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[ASK/EM-I/MCQ] August 30, 2012

Engineering Mathematics –I

MCQ for Phase-I


1. The rank of the matrix A =

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 1

2. The value of λ for which the matrix A = will be of rank one is

(a) λ = -3 (b) λ = 3 (c) λ = 2 (d) λ = -2

3. For what value of k is the rank of matrix equal to 2.


(a)any row number (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2

4. A be the matrix of order m × n then the rank of matrix A is

(a) rank A ≤ min. of m and n (b) rank A ≥ min. of m and n

(c) rank A < min. of m and n (d) rank A = min. of m and n

5. A matrix ‘A’ has a nonzero minor r then

(a) ρ(A)< r (b) ρ(A)≤r (c) ρ(A)> r (d) ρ(A) ≥ r

6. If A is a m×n matrix of rank r such that PAQ = , then

(a) P & Q are singular matrices

(b) P is non-singular & Q is singular matrix

(c) both P & Q must be a non-singular matrices

(d) P-1 = Q

7. The system of equations is said to be consistent if

(i) ρ(A) = ρ(A:B) = n (ii) ρ(A:B) < n

(a) Both (i) & (ii) are true (b) only (i) is true

(c) (i) is true but (ii) is false (d) (i) is false but (ii) is true
[ASK/EM-I/MCQ] August 30, 2012

8. The condition on λ for which the system of equations

, has a unique solution is

(a) λ ≠ -5 (b) λ ≠ 5 (c) λ = 5 (d) λ = -5

9. The eigen values of the matrix A = is

(a) a, b, g (b) a, b, 0 (c) a, 0, 0 (d)a, b, c

10. If λ is an eigen value of matrix A, then the eigen value of A-1 is

(a) (b) λ (c) λ-1 (d) λ+1

11. If A = [ aij] is a square matrix of order n , then trace of A is

(a) product of diagonal elements (b) sum of diagonal elements

(c) sum of row elements (d) sum of column elements

12. The characteristic equation of matrix A = is

(a) λ3 + 6 λ2 - 9 λ + 4=0 (b) λ3 - 6 λ2 - 9 λ - 4=0

(c) λ3 - 6 λ2 + 9 λ - 4=0 (d) λ3 + 6 λ2 - 12 λ - 4=0

13. If A = then the eigen value of A3+5A+8I are

(a) -1, 27, -8 (b) -1, 3, -2 (c) 2, 50, -10 (d)2,50,10

14. The matrix A is defined by A = . The eigen values of A2 are

(a) -9,-4,-1 (b) -1,-3,2 (c) 1,3,-2 (d)1,9,4.

15. The vectors (1,-1,1), (2,1,1), & (3,0,2)

(a) Linearly independent (b) Linearly dependent

(c) only two are dependent (d) only two are independent
[ASK/EM-I/MCQ] August 30, 2012

16. Normal form of the matrix A = is

(a) [ I1,o] (b) [I3] (c)[I1] (d)

17. For a non-singular matrix A, there exist two non-singular matrices P &

Q such that PAQ is in normal form, then A-1 is equal to

(a) PQ (b)P-1Q-1 (c) QP (d) Q-1P-1

18. Homogeneous system of linear equations

(a) is always consistent (b) is always inconsistent

(c) has always infinite solution (d) has no solution

19. Given system of linear equations 3x+2y+z = 0, x+4y+z = 0, 2x+y+4z = 0

has (a) no solution (b) only trivial solution

(b) Infinite solution (d) None of these

20. Given system of linear equations x + y + z =1, x+2y+4z = 2, x+4y+10z=4

(a) no solution (b) unique solution

(c) Infinitely many solution (d) n-r solutions

21. For what value of λ, the system of linear equations x + y + z = 6,

X+2y+3z = 10, x+2y+λz = 10 has infinitely many solutions?

(a) λ = 1 (b) λ = 3 (c) λ = -3 (d) λ = 10

22. For what value of b the matrix A = is an orthogonal?

(a) ± 5 (b) ± 13 (c) ± 12 (d) ± 16

23. If the characteristic of the matrix A of order 3×3 is λ3 -3 λ2 +3 λ – 1 = 0

Then by Caley Hamilton theorem A-1 is equal to

(a)A3 - 3A2 + 3A – I (b) A2 - 3A -3 I

(c) 3A2 - 3A – I (d) A2 - 3A + 3 I

[ASK/EM-I/MCQ] August 30, 2012

24. For the linear transformation Y = AX if = 0 then the transformation

is (a) non-singular (b) orthogonal (c) singular d) none of these

25. For the linear transformation Y = AX if ≠ 0 then the transformation

is (a) non-singular (b) orthogonal (c) singular d) none of these

26. For an orthogonal matrix A = , A-1 is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

27. For the transformation = coordinates (y1, y2, y3)

in Y corresponding to (-1,3, 0) in X are

(a) (-1,-2,-1) (b) (1,2,-1) (c) (1,1,1) (d) (-1,-2,1)

28. If λ1, λ2, λ3 are eigen values of the matrix A of order 3 then eigen values

of matrix Am are

(a) , , (b)
(b) (d)

29. If the characteristic equation of the matrix A is λ3 -6 λ2 +11λ – 6 = 0

Then the eigen values of the matrix A are

(A) 1,2,3 (b) -1, -2,-3 (c) 1,2,-3 (d) none of these

30. If the characteristic equation of the matrix A of order 3×3 is

λ3 -5 λ2 +9λ – 1 = 0 then by Caley Hamilton theorem

(a) A3 - 5A2 - 9A – I = 0 (b) A3 + 5A2 + 9A + I = 0

(c) A3 - 5A2 + 9A – I = 0 (d) 5A2 - 9A – I = 0

[ASK/EM-I/MCQ] August 30, 2012

31. using Caley Hamilton theorem, A-1 for the matrix A

A= is calculated from

(a) (-A-4I) (b) (A-4I) (c) (A+4I) (d) (4I-A)

32. A linear transformation AX = Y is regular if

(a) =0 (b) 0 (c) A is singular (d) none of these

1 2 3 : 1 
0 0 5 : 2 
33. If the form of augmented matrix is [A:B] =   then the
0 0 6 : 4 
 
 

corresponding linear has

(a) unique solution (b) infinitely many solutions

(c) no solution (d) none of these

34. The column vectors of the identity matrix are

(a) Linearly dependent (b) Linearly independent

(c) Both (a) & (b) (c) none of these

35. A homogeneous system of linear equations AX = 0 in n variables has

Non-trivial solution if rank A is

(a) n (b) > n (c) < n (d) = n


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