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I am in love, but he doesnt seem to pay any attention to me, I

dont meditate he even knows I exist.

I just want him to watch me and I have tried everything, this is

my last resort. Does anyone know the ritual to make a negotiate
with the devil? I cant seem to find it anywhere?


Stop believing in thi religious nonsense . Satan i fake

If he doesnt love you know, he never will. Satan may FORCE him
to, but it isnt real- so it isnt love. Itll all be fake, an act,
manipulated by darkness.
Satan will also twist your wish around so you or your love end up
dead, abused, or horrified forever.
He i evil, dont you see? No mercy, no love, PURE evil. Not one
speck of goodnes, like most people: He has nothing. He will eat
you, limb by limb, save your blood and fork your eyes up and not
even feel disgusted. He will do even worse things. He i hell, he
is evil. Make a deal with him, and youre WORSE OFF THAN
He will torture you until death seem like the best thing in the
world, and you wont even give a DAMN about your lover after
you make a deal with Satan. In fact, you wont have ANY time of
happiness with him. Not 1 second. He will never love you,
especially after you are desperate enough to go with the devil!

Also, if he wont notice you, doesnt that tell you something? It

simply wasnt meant to BE, or hed notice you. He just doesnt
love you yet, or perhap he never will- but then he isnt your
soulmate! There is one person out there who loves you so much
you cant even imagine, and you will love them beyond measure
or words, but youll never meet that soulmate if you sell your
soul to the devil- ANY contract is selling your soul, BTW.

Your soul is the most prescious thing in the world. THE. It is

invinsible, it never die, it is yours alone and everything you
believe, love, everything- you sell it, you dont even have
YOURSELF. Your thought arent your own, your heartbeat-
NOTHING. You are nothing. When you die, even DEATH isnt your
own. There i no way out.
But, fine. If you want a ritual, and i cant convince you not to kill
yourself for eternity (and longer, eternity has no end, you will
be tortured forever, no way out. A not even pain i yours now)
then, fine, here is the ritual.
MATERIALS: (Please, dont do thi!)
-Fire lighter
-black coal that make marks on the ground
Write the following on a piece of paper, preferrably cotton:
I, (FULL NAME), accept the following transaction without being
conversed into thi mutually agreement.
That upon services rendered by the second party, to which will
be referred hereafter a St. Lucifer, granting me (STATE WHAT IT
I, (YOUR FULL NAME), hereby exchange my soul and very
essence to St. Lucifer a Payment In-Full, for services rendered.

(SEAL X) Below you signature, you must smear your OWN (use
knife) Blood upon Three side-by-side fingers and imprint the
document with this.

To deliver the contract, is not hard at all and even the Bible
tells you how.
Next month New Moon, just a the sun disappears over the
horizon in the West, but yet there still rays of light on the
horizon, burn the paper outside in the open. BUT, Make a circle
with a satanist star in the middle, with the devil symbol around
it. Put the fire and paper in the middle of the star. Thi is called
sending a prayer, as the very smell will even reach heaven!
I would guess that it i the same a praying, you just act like a
lunatic and talk to thin air, make sure no one i around though or
they will think you are talking to yourself or that you are crazy,
Ha! A deal with the devil i like a death sentence. Satan isnt
going to go around handing out free favor, which i why everyone
call satanic rituals evil. Satan always wants something. It doesnt
help that he doesnt like humans - which is why he was casted
down from heaven.
Satan i a fictional character, created by Christianity for many
purposes (none knows which are true).

Some say Satan was created in the name of competition.

Christianity supposedly made up Satan, to put the Old Religion
masculine part (the Horned God) in the black limelights.

Others say he wa created to spread fear among none-believers

(specifically). He wa also meant to stop believers from
disobeying the Church.

Sometimes Satan wa used in order to prosecute someone.

Especially Witche, followers of tradition of the Old Religion,
were the victim of this.

You cant

1. How Do I Sell My Soul to the Devil and Serve Him

in His Dark Satanic Glory?
1.1. Answer One - The B-Ritual Method

The ritual is opened in the traditional way if there are multiple persons
present. See your copy of "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey (1969) for
the basics. It's not easy, and the ritual takes a few hours. You will need a
cold room that has not received sunlight for three days, and you'll need a
parchment of plain paper that also has been in total darkness for three
You'll also need a pentagram drawn on the floor, in order to protect
yourself, and you must stand inside it from beginning to end. Treading
outside of it will make any mistake permanent, and you are likely to make at
least some mistakes.

Keep the air heavy with incense (whichever ones you like most), and do the
ritual alone at first, otherwise your concentration will stray (and you may get
embarrassed). Taking a vial of goat's blood (NOT sheep's blood, ever!),
scatter drops within the pentagram, but not outside it, and not on your feet.
After the scattering you must not tread on the blood, otherwise you will
carry it with you outside the pentagram when you leave.

"Devil Worship" by Vexen Crabtree (1999)

Etc etc etc, blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit bullshit. The previous three
paragraphs are what I call my "dark sense of humour". This is the answer
that Christian Devil Worshippers enjoy. It is b-movie media crap combined
with Medieval Christian paranoia about non-Christian practices. Doing the
above is not only stupid, it is pathetic... unless you make money from it, in
which case use ketchup and tell them it's congealed blood.

On a similar note also see the Ritual to ensure cooperation, devised by

Magister Michael Roseof the Church of Satan. The ritual will ensure those
who would otherwise shun you cooperate with your simple, legal request.
Visit the Church of Satan website for the rest of his essays under

The next two answers are not taking-the-piss answers to the oft asked
question, "how can I sell my soul to the devil?...".

1.2. Answer Two - A Blatant Misunderstanding

The person who asks "How do I sell my soul" is most likely new to the
Satanism - and probably new to science, new to critical thinking, new to
adulthood, and generally just newy. They are most likely asking this
question to the first Satanist that they have encountered. Satanism does
not, however, recognize Satan as an existent being. As a result, the answer
of a typical Satanist to this question could be: "Piss off you immature Devil
Worshipper. Get a life and a job. Stop harassing us until you've grown some
brain cells", etc.

More informatively you could quote from The Satanic Bible:

“To become a Satanist, it is unnecessary to sell your soul to the Devil or
make a pact with Satan. This threat was devised by Christianity to terrorize
people so they would not stray from the fold. ”
"The Satanic Bible"
Anton LaVey (1969)
Book of Lucifer 4:para15

Try "The Description, Philosophies and Justification of Satanism" by Vexen

Crabtree (2010).

1.3. Answer Three - The Good Answer

It's easy. You have obviously been highly influenced by the Judeo-Christian
image of Satan, so the following method will probably appeal to you... first
of all: how was evil introduced into the world? It was not by Satan, who can
only come by invitation and who is not the creator. Firstly, the possibility of
evil was created by god. It also created human beings that we would be
inherent, constant sinners. So it wasn't long before the very first human
beings accepted Satanby eating the apple. Remember that old Biblical story
of Adam and Eve?

The tree they ate from was the tree of knowledge of good and evil: the
primary character trait that God did not want Humans to have was moral
knowledge. Hence the first sin of Satanism - which is stupidity. Knowledge
(if you are interested in rejecting God this means theological knowledge) is
the key to becoming a proper vessel of Satanic objectives. It's not an easy
path, nor a particularly satisfying one, but the road you are seeking will lead
you to the serpent's wish, that we beat God through our own knowledge of
just how non-existent he is. How?

The answer lies in knowing and exploiting the fundamental flaw of theism: It
is not based on truth. Therefore our greatest weapon is the truth. The
knowledge of science and theology is all that is required to destroy the
myths of divinity.


 "Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the

Serpent, in the Garden of Eden" by Vexen
Crabtree (2013)
 "Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action:
Biblical Morals and Social Disaster" by Vexen
Crabtree (1999)
 "Christianity and Satanism are Completely
Different Religions" by Vexen Crabtree(2005)

2. Souls Do Not Exist

 "Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science
& Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism"
by Vexen Crabtree (2007)
 "Soul Theory and Skepticism: Science
Versus Spirituality" by Vexen Crabtree

Enough of the silly head-bashing, and back to basic science. Souls do not
exist. The whole idea of 'souls' doesn't make any sense; the extent to which
our personality, character and consciousness is affected by changes to our
body chemistry means that it is clear to biologists and psychologists thatwe
are our bodies, particularly our brains. It is our bodies that we should care
for. Despite the evidence for a purely physical understanding of life, many
still like believing in souls. So, this page hopefully provides some useful
links for misinformed spiritual adventurers.

A Mori poll in 2002 found that 68% of the British public believe in souls

You can't sell your soul to Satan, because Satan doesn't exist,
and souls don't exist. So, be productive. Make money. Find happiness.
Look after yourself. Achieve real-life success... do not spend
counterproductive time on your enemies, spend time on yourself. Make
sure material knowledge and success is primary, along with forming good
friendships. Live life holistically and carnally. Make Satan proud through
living your life with intelligence and godlessness. Make yourself efficient,
strong. Be self loving, do not neglect yourself. You will find you have no
need for a soul, that actually, you've already sold it to Satan when you
stood on the intellectual route to self-manifestation. Now all you have to do
is work out what kind of Satanist you are!

Read / Write Comments

 By Vexen Crabtree 2009 Sep 09
Last Updated: 2010 Aug 30

Winters Wareagle · Loggers at The Bootstrap Project

Really bad for the first time imprisoned in lies about his hands in learning more about the way need a demon firstly to
make a contact with terms an obligations they themselves are to obey and rather you are interested in them working for
you in this life time after time of life your needs are absolutely nothing but to work on his kingdom which is also in the
heavens above nothing can be explained

Reply · Like · Follow Post · November 25 at 12:16am

Jesse Varney · Works at Turn Key Home Improvements

I want to sell my soul to the devil!

Reply · Like · Follow Post · November 17 at 2:09am

Daryl Wenzel

Your an idiot

Reply · 2 · Like · November 17 at 5:38am

Jackiee LaVey

Show me

Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · November 12 at 3:40am

Jose L Velasquez · Lagos, Nigeria

what do you want me to show you?

Reply · Like · December 10 at 1:58am

Clayton Prince · Weed, California

Lol :)

Reply · Like · Follow Post · November 6 at 8:17pm

Jhon Constantine · New York Vocal Coaching

if you're tired of working for others, who do not pay you what you deserve and appreciate your effort not only because
they have more money, they abuse you for years without leaving your chance to enjoy life because of your
responsibilities you deny the right to be happy / sell your soul to acquire what you want what you always dreamed of,
what you can not eat or drink / sell your soul ...
our company wants your soul, your soul for your dreams
if you are interested write here

Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 9 at 8:46am

Joannie Adorno · Barringer High School

i need help doing it

Reply · Like · October 30 at 8:48am

Porpora Heart Thursdae · Follow · Photographer at Self Photography

how can I really do this

Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 6 at 4:40pm

Rob Sarabia

What happens when society interferes with my non soul accomplishment

Reply · Like · Follow Post · September 5 at 7:32am

John Christian Mendoza · Follow · Christar Academy Inc.

yeppppp how can I sell my soulpls help me......cause I love satan"s power pls text me IMEDIETLY or post in my fb
(09075909757) ROCK N ROLL X D.

Reply · Like · Follow Post · July 18 at 6:48am

Javier Padilla

fuck your FAKE ASS RITUAL SHIT! if you want to sell your soul ask me, I'm tired of dumasses givin false information.
p.s Satan

Reply · 8 · Like · Follow Post · June 24 at 9:08pm

Jonah McCartney

Still aint about that life, huh? ahaa.

This is actually pretty on point..
Smh, but I guess you can't teach the blind how to see.

Reply · 1 · Like · June 24 at 10:21pm


Javier Padilla

some of it but theres some shit missing

Reply · 4 · Like · July 4 at 5:13am

Shahed Miah · Loughborough College


Reply · Like · July 23 at 7:02pm

View 12 more

Jhon Constantine · New York Vocal Coaching come here because they want the pact Luciferian.

if you are tired of looking for an opportunity,
our company wants you? soul
if you're interested write here. the covenant is now

Reply · Like · Follow Post · May 29 at 7:37pm

Shahed Miah · Loughborough College

I am! my email

Reply · Like · July 23 at 7:05pm


Plies Goonz · Follow · Rapper/Songwriter at PLIES BIG GATES RECORDS

i want that fo real my email

Reply · Like · August 15 at 11:17am

Takeyha Thompson · Follow · 68 series at The U.S. Army

me to takeyhais@gmailcom

Reply · Like · September 25 at 3:04pm

In regards to the title of this page, if there ever were a "true" Satanist who
would rescind such a pact, I have yet to meet one. I have written these for
victims out there who are seeking a way out of the negative life they have
been hostage to.

Yes, I have read many a testimony of sincere Christian converts that

considered themselves to have been a Satanist. Their reasons for this
were past gang activities, drug addiction, foul moods, dark makeup,
listening to death or black metal, playing with Ouija's & spells, wearing
clothes from "Hot Topic" or because their naive God fearing parents
decided that's what they were.

Please don't misunderstand me, I am truly glad to know they have a love for
God now, but that is not what I consider to be "true" Satanism. I do not
consider the poor souls who are survivors of Satanic ritual abuse that
eventually came to God to have been Satanists, they were clearly suffering
and being forced to participate by their captors/parents.

If someone out there reading this was a tried and true bad to the bone cold
blooded Luciferian and you realized the error of your ways and knelt before
God for forgiveness, please email me. I would love to know that your
testimony exists.

Signing a contract such as this does not magically make your problems go
away. In addition to making these types of commitments to God you are
also bound to make radical changes in your lifestyle. That is if you were
engaging in activities that attracted the paranormal into your life, such as
practicing majick ,divination, using tarot cards, using pendulums, scrying,
speaking to spirits, etc the list goes on and on.

It is a conscious and thoughtful process on your part to ensure that you

sincerely want protection and feel a profound desire to be a new
person. So in addition to making this covenant with the Maker of Heaven
and Earth,you must be willing to sacrifice things. You cannot expect to
have protection and think that you can continue with your former path in life
without giving up something in return.

You must be aware that you are about to begin a journey that will be
difficult, doing the right thing isn't a lazy man's path. Having a counselor or
mentor who has a healthy relationship with God will be of great value to you
in this transition, if you do not have any associates that are Christian's I
suggest building a social network with them. Please feel free to email me.

Rebecca [Occult Specialist of S.I.S.]

Note: The following is merely an example I have

provided, if you wish to write your own please do.
The love and obedience we have for God in our
relationship to him , and his holy name, is what
makes these covenants powerful.
In addition, in order for these bond repudiations to
be effective you need to first simply and earnestly
ask Christ Jesus into your life and commit yourself
to him in prayer. Also you should have already
begun to take steps to transform your life by making
serious lifestyle changes. For example remove all
magickal or divination tools, drugs, and negative
associations you may have with people under the
influence of such activities.

Say these as loud as you feel comfortable with sternness and passion

Renunciation and Affirmation

for repudiation of contracts made by ancestors or


As an individual who from this moment forth has been emancipated from
the dominion of the adversary and transformed by the kingdom of our Lord
Jesus Christ, I abolish all demonic contracts and endeavors that I have
devised for myself or inherited from my forefathers.

As a child of God redeemed and bought with the blood of Jesus Christ, I
hereby and for all eternity forswear and relinquish any sins of my lineage
and mine own.

As one who is also crucified alongside our Lord Jesus Christ and elevated
to tread the path of newness in life, I pray that God reverse any anathema
that is assigned to me and bless the sender with the pure realizations of
critical thinking.

As one who has been established with Jesus Christ and eternally resides
with Him in heavenly places, I repudiate all methods in which the Adversary
could petition dominance of my person. I proclaim that I am to be forever
more given over in my covenant with Jesus Christ. All this I do in the name
and supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

__________________________________________sign and date

It is important that you sign and date this form and keep it somewhere
safe. The Adversaries take pledges seriously and so should you. It is
common to have a paranormal sign that the contract has been
broken. Feel free to distribute this as you see fit, if you use my version on
your site please provide a hyperlink to this site. Thanks, Rebecca

This one is specifically for victims who come from

Luciferian families:

Eradicate Satanic Consecrations and Pacts

Also for repudiation of contracts made by ancestors or yourself

I decree that I am a participator with a new covenant in Jesus Christ.

I disavow ever signing my name over to Satan or having my name signed
over to Satan by a family member. I forswear all satanic appointments,
arrangements, deeds and allegiance that I made with the Adversary, or that
may have been made for me without my knowledge when I was a child by a
trusted friend or family member. I declare henceforth my name is set in
Jesus Christ’s Book of Life. I rescind any sacrament where I might have
been wed/enslaved to Lucifer, and I make known that I am the Bride of
Jesus Christ.
I repudiate and rescind all curses and assignations created for me or by me
for the servicing of Satan. (Renounce any detailed pacts you may recall.) I
put my faith only in the shed Blood of my Lord, Jesus Christ and what He
consummated on the cross by his benevolent self sacrifice. I seek the Holy
Spirit for direction.

I renounce all keepers, protectors and alternate parents appointed to me by

Luciferians. I abdicate any rituals, teachings, or baptisms by Luciferians. I
announce that I have been baptized into Christ and my identity now reflects
the face of God. I reject all spirit guides commissioned to me. I forgo and
disallow all diabolical angels, demons, and familiar spirits assigned to any
portion of me, by Luciferians.
By this, I am sealed until the day of my reparation. I receive only God's
appointments for me. I proclaim and entrust that the Maker of Heaven and
Earth is my God and the Holy Spirit is my protector.

Through Jesus Christ who lovingly surrendered his life so that I just might
have a chance to know God, I pray.


_______________________________________ sign and date

Regardless of your own innocence it is good to pledge these, because
families have secrets and there is no way of knowing what your ancestors
may have practiced or pledged to Lucifer, a Loa/Orisha or pantheon they
may have secretly worshiped.

So even if dear old Great Grandma loved Jesus she may have danced
'round the may pole, or have visited the local Mambo/priestess as a
youngster, or went to that Santero/Santera in the hills for the love spell that
snagged your Great-Granpa.

In my time I've seen plenty of "good Christian" folk think that because "white
witchery", Santería or vodou is a part of their heritage it's okay to go visit
the local Houngan for some money wash and house blessing
incense. WRONG!!! Just because they go to church and sing in the
choir does not cancel out their ties to the entities that are connected to
these activities or "faiths".

Alot of trouble can be inherited like a dreadful heirloom due to these

decisions. Many times innocent people have paid for the transgression of
an ancestor that they have never known due to family ties.

Links to sites with vital information to this process



list of links to get help at

Being a Sample Pact Content and Instructions for the
Negotiation with or Dedication to Satan as a post-
Christian Deity
I, __________ [your name], being of sound mind and body, do hereby ally and pact
my efforts and power in pursuit of our welfare and defense.

I affirm that Satan is a power with whom I am content to throw in my lot as friend
and will take great pleasure in worshipping Him or myself as seems appropriate to
our purposes. My loyalty is never-wavering, our future is a glorious potential of
success in our endeavours.

Having on the date below signed this pact in my own blood, I affirm my part in our
ongoing bond of mutual support and collegial combination. May we add to one
another's knowledge and abilities, and let this symbolize the depth of my
commitment to our alliance.

Signed in my own blood as a testament to my dedication to you and yours,

________________________ [date]

________________________ [signature]

________________________ [(optional) Satan's signature]


Prepare properly for the ritual signing of the pact, including selecting the proper
timing and location by convention and your intuition. Obtain for the purposes of its
conclusion whatever will be necessary to set the mood or demonstrate your
willingness to commit.

Initiating the rite, complete the 'name' and 'date' portions of the pact. Then make
what ritual actions you want and need to cement your bond with the being you
know as Satan. Then use the stylus to sign with the blood obtained via the
extraction method. Optionally, invoke Satan and sign the pact while imbued with
His Spirit. Conclude the ritual, roll up the completed pact and keep it in a safe place
in darkness and protected from the prying eyes of the envious and mean-spirited.

by nocTifer, aka nagasiva yronwode

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved. The user may copy this text for their private
employment in a pact with Satan, changing that which is needed to suit their taste.
Reproduction otherwise as for publication should be coordinate with the copyright

Back to
8/9/10 -- Nulatix

Back to the Gospel of Satan

Satanist Extravaganza

Related sites of interest:

Real Satanists: stratified description of authentic Satanians, with pictures and personal details
Satanism Bibliography: composite booklist of relevant sources on Satanity and devildom, by
Satanic Blood Pact: explanation of how, why, and when to make a blood pact with the Devil
Adversarial AEon Begins: the particular and specific incident of a Satanic Blood Pact described
Manifesto Satanika: a generalized Satanic sociopolitical manifesto, with a helpful elaboration
nocTifer: a tender-hearted Satanian (nagasiva yronwode) in all avenues of expression
Bookmarks in compilation from the Magus of the AEon of the Adversary


Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century hoodoo accounts, with ex-slave narratives & interviews
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: readings and hoodoo services
Hoodoo Library facilitating an education on conjure, and help procuring modern sources
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, and a way to obtain them
Free Spells from eclectic witches, Coven Kyklos, in their Book of Shadows, called "Spiritual Spells"
Lucky Mojo Spell Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Tarosymbolismatrix Tetraktypisciseferoticus: the symbolic foundation of a novel Tarot deck
Change Oracle: rudiments of Yijing (I Ching) and several means of using it for readings
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Usenet FAQ Archive: arcane and spiritual FAQs and REFs, brought to you by Lucky Mojo
YIPPIE: the Yronwode Institution, bearing the standard of indigenous ethnomagicology


Arcane Archive: thousands of archived usenet posts on religion, magic, mysticism, and spirituality
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: inter-faith; candle services; Smallest Church in the
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist

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