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REVIEW – A2 MONDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2018 (Adults)

Answer these questions:

1) Can you swim?

2) How often do you consume mate or terere?
3) Do you ever go jogging?
4) Did you sleep early last night?
5) What time did you get out of bed today?
6) What do you usually do in the morning?

Vocabulary check:

1) Bracelet 16) Beanie 31) Polo Shirt

2) Kilt 17) Cap 32) T-Shirt
3) Bridal dress 18) Hat 33) Under wear
4) Top hat 19) Sun glasses 34) Thongs
5) Bow tie 20) Glasses 35) Sandals
6) Boots 21) Necklace 36) Trainers
7) Evening gown 22) Earrings 37) Runners
8) Wedding gown 23) Singlet 38) Sneakers
9) Gown 24) Jacket 39) Socks
10 Dress 25) Pull over 40) Shoes
11) Blazer 26) Jumper 41) Slippers
12) Coat 27) Hoody 42) Pyjama
13) Blouse 28) Suit 43) Shorts
14) Skivvy 29) Tie 44) Jeans
15) Scarf 30) Shirt 45) Pants


1) Si yo voy al supermercado, yo voy a comprar un poco de pan.

2) Mi hermano estará aquí pronto, le puedes esperar.
3) Mañana es el juego, habrá mucho tráfico.
4) ¿Deseas consumir alguna bebida? Sí, yo consumiré alcohol
5) Nosotros hemos ido a Grecia en el año pasado por su cumpleaños
6) Había un buen restaurante aquí pero se ha cerrado unos años atrás
7) Yo no cocinaba los fines de semana pero ahora lo hago
8) La película ha sido tan aburrida como su libro
9) Mi hermano y mi hermana son altos como mi padre
10) Las verduras son tan importantes como las frutas para tener una dieta equilibrada

How David and Victoria Beckham's Marriage Survived and Thrived After Scandal
E News – By Natalie Finn, Tues 13 Feb 2018

Internationally renowned pop star meets the planet's sexiest soccer player. What could
go wrong?

When Victoria and David Beckham got together more than 20 years ago, they defined
"power couple." Posh and Becks had the world at their feet, him almost literally, and
their glam quotient quickly exploded past the confines of their native England, making
them a full-fledged global thing.
The former Victoria Adams first spied the stud who would become her husband in 1997
while hanging out, as members of the Spice Girls would have no problem doing, in the
Manchester United players' lounge.

"While the other football players stand at the bar drinking with their mates, you will see
David standing aside with his family. (He's not even in the first team at this stage—you
are the famous one.) And he has such a cute smile," Victoria wrote in 2016 in a letter to
her 18-year-old self for British Vogue. "You, too, are close to your family, and you will
think how similar he feels to you. He's going to ask for your number. (He still has the
London-to-Manchester plane ticket on which you wrote it.)"

Beckham joined Manchester United as a 16-year-old trainee in 1991 but when he met
his future wife, he was still poised on the brink of being a household name. The Spice
Girls had become an overnight sensation after the release of "Wannabe" in 1996, so
indeed, Posh Spice was the more famous of the two.

"She stalked me," David joked to W in 2007 when asked how they met before
acknowledging, "I fancied her."

In fact, he claims he saw a Spice Girls video in 1996, before they met in person, and
said to his Man U teammate Gary Neville, "'That one there, that's the girl I'm going to

As grown-up Victoria wrote to younger Victoria, " at first sight does

exist...although you will get a little drunk, so exact details are hazy."

"I'm quite shy. I just waved from the other side of the bar," David recalled, noting that
he actually blew it on that particular day by not asking her out.

A week later, Victoria and a fellow Spice Girl attended another game, and he made
sure to get her number in the lounge afterward that time. She wrote it down on the
aforementioned plane ticket, he called her the next day and drove down to London later
that same night to see her.

As it turned out, they had grown up 15 minutes away from each other in working-class
families and both of them had planned to be big stars.

Read the text about Victoria and David Beckham and answer these questions:

1) How long have David and Victoria been together?

2) In what year did David and Victoria meet each other and where?
3) Before David and Victoria had met each other, who of the two were more famous?
4) What did David Beckham say about Victoria in 1996 when he saw a video of the
Spice Girls?
5) On what piece of paper did Victoria write down her number for David?

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