A56061286 - 17440 - 9 - 2019 - News Based Assignment

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Academic Task -3

Mittal School of Business

Name of the faculty member: Amit Kumar Sharma

Course Code: MGN581 Course Title: Management and Organizational Behavior Dynamics

Class: MBA Term: One(Trimester) Section: Q1947,Q1950,Q1951,Q1953 and Q1958

Batch: 2019 -2021 Max. Marks: 30

Date of Allotment: 9th Aug 2019 Date of Submission: 17th Sept2019

S. Roll No. Objectives of Topic Details Evaluation Expected

No Academic Parameters outcomes

1 All students To improve Please refer to page 2 of Written Report will This assignment
(Group the analytical this document. include three will help the
Assignment skills & make different parts students in
students able mentioned in the IP. developing
with 3 - 5
to understand Each part will be good analytical
members in the practical given for 10 marks. and writing
each group) situations Detail will be skills.
Prevailing in discussed by the
the area they instructor in the
have chosen class room.
for news

In this assignment, a group of 4-5 students should begin by perusing newspapers (e.g. The
Hindu, Times Of India, Economic times or Business standard etc) and business periodicals
(e.g. Business Week, Fortune, Forbes). Students should select a preliminary topic of interest
(business/corporate world/management/Economy etc) and follow it for several days (can be
up to two weeks) to ensure that additional information about the event becomes available.

Student may also examine older issues of the newspaper or business press to see how past
literature may have presented the issue (e.g. was the now troubled CEO once portrayed as the
next star? Was this now infamous firm once portrayed as the ideal organization?). Depending
on the age of the organization, student may also be able to find books or related literature on
the organization. Once students have at least 10 sources ( may have fewer if students are
using books), they need to draw upon these sources as well as course materials to conduct a
careful analysis of the event as well as provide recommendations for improving the outcome
of the event. In analyzing the event, students need to consider:

1.How does this particular event compare with previous views of the organization?

2. What organizational dynamics (Management practices or behavioral aspects) were

operating in the event?

3. What could the individual or organization have done to change the outcome of the event?

Assignment Structure:

Part One: The background of the event should lead the students to a guiding question that
student would like to address in the paper, and the selected concept should address this
question. For eg: ABC began as a joint venture between PQR and XYZ. While previously
the plant PQR had been shut down due to many labor problems, by reopening and applying
many management principles from XYZ, the plant began to thrive as ABC. What
management practices led to the success of ABC? 10 marks

Part II: Link the event selected to one (or more) of the concepts or theories covered in class.
Provide clear and specific examples from the case to support the analysis. Be sure to link the
example back to the concept by mentioning how the example demonstrates the concept
taught in the class or given in the text or reference books. For eg: From a human resources
perspective, ABC has been successful because it focuses on empowering employees. For
instance, employees are involved in job design. 10 marks

Part III: Drawing on course concepts, give recommendations that follow from the event. For
recommendations, it might help to consider: what could the organization/person
itself/him/herself have done differently (if the event could have been better). Alternatively,
students might consider how other organizations/people might learn from the event and how
they might apply it to their situation. These recommendations should be specific and tell us
how to these recommendations might actually be implemented. 10 marks

A note on references: Remember that for any internet source used, you must provide the 1st
page of that document
Criteria Exceeds the Fully Meets Minimally Doesn’t Meet Rating
Standards the Meets the the
Standards Standards Standards
Analysis of Has a very clear Properly Although Missed all of
the news understanding of identifies the various the important
the background of various aspects of aspects of the
chosen event, the aspects news are news and
present situation of the news Identified, students are 10
and the and is able to but the not able to
consequences(if clearly point description clearly define
applicable) and out the nature fails to the purpose of
students are able to of the clearly the news and
incorporate consequences. define the its
their knowledge students significance.
insights in thought .
addressing the process wrt
news the news
10 mark 6 mark

3 mark
Ability to Specific, clear, and Link was Link was Link is
link the appropriate link adequately confusing, inappropriate
news with established by the established incomplete and does not
the concept/ students between and described and lacked align with the 10
theory the content between the relevance to concepts
analysis and content the concepts discussed in
concepts discussed analysis and discussed in the class.
in the class. concepts the class.
discussed in
10 mark the class.. 3 mark


6 mark
Ability to Suggestions are Suggestions Suggestions No relation
give clearly related to are clearly does not between
recommenda the news and gives related to the reflect the suggestions
tion/ proper justification news and clear picture given and the
Suggestion with conceptual gives proper of news news
knowledge. justification analyzed. 10
10 mark

6 mark 3 mark Zero


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