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0 Processes are employed in the treatment plant and detailed description on the size of
the treatment units

The existing Brockville WPCC is a primary plant. Unit treatment processes include duty/standby
mechanical screens, aerated grit removal channels, chemically assisted primary clarification and
disinfection using chlorination (CH2M HILL, 2008). Anaerobic digestion of primary sludge is carried
out, followed by sludge thickening with centrifuges for off-site use and/or disposal. Disinfection at
the existing plant is achieved by means of chlorination with sodium hypochlorite, using a concrete
contact chamber.

The proposed treatment processes for the Brockville WPCC and proposed design basis are outlined
in Table 4.1 and Process flow diagram in Appendix A.

Table 4.1: Treatment Processes and Design Parameters (CH2M HILL, 2008).

Treatment Unit Design basis

Screening Existing process sized based on peak flow up to

54,500 m3/d.

Grit Removal Existing process sized based on peak flow up to

54,500 m3/d.

Primary Clarification Existing process sized based on 21,800 m3/d

average day, peak flow up to 54,500 m3/d.

Aeration Sized to treat flow of 21,800 m3/d average day,

and 54,500 m3/d peak instantaneous.

Final Clarification Sized to treat flow of 21,800 m3/d average day,

and 54,500 m3/d peak instantaneous.

Disinfection UV Disinfection sized to treat flows up to

54,500 m3/d, duty/standby channels.

Digestion Existing digesters checked based on sludge

production from existing primary process and
new secondary process – new WAS thickening
to be added to economize on digester capacity
and allow for secondary sludge to be digested
without additional digester construction.

Dewatering Existing process reviewed for flows up to 132

m3/day or 2640 kg/d at 2% dry solids (projected
solids feed rate with secondary treatment).
All proposed process equipment detail description in terms of number of units, basic unit sizing, tank
area and volume are outlined in Table 4.2. The proposed sizing is based on conceptual level process
modelling and calculations, and is approximately only (CH2M HILL, 2008).

Table 4.2: Summary of Process tankage and Equipment Sizing (CH2M HILL, 2008).

Treatment Unit Number of Unit and Basic Sizing

No. of Screens 2 (Duty/Standby mechanical)
No. of Screening Washer/Compactor 1
Grit Removal
No. of Grit Tanks 2 (Duty/Standby mechanical)
Volume of total tanks (m3) 103
Volume of per tanks (m3) 52
Dimension per tank
Length (m) 7.6
Width (m) 3.7
Depth (m) - Liquid 3.66
Primary Clarification
No. of tanks 4
Primary clarification area total tanks (m2) 1160
Primary clarification area per tank (m2) 290
Dimension per tank
Length (m) 29
Width (m) 8
Depth (m) 4
No. of Aeration Tanks 3
Total Aeration Tank Volume (m3) 6600
Volume per Aeration Tank(m3) 2200
Dimension per tank
Length (m) 27
Width (m) 15
Depth (m) 5.5
Aeration Blowers 4 ( 3 Duty, 1 Standby)
75 kW (100 HP)
Process Air per tank 2178 m3/hr (average daily flow)
3267 m3/hr (peak flow)
Final Clarification
No. of final tanks 3
Final clarification area (m2) total tanks 1800
Final clarification area (m2) per tank 600
Dimension per tank
Length (m) 40
Width (m) 15
Depth (m) 5
Scum Pumps 3 (1 Duty per tank)
1.5 kW (2 HP)
Return and Waste Sludge Pumping
RAS Pumps 6 (1 Duty, 1 Standby per aeration tank)
RAS Pumping Rate 100% Avg. Day Flow returned to aeration tanks
11 kW (14 HP)
WAS Pumps 4 (1 Duty per tank, 1 Common standby)
WAS Pumping Rate 650 m3/d
3.7 kW (5 HP)
Biosolids Treatment
Type of Digesters Anearobic
No. of Digesters 2
Digester volume (m3) total tank 2180
Digester volume (m3) per tank 1060
WAS Holding Tank 120 m3
Digested Sludge Holding Tank 120 m3
Sludge Dewatering
Type of Equipment Centrifuge
No. of Units 2 (Duty/Standby)
Capacity (m3/d) per centrifuge 5103 kg/d at feed
Centrate Holding Tank 100 m3

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