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May 1, 2001

Guidelines and the AASHTO Model Drainage

CHAPTER 810 Manual. Both of these publications cite appropriate
HYDROLOGY and recommended references on specific aspects of
hydrologic studies and research available to the
highway design engineer requiring more thorough
Topic 811 - General information on hydrologic analysis.

Index 811.1 - Introduction 811.2 Objectives of Hydrologic Analysis

Hydrology is often defined as: "A science dealing Regardless of the size or cost of the drainage
with the properties, distribution, and circulation of feature the most important step prior to hydraulic
water on the surface of the land, in the soil and design is estimating the discharge (rate of runoff)
underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere." This is a or volume of runoff that the drainage facility will
very broad definition encompassing many be required to convey or control.
disciplines relating to water. The highway engineer While some hydrologic analysis is necessary in
is principally concerned with surface hydrology establishing the quantity of surface water that must
and controlling surface runoff. Controlling runoff be considered in the design of all highway drainage
includes the hydraulic design of drainage features facilities, the extent of such studies are to be
for both cross highway drainage (Chapter 820) and commensurate with the importance of the highway,
removal of runoff from the roadway (Chapter 830). the potential for damage to the highway, loss of
The runoff of water over land has long been studied property, and hazard to life associated with the
and some rather sophisticated theories and methods facilities.
have been proposed and developed for estimating The choice of analytical method must be a
flood flows. Most attempts to describe the process conscious decision made as each problem arises.
have been only partially successful at best. This is To make an informed decision, the highway
due to the complexity of the process and interactive engineer must determine:
factors. The random nature of rainfall, snowmelt,
and other sources of water further complicate the • What level of hydrologic analysis is
process. justified.

It should be understood that there are no exact • What data are available or must be
methods for hydrologic analysis. Different collected.
methods that are commonly used may produce • What methods of analysis are available
significantly different results for a specific site and including the relative strengths and
particular situation. weaknesses in terms of cost and accuracy.
Although hydrology is not an exact science, it is Cross drainage design, Chapter 820, normally
possible to obtain solutions which are functionally requires more extensive hydrologic analysis than is
acceptable to form the basis for design of highway necessary for roadway drainage design,
drainage facilities. Chapter 830. The well known and relatively
More complete information on the principles and simple "Rational Method" (see Index 819.2) is
engineering techniques pertaining to hydrology for generally adequate for estimating the rate or
transportation and highway engineers may be volume of runoff for the design of on-site roadway
found in FHWA Hydraulic Design Series (HDS) drainage facilities and removal of runoff from
No. 2, Hydrology. Key aspects of hydrologic highway pavements.
information and a general overview of hydrology
relevant to highway engineering are more fully 811.3 Peak Discharge
discussed in the AASHTO Highway Drainage Peak discharge is the maximum rate of flow of
water passing a given point during or after a
May 1, 2001

rainfall event. Peak discharge, often called peak categorized and briefly discussed in Topics 812
flow, occurs at the momentary "peak" of the through 814. It is important to recognize that the
stream's flood hydrograph. (See Index 816.5, factors discussed may exist concurrently within a
Flood Hydrograph.) watershed and their combined effects are very
difficult to quantify.
Design discharge, expressed as the quantity (Q) of
flow in cubic meters per second (m3/s), is the peak
discharge that a highway drainage structure is sized Topic 812 - Basin Characteristics
to handle. Peak discharge is different for every
storm and it is the highway engineer's 812.1 Size
responsibility to size drainage facilities and
structures for the magnitude of the design storm The size (area) of a drainage basin is the most
and flood severity. The magnitude of peak important watershed characteristic affecting runoff.
discharge varies with the severity of flood events Determining the size of the drainage area that
which is based on probability of exceedance (see contributes to flow at the site of the drainage
Index 811.4). The selection of design storm structure is a basic step in a hydrologic analysis
frequency and flood probability are more fully regardless of the method used to evaluate flood
discussed under Topic 818, Flood Probability and flows. The drainage area, expressed in hectares or
Frequency. square kilometers, is frequently determined from
field surveys, topographic maps, or aerial
811.4 Flood Severity photographs.

Flood severity is usually stated in terms of: 812.2 Shape

• Probability of Exceedance, or The shape, or outline formed by the basin
• Frequency of Recurrence. boundaries, affects the rate at which water is
supplied to the main stream as it proceeds along its
Modern concepts tend to define a flood in terms of course from the runoff source to the site of the
probability. Probability of exceedance, the drainage structure. Long narrow watersheds
statistical odds or chance of a flood of given generally give lower peak discharges than do fan or
magnitude being exceeded in any year, is generally pear shaped basins.
expressed as a percentage. Frequency of
recurrence is expressed in years, on the average, 812.3 Slope
that a flood of given magnitude would be predicted.
Refer to Topic 818 for further discussion of flood The slope of a drainage basin is one of the major
probability and frequency. factors affecting the time of overland flow and
concentration of rainfall (see Index 816.6, Time of
811.5 Factors Affecting Runoff Concentration). Steep slopes tend to result in
shorter response time and increase the discharge
The highway engineer should become familiar with while flat slopes tend to result in longer response
the many factors or characteristics that affect runoff time and reduce the discharge.
before making a hydrologic analysis. The effects
of many of the factors known to influence surface 812.4 Land Use
runoff only exist in empirical form. Extensive field
data, empirically determined coefficients, sound Changes in land use nearly always cause increases
judgment, and experience are required for a in surface water runoff. Of all the land use
quantitative analysis of these factors. Relating changes, urbanization is the most dominant factor
flood flows to these causative factors has not yet affecting the hydrology of an area.
advanced to a level of precise mathematical
Some of the more significant factors which affect
the hydraulic character of surface water runoff are
May 1, 2001

Land use studies may be necessary to define 812.6 Storage

present and future conditions with regard to
urbanization or other changes expected to take Interception and depression storage are generally
place within the drainage basin. not important considerations in highway drainage
design and may be ignored in most hydrologic
Valuable information concerning land use trends is analysis. Interception storage is rainfall intercepted
available from many sources such as: by vegetation and never becomes run-off.
• State, regional or municipal planning Depression storage is rainfall lost in filling small
organizations. depressions in the ground surface, storage in transit
(overland or channel flow), and storage in ponds,
• U.S. Geological Survey. lakes or swamps.
• U.S. Department of Agriculture (Water Detention storage can have a significant effect in
Branch - Natural Resource Economic reducing the peak rate of discharge, but this is not
Division.) always the case. There have been rare instances
where artificial storage radically redistributes the
Within each District there are various organizations
discharges and higher peak discharges have
that collect, publish or record land use information.
resulted than would occur had the storage not been
The District Hydraulics Engineer should be
familiar with these organizations and the types of
information they have available. The effect of flood-control reservoirs should be
considered in evaluating downstream conditions,
A criterion of good drainage design is that future
flood peaks, and river stages for design of highway
development and land use changes which can
structures. The controlling public agency or the
reasonably be anticipated to occur during the
owner should be contacted for helpful information
design life of the drainage facility be considered in
on determining the effects, if any, on downstream
the hydraulic analysis and estimation of design
highway drainage structures.
It is not uncommon for flood control projects to be
812.5 Soil and Geology authorized but never constructed because funds are
not appropriated. Therefore a flood control project
The type of surface soil which is characteristic of
should exist or be under construction if its effects
an area is an important consideration for any
on a drainage system are to be considered.
hydrologic analysis and is a basic input to the
National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
812.7 Elevation
method. Rock formations underlying the surface
soil and other geophysical characteristics such as The mean elevation of a drainage basin and
volcanic, glacial, and river deposits can have a significant variations in elevation within a drainage
significant effect on run-off. basin may be important characteristics affecting
run-off particularly with respect to precipitation
The major source of soil information is the
falling as snow. Elevation is a basic input to some
National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
of the USGS Regional Regression Equations (see
of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The
Index 819.2).
address and telephone number of the NRCS office
in California is:
812.8 Orientation
2121 Second Street,
The amount of runoff can be affected by the
Building C
orientation of the basin. Where the general slope of
Davis, CA 95616-5475
the drainage basin is to the south it will receive
(916) 757-8200
more exposure to the heat of the sun than will a
slope to the north. Such orientation affects
transpiration, evaporation, and infiltration losses.
May 1, 2001

Snowpack and the rate at which snow melts will If channel storage is considered to be a significant
also be affected. A basin's orientation with respect factor, the assistance of an expert in combining the
to the direction of storm movement can affect a analysis of basin hydrology and stream hydraulics
flood peak. Storms moving upstream produce should be sought. The U.S. Army Corps of
lower peaks than storms tending to move in the Engineers has developed computer programs,
general direction of stream flow. HEC-1, HEC-HMS Flood Hydrograph Package
and HEC-RAS, Water Surface Profiles, for this
Topic 813 - Channel and type of analysis. For modeling complex water
surface profile problems, where one-dimensional
Floodplain Characteristics models fail, FHWA has developed the Finite
Element Surface Water Modeling System Two
813.1 General Dimensional Flow in a Horizontal Plane
Streams are formed by the gathering together of (FESWMS-2DH). See Topic 864.4(3).
surface waters into channels that are usually well
813.4 Hydraulic Roughness
defined. The natural or altered condition of the
channels can materially affect the volume and rate Hydraulic roughness represents the resistance to
of runoff and is a significant consideration in the flows in natural channels and floodplains. It affects
hydrological analysis for cross drainage design. both the time response of a drainage channel and
channel storage characteristics. The lower the
A useful reference relative to problems associated
roughness, the higher the peak discharge and the
with transverse and longitudinal highway
shorter the time of the resulting hydrograph. The
encroachments upon river channels and floodplains
total volume of runoff however is virtually
is the FHWA Training and Design Manual,
independent of hydraulic roughness.
"Highways in the River Environment - Hydraulic
and Environmental Design Considerations" Streamflow is frequently indirectly computed by
using Manning's equation, see Index 864.3.
813.2 Length and Slope Procedures for selecting an appropriate coefficient
of hydraulic roughness, Manning's "n", may be
The longer the channel the more time it takes for
found in the FHWA report, "Guide for Selecting
water to flow from the beginning of the channel to
Manning's Roughness Coefficient for Natural
the site under consideration. Channel length and
Channels and Flood Plains".
effective channel slope are important parameters in
determining the response time of a watershed to
813.5 Natural and Man-made Constrictions
precipitation events of given frequency.
Natural constrictions, such as gravel bars, rock
In the case of a wide floodplain with a meandering
outcrops and debris jams as well as artificial
main channel the effective channel length will be
constrictions such as diversion and storage dams,
reduced during flood stages when the banks are
grade-control structures, and other water-use
overtopped and flow tends more toward a straight
facilities may control or regulate flow. Their effect
on the flood peak may be an important
consideration in the hydrologic analysis.
813.3 Cross Section
Flood peaks may be estimated by using data from 813.6 Channel Modifications
stream gaging stations and natural channel cross
Channel improvements such as channel-
section information.
straightening, flood control levees, dredging, bank
Although channel storage is usually ignored in the clearing and removal of obstructions tend to reduce
hydrologic analysis for the design of highway natural attenuation and increase downstream flood
drainage structures, channel cross section may peaks.
significantly affect discharge, particularly in wide
floodplains with heavy vegetation.
May 1, 2001

813.7 Aggradation - Degradation and long-unburned (unburned for 40 years or more

years) areas have showed peak discharge increases
Aggradation, deposited sediments, may lessen from 2 to 30 times in the first year after burning. In
channel capacity and increase flood heights causing mountainous regions subject to fire with no local
overflow at a lower discharge. Degradation, the studies available, the U.S. Forest Service should be
lowering of the bed of a stream or channel, may contacted for fire history in order to determine if
increase channel capacity and result in a higher there is a significant post-fire peak within the
peak discharge. stream records.
The validity of hydrologic analysis using observed
historical highwater marks may be affected by Topic 814 - Meteorological
aggradation or degradation of the streambed. The
effects of aggradation and degradation are Characteristics
important considerations in selecting an effective
drainage system design to protect highways and 814.1 General
adjacent properties from damage. For more
Meteorology is the science dealing with the earth's
information refer to the FHWA report entitled,
atmosphere, especially the weather. As applied to
"Stream Channel Degradation and Aggradation:
hydrology for the highway designer the following
Analysis of Impact to Highway Crossings".
elements of meteorological phenomena are
813.8 Debris considered the more important factors affecting
runoff and flood predictions.
The quantity and size of solid matter carried by a
stream may affect the hydrologic analysis of a
814.2 Rainfall
drainage basin. Bulking due to mud, suspended
sediment and other debris transported by storm Rainfall is the most common factor used to predict
runoff may significantly increase the volume of design discharge. Unfortunately, due to the many
flow, affect flow characteristics, and can be a major interactive factors involved, the relationship
consideration in the hydraulic design of drainage between rainfall and runoff is not all that well
structures. In particular, bulking factors are defined. Intuitively, engineers know and studies
typically a consideration in determining design confirm, that runoff increases in proportion to the
discharges for facilities with watersheds that are rainfall on a drainage basin. Highway design
located within mountainous regions subject to fire engineers are cautioned about assuming that a
and subsequent soil erosion, or in arid regions given frequency storm always produces a flood of
when the facility is in the vicinity of alluvial fans the same frequency. There are analytical
(see Index 873.2(5) for special considerations given techniques for ungaged watersheds that are based
to highways located across desert washes). on this assumption. A statistical analysis of
extensive past rainfall records should be made
Debris control methods, structures, and design
before such a correlation is accepted.
considerations are discussed in Topic 822, Debris
Control. Rainfall event characteristics which are important
to highway drainage design are:
The District Hydraulics Engineer should be
consulted for any local studies that may be • Intensity (rate of rainfall)
available. If both stream gage data and local studies
• Duration (time rainfall lasts)
are available, a determination of whether post-fire
peak flows are included within the data record • Frequency (statistical probability of how
should be made. Consideration should be given to often rainfall will occur)
treating a significant post-fire peak as the design
discharge in lieu of the peak discharge obtained • Time Distribution (intensity hyetograph)
through gage analysis for a given probability flood • Storm Type (orographic, convective or
event. Records of stream discharge from burned cyclonic)
May 1, 2001

• Storm Size (localized or broad areal extent) State Lands Commission

NOS Marine Boundary Program
• Storm Movement (direction of storm)
1807 13th Street
814.3 Snow Sacramento, CA 95814

Much of the precipitation that falls in the Or from the following web-site:
mountainous areas of the state falls as frozen water
in the form of snow, hail, and sleet. Since frozen One of the most devastating forces affecting the
precipitation cannot become part of the runoff until coastline occurs when an astronomical high tide
melting occurs it is stored as snowpack until and a storm of hurricane proportion arrive on the
thawed by warmer weather. land at the same time. This is also true of the effect
Rain upon an accumulation of snow can cause a of a tsunami. A tsunami is a wave caused by an
much higher peak discharge than would occur from earthquake at sea. If shore protection were
rainfall alone. The parameters of snow which may designed to withstand the forces of a tsunami, it
need to be considered in quantifying peak flood would be extremely costly to construct. Since it
runoff are: would be so costly and the probability of
occurrence is so slight, such a design may not be
• Mean annual snowfall justified.
• Water content of snowpack Wind-waves directly affect coastal structures and
• Snowmelt rate cause dynamic changes in coastal morphology.
The U.S. Corps of Engineers collects and publishes
814.4 Evapo-transpiration data which may be used to predict size of Pacific
Coast wind-waves. Information pertaining to the
Evaporation and transpiration are two natural California coastline from the Mexican border north
processes by which water reaching the earth's to Cape San Martin can be obtained from:
surface is returned to the atmosphere as vapor. The
losses due to both phenomena are important to long U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
term hydrology and water balance in the watershed Los Angeles District
and are usually ignored in the hydrologic analysis P.O. Box 2711
for the design of highway drainage facilities. Los Angeles, CA 90053
(213) 688-5400
814.5 Tides and Waves For information from Cape San Martin to the
The combined effect of upland runoff and tidal Oregon border from:
action is a primary consideration in the design of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
highway drainage structures and shore protection San Francisco District
facilities along the coastlines, on estuaries, and in 211 Main Street
river delta systems. San Francisco, CA 94105
The time and height of high and low water caused (415) 556-3582
by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon Wind-waves are also generated on large inland
upon the earth's oceans are precisely predictable. bodies of water and their effect should be
Information on gravitational tides and tidal bench considered in the design of shoreline highway
marks for the California Coastline is available facilities.
June 26, 2006

Topic 815 - Hydrologic Data • Water quality

815.3 Sources
815.1 General
Hydrologic data necessary for the design of cross
The purpose for which a hydrologic study is to be drainage (stream crossings) are usually obtained
made will determine the type and amount of from a combination of sources.
hydrologic data needed. The accuracy necessary
(1) Field Investigations. A great deal of the
for preliminary studies is usually not as critical as
essential information can only be obtained by
the desirable accuracy of a hydrologic analysis to
visiting the site. Except for extremely simple
be used for the final design of highway drainage
designs or the most preliminary analysis, a
structures. If data needs can be clearly identified,
field survey or site investigation should always
data collection and compilation efforts can be
be made.
tailored to the importance of the project.
To optimize the amount and quality of the
Data needs vary with the methods of hydrologic
hydrologic data collected the field survey
analysis. Highway engineers should remember that
should be well planned and conducted by an
there is no single method applicable to all design
engineer with general knowledge of drainage
problems. They should make use of whatever
design. Data collected are to be documented.
hydrologic data that has been developed by others
When there is reason to believe that a potential
whenever it is available and applicable to their
for significant risks or impacts associated with
the design of drainage facilities may exist, a
Frequently there is little or no data available in the written report with maps and photographs may
right form for the project location. For a few be necessary. (See Topic 804 for Floodplain
locations in the State, so much data has been Encroachments.) Appended to HDS No. 2 is a
compiled that it is difficult to manage, store, and checklist for drainage studies and reports which
retrieve the information that is applicable to the may be a useful guide in the conduct of
project site. hydrologic studies. Typical data collected in a
field survey are:
815.2 Categories
• Highwater marks
For most highway drainage design purposes there
are three primary categories of hydrologic data: • Performance and condition of existing
drainage structures
(1) Surface Water Runoff. This includes daily and
annual averages, peak discharges, • Stream alignment
instantaneous values, and highwater marks. • Stream stability and scour potential
(2) Precipitation. Includes rainfall, snowfall, hail, • Land use and potential development
and sleet.
• Location and nature of physical and
(3) Drainage Basin Characteristics. Adequate cultural features
information may not be readily available but • Vegetative cover
can generally be estimated or measured from
maps, field reviews or surveys. See Topic 812 • Upstream constraints on headwater
for a discussion of basin characteristics. elevation
Other special purpose categories of hydrologic data • Downstream constraints
which may be important to specific problems • Debris potential
associated with a highway project are:
(2) Federal Agencies. The following agencies
• Sediment and debris transport collect and disseminate stream flow data:
• Snowpack variations • Geological Survey (USGS)
• Groundwater levels and quantity • Corps of Engineers (COE)
June 26, 2006

• Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) • Volume III. Intensity-Duration-Frequency

• Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curves

• Forest Service (USFS) Under an agreement with Caltrans, DWR

continually collects, analyzes and maintains
• Bureau of Land Management (BLM) statewide rain gage records. Caltrans
• Federal Emergency Management Agency periodically accesses DWR's computer file of
(FEMA) short duration precipitation data to produce
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated intensity-duration-frequency (IDF)
curves and related information.
The USGS is the primary federal agency
charged with collecting and maintaining water (4) Local Agencies. Entities such as cities,
related data. The National Water Data counties, flood control districts, or local
Exchange (NAWDEX) is maintained by the improvement districts study local drainage
USGS. The main objective of NAWDEX is to conditions and are often a valuable source of
assist users in the identification, location, and hydrologic data.
acquisition of water data that is currently (5) Private Sector. Water using industries or
available nationwide from the many utilities, railroads and local consultants
organizations collecting hydrologic frequently have pertinent hydrologic records
information. A network of Assistance Centers and studies available.
has been set up to access the NAWDEX files.
Stream-gaging station data and other water 815.4 Stream Flow
related information collected by the USGS is Once surface runoff water enters into a stream, it
published in Water Supply Papers. These data becomes "stream flow". Stream flow is the only
are also available from the USGS maintained portion of the hydrologic cycle in which water is so
Water Data Storage and Retrieval System confined as to make possible reasonably accurate
(WATSTORE). To access WATSTORE and measurements of the discharges or volumes
information on the acquisition of other data involved. All other measurements in the
contact: hydrologic cycle are, at best, only inadequate
U.S. Geological Survey samples of the whole.
California Division Office The two most common types of stream flow data
Federal Building are:
2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2235
Sacramento, CA 95825 • Gaging Stations - data generally based on
recording gage station observations with
(3) State Agencies. The primary state agency detailed information about the stream
collecting stream-gaging and precipitation channel cross section. Current meter
(rain-gage and snowfall) data is the California measurements of transverse channel
Department of Water Resources (DWR). In velocities are made to more accurately
1976, with the cooperation of Caltrans and reflect stream flow rates.
FHWA, DWR prepared and published Bulletin
No. 195, Rainfall Analysis for Drainage • Historic - data based on observed high
Design. The bulletin is comprised of three water mark and indirect stream flow
separately bound volumes: measurements.

• Volume I. Short-Duration Precipitation Stream flow data are usually available as mean
Frequency Data daily flow or peak daily flow. Daily flow is a
measurement of the rate of flow in cubic meters per
• Volume II. Long-Duration Precipitation second (m3/s) for the 24-hour period from midnight
Data to midnight.
June 26, 2006

"Paleoflood" (ancient flood) data has been found • Filling surface depressions (puddles,
useful in extending stream gaging station records. swamps and ponds). As rain continues to
(See Topic 817 for further discussion on measuring fall, surface waters flow down slope
stream flow) toward an established channel or stream.

815.5 Rainfall 816.2 Overland Flow

Rainfall data are collected by recording and non- Overland flow is surface waters which travel over
recording rain gages. Rainfall collected by vertical the ground as sheet flow, in rivulets and in small
cylindrical rain gages of about 200 mm in diameter channels to a watercourse.
is designated as "point rainfall".
816.3 Subsurface Flow
Regardless of the care and precision used, rainfall
measurements from rain gages have inherent and Waters which move laterally through the upper soil
unavoidable shortcomings. Snow and wind surface to streams are called "interflow" or
problems frequently interrupt rainfall records. "subsurface flow". For the purpose of highway
Extreme rainfall data from recording rain gage drainage hydrology, where peak design discharge
charts are generally underestimated. (flood peaks) are the primary interest, subsurface
flows are considered to be insignificant.
Rain gage measurements are seldom used directly Subsurface flows travel slower than overland flow.
by highway engineers. The statistical analysis
which must be done with precipitation While groundwater and subsurface water may be
measurements is nearly always performed by ignored for runoff estimates, their detrimental
qualified hydrologists and meteorologists such as effect upon highway structural section stability
those employed by the Department of Water cannot be overstated. See Chapter 840, Subsurface
Resources (DWR). The intensity-duration- Drainage.
frequency (IDF) tables and curves are the products 816.4 Detention and Retention
of rainfall measurement analyses which have direct
application to highway drainage design. Water which accumulates and ponds in low points
or depressions in the soil surface with no
815.6 Adequacy of Data possibility for escape as runoff is in retention
All hydrologic data that has been collected must be storage. Where water is moving over the land it is
evaluated and compiled into a usable format. in detention storage. Detained water, as opposed to
Experience, knowledge and judgment are an retained water, contributes to runoff.
important part of data evaluation. It must be
ascertained whether the data contains 816.5 Flood Hydrograph and Flood Volume
inconsistencies or other unexplained anomalies In response to a rainstorm the quantity of water
which might lead to erroneous calculations and flowing in a stream increases. The water level rises
conclusions that could result in the over design or and may continue to do so after rainfall ceases.
under design of drainage structures. The response of an affected stream, during and
after a storm event, can be pictured by plotting
Topic 816 - Runoff discharge against time to produce a flood
hydrograph. The principal elements of a typical
flood hydrograph are shown in Figure 816.5
816.1 General
Flood volume is the area under the flood
The process of surface runoff begins when hydrograph. Although flood volume is not
precipitation exceeds the requirements of: normally a consideration in the design of highway
• Vegetal interception.
• Infiltration into the soil.
June 26, 2006

drainage facilities, it is occasionally used in the For all-paved watersheds (e.g., parking lots,
hydrologic analysis for other design parameters. roadway travel lanes and shoulders, etc.) it is not
necessary to calculate a separate shallow
Information on flood hydrographs and methods to
concentrated flow travel time segment. Such flows
estimate the hydrograph may be found in Chapters
will typically transition directly from sheet flow to
6, 7 and 8 of HDS No. 2, Hydrology.
channel flow or be intercepted at inlets with either
no, or inconsequential lengths of, shallow
concentrated flow.
Figure 816.5 In many cases a minimum time of concentration
will have to be assumed as extremely short travel
Typical Flood Hydrograph times will lead to calculated rainfall intensities that
are overly conservative for design purposes. For
all-paved areas it is recommended that a minimum
time of concentration of 5 minutes be used. For
rural or undeveloped areas, it is recommended that
a minimum TC of 10 minutes be used for most
situations. However, for slopes steeper than
1V:10H, or where there is limited opportunity for
surface storage, a TC of 5 minutes should be
Designers should be aware that maximum runoff
estimates are not always obtained using rainfall
intensities determined by the time of concentration
for the total area. Peak runoff estimates may be
obtained by applying higher rainfall intensities
from storms of short duration over a portion of the
816.6 Time of Concentration (Tc) and watershed.
Travel Time (Tt) (1) Sheet flow travel time. Sheet flow is flow of
Time of concentration is defined as the time uniform depth over plane surfaces and usually
required for storm runoff to travel from the occurs for some distance after rain falls on the
hydraulically most remote point of the drainage ground. The maximum flow depth is usually
basin to the point of interest. less than 20 - 30 mm. For unpaved areas, sheet
flow normally exists for a distance less than
An assumption made in some of the hydrologic 25 – 30 m. An upper limit of 91 m is
methods for estimating peak discharge, such as the recommended for paved areas.
Rational and NRCS Methods (Index 819.2), is that
maximum flow results when rainfall of uniform A common method to estimate the travel time
intensity falls over the entire watershed area and of sheet flow is based on kinematic wave
the duration of that rainfall is equal to the time of theory and uses the Kinematic Wave Equation:
concentration. Time of concentration (TC) is 3/5 3/5
typically the cumulative sum of three travel times, 6.92 L n
including: Tt = 2/5 3/10
i S
• Sheet flow
• Shallow concentrated flow
Tt = travel time in minutes.
• Channel flow
L = Length of flow path in meters.
S = Slope of flow in m/m.
July 1, 2008

n = Manning's roughness coefficient Where sheet flow travel distance cannot be

for sheet flow (see Table 816.6A). determined, a conservative alternative is to
assume shallow concentrated flow conditions
i = Design storm rainfall intensity in
without an independent sheet flow travel time
conditions. See Index 816.6(2).
If Tt is used (as part of TC) to determine the
intensity of the design storm from the IDF
curves, application of the Kinematic Wave
Table 816.6A
Equation becomes an iterative process: an Roughness Coefficients For Sheet
assumed value of Tt is used to determine i from Flow
the IDF curve; then the equation is used to
calculate a new value of Tt which in turn yields Surface Description n
an updated i. The process is repeated until the Hot Mix Asphalt 0.011-
calculated Tt is the same in two successive 0.016
iterations. Concrete 0.012-
To eliminate the iterations, use the following
Brick with cement mortar 0.014
simplified form of the Manning’s kinematic
Cement rubble 0.024
Fallow (no residue) 0.05
5.476 L4/5 n4/5 Grass
Tt =
P21/2 S2/5 Short grass prairie 0.15
where P2 is the 2-year, 24-hour rainfall depth in Dense grass 0.24
mm (ref. NOAA Atlas 2, Volume XI or use Bermuda Grass 0.41
either of the following web site addresses; Woods(1) or, Light underbrush 0.40
The use of flow length alone as a limiting Dense underbrush 0.80
(1) Woods cover is considered up to a height of 30 mm, which is the
factor for the Kinematic wave equation can maximum depth obstructing sheet flow.
lead to circumstances where the underlying
assumptions are no longer valid. Over (2) Shallow concentrated flow travel time. After
prediction of travel time can occur for short distances, sheet flow tends to concentrate
conditions with significant amounts of in rills and gullies, or the depth exceeds the
depression storage, where there is high range where use of the Kinematic wave
Manning’s n-values or for flat slopes. One equation applies. At that point the flow
study suggests that the upper limit of becomes defined as shallow concentrated flow.
applicability of the Kinematic wave equation is The Upland Method is commonly used when
a function of flow length, slope and Manning’s calculating flow velocity for shallow
roughness coefficient. This study used both concentrated flow. This method may also be
field and laboratory data to propose an upper used to calculate the total travel time for both
limit of 100 for the composite parameter of the sheet flow and the shallow concentrated
nL/s1/2. It is recommended that this criteria be flow segments under certain conditions (e.g.,
used as a check where the designer has where use of the Kinematic wave equation to
uncertainty on the maximum flow length to predict sheet flow travel time is questionable,
which the Kinematic wave equation can be or where the designer cannot reasonably
applied to project conditions. identify the point where sheet flow transitions
to shallow concentrated flow).
June 26, 2006

Average velocities for the Upland Method can Selecting Manning's Roughness Coefficient for
be taken directly from Figure 816.6 or may be Natural Channels and Flood Plains".
calculated from the following equation: Generally, the channel roughness factor will be
much lower than the values for overland flow
V = kS1/2
with similar surface appearance.
Where S is the slope in percent and k (m/s) is
Culvert or Storm Drain Flow. Flow velocities
an intercept coefficient depending on land
in a short culvert are generally higher than they
cover as shown in Table 816.6B.
would be in the same length of natural channel
and comparable to those in a lined channel. In
Table 816.6B most cases, including short runs of culvert in
Intercept Coefficients for Shallow the channel, flow time calculation will not
materially affect the overall time of
Concentrated Flow concentration (Tc). When it is appropriate to
Land cover/Flow regime K separate flow time calculations, such as for
(m/s) urban storm drains, Manning's equation may be
Forest with heavy ground litter; hay 0.076 used to obtain flow velocities within pipes.
meadow The TR-55 library of equations for sheet flow,
Trash fallow or minimum tillage 0.152 shallow concentrated flow and open channel
cultivation; contour or strip cropped; flow is incorporated into the Watershed
woodland Modeling System (WMS) for Time of
Short grass pasture 0.213 Concentration Calculations using Triangulated
Cultivated straight row 0.274 Irregular Networks (TINs) and Digital
Nearly bare and untilled alluvial fans 0.305 Elevation Maps (DEMs).
Grassed waterway 0.457

The travel time can be calculated from:

Tt =
60 V
where Tt is the travel time in minutes, L the
length in m, and V the flow velocity in m/s.
(3) Channel flow travel time. When the channel
characteristics and geometry are known the
preferred method of estimating channel flow
time is to divide the channel length by the
channel velocity obtained by using the
Manning equation, assuming bankfull
conditions. See Index 864.3, Open Channel
Flow Equations for further discussion of
Manning's equation.
Appropriate values for "n", the coefficient of
roughness in the Manning equation, may be
found in most hydrology or hydraulics text and
reference books. Table 864.3A gives some "n"
values for lined and unlined channels, gutters,
and medians. Procedures for selecting an
appropriate hydraulic roughness coefficient
may be found in the FHWA report, "Guide for
June 26, 2006

Figure 816.6

Velocities for Upland Method of

Estimating Travel Time for Shallow Concentrated Flow
June 26, 2006

cannot be precisely forecast, the highway engineer

Topic 817 - Flood Magnitude must resort to probability statistics to define the
design discharge.
817.1 General Modern hydrologists tend to define floods in terms
The determination of flood magnitude from either of probability, as expressed in percentage rather
measurements made during a flood or after peak than in terms of return period (recurrence interval).
flow has subsided requires knowledge of open- Return period, the "N-year flood", and probability
channel hydraulics and flood water behavior. There (p) are reciprocals, that is, p = 1/N. Therefore, a
are USGS Publications and other technical flood having a 50-year return frequency (Q50) is
references available which outline the procedures now commonly expressed as a flood with the
for measuring flood flow. However, it is only probability of recurrence of 0.02 (2% chance of
through experience that accurate measurements can being exceeded) in any given year.
be obtained and/or correctly interpreted. There are certain other terminologies which are
817.2 Measurements frequently used and understood by highway
engineers but which might have a slight variation in
(1) Direct. Direct flood flow measurements are meaning to other engineering branches. For
those made during flood stage. The area and convenience and example, the following definition
average velocity can be approximated and the of terms have been excerpted from Topic 806,
estimated discharge can be calculated, from Definition of Drainage Terms.
measurements of flow depth and velocity made
simultaneously at a number of points in a cross (1) Base Flood. "The flood or tide having a 1
section. percent chance of being exceeded in any given
year". The "base flood" is commonly used as
Discharges calculated from continuous records the standard flood in Federal insurance studies
of stage gaging stations are the primary basis for and has been adopted by many agencies for
estimating the recurrence interval or frequency flood hazard analysis to comply with regulatory
of floods. requirements. See Topic 804, Floodplain
(2) Indirect. Indirect flood flow measurements are Encroachments.
those made after the flood subsides. From (2) Overtopping Flood. "The flood described by
channel geometry measurements and high water the probability of exceedance and water surface
marks the magnitude of a flood can be elevation at which flow occurs over the
calculated using basic open channel hydraulic highway, over the watershed divide, or through
equations given in Chapter 860. This method of structure(s) provided for emergency relief".
determining flood discharges for given events is The "overtopping flood" is of particular interest
a valuable tool to the highway engineer to highway drainage engineers because it may
possessing a thorough knowledge and be the threshold where the relatively low profile
understanding of the techniques involved. of the highway acts as a flood relief mechanism
for the purpose of minimizing upstream
Topic 818 - Flood Probability And backwater damages.
Frequency (3) Design Flood. "The peak discharge (when
appropriate, the volume, stage, or wave crest
818.1 General elevation) of the flood associated with the
probability of exceedance selected for the
The estimation of peak discharges of various
design of a highway encroachment". Except for
recurrence intervals is the most common and
the rare situation where the risks associated with
important problem encountered in highway
a low water crossing are acceptable, the
engineering hydrology. Since the hydrology for the
highway will not be inundated by the "design
sizing of highway drainage facilities is concerned
with future events, the time and magnitude of which
June 26, 2006

(4) Maximum Historical Flood. "The maximum appropriate design flood frequency. Due
flood that has been recorded or experienced at consideration should be given to all the other factors
any particular highway location". This listed under Index 801.5. If the analysis is correct,
information is very desirable and where the highway drainage system will occasionally be
available is an indication that the flood of this overtaxed. The alternative of accommodating the
magnitude may be repeated at the project site. worst possible event that could happen is usually so
Hydrologic analysis may suggest that the costly that it may not be justified.
probability for recurrence of the "maximum
Highway engineers should understand that the
historical flood" is very small, less than 1%.
option to select a predetermined design flood
Nevertheless consideration should be given to
frequency is generally only applicable to new
sizing drainage structures to convey the
highway locations. Because of existing constraints,
"maximum historical flood".
the freedom to select a prescribed design flood
(5) Probable Maximum Flood. "The flood frequency may not exist for projects involving
discharge that may be expected from the most replacement of existing facilities. Caltrans policy
severe combination of critical meteorological relative to up-grading of existing drainage facilities
and hydrological conditions that are reasonably may be found in Index 803.3.
possible in the region". The "probable
Although the procedures and methodology
maximum flood" is generally not applicable to
presented in HEC 17, Design of Encroachments on
highway projects. The possibility of a flood of
Flood Plains Using Risk Analysis, are not fully
such rare magnitude, as used by the Corps of
endorsed by Caltrans, the circular is an available
Engineers, is applicable to projects such as
source of information on the theory of "least total
major dams, when consideration is to be given
expected cost (LTEC) design". Highway engineers
to virtually complete security from potential
are cautioned about applying LTEC methodology
and procedures to ordinary drainage design
problems. The Headquarters Hydraulics Engineer
818.2 Establishing Design Flood Frequency in the Division of Design should be consulted
There are two recognized alternatives to establishing before committing to design by the LTEC method
an appropriate highway drainage design frequency. since its use can only be justified and recommended
That is, by policy or by economic analysis. Both under extra-ordinary circumstances.
alternatives have merit and may be applied
exclusively or jointly depending upon general Topic 819 - Estimating Design
conditions or specific constraints.
Application of traditional predetermined design
flood frequencies implies that an acceptable level of
819.1 Introduction
risk was considered in establishing the design
standard. Modern design concepts, on the other Before highway drainage facilities can be
hand, recommend that a range of peak flows be hydraulically designed, the quantity of run-off
considered and that the design flood be established (design Q) that they may reasonably be expected to
which best satisfies the specific site conditions and convey must be established. The estimation of peak
associated risks. A preliminary evaluation of the discharge for various recurrence intervals is
inherent flood-related risks to upstream and therefore the most important, and often the most
downstream properties, the highway facility, and to difficult, task facing the highway engineer. Refer to
the traveling public should be made. This Table 819.5A for a summary of methods for
evaluation will indicate whether a predetermined estimating design discharge.
design flood frequency is applicable or additional
study is warranted. 819.2 Empirical Methods
Highway classification is one of the most important Because the movement of water is so complex,
factors, but not the sole factor, in establishing an numerous empirical methods have been used in
June 26, 2006

hydrology. Empirical methods in hydrology have to time, synthetic hydrographs should be

great usefulness to the highway engineer. When developed for routing significant tributary
correctly applied by engineers knowledgeable in the inflows. Several relatively simple methods have
method being used and its idiosyncrasies, peak been established for developing hydrographs,
discharge estimates can be obtained which are such as transposing a hydrograph from another
functionally acceptable for the design of highway hydrologically homogeneous watershed. The
drainage structures and other features. Some of the stream hydraulic method, and upland method
more commonly used empirical methods for are described in HDS No. 2. These, and other
estimating runoff are as follows. methods, are adequate for use with Rational
Methods for estimating peak discharge and will
(1) Rational Methods. Undoubtedly, the most
provide results that are acceptable to form the
popular and most often misused empirical
basis for design of highway drainage facilities.
hydrology method is the Rational Formula:
It is clearly evident upon examination of the
Q = 0.28 CiA
assumptions and parameters which form the
Q = Design discharge in cubic meters per basis of the equation that much care and
second. judgment must be applied with the use of
C = Coefficient of runoff. Rational Methods to obtain reasonable results.

I = Average rainfall intensity in • The runoff coefficient "C" in the

millimeters per hour for the selected equation represents the percent of water
frequency and for a duration equal to which will run off the ground surface
the time of concentration. during the storm. The remaining
amount of precipitation is lost to
A = Drainage area in square kilometers. infiltration, transpiration, evaporation
Rational methods are simple to use, and it is this and depression storage.
simplicity that has made them so popular among Values of "C" may be determined for un-
highway drainage design engineers. Design developed areas from Figure 819.2A by
discharge, as computed by these methods, has considering the four characteristics of: relief,
the same probability of occurrence (design soil infiltration, vegetal cover, and surface
frequency) as the frequency of the rainfall used. storage.
Refer to Topic 818 for further information on
flood probability and frequency of recurrence. Some typical values of "C" for developed areas
are given in Table 819.2B. Should the basin
An assumption that limits applicability is that contain varying amounts of different cover, a
the rainfall is of equal intensity over the entire weighted runoff coefficient for the entire basin
watershed. Because of this, Rational Methods can be determined as:
should be used only for estimating runoff from
small simple watershed areas, preferably no
C A + C A + ...
larger than 1.3 km2 (130 ha). Even where the 1 1 2 2
watershed area is relatively small but A 1 + A 2 + ...
complicated by a mainstream fed by one or
more significant tributaries, Rational Methods
should be applied separately to each tributary • To properly satisfy the assumption that the
stream and the tributary flows then routed down entire drainage area contributes to the flow;
the main channel. Flow routing can best be the rainfall intensity, (i) in the equation
accomplished through the use of hydrographs expressed in millimeters per hour, requires
discussed under Index 816.5. Since Rational that the storm duration and the time of
Methods give results that are in terms of concentration (tc) be equal. Therefore, the
instantaneous peak discharge and provide little first step in estimating (i) is to estimate (tc).
information relative to runoff rate with respect Methods for determining time of
June 26, 2006

concentration are discussed under of a more recent (1994) study of the

Index 816.6. Southwestern U.S. Nomographs and complete
information on use and development of this
• Once the time of concentration, (tc), is
method may be found in "Magnitude and
estimated, the rainfall intensity, (i), Frequency of Floods in California" published in
corresponding to a storm of equal duration, June, 1977 by the U.S. Department of the
may be obtained from available sources Interior, Geological Survey.
such as intensity-duration-frequency (IDF)
curves. See Index 815.3(3) for further
information on IDF curves.
The runoff coefficients given in Figure 819.2A
and Table 819.2B are applicable for storms of
up to 5 or 10 year frequencies. Less frequent,
higher intensity storms usually require
modification of the coefficient because
infiltration, detention, and other losses have a
proportionally smaller effect on the total runoff
volume. The adjustment of the rational method
for use with major storms can be made by
multiplying the coefficient by a frequency
factor, C(f). Values of C(f) are given below.
Under no circumstances should the product of
C(f) times C exceed 1.0.
Frequency (yrs) C(f)
25 1.1
50 1.2
100 1.25
(2) Regional Analysis Methods. Regional analysis
methods utilize records for streams or drainage
areas in the vicinity of the stream under
consideration which would have similar
characteristics to develop peak discharge
estimates. These methods provide techniques
for estimating annual peak stream discharge at
any site, gaged or ungaged, for probability of
recurrence from 50% (2 years) to 1% (100
years). Application of these methods is
convenient, but the procedure is subject to some
Regional Flood - Frequency equations
developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for
use in California are given in Figures 819.2C
and 819.2D. These equations are based on
regional regression analysis of data from stream
gauging stations. The equations in
Figure 819.2C were derived from data gathered
and analyzed through the mid-1970’s, while the
regions covered by Figure 819.2D are reflective
June 26, 2006

Figure 819.2A
Runoff Coefficients for Undeveloped Areas
Watershed Types

Extreme High Normal Low

Relief .28 -.35 .20 -.28 .14 -.20 .08 -.14

Steep, rugged terrain Hilly, with average Rolling, with average Relatively flat land,
with average slopes slopes of 10 to 30% slopes of 5 to 10% with average slopes
above 30% of 0 to 5%

Soil .12 -.16 .08 -.12 .06 -.08 .04 -.06

No effective soil Slow to take up Normal; well drained High; deep sand or
cover, either rock or water, clay or shallow light or medium other soil that takes
thin soil mantle of loam soils of low textured soils, sandy up water readily, very
negligible infiltration infiltration capacity, loams, silt and silt light well drained
capacity imperfectly or poorly loams soils

Vegetal .12 -.16 .08 -.12 .06 -.08 .04 -.06

No effective plant Poor to fair; clean Fair to good; about Good to excellent;
cover, bare or very cultivation crops, or 50% of area in good about 90% of
sparse cover poor natural cover, grassland or drainage area in good
less than 20% of woodland, not more grassland, woodland
drainage area over than 50% of area in or equivalent cover
good cover cultivated crops

Surface .10 -.12 .08 -.10 .06 -.08 .04 -.06

Negligible surface Low; well defined Normal; considerable High; surface storage,
depression few and system of small surface depression high; drainage system
shallow; drainageways; no storage; lakes and not sharply defined;
drainageways steep ponds or marshes pond marshes large flood plain
and small, no storage or large
marshes number of ponds or

Given An undeveloped watershed consisting of; Solution:

1) rolling terrain with average slopes of 5%, Relief 0.14
2) clay type soils, Soil Infiltration 0.08
3) good grassland area, and Vegetal Cover 0.04
4) normal surface depressions. Surface Storage 0.06
C= 0.32
Find The runoff coefficient, C, for the above watershed.
July 1, 2008

The Regional Flood-Frequency equations are

Table 819.2B applicable only to sites within the flood-
frequency regions for which they were derived
and on streams with virtually natural flows.
Runoff Coefficients for For example, the equations are not generally
Developed Areas applicable to small basins on the floor of the
Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys as the
Type of Drainage Area Runoff annual peak data which are the basis for the
Coefficient regression analysis were obtained principally in
the adjacent mountain and foothill areas.
Likewise, the equations are not directly
Downtown areas 0.70 - 0.95 applicable to streams in urban areas affected
Neighborhood areas 0.50 - 0.70 substantially by urban development. In urban
Residential: areas the equations may be used to estimate
peak discharge values under natural conditions
Single-family areas 0.30 - 0.50
and then by use of the techniques described in
Multi-units, detached 0.40 - 0.60 the publication or HDS No. 2, adjust the
Multi-units, attached 0.60 - 0.75 discharge values to compensate for
Suburban 0.25 - 0.40 urbanization. Further limitations on the use of
Apartment dwelling areas 0.50 - 0.70 USGS Regional Flood-Frequency equations
Light areas 0.50 - 0.80 Region Drainage Mean Altitude
Heavy areas 0.60 - 0.90 Area (A) Annual Index (H)
mi2 Precip (P) 1000 ft.
Parks, cemeteries: 0.10 - 0.25
Playgrounds: 0.20 - 0.40
Railroad yard areas: 0.20 - 0.40 North Coast 0.2-3000 19-104 0.2-5.7
Unimproved areas: 0.10 - 0.30 Northeast 0.2-25 all all
Lawns: Sierra 0.2-9000 7-85 0.1-9.7
Sandy soil, flat, 2% 0.05 - 0.10
Central Coast 0.2-4000 8-52 0.1-2.4
Sandy soil, average, 2-7% 0.10 - 0.15
South Coast 0.2-600 7-40 all
Sandy soil, steep, 7% 0.15 - 0.20
Heavy soil, flat, 2% 0.13 - 0.17 South 0.2-90 all all
Heavy soil, average, 2-7% 0.18 - 0.25
Heavy soil, steep, 7% 0.25 - 0.35 Desert
Notes: Values shown in table have not been
Asphaltic 0.70 - 0.95 converted to metric system.
Concrete 0.80 - 0.95 (1) In the North Coast region, use a minimum value of
Brick 0.70 - 0.85 1 for altitude index (H)
Drives and walks 0.75 - 0.85 (2) Use upper limit of 25 square miles
Roofs: 0.75 - 0.95
A method for directly estimating design
discharges for some gaged and ungaged
streams is also provided in HDS No. 2. The
method is applicable to streams on or nearby
those for which study data are available.
June 26, 2006

Figure 819.2C
Regional Flood-Frequency Equations (1)
July 1, 2008

Figure 819.2D
Regional Flood Frequency Equations for California Regions within USGS
Southwestern United States Study*
*USGS Open File Report 93-419 (1994)
June 26, 2006

(3) National Resources Conservation Service programs are available which may be used to
(NRCS) Methods. The Soil Conservation systematically arrange data and perform the
Service's SCS (former title) National statistical computations.
Engineering Handbook, 1972, and their 1975,
Some common types of data groupings are as
"Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds",
Technical Release 55 (TR-55), present a
graphical method for estimating peak • Magnitude
discharge. Most NRCS equations and curves • Time of Occurrence
provide results in terms of inches of runoff for
unit hydrograph development and are not • Geographic Location
applicable to the estimation of a peak design Several standard frequency distributions have been
discharge unless the design hydrograph is first studied extensively in the statistical analysis of
developed in accordance with prescribed hydrologic data. Those which have been found to
NRCS procedures. NRCS methods and be most useful are:
procedures are applicable to drainage areas less (1) Log-Pearson Type III Distribution. The
than 8 km2 (800 ha) and result in a design popularity of the Log-Pearson III distribution is
hydrograph and design discharge that are simply based on the fact that it very often fits
functionally acceptable to form the basis for the the available data quite well, and it is flexible
design of highway drainage facilities. enough to be used with a wide variety of
distributions. Because of this flexibility, the
819.3 Statistical Methods U.S. Water Resources Council recommends its
Statistical methods of predicting stream discharge use by all U.S. Government agencies as the
utilize numerical data to describe the process. standard distribution for flood frequency
Statistical methods, in general, do not require as studies.
much subjective judgment to apply as the The three parameters necessary to describe the
previously described deterministic methods. They Log-Pearson III distribution are:
are usually well documented mathematical
procedures which are applied to measured or • Mean flow
observed data. The accuracy of statistical methods • Standard deviation
can also be measured quantitatively. However, to • Coefficient of skew
assure that statistical method results are valid, the
method and procedures used should be verified by Log-Pearson III distributions are usually
an experienced engineer with a thorough plotted on log-normal probability graph paper
knowledge of engineering statistics. for convenience even though the plotted
frequency distribution may not be a straight
Analysis of gaged data permits an estimate of the line.
peak discharge in terms of its probability or
frequency of recurrence at a given site. This is (2) Log-normal Distribution. The characteristics
done by statistical methods provided sufficient data of the log-normal distribution are the same as
are available at the site to permit a meaningful those of the classical normal or Gaussian
statistical analysis to be made. Water Resources mathematical distribution except that the flood
Council Bulletin 17B, 1981, suggests at least 10 flow at a specified frequency is replaced with
years of record are necessary to arrant astatistical its logarithm and has a positive skew. Positive
analysis. The techniques of inferential statistics, the skew means that the distribution is skewed
branch of statistics dealing with the inference of toward the high flows or extreme values
population characteristics, are described in HDS (3) Gumbel Extreme Value Distribution. The
No. 2. characteristics of the Gumbel extreme value
Before data on the specific characteristics to be distribution (also known as the double
examined can be properly analyzed, it must be exponential distribution of extreme values) are
arranged in a systematic manner. Several computer that the mean flood occurs at the return period
June 26, 2006

of Tr = 2.33 years and that it has a positive

819.5 Transfer of Data
Often the highway engineer is confronted with the
Special probability paper has been developed
problem where stream flow and rainfall data are not
for plotting log-normal and Gumbel
available for a particular site but may exist at points
distributions so that sample data, if it is
upstream or in an adjacent or nearby watersheds.
distributed according to prescribed equations,
will plot as a straight line. (a) If the site is on the same stream and near a
gaging station, peak discharges at the
819.4 Hydrograph Methods gaging station can be adjusted to the site by
drainage area ratio and application of some
Hydrograph methods of estimating design appropriate power to each drainage area.
discharge relate runoff rates to time in response to a The USGS may be helpful in suggesting
design storm. When storage must be considered, appropriate powers to be used for a specific
such as in reservoirs, natural lakes, and detention hydrologic region.
basins used for drainage or sediment control, the
volume of runoff must be known. Since the (b) If a design hydrograph can be developed at
hydrograph is a plot of flow rate against time, the an upstream point in the same watershed,
area under the hydrograph represents volume. If the procedure described in HDS No. 2 can
streamflow and precipitation records are available be used to route the design hydrograph to
for a particular design site, the development of the the point of interest.
design hydrograph is a straight forward procedure. (c) If the site is somewhat removed from rain
Rainfall records can be readily analyzed to estimate gage stations for which rainfall IDF curves
unit durations and the intensity which produces have been computed, an interstation
peak flows near the desired design discharge. interpolation method is described in
Hydrographs are also useful for determining the Volume I of DWR Bulletin No. 195 refer-
combined rates of flow for two drainage areas enced in Index 815.3(3). Another method is
which peak at different times. Hydrographs can by comparing the mean annual precipita-
also be compounded and lagged to account for tion at the point of interest with that for
complex storms of different duration and varying nearby rain gage stations, the station most
intensities. Several methods of developing closely approximating the rainfall
hydrographs are described in HDS No. 2. For characteristics of the site can be selected.
basins without data, two of the most widely used
methods described in HDS No. 2 for developing
synthetic hydrographs are:
• Unit Hydrograph
• SCS Triangular Hydrograph
Both methods however tend to be somewhat
inflexible since storm duration is determined by
empirical relations.
June 26, 2006

Table 819.5A
Summary of Methods for Estimating Design Discharge
Rational • Small catchment (< 1.3 km 2)
• Concentration time < 1 hour Time of Concentration
• Storm duration >or = concentration time Drainage area
• Rainfall uniformly distributed in time Runoff coefficient
and space Rainfall intensity
• Runoff is primarily overland flow
• Negligible channel storage
USGS Regional Regression • Catchment area limit varies by region
Equations: • Basin not located on floor of Sacramento or San Drainage area
Joaquin Valleys Mean annual precipitation
USGS Water-Resources • Peak discharge value for flow under natural Altitude index
Investigation 77-21* conditions unaffected by urban development and
little or no regulation by lakes or reservoirs
USGS Open-File Report • Ungaged channel
NRCS (TR55) • Small or midsize catchment (< 8 km 2)
• Concentration time range from 0.1-10 hour (tabular 24-hour rainfall
hydrograph method limit < 2 hour) Rainfall distribution
• Runoff is overland and channel flow Runoff curve number
• Simplified channel routing Concentration time
• Negligible channel storage Drainage area
Unit Hydrograph (Gaged data) • Midsize or large catchment (0.4 –2500 km 2)
• Uniformity of rainfall intensity and duration Rainfall hyetograph and
NRCS unit Hydrograph • Rainfall-runoff relationship is linear direct runoff hydrograph for
• Duration of direct runoff constant for all uniform- one or more storm events
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph intensity storms of same duration, regardless of
differences in the total volume of the direct runoff. Drainage area and
• Time distribution of direct runoff from a given lengths along main channel
storm duration is independent of concurrent runoff to point on watershed divide
from preceding storms and opposite watershed
• Channel-routing techniques used to connect centroid (Synthetic Unit
streamflows Hydrograph)
Statistical (gage data) • Midsized and large catchments with stream gage 10 or more years of gaged
Log-Pearson Type III data flood records
• Appropriate station and/or generalized skew
Bulletin #17B – U.S. coefficient relationship applied
Department of the Interior • Channel storage
Basin Transfer of Gage Data • Similar hydrologic characteristics Discharge and area for
• Channel storage gaged watershed

Area for ungaged watershed

* Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in California

** Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of floods in the Southwestern United States
June 26, 2006

analysis models such as HEC-1 and TR-55. HY-8

819.6 Hydrologic Computer Programs has also been incorporated for culvert design.
The rapid advancement of computer technology in Terrain models can obtain geometric attributes such
recent years has resulted in the development of as area, slope and runoff distances. Many display
many mathematical models for the purpose of options are provided to aid in modeling and
calculating runoff and other hydrologic understanding the drainage characteristics of terrain
phenomena. In the hands of knowledgeable and surfaces.
experienced engineers, good computer models are
capable of efficiently calculating discharge The distinguishing difference between WMS and
estimates and other hydrologic results that are far other applications designed for setting up
more reliable than those which were obtained by hydrologic models like HEC-1 and TR-55 is its
other means. On the other hand, there is a tendency unique ability to take advantage of digital terrain
for the inexperienced engineer to accept computer for hydrologic data development.
generated output without questioning the WMS uses three primary data sources for model
reasonableness of the results obtained from a development:
hydrologic viewpoint. Most computer simulation
models require a significant amount of input data 1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data
that must be carefully examined by a competent 2. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) published by
and experienced user to assure reliable results. the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at both
Some hydrologic computer models merely solve 1:24,000 and 1:250,000 for the entire U.S. (the
empirical hand methods more quickly. Other 1:24,000 data coverage is not complete)
models are theoretical and solve the entire runoff 3. Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs)
cycle using mathematical equations to represent
each phase of the runoff cycle. Two other hydrologic computer programs that are
commonly used are the Army Corps of Engineers'
In most simulation models, the drainage area is HEC-HMS and the National Resources
divided into subareas with similar hydrologic Conservation Service's TR-20 Method.
characteristics. A design rainfall is synthesized for
each subarea, abstractions removed, and an Another computer program is the Caltrans Rainfall
overland flow routine simulates the movement of Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) PC Program,
surface water into channels. The channels of the which incorporates the California Department of
watershed are linked together and the channel flow Water Resources (DWR) short duration
is routed through them to complete the basin's precipitation data (See Index 815.3(3)). The
response to the design rainstorm. Simulation program eliminates reading values from graphs and
models require calibration of modeling parameters simplifies the interpolation between rain gauge
using measured historical events to increase their stations.
A summary of personal computer programs is listed
in Table 808.1.
Watershed Modeling System (WMS) is a
comprehensive environment for hydrologic
analysis. It was developed by the Engineering
Computer Graphics Laboratory of Brigham Young
University in cooperation with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station.
WMS merges information obtained from terrain
models and GIS with industry standard hydrologic

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