase of the crop. Higher dry matter production and translocation with the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea or in combination with FYM was
also reported by Singh et al. (1973) and Deshmukh et al. (2002). Similar results were also
observed in sunflower by Subha and Gajendra Giri (2004), in mustard by Tigga et al. (2004)
and in soybean by Ranjit Singh and Rai (2004).
Total dry matter production per plant and its accumulation in different parts of plant
was influenced by the magnitude and persistence of photosynthetic capacity of a plant and its
translocation to different parts. Photosynthetic capacity of a plant was a function of
photosynthetically active leaf area and LAI. Throughout the growth of the crop, dry matter
accumulation in leaves was significantly improved with recommended dose of nitrogen
through urea (T1) compared to absolute control (T10) (Table 4). At 50 DAS, dry matter
accumulation in leaves was significantly higher in all the treatments (T1 to T9) except absolute
control (T10). At 75 DAS and at harvest dry matter accumulation was superior with T1.
However, T2 and T8 were comparable to that of T1. Dry matter accumulation in leaves with T1
was 47 per cent higher at 50 DAS, 30 per cent higher at 75 DAS and 107 per cent higher at
Further, at all the growth stages application of recommended dose of nitrogen
through urea (T1) significantly improved the LAI. Improvement in LAI at 50 DAS, 75 DAS and
harvest was 19 (2.13 vs. 1.79), 18 (2.55 vs. 2.16) and 20 per cent (0.84 vs. 0.70), respectively
over absolute control (T10). The similar trend was also noticed in T2, T3, T7, T8 and T9 which
Plate 5. Sesame fertilized with 20 kg N per ha through FYM (50% RDN)+20 kg N per ha
through urea (50% RDN)

Plate 6. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% RDN)+COT @ 0.5 t
per ha
Plate 7. Sesame fertilized with 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% RDN)+25 kg S per ha

were comparable to that of T1. The desirable differences in LAI might have been due
to the better uptake of nutrients in recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1). Being
the main component of protein and chlorophyll, N is basically involved in meristematic activity
of the crop that its better uptake would result in better dry matter accumulation in leaves as
well as better leaf expansion. Results are in conformity with findings of Bisht and Chandel
(1991) in soybean crop.

Table 18. Correlation coefficient (r) between seed yield (kg ha-1) and some important
parameters of sesame as influenced by integrated nutrient management

Sl. Parameters Correlation

No. coefficient (r)

1. No. of capsules per plant 0.943**

2. Number of seeds per capsule 0.942**

3. Seed weight per plant 0.912**

4. Total dry matter at harvest 0.883**

5. Total uptake of nitrogen 0.992**

6. Total uptake of phosphorus 0.980**

7. Total uptake of potassium 0.979**

8. Total uptake of sulphur 0.571

9. Plant height at harvest 0.970**

10. No. of branches at harvest 0.910**

11. Leaf area at 75 DAS 0.971**

12. Leaf area index at 75 DAS 0.967**

** Significant at 1 per cent level

Higher dry matter production and its accumulation in reproductive parts of the plant
can be achieved only with the development of a sound photosynthetic structure during early
periods of crop growth. Morphological characters viz., plant height and number of branches
per plant were significantly higher in treatment receiving 40 kg N through urea (T1) (Table 3).
This showed that application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) produced
initial vigour which helped for further improvement in growth and development of plant. The
plant height was increased by 46 per cent (66.07 cm), while number of branches per plant by
70 per cent (2.82) at 50 DAS in T1. Increase in the plant height and number of branches per
plant in sesame with application of inorganic form of nitrogen was also observed by Maiti et
al. (1981), Jadhav et al. (1991) and Dauly and Singh (1982). The plant height and number of
branches per plant in T2, T3, T8 and T9 were comparable with T1. These improved growth, dry
matter production and yield of sesame in response to application of nitrogen in the form of
urea/FYM attributed to availability of nutrients for lesser period and higher uptake of nutrients
by the crop.
Further, oil yield of the crop significantly improved with the application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) over absolute control (T10). The
improvement of T1 over T10 with respect to oil yield was 40 per cent. However, the oil yield
obtained from T2, T3, T8 and T9 were comparable with T1 and were 22, 19, 21 and 20 per
cent respectively higher than absolute control (T10) (Table 6). The results were in agreement
with the findings of Jadhav et al. (1992), Shrivastava and Tripathi (1992), Duhoon et al.
Improved seed yield and yield attributes could be attributed to higher nutrient uptake
by the crop. Uptake of N by sesame was 81 per cent higher (35.38 kg ha ) with the
application of 40 kg N per ha through urea (T1) compared to that realized with absolute
control (19.57 kg ha-1) (T10) (Table 8 and Fig. 6). Due to the integrated use of nutrients
increased uptake of N by sesame was observed in T2, T3, T8 and T9 which were 43 per cent,
37 per cent, 45 per cent and 38 per cent higher respectively over absolute control (T10).
Correlation study also indicated significant and positive correlation (r = 0.992) between the N
uptake and yield (Table 18). The increased uptake in T1 might be attributed to continuous
and quick supply of nutrients.
Application of recommended dose of N in the form of urea (T1) enhanced the uptake
of P by 75 per cent (2.81 to 4.92 kg ha-1) as compared to absolute control (T10). Application of
recommended dose of N in the form of FYM along with COT (T8) also recorded significantly
higher P uptake, which was comparable to T1. The increased P uptake in these treatments
might be attributed to better availability of P with N application due to their synergistic effect.
Further, a significant positive correlation was observed (r = 0.98) between seed yield and P
uptake. Similarly, K uptake by crop was significantly higher with T1 than absolute control (T10).
K uptake by crop was increased by 74 per cent (35.76 kg ha ) with T1 over T10. Seed yield
and K uptake by crop were also positively and significantly correlated (r = 0.979) (Table 18).
Similar results were also observed by Tomar (1990) and Mandal et al. (1990).
Sulphur uptake by crop was significantly higher with the application of 40 kg N per ha
through FYM along with 25 kg S per ha. Uptake of S by the crop was increased by 80 per
cent (3.3 kg ha ) with T9 compared to T10. The increased uptake of S by the crop could be
attributed to increased availability of S in the treated soil. Similar results were observed by
Sangale and Sonar (2004) and Fazal and Sissodia (1989) in sesame; Das et al. (1994) in
rapeseed; Legha and Gajendra Giri (1999) in sunflower and Dileep Kachroo and Aravind
kumar (1997) in mustard.
Available N, P, K and S in soil after harvest of sesame differed significantly among
the treatments (Table 9). All the treatments which received N in the form of urea/FYM or in
combination (T1 to T9) recorded significantly higher soil available N than absolute control (T10).
With regard to availability of P in soil, significantly higher P was recorded with FYM + COT
(T8). However, the available P recorded in T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 was comparable with T1.
Similarly available K also significantly maximum with T5, T6, T7, T8 and T9 compared to
absolute control (T10). Significantly higher available S was recorded with application of 40 kg
FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9). The increase in available nutrients in soil could be attributed to
residual effects of organic matter/COT/S applied to the soil. Similar such increase in soil
available nutrients due to integrated application of organic and inorganic nutrients in to the
soil had been reported by several workers (Thakkar et al., 1975; Nimje and Seth, 1987 and
Dwivedi et al., 1990). Bellakki (1995) observed that the available N, P, K and micronutrients
increased significantly with organic sources of nutrients over fertilizer alone.
Application of FYM to previous crop usually increases the growth and yield of
succeeding crop due to improved nutrient availability. In the present investigation integrated
nutrient management practices followed in kharif sesame had significantly influenced the
growth and yield of rabi chickpea indicating its residual effect.
Application of recommended dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha-1) through FYM along with
0.5 t COT (T8) during kharif season for sesame exerted significantly higher residual effect on
total green matter yield of succeeding chickpea (Plate 8). The extent of increase was by
33 per cent (60 q ha ) when compared to application of recommended dose of nitrogen (40
Plate 8. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% RDN)+COT @ 0.5 t per ha
on chickpea

Plate 9. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through urea (100% RDN) on chickpea

Plate 10. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% RDN) on chickpea
kg ha ) through urea (T1) (Plate 9). The total green matter yield obtained with the
residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5) (Plate 10), 50 kg N per ha through FYM
(T6) (Plate 11), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) (Plate 12) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM
+ 25 kg S per ha (T9) (Plate 13) were also comparable to that of T8 (Table 13 and Fig.7 and
8). This improvement could be attributed to the combined effect of S, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Si and
B present in COT besides residual effect of FYM. These results in conformity with findings of
Rajashekhar (1995) in chickpea. Similarly, Gupta and Kala (1980) recorded higher grain yield
of cowpea with application of Cu when compared to control.
Differences in total green matter yield in chickpea could be attributed to the
differences in dry matter production and its distribution in different plant parts like leaves,
stem and reproductive parts (pods). The residual effect of FYM based treatments (T2 to T9)
improved the dry matter production and its accumulation over no application (T10) (Table
12). Both at 60 DAS and 80 DAS, FYM + COT (T8) produced higher total dry matter per plant
over rest of the treatments. At 80 DAS, with the residual effect of T8, 12 per cent of the total
dry matter (33.85 g plant-1) was accumulated in leaves, 21 per cent in stem and 67 per cent in
pods. However, the total dry matter production per plant and its distribution in different plant
parts in T5, T6, T7 and T9 both at 60 and 80 DAS was comparable to that of T8. The higher
translocation in pods was possible perhaps due to the better sink capacity as indicated by
higher number of pods. Further, higher sink capacity might be attributed to the better dry
matter production owing to better photosynthetic capacity of the plant during the reproductive
phase of the crop. This is evident from the correlation between total dry matter yield and
number of pods per plant (r = 0.89) (Table 19).
Higher dry matter production and its accumulation in reproductive parts of the plant
can be achieved only with the development of a sound photosynthetic structure during early
periods of crop growth. Morphological characters like plant height and number of branches
per plant were significantly higher with FYM + COT (T8). This showed that the combined
application FYM + COT produced initial vigour which helped for further improvement in
growth and development of plant. At 80 DAS, plant height with the residual effect of T8 was
increased by 12 per cent (36.85 cm) over residual effect of T1. However, residual effect of
other FYM treatments (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9) were comparable with T8. Number of
branches per plant were increased by 18 per cent with T8 over T1 at 80 DAS and residual
effect of treatments viz., T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 were comparable to that of T8. Further,
correlation study revealed the significant and positive correlation between TDMP per plant
and plant height (r = 0.971) and number of branches per plant (r = 0.957) (Table 19).
The total uptake of N with FYM + COT (T8) was 41 per cent (38.8 kg ha-1) higher than
urea alone (27.58 kg ha ) (T1). The total uptake of N in T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 were comparable
with T8 (Table 15). This increase in N uptake was due to synergistic effect of Cu with N (Antil
et al., 1988). Residual effect of Cu was earlier established by many workers (Gorlich 1989,
Sherell, 1989 and Cox, 1992).
Residual effect of FYM + COT (T8) increased significantly the uptake of P and K also
by 71 and 63 per cent, respectively over T1. Similar results were also reported by Sherell
(1989). The uptake of S was significantly more with the residual effect of FYM + S (T9).
Combined application of S along with FYM increased S uptake by 82 per cent over T1. Total
S uptake in T8 and T7 was comparable with T9. Increase in SO4 concentration and uptake due
to application of S was recorded by many workers (Pathak and Pathak, 1972 and Singh and
Singh, 1984). Further, uptake of N, P, K and S also shown significant positive correlation with
yield (r = 0.995, 0.999, 0.996 and 0.918, respectively) (Table 19).
The improved total green matter yield and nutrient uptake by chickpea crop could be
attributed to better nutrient availability due to application of FYM along with COT/S. FYM
being a slowly degraded source of nutrients, made the nutrients available to the succeeding
chickpea crop. The residue of COT/S applied to previous crop might also contributed for the
supply of nutrients in the rhizosphere of chickpea. The residual effect of COT/S was earlier
reported by Rajasekhar (1995) in chickpea. Further, sesame crop known to leave
considerable quantity of residue (leaves) rich in nitrogen which on mineralisation might have
released substantial quantity of nutrients for the succeeding chickpea crop.
The availability of different nutrients in soil at harvest of chickpea were also found
significant with application of FYM along with COT (Table 16). Available N in soil was
maximum with the residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8).
While available P and K were more with the residual effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM
(T7) and sulphur was maximum with combined application of FYM along with S (T9). The other
Plate 11. Residual effect of 50 kg N per ha through FYM (125% RDN) on chickpea

Plate 12. Residual effect of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (150% RDN) on chickpea
Plate 13. Residual effect of 40 kg N per ha through FYM (100% RDN)+25 kg S per ha on

treatments (T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6) receiving FYM alone or in combination with N in the
form of urea recorded higher availability of N, P, K and S when compared to recommended
dose of nitrogen through urea. Similar such increase in soil available nutrients due to the
residual effect of FYM/COT/S had been reported by Das et al. (2004) in wheat, Rajasekhar
(1995) in chickpea and Viswanath Bhat (1993) in chickpea.

Table 19. Correlation coefficient(r) between green matter yield (q ha-1) and important
parameters of chickpea as influenced by residual effect of integrated nutrient

Sl. Parameters Correlation

No. coefficient (r)

1. Plant height at 80 DAS 0.971**

2. No. of branches at 80 DAS 0.957**

3. Leaf area at 80 DAS 0.950**

4. Leaf area index at 80 DAS 0.964**

5. Total dry matter at 80 DAS 0.915**

6. No. of pods per plant 0.810**

7. Total uptake of nitrogen 0.995**

8. Total uptake phosphorus 0.999**

9. Total uptake potassium 0.996**

10. Total uptake sulphur 0.918**

** significant at 1 per cent level


Integrated nutrient management involving judicious application of chemical fertilizers

with organic manure in a cropping system was an agronomic innovation advocates for
sustainable and profitable agriculture.
In sesame-chickpea sequence cropping, application of 40 kg N per ha through FYM +
COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) to sesame produced significantly higher net returns (Rs. 11,638 ha )
(Table 17 and Fig. 9). The net returns obtained from treatments receiving 40 kg N per ha
through urea (T1), 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg
S per ha (T9) were however comparable to that of T8. With regards to B:C ratio, significantly
higher value (1.92) was realized with recommended dose of N through urea (T1) and
treatment receiving 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) was comparable
to that of former treatment.


1. Integrated use of nutrients in sesame through organics and inorganics viz., 10 kg N

ha through FYM + 30 kg N through urea (T2), 20 kg N per ha through FYM + 20 kg
N per ha through urea (T3), 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8)
and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) produced seed yield (256-
262 kg ha-1) which was comparable to that of application of recommended dose of 40
-1 -1
kg N ha through urea (T1) (298 kg ha ).
2. The application of recommended dose of N through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8)
to sesame during kharif left considerable amount of residual nutrients which improved
the soil fertility status and improved the growth and yield of succeeding crop
3. Application of recommended dose of nitrogen through FYM along with COT @ 0.5 t
per ha (T8) produced significantly higher gross returns (Rs. 25,147 ha ) and net
returns (Rs.11,638 ha ) in sesame-chickpea sequence cropping.

1. There is a need to study the effect of other organic sources like vermicompost,
biogas slurry, sewage waste, crop residue and other bio/natural inputs.
2. There is a need to study the residual effect of FYM/COT on important cropping
sequences of this region.
3. There is a need to study the effect of COT on quality parameters.
The field experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, University
of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad to study the “Integrated nutrient management in sesame
and its residual effect on succeeding chickpea” under rainfed condition. The trial was carried
out during kharif and rabi seasons of 2004-05 and the results are summarized in this chapter.
The plant height at harvest of sesame was significantly higher due to the application
of recommended dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha-1) through urea (T1) than rest of the treatments.
Treatments receiving 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8), 10 kg N per ha
through FYM + 30 kg N per ha through urea (T2) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S
per ha (T9) were next in order. Significantly lower plant height was noticed with absolute
control (T10). Similar trend was also observed in number of branches per plant.
Leaf area and LAI were significantly higher with the application of recommended dose
of nitrogen (40 kg N ha ) through urea (T1) at harvest. Significantly lower leaf area and LAI
were noticed with absolute control (T10).
Dry matter production and its accumulation in different plant parts viz., leaves, stem
and reproductive parts were significantly higher with the application of recommended dose of
nitrogen (40 kg N ha-1) through urea (T1) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per
ha (T8) at all the stages of crop growth. Significantly lower dry matter production and its
accumulation in different plant parts were recorded with absolute control (T10).
The yield parameters, seed yield and oil yields were significantly higher with the
application of recommended dose of nitrogen in the form of urea (T1) compared to absolute
control (T10). The seed yield and oil yield obtained with T2, T3, T8 and T9 were comparable to
that of T1. Significantly lower yield parameters, seed yield and oil yield were recorded with
absolute control (T10).
Total uptake of N, P and K by sesame at harvest was significantly higher due to
application of recommended dose of nitrogen through urea (T1) over rest of the treatments.
However, total uptake of P with the combined application of FYM + COT (T8) was comparable
with T1. Significantly lower uptake of N, P and K was noticed in absolute control (T10). With
regard to S uptake, significantly higher was recorded with the application of FYM + S (T9).
However total uptake of S in T8 was comparable with T9. Significantly lower uptake of S was
recorded with absolute control (T10).
Available soil N was more with the application of 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7)
and 40 kg N per ha through FYM + COT @ 0.5 t per ha (T8) whereas soil available P and K
was significantly maximum with 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) and the available S was
significantly more with 40 kg N per ha through FYM + 25 kg S per ha (T9) over absolute
control (T10).
Plant height of chickpea differed significantly due to the residual effect of integrated
nutrient management. At 80 DAS (harvest), all the FYM based treatments (T2 to T9) showed
significantly higher plant height than absolute control. Number of branches were significantly
higher in T8 however, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 were comparable to T8.
At 80 DAS, significantly higher LA and LAI was recorded with FYM + COT (T8),
however other treatments were comparable the former treatment except T10 which recorded
significantly lower LA and LAI.
Total dry matter production and its accumulation in different plant parts of chickpea
viz., leaves, stem and reproductive parts was significantly higher due to the residual effect of
COT + FYM (T8) at 80 DAS. TDMP in T5, T6, T7 and T9 was comparable to T8. Significantly
lower TDMP was noticed with absolute control (T10).
Significantly higher number of pods per plant and total green matter yield of chickpea
were recorded with the residual effect of FYM + COT (T8). However, the residual effect of T5,
T6, T7 and T9 were comparable with former treatment. Significantly lower number of pods per
plant and total green matter yield were noticed in absolute control (T10).
Total uptake of N was significantly higher with the residual effect of FYM + COT (T8).
The residual effect of T4, T5, T6, T7 and T9 was comparable to that of T8. Total uptake of P and
K was significantly higher with T8. As regard to S uptake significantly higher value was
recorded with the residual effect of FYM + S (T9). However, T8 and T7 were comparable with
T9. Significantly lower uptake values of N, P, K and S were recorded with absolute control
All the treatments receiving FYM (FYM alone or in combination with urea/COT/S) (T2
to T9) recorded significantly higher available N in soil. Available P was significantly higher with
the residual effect of T7, T6 and T8. Significantly higher available S was recorded with the
residual effect of FYM + S (T9) and FYM + COT (T8). Significantly lower available soil N, P, K
and S was recorded with absolute control (T10).
In sesame-chickpea sequence cropping system, application of organic manure (FYM)
alone or in combination with other nutrient sources during kharif season improved returns of
the system. Significantly higher gross returns were observed with application of
recommended dose of nitrogen through FYM along with COT (T8), 60 kg N per ha through
FYM (T7), 40 kg N per ha through FYM along with 25 kg S per ha (T9), 50 kg N per ha through
FYM (T6) and 40 kg N per ha through FYM (T5) when compared with absolute control and
also other integrated nutrient management treatments.
With regard to net returns, maximum net returns were realized with application of
recommended dose of nitrogen in the form of FYM along with COT (T8), recommended dose
of nitrogen in the form of urea (T1), recommended dose of nitrogen in the form of FYM along
with 25 kg S per ha (T9) and 60 kg N per ha through FYM (T7) when compared to other
treatments under study. The lowest net returns were realized in absolute control (T10) followed
by 50 kg N per ha through FYM (T6).
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* Originals not seen
Appendix I: Price of inputs and outputs used in calculating cost of

Sl. No. Item Unit Price (Rs.)

1. Seeds
Sesame kg 50
Chickpea kg 30
2. Nutrient sources
Urea kg 4.80
DAP kg 9.20
MOP kg 4.60
SSP kg 3.20
FYM t 200
COT t 400
3. Plant protection chemicals
Monocrotophos lit 320
Dithane M-45 kg 200
4. Labour
Men day 50
Women day 35
5. Bullock pair day 150
Sesamum seeds Q 2800
Chickpea green matter yield Q 300
SUCCEEDING CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.)


Major Advisor

A field experiment was conducted on black clayey soil during kharif and rabi seasons
of 2004-05 to study the “Integrated nutrient management in sesame and its residual effect on
succeeding chickpea” under rainfed condition at Main Agricultural Research Station,
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka. The experiment was laid out using
RCBD with three replications. The treatments composed of recommended dose of nitrogen in
the form of urea or FYM and their combination along with copper ore tailings (COT) and
Integrated use of nutrients through organics and inorganics viz., 10 kg N ha through
-1 -1 -1
FYM+30 kg N ha through urea, 20 kg N ha through FYM+20 kg N ha through urea, 40 kg
-1 -1 -1 -1
N ha through FYM+COT @0.5 t ha and 40 kg N ha through FYM+25 kg S ha produced
seed yield (256-262 kg ha ) which was comparable to that of application of recommended
-1 -1
dose of 40 kg N ha through urea (298 kg ha ). The combined application of organics and
inorganics during kharif season for sesame exerted significant residual effect on succeeding
Total green matter yield of chickpea and nutrient uptake were significantly higher with
application of RDN in the form of FYM along with COT @0.5 t ha-1, 60 kg N ha-1 through FYM,
-1 -1 -1 -1
50 kg N ha through FYM, 40 kg N ha through FYM+25 kg S ha and 40 kg N ha through
FYM when compared with absolute control and RDN to sesame. The economic analysis of
sesame-chickpea sequence cropping showed significantly higher net returns with application
of RDN in the form of FYM along with 0.5 t COT (Rs.11,638 ha ), RDN through urea
(Rs.10,479 ha ), 60 kg N ha through FYM (Rs.10,062 ha ) and 40 kg N ha-1 through
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1
FYM+25 kg S ha (Rs.10,407 ha ).

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