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(RA 8293)

I.State Policies

II. What the term IP consists of (Sec. 4.1, IPC)

III. Terms

1) Geographic indications (Sec. 3, Art. 22 [1], TRIPS).

2) Protection of Undisclosed Information
3) Trademark
4) Tradename
5) Copyright
6) Patentable inventions
Read: Kho v. CA, GR 115758, March 11, 2002
7) Utility Model
Read: Ching v Salinas, GR 161295, June 29, 2005
8) Industrial Designs (Sec. 112, IPC)

9) Drugs and Medicines (Sec. 4c, RA 9502, Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality
Medicine Act of 2008

IV. International Law Related Provisions

1) Reciprocity (Sec. 3, IPC)

2) National treatment (Art. 3, TRIPS)

3) Most-favored nation treatment (Art. 4, TRIPS)

V. The Intellectual Property Office

1) Functions of the IPO (Sec. 5, IPC)

2) Jurisdiction (Sec. 9a, IPC)
3) Enforcement and visitorial functions (Sec. 7c, d, IPC)

VI. Copyright

1) Definitions

a) Copyright (Kho v. CA)

b) Author
c) Collective work
d) Joint work
e) Work of applied art
f) Performers
g) Rights Management Information (Sec. 171.13, IPC)

2) Civil Code Provisions

a) Who acquire ownership by intellectual creation

Read: Art. 521, 723, NCC

3) When rights over copyrights are conferred (Sec. 172.1, IPC)

4) Who owns the copyright (if one creation, joint creation, commissioned work,
audiovisual work, pseudonymous and anonymous works, employee’s work);
Read: Sec., 178-179, IPC
5) Duration of copyright
Read: Sec. 213, 214, IPC
6) Copyrightable Objects

a) Literary and Artistic Works

Read: Sec. 172, 176.2, IPC
b) Derivative works
Read: Sec. 173, IPC
c) Unprotected Works
Read: Art. 10[1], TRIPS; Sec. 175, IPC
Joaquin v. Drilon, GR 108946, Jan. 28, 1999
Sec. 176.1, IPC
Kho v. CA
Pearl & Dean Phil. v. Shoemart, GR 148222, Aug. 15, 2003

7) Rights of Authors

a) Economic Rights
Read: Sec. 177, IPC
b) Moral Rights
Read: Sec. 193.1, 193.2, 193.3, 193.4, IPC
i.Term of Moral Right (Sec. 198)
c) Publisher’s Rights
Read: Sec. 174, 180.3, IPC)
d) Performer’s Rights
Read: Sec. 203.1- 203.5
e) Moral Rights of Performers
Read: Sec. 204.1, 204.2, IPC)

8) Acts that do not infringe copyright

9) Fair Use (Sec. 185.1, IPC)

a) Factors to consider to determine whether or not use is fair

b) Decompilation (Sec. 185.1, IPC as amended by RA 10372, Feb. 28, 2013)

10) Importation for Personal Purposes

11) Infringement

a) How made:
Read: Habana v. Robles, GR 131522, July 19, 1999
b) When does a person infringe a right protected under the IPC
Read: Sec. 216 as amended by RA 10372

12) Remedies

a) Injunction to prevent infringement (Sec. 216)

b) Action for damages
c) Criminal liability (Sec. 218)

13) Retransmission

Read: ABS-CBN v. PMMSI, Jan. 19, 2009

14) Technological Measures

15) Infringement by Lessor

16) Format for the blind

17) Effect of certificate of registration and deposit by National Library and Supreme

Read: Manly Sportwear Manufacturing v. Dadodette Enterprises and/or Hermes

Sports Center, GR 165306, Sept. 20, 2005

18) Is news in a video footage entitled to copyright protection?

Read: ABS-CBN v. Gozon, GR 195956, March 11, 2015)

19) Rule on assignment of copyright (Sec. 181, IPC)

20) Rights of Broadcasting Organizations on their Broadcasts (Sec. 211)

VII. Trademarks
1) What is a trademark
2) What is a tradename (Kho v. CA)

3) Collective Mark (Sec. 165.2a, IPC)

4) Functions of Trademark

Read: Mirpuri v. CA

5) How marks are acquired (Sec. 122, IPC)

a. Why registration necessary

b. Actual use

Read: Sec. 142.2, 151c, 145, 138, 168.1, 168.2, 169,

6) When is unfair competition present

7) Right acquired from the time of registration

a) filing date of application

8) When right protected from priority date (Sec. 3, 131, 131.2, IPC)

9) Is registration of a trademark a mode of acquiring ownership thereof

Read: Shangri-Law International Hotel Management Ltd. V. Developers Group of

Companies, GR 159938, March 31, 2006, 486 SCRA 405

10) Is registration of a trademark conclusive as to its ownership

Read: Birkenstock v. Philippine Shoe Expo Marketing, GR 194307, Nov. 20, 2013

11) What is the protection extended by the Paris Convention on trade names

Read: Ecole de Cuisine v. Renaus Cointreau, GR 185830, June 4, 2013

12) Marks that cannot be registered (Sec. 123.1, IPC)

13) Limitations

a) Doctrine of Secondary Meaning (Sec. 123.2)

Read: Arce & Sons v. Selecta Biscuit Co., 110 Phil 858, 1961

Ang v. Teodoro, 74 Phil 50, 1942)

b)Composite marks

c) Contractions and Coined Marks

Read: Marvez Commercial Co. v. Petra Hawpia, 18 SCRA 1178, 1966)

d)Arbitrary Use

14) Internationally well-known marks

Read: Sec. 123[3], 131.3, IPC; Rule 101f, Rules and Regulations on Trademarks

15) Rights Conferred (Sec. 147)

16) Duration (Sec. 145, IPC)

17) Trademark Infringement

a) Elements (RA 8293)

Read: Prosource International Inc. v. Horphag Research, GR 180073, Nov. 25, 2009

b) Types of Confusion

i. Confusion of Goods

Read: Mighty Corporation v. E&J Gallo, 434 SCRA 473, 2004

ii. Confusion of Business

c) Test

i.Dominancy Test (Sec. 155, IPC)

Read: McDonald’s Corp v. LC Big Mak Burger, 437 SCRA 10, 37 (2004)

ii. The Holistic Test

Read: Mighty v. EJ Gallo

d) Instance where the holistic test is applied to opposing trademarks

Read: Philip Morris v. Fortune Tobacco, GR 158589, June 27, 2006

e) Aural Effects/Idem Sonans Rule

Read: Dermaline v Myra Pharmaceuticals, GR 190065, Aug. 16, 2010

Prosource International v. Horphag, GR 180073, Nov. 25, 2009

Societe des Produits Nestle SA v. Martin Dy, GR 172276, Aug. 8, 2010

18) Expansion of Business Rule

Read: Dermaline v. Myra

Societe de Produits Nestle v. Martin Dy

19) Use of Identical Marks not Necessarily Prohibited

Read: Shell Company of the Philippines v. CA, GR L-49145, May 21, 1979

Esso Standard Eastern v. CA, 116 SCRA 336, 1982

Canon Kabushiki v. CA and NSR Rubber, 336 SCRA 226, 2000

Mighty v. EJ Gallo

20) Related Goods and non-related (Sec. 147.1)

a. Related Goods

b. Related Goods how determined

21) Variables to consider

Read: Mighty v. EJ Gallo

Sec. 123.1F, 246, IPC

22) Importation of medicine (Sec. 159.4, IPL as amended by RA 9502)

23) Use of container

Read: Republic Gas v. Petron, July 17, 2013

24) Protection of Trade Name

Read: Coffee Partners v. San Francisco Coffee, GR 169504, March 3, 2010

25) Are descriptive geographical terms allowed to be exclusively used? When do they
acquire secondary meaning so as to allow the proponent exclusive right of use?

Read: Sec. 123.2

Shang Properties Realty Corp. v. St. Francis Development, GR 190706, July 21, 2014

26) Gravamen of the offense of trademark infringement

Read: Diaz v. People, GR 180677, Feb. 18, 2013

27) Is actual sale of the counterfeit goods essential to trademark infringement

Read: Sec. 155, IPC

Gemma Ong v. People, 661 SCRA 104, Nov. 23, 2011)

VIII. Unfair Competition (Sec.168.2)

1) Essential Elements of Unfair Competition with respect to goods

2) Test of Unfair Competition

Read: Superior Commercial v. Kunnan Enterprises, GR 169974, April 20, 2010)

3) Infringement of Trademark versus Unfair Competition

Read: Del Monte Cop. v. CA, 181 SCRA 410)

4) Is infringement case a prejudicial question to a case for unfair competition

Read: Samson v. Daway, GR 160054-55, July 21, 2004

5) Inter Partes Cases

a. Inter partes trademark cases

b. Inter partes patent cases

Read: Sec. 134, 151a, 151b, 151c, 10.2, IPL

6)Which court has jurisdiction on unfair competition cases

Read: Samson v. Cabanos, 461 SCRA 613, June 28, 2005

IX. Patents

1) Patentable inventions (Kho v. CA)

2) Requisites

3) Definitions

a) Novel (Sec. 23)

b) Prior art (Sec. 24, IPC)

c) Inventive step (Sec. 26, Sec. 22, IPC as amended by RA 9502)

d) Person skilled in the Art (Rule 207)

e) Industrial applicability (Sec. 27, IPC)

4) Purposes of Patent Law

Read: Pearl & Dean v. Shoemart

5) Classes of Patentable Inventions

Read: Rule 201, Rules and Regulations on Inventions

6) Non-Patentable Inventions (Sec. 22, IPC as amended by RA 9502)

7) Persons entitled to right; First to File Rule (Sec. 29)

8) Rights Conferred by Patent (Sec. 71.1, 71.2)

9) Limitations of Patent Rights (Sec. 71, 72.1, 72.4, 72.2, 72.3, 72.4, 72.5

10) Prejudicial Disclosure

Read: Pearl & Dean

11) Non-prejudicial disclosure (Sec. 25.1)

12) Term of a Patent (Sec. 54)

13) Patent Infringement (Sec. 76.1)

a)Steps in determining the presence of infringement

b) Literal infringement

i. Exactness Rule

ii. Addition Rule

14) Doctrine of equivalents; when it cannot be applied

Read: Smith Kline v. CA, GR 126627, Aug. 14, 2003

15) Is registration of patent essential for pursuing infringement of patent

Read: Pearl & Dean

16) Compulsory Licensing (Sec. 4, RA 9502)

a. Grounds (Sec. 93-93.6, IPL as amended by RA 9502)

b. In whose favor

c. Time when application for compulsory license cannot be applied

d. Requirement to obtain a license on reasonable commercial terms (Sec. 95.1 as

amended by RA 9502)

e. When effort to obtain authorization not required

Read: Sec. 95.2 IPL as amended

X. Voluntary License and Technology Transfer Agreements

1) Technology transfer arrangements defined (Sec. 4.2, IPC)

2) Jurisdiction to settle disputes on royalties (Sec. 86)

3) Prohibited Provisions (Sec. 87)

4) Mandatory Provisions in Voluntary License Contracts

5)When technology transfer agreements, voluntary license contains prohibited

provision or does not contain mandatory provisions; effect (Sec. 92).

6) Is registration with IPO necessary to make it enforceable (Sec. 92)

7) Divisional applications

Read: Smith Kline v. CA

8) Are discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods patentable inventions

(Sec. 22.1)

XI. Trade Secrets

Read: Air Philippines Corp. v Pennswell, GR 172835, Dec. 13, 2007

1)What are trade secrets

2) It is protected even it not patentable

3) Are ingredients of consumer products trade secrets (Sec. 77, Consumer Act)

4) Applicable Laws; is it covered by constitutional right to information

5) How to determine if information is trade secret; factors

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