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Daniel Ruiz

21 Year old
Neighbourhood Palito
City – San onofre- Sucre
Phone : 3146350692
E-mail :


Years Diploma as student Primary Basic 2008

City - Country PRIMARY • Maria Auxiliadora Educational Institution-San Onofre,Colombia

Years Diploma as Academic Bachelor 2014

City - Country School Normal Superior Lacides Iriarte- Sahagun, Colombia

Years Higher Normalist with emphasis on Primary Basic: Normal Superior Lacides Iriarte 2016
City - Country School Normal Superior Lacides Iriarte

Years Bachelor in English "in process"

City - Country Corporación Universitaria del Caribe

Languages: English : Bilingual

Spanish : Fluently

Software : Word, Excel, and all web 2.0 tools aplicated to education


Sports, Trainings, Passions,Music, Reading and Movies.

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