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19th July, 1933 THE KHALSA ,REVIEW s

Why must we kee, the Keshas: our choicest possession. became 'tbe Ancient Sage' and his poem
bearing tbat. name is really a leaf from
tbe unwritten Bible. The wbole of
BY ,S. SHER SINGH M,Sc ., D.F.O. Europe looks aghast at Shakespeare who
is head and shoolders above all others
Excerpts from his address to the Khalsa Central Youth Leal!ue. and cannot understapd him wby ?
Becaose they have lost tbe choicest of
Bretbren! I have already drawn your bas climbed down, I mean spiritually all possessions. the keshas which made '
attention to our cboicest possession. not materially since tbe days of Sbakes· Shakespeare the dramatist, Tennyson tb'e
1 mean Nam witbout which we . will peare. I will not refer you to tbe poet and Jesus tbe Christ. Bretbern,
lbe as much starved as fish without water World War for . tQat is now regarded all of tllese leading lights of the West
,and lire without air. But do you know as a symbol of efficiency. But tbere were truly -Sikhs, nay ' they were I{halsa
what is the custodian· or conservator is much ·dee.llllr test of progress o~ for were they not bearded like you?
.of Nam? Some of you, not . having de.terioration tOan the World War and In tbose flowing locks lies the secret
tried long enougb, not havlOg thought I will use S\lakespeare bimself as a of greatness of tbe great and wben tbe
<leep enough, are like motes in tbe meter, a measure of tbe greatness of Te\lth Guru made it compulsory on
air swept this way or that by currents England. I b,lieve all of you must you to keep the holy kesbas, he did
,of air. They see ' tbe Curzon .fashion bava read Sbakesp"re but while so because be loved you, because he
much in the air, even some ladies are most of yQU under;tand and admire wanted you to have wbat is verily best,
·drawn towards bobbed bair for ' in so bi, dram liS, yet there i, one thing what is purest and choicest> possession.
.doing they take to tbemSelves ' the airs in him which you do not understand. In keeping the long h.;.;1. you may not
wbich the plumed jackdaw . took when And this one thing which 1 will soon be in maj.ority, a but remember you are
mixing with the peacocks. But mis- mention to you is not only a sealed in ' select society, in . excellent company,
.guided as sucb men are, you do not book to you and to your professors members of the Lodge Universal which
..ealise the tremendous barm tbat they but to all· (I speak- subject to correc- comprises all the rishis of ', the East,
' do to themselves by cutting witb tbeir, tion) tbe University Professors in prophets and seers of the West includ-
own hands< the rqots of their , higber· England! I will riot ,set your curiosity ing . Rama, Krishna, Moham!Jlad, Cbrist
<;elf: they ~re verily , committing suicide! futber on edge, ·So I will mention to and aU the great Gurus w~ose replica,
But you Yllll ask me. the how and y'ou at once as to what I inean: tbe the soul·architecture is the Khalsa. In
wb~. of 'keeping , tbe . K,eshas. Bretbren, Sbakespearean ". Sonnets. University , other words, you may not 'be one of
of all the men who are assembled professors will tell you that tllese tbe teeming sheep, but cettainly you
bere, I am ., __ tbe .9ne wbo is the most sonnets . are love-songs wbich Sbakes- are one among tbe Shepherds\ The
c;iualifi.<;d t9 .- ~oswer t)lis .query for I peare composed for his lady-love whim'· Keshas are our holiest posses~on and
.am .- fo~~sier. wh.o-. _ iives . in .. lhe h iUs he was young, but tbose · who hold we ' 'c an not part with them ' tban we
and WPI' ~eyel~ . ill t\le, ~ark, ~hades. of this view are wrong, one and all. I'" can . remain without ligbt 'or ' air;' they
-deoAari, You will ask me . as to bave read these , sonnets' with ' the key who part witll them in ignorance are
wbat . is' . the connecHpn. betw,".en wood,s which I will sooll ment:on to you and like brutes caught up in a , !tunnel or
on hills and ,Kesbas On oilr heads. I' have no doubt wbatsoever that , they tbrown down in, a ditcb. They must
And I hasten to reply that 'there is are no idle effusions of an .'eartbly ' climb back and recover the heritage
tbey ' are but tbey , are tbe chaste byrns' tbey have .lost or else they are doomed
,essentially, if only we had eyes to s~. and when the was The Banking Half-Year .
Those' dark woods on the sunny slopes, deeply love with tht U ni"erBal
01 the Himalays invite and usher In BridegroOm :' the A:kalpu~klt:: .. But. what The Punjab and ~ I!~~ Limitel
tbe monsoons from the far-off Indian is · the proof, you will sa)"? The proof The working of r. _ half-year with
Ocean. Were it not for those wooded is in the pudding itsell, l;mt if you 30th June' I933 after defraying all e...penses
_ slopes, the bills would soon be turried want an additional : one it is there showed a profit of Rs.· 1,08,189:15 -6.
into "wines and the ravines levelled written witb Shakespear's own Tbe balance brought forward amounted .
into ,bowling deserts, and this land bands, for in tbe dedication Shakespeare at Rs. 25,571-7-7. Tbe total amount beld at
of the Five Rivers would be turned writes that be is dedicating tbese disposal tbus increased to Rs. 1,33,76 1·7-1'
into that desolate 'Sahara , which is ' tbe sonnets to one of his friends with a It ·is proposed to set apart Rs. 72.000
curse of Africa. It is those woods view to initiate him into A-rt of Bter- for addition to Bank Reserves, Rs. 28,940
which first draw the moisture laden nity." Mark the word ' Eternity' and for Ad-interim dividend to the shareholders
clouds ~v~n as the magnet attracts tbe "II the rest will follow, alpe1t in a dim at 15 % p. a. and Rs. 5.000 for Bank pre-
needle, then precipitate them , for they manner. But if you want to umevel >~ ~e~reciation in a~dition to separate .
. are like rose fans tbrough which water this mystry to its minutest detail, you. depreCiatIon for Furmture and Reference
filters down, and tben they help to must use the golden key of t~,"aPii Books. The balance which will be
conserve the water to keep the sod for tbat is tbe Master-key wbi~., will carried forward to the next half·year
green, to fertilise the valley and enrich unlock to you tbis and tbat riddl~, will amount to Rs. 25,426-7·1.
tbe country with flower, Ituit and grain. and also the kingdom of Heaven. I
India witbout th,e monsoons would be know Sbakespeare not because I have General Meeting of Khalsa Durhar.
another African Sahara, but the monsoons been taugbt in schools and colleges, The generat meeting 01 the Khalsa
would not settle witbout tbe hospitable I know him hecause Guru Nanak took Durbar will come off on Sunday tbe
woods, so also the monsoons sbower me up one-day, ah ! tbe day! from 6tb August 1933, at I p.m. in the Ouru
of Nam would not settle until tbese the dust and dirt of eartb into tbat ki Saran, Amritsar.
holy Keshas are tbere to act as sponges closet wher~ tbe Kbalsa or the elect It is a very urgent meeting, and every
for that honeyed-dew wbicb is tbe sit, and going in I icund that Shakes- member is requested to attend punctually.
secret of enternal youth! Believe me, peare was but one of the many Keshas Agenda.
young men, what I tell you is true, who are there' I Consider brethren the (1) Discussion on the present poSition
only too true. But I can see a few deptl1 to which England has climbed of tbe Kbalsa Durb.r.
among you who are obsessed by ' tbe down. Ponder ~ver it: Bngland can- (~To devise ways and means for an
West asking me, if not openly yet in not understand ,~s own Shakespeare, I effeCtive recognition of Sikh "ights and
their hearts, how is that Europeans ' mean the best of him . which are his claims.
fiou'ish all the same, even though sonnets and whicb were writt~n in (3) Discussion in the reservation of
they do not keep the Idng hair? The the prime of hi8 life, near the grave; . seats for Sikh Community.
objeCtion is good enough but you have tbe dramas and plays of Shakespeare ' (4) Miscellaneous.
only to ]:0 deep down its bottom" to are hut the husk while the sonnets AVATR SINGH, Bar.·at·Law, .
scrape it out-right. If you will listen, are his kernel! Tennyson understood President,
I wi!l . !:lIPlaia ' "to you how " 'E ngland Shakespeare and when he did so he Khalsa Durbar, Labore.
i·'~~'"'' -,
6 THE KHALSA REVIEW. 19tn July, 1933

revival of the spirit of Sikhism, and tbe ·

incu rsion of the ideas of Western Demo-
CORRESPONDENCE. cracy and Equality, even those wbo bad
arrogated to · tbemselves the titles of
Sikh. and High Court. appoint a Sikh Successor in place Sardars, R"jas, etc., in times of religious
of the one removed, as in tbat' case decay, in the Punjab, .would be happy
To tne Editor Kbalsa Review, Lahore. they will be only maintaining and to renounce th.s. titles -tnd return to the
Sir, bolding their own position. spirit of Brotherly comradeship, whicb
The appointment of Mian Abdul To us tbe issue is plain. If recruit- tbe·Gurus bad·taught,but just the opposite
Rasbid to Higb Court Bench voices the ment to services· is to be made In tendency is visible, witb Ibe result that
principle with the blow of trumpet that accordance with population percentage every ono wh~·k!'8ps :Iong hair and beard,
seats on the High Court Bench and the rigbts of the Sikb Community deligbts in being called a Sardar.
those on the Executive Councils of s!lould and cannot be ~nored, and If tbis continues, we shall soon witness·
Governors . belong no longer to the alumni any departure . from this now well- tpe spectacle of a few millions of Cbiefs·
of law but to communities. establisbed rule would certainly create witbout any subject or territory to rule'
I n view of this principle and the just resentment, unrest and agitation over, wbich will be amusing if not
method of its working, let us hope tbat in the communty.-FAIRPLAY. altogetber pitiable.
our sagacious Hon'ble Chief Justice will ONE SICK OF TITLES
no longer find it imp<>ssible to pick out Jhatka CDntroversy.
a man of tbe req,.:!-'ite cal.ibre from amongst Talbana Deptt. & Sikh •.
Tbe Editor, Khalsa Review, Labore.
his Sikb Sessions Judges or Sikh mem- The -Editor Kbalsa Review.
bers of the bar and elevate bim to tbe Dear Sir, Sir,
bencb. He will tnereby be not honouring .With reference to tbe translation Kindly publisb the following in your
tbe individual but the community which of a note that appeared in "Akali" esteemed paper : -
resents the stigma of inefficiency and of Lahore, dated 3rd June 1933 with Tbe rigbts of tbe Sikbs are being seriously
inability witb which it is confronted regard to use of Jbatka meat in the ignored in tbe Talbana department (under
every time it bas tried to push tbis very precinct of Butari Railway Station. From Senior Sub-Judge Multnn). It is from a.
reasonable claim_ this you will find · tbat it is understood long time tbat no Sikb bas been taken in
In our opinion tbe difficulty lies in tbat tbe Muslims wbo participated in a this department. I give below the detail of
the fact that wbile Muslims are tried and riotous manner, were some of tbe Railway tbe employees in tbe Talbana departmen t
judged, we are prejudged. Whenever employees wbo deserve deterrent punish- whicb clearly sbows tbe grave injustic e
and whereever tried, have our men ever ment for interferring witb tbe religious affairs done to the rigbts of Sikhs_ Woul d
failed to give satisfaction? I hope tbat of others. My Committee are of opinion tbe Government move in tbe matter, and
by the term Sikh will be meant the class that it is the duty of tbe officers of the protect tbe right of tbe Sikb Minority?
recognized by tbe Sikb community, i.e., Railway Department tbat tbey sbould . Court. Office. Sikbs. Others.
inform tbe employees that as soon as

Kesadbari Sikh. 'or sub-Judge Civil
tbey become public servants, they should ultan . Nazir None 1
JASWANT SINGH, Bhagat. keep their religious bigotary at borne as , Senior
Official R~ceive.. in. the Punjab. I· .rn
religion is tbeir personal affair.
that if on
furthcl: d:ht:\ [0
any other Railway Station
Irtform you
~ IWh.N. ..'"
Junior sub-Judge senior

J:ditor, Khalsa Review, Labore. Multan sub-Nazir .. 1

such incidents happen. tbe Sikb " Helping clerk " 1
Sir, community will bold the Railway Adminis- Sub-Judge Multan Sub-
With an a~~t . /. aggressive com- tration equally responsibility for not Nazir 1
munalism in the Punjab, the merit creating espirits de corpr amongst the staff. .. Helping clerk "" 1
and fair field bas been given a go-by Witb regard to tho weak attitude of Sub-Judge Khane- Sub-
and the back door policy holds tbe
day. No appointment in the public
the Hindu Station Master, I am directed
to say that my Committee consider tbat as
Helping clerk
... 1
service of ·the Province is made without Hindus as a class are not Jhatka meat Tabsils Help:ng
any regard f~r communal percentages.
.The efficiency of services is daily
easters and therefore on account of their
weak disposition towards J hatka. they can
Tahsils & Cantt. Bailiffs
." 4
being undermined and is adulterated not be relied upon for such catering Con- " Junior
by the communal colour. However, if
this rule is supposed to have been
tracts in which Jhatka meat is to be used.
. My Committee shall be thankful if you
Bailiffs . 52
adopted to remedy the communal kindly let me kriow the action, the o 72
inequality or disparity of communal Railwa,,'1I-dministration propose to take J Itstice.
representation in services, then it is to prote.!t the interests of the verile Sikh
expected the Government would make community. A Sikh Diwan at Singhpura.
a fair deal with all . the commumtles Foundation Stone of a Gurdwara Laid.
in the Province. Now there are seventeen Hony. Secretary,
Official Receivers in tbe Punjab, and Sri Guru Singh Sabba Singbpura,
Sikb Rigbts Protection Society.
not one of . them is a Sikh, the only (Labore) has arranged to build a mag-
one having been recently removed. nificient Gurdwara, tbe foundation stone
The relative strength of the tbree Sardar or Bhai ? of . wbich . was laid by Sardar Partap
communities is as follows:- Singh, M.A., LL.B., Advocate, Lahore,
To The Editor Kbalsa Review. on Sunday tbe 9th July, 1933. A grand
Hindus ... 11 Sir, Diwan was beld for the purpose in
Muslims 4 I have often wondered what bas been whicb speecbes suitable to the occasion
~hs ... Nil. bappening to the Sikhs for sometime were delivered by S. Amar Singh of tbe
Vacancies 2 past! Every Sikh prefers to be called a Sher-i-Punjab and other Sikh leaders.
Obviously there is no representation of Sardar (Cbief), and seems to dislike tbe Sardar Partap Singh was taken to the
the Sikbs in this cadre and it is not title of Bhai (Brotber), whicb in older place in a big procession beaded by band
too much to expect from the Government times prevailed among tbe Sikbs, on and Volunteer Corps_ Tbe auspicious
and High Court ' tbat botb tbese account of the teaching of Guru Nanak ceremony was performed by Sardar Sabi!»
appointments should go to the Sikbs and bis successors, wbicb inculcated tbe in the presence of tbousands of people
in order to remove their legitimate Fatberbood of God and the B'rotberbood amidst. continued sbouts of Sat Sri Aka!.
grievance. Tbe least that can be done of man_ . Great enthusiasm prevailed and the
to satisfy tbe Sikb Community is to One migbt have ~bougbt, tbat with the function was a grand success_

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