Repetytorium Szostoklasisty Zapis Nagran

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Język angielski. Repetytorium szóstoklasisty – transkrypcja nagrań

Ścieżka 1
Temat 1 Człowiek

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1–3). Do każdego z nich dopasuj właściwe zdjęcie (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Boy: Hi, Jess.
Girl: Hi, Paul. I’m looking at some new photos. Do you want to see them?
Boy: Sure. This one’s nice. Who’s that girl with you?
Girl: That’s Alisa. She’s my new neighbour.
Boy: She’s pretty. I like her smile.
Girl: She smiles a lot. She’s very funny. We have a whale of a time together.
Boy: I’d like to meet her.
Girl: I can introduce you to her. We’re going to the cinema this afternoon. You can join us if you

Boy: What have you got there, Mum?
Woman: I found old photos in the box. Look!
Boy: Is that you? I can’t believe it!
Woman: I was a pretty girl, wasn’t I? Look at my beautiful eyes.
Boy: You look happy. How old were you in this photo?
Woman: About seven. Your grandad took it just before I started school.

Girl 1: Do you like the new PE teacher?
Girl 2: Yes, I do. He’s very nice. He’s got a good sense of humour and he never gets angry.
Girl 1: I think he’s handsome too. I like his short hair. And his beard.
Girl 2: I think I’m going to join the football team.

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Ścieżka 2
Temat 1 Człowiek

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu w zadaniach
(1–3) z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok odpowiedzi
A, B albo C.

Boy: Grandad, what did you like doing when you were young?
Man: Well, when I was your age I was crazy about football. I wanted to be a professional
football player.
Boy: Were you good at it?
Man: Not bad, not bad at all. I joined the local football club. I remember our team colours. We had
blue and white T-shirts and socks and green shorts.
Boy: Did you have a lot of friends?
Man: I had friends at school and in the football team. But my best friend was Martin.
We did everything together. Some people thought we were brothers. We both had straight
fair hair and brown eyes. Martin was just a bit taller than me.
Boy: Did you watch a lot of TV?
Man: No, I didn’t. We didn’t have a TV set at that time. I enjoyed reading adventure stories. Mum
sometimes got angry with me because I read late in bed. Martin collected stamps, but I
wasn’t intrested in that.

Ścieżka 3
Temat 2 Dom

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst o domu Susan. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu
przyporządkuj do poszczególnych pomieszczeń (1−4) meble (A−E), które się w nich znajdują. Wpisz
odpowiedzi w kratki. Uwaga! Jeden mebel został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Hi! I’m Susan and this is my house. There are four bedrooms. The room which we all like best is the
kitchen. In the evenings we often sit there. We talk about what happened during the day and we
drink tea from our favourite mugs. We keep them in the huge cupboard which we got from our
grandma. There is also a very big and old table there. Sometimes we also sit in the living room and
watch TV. There’s a comfortable armchair there. Some time ago there was a mirror in the living room
but Mum didn’t like it so she put it in the garage.
Now something about my bedroom. I love it. The most important thing in it is the desk. You can find
almost everything on it: books, magazines, photos, pens, mugs and much more.

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Ścieżka 4
Temat 2 Dom

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań (1−5) są zgodne z treścią nagrania
(P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.

Hi! I’m Robert Smithson and I’m from Australia. I live in Sydney in a block of flats near the centre. Our
home is quite modern. It’s got two floors so we’ve got stairs inside. There is also a big balcony. We
can see the sea and the Opera House from it. The view is really wonderful. We’ve got a few
neighbours. Some of them are very nice but some of the others are very noisy sometimes. Dad gets
nervous then because he cannot write his books. He’s a writer. There is a beautiful park next to our
block of flats. I often go skateboarding there and meet my friends. They live nearby.

Ścieżka 5
Temat 3 Szkoła

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1-3). Do każdego z nich dopasujrysunek (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jeden rysunek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Man: What’s the result?
Boy: It’s 245.
Man: That’s wrong, I’m afraid. Do it again, please.
Boy: Is it 265?
Man: Brilliant! You‘re quite good at maths.

Girl 1: Who’s your best friend at school?
Girl 2: It’s Mark. He’s new here.
Girl 1: Oh! Cool! How did you meet him?
Girl 2: We met at the school photo club.
Girl 1: Oh, I see. Is he interesting?
Girl 2: Yes, he is. But more importantly he is very clever.

Girl: Can I borrow your dictionary, please?
Boy: Yes, sure. What are you looking for?
Girl: I don’t know what “never mind“ means in English.
Boy: Oh, that’s easy. It means “don’t worry“.
Girl: Oh, I see. Thanks!
Boy: You’re welcome.

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Ścieżka 6
Temat 3 Szkoła

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi (1−3). Do każdej z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A−D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

If you want to learn about what happened in the past, this subject is for you. It’s about kings, queens
and different wars. It’s fascinating.

This is my favourite subject at school because I can learn about countries around the world. This
month we are learning about national parks in North America.

This subject is for students who like calculations. I love it. This year I’m going to take part in
a competition. I want to be the best student at maths.

Ścieżka 7
Temat 4 Praca

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich tekstów (1−5) opisujących różne zawody. Do każdego z nich
dopasuj zdjęcie (A−F). Wpisz rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego opisu.

This person grows plants. They can also keep animals. These are usually cows, pigs or
chickens. It’s a very hard and dirty job.

This person wears a uniform and a hat. Sometimes you can see this person at a crossroads instructing
drivers to either stop or go. This job can be dangerous because it usually involves working on a busy

I’d like to be someone like this. In this job you travel a lot and visit exotic places. You meet different
people and learn about interesting cultures. It must be very exciting.

This person spends a lot of time in a garage. If your car needs fixing, you go to this person. This job is
very dirty and can sometimes be very tiring.

This job is very interesting and creative. The person who does it plays on the stage or in films. Some
people who do this job are very famous and earn a lot of money.

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Ścieżka 8
Temat 4 Praca

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań (1−5) są zgodne z treścią nagrania
(P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.

Hi! I’m Steve. When I grow up I want to be a chef like my father. I think it’s a very interesting job. You
can prepare thousands of dishes from all over the world. For me, it’s like travelling around the globe.
It’s very exciting. Sometimes you don‘t know if the dish is going to be OK. And sometimes you have
to be like an artist in order to create your own dishes.
I collect recipes all the time. My ambition is to take part in Master Chef on TV.
If I win, I’ll be famous and give a lot of interviews. Then I will open my own restaurant in our little
town. It’s going to be called La Siesta.

Ścieżka 9
Temat 5 Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa dialogi (1−2). Do każdego z nich dopasuj rysunki (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Dwa rysunki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego

Girl: Robert! What are you doing?
Boy: I’m looking at my mum’s photo album.
Girl: Oh, I can see you in the background.
Boy: Yes, that’s me and my brother. We were playing football.
Girl: It looks like a family picnic.
Boy: Yeah! But Dad’s not in the picture. He went somewhere for a while.
Girl: What was there in the basket?
Boy: Oh, we had some great food prepared by Mum.
Girl: You look very happy, all of you.
Boy: Yes, we had a wonderful time.

Girl: And who are the people in this picture?
Boy: They’re my parents. My mum is the one wearing a white dress and my dad is in white shorts.
Girl: And who else is in the picture?
Boy: On the right there is my cousin, Rebecca. She’s in a grey dress. Her parents are next to her.
That’s my uncle and aunt. He’s wearing a black shirt and she’s in a flowery dress.
Girl: And who are the people on the left?
Boy: These are my parents’ friends. The man in a blue hooded jumper plays in a band.
Girl: Oh, how interesting.

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Ścieżka 10
Temat 5 Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu w zadaniach
(1−2) z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok odpowiedzi
A, B albo C.

Boy: Auntie, what did you do in your free time when you were young?
Woman: I liked staying at home. I didn’t go out very often.
Boy: Oh! So you spent most of the time playing computer games.
Woman: Oh no! There weren’t any computers at that time. At least not like the ones today.
Boy: So what did you do at home?
Woman: Well, I read a lot of books and comics. I also collected stamps.
Boy: Did you really enjoy being young?
Woman: Oh yes, I did. It was a wonderful time.
Boy: What about now? How do you spend your free time now?
Woman: Times have changed. Now there’s the Internet and I’ve got my tablet that I like to use a lot.

Ścieżka 11
Temat 5 Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

Zadanie 3
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich wypowiedzi (1−5). Do każdej z nich dopasuj sytuacje, które są
opisane w punktach (A−F). Uwaga! Jedna sytuacja została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do
żadnej wypowiedzi.

One: It’s my turn.

Two: You lucky thing!
Three: Can I have a go?
Four: Good luck!
Five: How about riding a bike?

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Ścieżka 12
Temat 6 Żywienie

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu połącz członków
rodziny (1−5) z ich ulubionymi potrawami (A−F). Wpisz rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedna
potrawa została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.

Man: What’s your favourite food, Mark?

Boy: Well, I love pizza with ham, tomato and spinach.
Man: Oh! I thought most kids don’t like spinach.
Boy: Yeah, but I do. My mother loves it too, especially with pasta.
Man: So the whole family likes Italian food, does it?
Boy: No, not all of us. My father hates it. He loves American food.
Man: What exactly does he like?
Boy: His favourite meal is a burger with tomatoes, lettuce, onion and a lot of cheese.
Man: And what about your brother and sister?
Boy: Well, my brother likes lots of different vegetables. He also likes soups a lot. And my sister
loves milkshakes.

Ścieżka 13
Temat 6 Żywienie

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań (1–6) są zgodne z treścią nagrania
(P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.

Man: Hi! Welcome to Radio One. And you’re listening to our new programme “The recipe of the
day“. Our first caller today is Jackie from Glasgow. Hi, Jackie. How are you?
Girl: I’m fine, thank you.
Man: What’s your recipe?
Girl: It’s called potato delight.
Man: Hmm! Potato delight? That doesn’t sound too tasty.
Girl: You’ll be surprised. It’s delicious and also very healthy.
Man: OK, tell us the recipe.
Girl: First, you peel the potatoes and boil them in salty water. Once they’ve cooled, you cut them
into slices, add some hot pepper and roast them. When they are crunchy, you should add
some fresh cream on top and serve them immediately.
Man: Hmm! You’re right, it sounds delicious. I already feel hungry. Thanks a lot, Jackie.
Girl: Thank you. Bye.
Man: And what’s your favourite recipe? Write to us or call us and share your cooking ideas with us.
And our next caller is ...

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Ścieżka 14
Temat 7 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1–3). Do każdego z nich dopasuj sklep (A−D). Wpisz rozwiązania
w kratki. Uwaga! Jeden sklep został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.

Man: Can I help you, madam?
Ani: Yes, I’d like some plasters and a bandage, please.
Man: Anything else, madam?
Ani: Oh, yes! And I’ll take some aspirin.
Man: Do you want a packet of 20 or 50 pills?
Ani: 20, please.
Man: 12 pounds, please.
Ani: Here you are.
Man: Thank you.

Man 1: Have you got a specialist magazine on fishing?
Man 2: Yes, I’ve got two: Fishing and Lake fish.
Man 1: Oh, I’ll take both.
Man 2: Anything else?
Man 1: Yes, Have you got some strawberry flavoured chewing gum?
Man 2: Yes, sure. Here you are.
Man 1: Thank you, that’s all.

Girl 1: What do you think? Are they OK?
Girl 2: Yes, they look perfect. Are they comfortable?
Girl 1: Well, they are a bit too small.
Girl 2: Try a bigger size then. There is a shop assistant over there. She’ll help you to find the right
Girl 1: Yes, that’s a good idea.
Girl 2: So? How do these ones feel?
Girl 1: They’re much better. I’ll take them.

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Ścieżka 15
Temat 7 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi (1−3). Do każdej z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A−D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

Man: How much is it?
Woman: 25 pounds altogether.
Man: Can I pay by credit card?
Woman: Yes, certainly.

Woman: How much are they?
Man: 50 pounds.
Woman: Oh! They’re very expensive, but I like them. Have you got a size 40?
Man: I think I have.

Mark works at the market. He starts his working day every day at 5.30 a.m. He sells fresh products
such as fruit and vegetables. He brings them from his farm. People like them very much so he’s got
many customers.

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Ścieżka 16
Temat 8 Podróżowanie i turystyka

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1–3). Do każdego z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Boy: What are you doing, Grandpa?
Man: I’m looking at the pictures from my business trips.
Boy: Oh! How interesting! Where did you go?
Man: I travelled to many different places. I visited North America and many European and Asian
Boy: How did you get there?
Man: By plane.
Boy: Which place was the most interesting?
Man: I think Thailand was the most exciting. It has a completely different culture, the food is
amazing and the people are dressed in very colourful clothes.

Boy: Hello!
Girl: Hi, Robert! It’s Becky here.
Boy: Hi, Becky! How are you?
Girl: I’m fine, thanks. I’m working on a school project and we’re organising a school trip to
a historic place near our town. Could you help us?
Boy: Sure, of course. Have you got any ideas where to go?
Girl: No, not yet. We don’t know much about the history of our town.
Boy: OK. What about a trip to an old castle which is about five miles away from here.
Girl: Is it interesting? Are there any stories connected to it?
Boy: Yes, lots! They say there are ghosts there.
Girl: OK, perfect. We’ll organise a trip there.

Man: Hello, it’s Martin here. Can I speak to Mark, please?
Woman: Hi,Martin. Mark isn’t at home. He hasn’t come back from the school trip yet.
Man: A school trip? Oh, I didn’t know. I’m ill and I haven’t been to school for a week.
Woman: Oh, I’m sorry. I hope you’re better now.
Man: Yes, I am. Where are they?
Woman: They’re visiting that old castle nearby.
Man: Oh, what a pity! I love old castles. When are they coming back?
Woman: They should be back in the evening.
Man: OK, then. I’ll call back later. Bye.
Woman: Bye.

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Ścieżka 17
Temat 8 Podróżowanie i turystyka

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu w zadaniach (1–3)
z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok odpowiedzi A, B albo C.

The most interesting trip of my life was hiking in the mountains on the Big Island. The Big Island is
one of the Hawaiian Islands. There is a volcano there. We spent all day walking with our backpacks.
We usually stopped on the way to take pictures. The views were amazing! One day we went for a trip
to the volcano. It took us a few hours to get there.
So when we finally arrived, we made a campfire there. We met a local guide who told us interesting
stories about the place. Later in the evening a helicopter took us back to the airport in town. It was
a perfect trip.

Ścieżka 18
Temat 9 Kultura

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty (1–3). Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu określ, jakie
to okazje (A−D). Wpisz rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedna okazja została podana dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnego tekstu.

New Year’s celebrations start at eight p.m. in Times Square, New York. The biggest show in the world.
Please, come and join us and have a great time.

The performance is taking place at High Garland School. The teachers and students will play famous
radio hits. Free entry. Come and join us on the 1st of January at 4 p.m.

My parents have been married for 20 years. It’s an important anniversary for them. I think I’ll send
them a special card.

Ścieżka 19
Temat 9 Kultura

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań (1–5) są zgodne z treścią nagrania
(P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.

Hi, I’m Sue and I love Christmas time. It’s the most important holiday for our family. We all work very
hard to prepare everything for that special time of the year. That’s why we get up very early on
Christmas Eve to get everything ready. Mum cooks all the traditional dishes. Dad decorates the front
door and the trees in the garden with colourful lights. My brother and I decorate the Christmas tree.
Then we wait for the first star before starting the Christmas Eve supper. After supper it’s time for the
Christmas presents. Getting presents is the best thing. I can’t wait! Christmas is my favourite holiday.

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Ścieżka 20
Temat 9 Kultura

Zadanie 3
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich życzeń (1−5). Do każdego z nich dopasuj święta lub okazje,
które są przedstawione na zdjęciach (A–F). Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnego życzenia.

One: Happy birthday!

Two: Happy Easter!
Three: Trick or treat!
Four: Happy New Year!
Five: Merry Christmas!

Ścieżka 21
Temat 10 Sport

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1–3). Do każdego z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Girl: Hi, Mark! I can see that you’ve got a new skateboard and knee pads.
Boy: Yes, and I like your red helmet.
Girl: It’s my sister’s. How about skateboarding together?
Boy: I’d love to, but you haven’t got any knee pads. I can lend you some.
Girl: Thanks! Let’s go.

Woman: What a sunny day today!
Man: Yes, it’s perfect for parachuting.
Woman: Would you like to have a go?
Man: Yeah! Why not. Have you got the equipment?
Woman: Yes, we’ve got everything here. And our pilot is ready, I think.
Man: OK. Let’s go!

Girl: Look, Daren! It’s a perfect place for rafting, your favourite sport.
Boy: Yes, it is. All we need to do is borrow rafting equipment – a good boat and some safety gear.
Girl: The river looks a bit dangerous but we are good swimmers so everything should be OK.
Boy: Yeah, everything will be fine. We can also go climbing in the nearby mountains over the next
few days.
Girl: OK, that’s a good idea. It’s going to be a week full of adventures.

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Ścieżka 22
Temat 10 Sport

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu w zadaniach (1–2)
z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok odpowiedzi A, B albo C.

Boy: What are you doing, Mum?

Woman: I’m looking at the photos from our holidays in Greece.
Boy: Oh! Who’s that?
Woman: It’s your father. He’s learning to water-ski.
Boy: Our dad? Impossible!
Woman: Yeah, he’s just about to fall over.
Boy: That looks dangerous here.
Woman: Don’t worry. He was OK.
Boy: It looks like Dad’s got some very good equipment.
Woman: Yes, he bought new goggles, a board and a professional helmet.
Boy: What about you, Mum? Did you have a go?
Woman: No, I didn’t. I’m not a very good swimmer.

Ścieżka 23
Temat 11 Zdrowie

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy krótkie wypowiedzi (1–3). Do każdej z nich dopasuj rysunek (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jeden rysunek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

Oh gosh! I’ve twisted my ankle. Now I can’t play football, but it’s good it’s not broken.

Don’t eat so many sweets or you’ll get stomach ache. Besides, sweets are unhealthy.

Let me see your leg. Hmm, I’m afraid, it’s broken. We’ll have to put it in plaster. You’ll have to wear it
for about 6 weeks.

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Ścieżka 24
Temat 11 Zdrowie

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu w zadaniach (1–3)
z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok odpowiedzi A, B albo C.

Woman: What’s the matter?

Girl: I don’t know, doctor. I’ve got a high temperature, a terrible headache and a sore throat.
Woman: Let me see. Hmm, your head is really hot. Have you got a cough too?
Girl: Yes, I have. What’s the matter with me?
Woman: I’m afraid you’ve got the flu. You mustn’t go outside and you should stay in bed. And here’s
a prescription for you.
Girl: How should I take it?
Woman: You should take the pills three times a day and a spoon of syrup in the evening after eating.
Girl: When will I be better?
Woman: I think you should be OK by the end of the week.

Ścieżka 25
Temat 12 Świat przyrody

Zadanie 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi (1−3) na temat pogody. Do każdej z nich dopasuj rysunek
(A–D). Wpisz rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jeden rysunek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do
żadnej wypowiedzi.

Today it’s going to be cloudy and we can expect some rain in the afternoon. The temperature for
today is around 15°C.

Tomorrow it’ll be much better. The temperature is going to be much higher. It’ll be a very sunny day.

Girl: Mum, what should I wear for school today?
Woman: It’s very cold so put on some warm clothes.
Girl: Should I wear a hat and gloves?
Woman: Oh yes, it’s going to snow in the afternoon.

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Ścieżka 26
Temat 12 Świat przyrody

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie wypowiedzi (1−2). Do każdej z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A−C). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

People keep these animals at home. They become friends of their owners and they are called pets.
I’ve got one and it’s called Ricky. I go for a walk with him very often. He loves playing in the garden.
He also loves chasing cats.

These animals are very colourful and beautiful. Sometimes people keep them in their houses in
cages. They teach them to say a few words. It sounds funny when these animals repeat words
because they sound just like people.

Ścieżka 27
Mock Test

Zadanie 1

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1−3). Do każdego z nich dopasuj zdjęcie (A–D). Wpisz
rozwiązania w kratki. Uwaga! Jedno zdjęcie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Girl: Do you like geography, our new school subject?
Boy: Oh yes, it’s very interesting. When I grow up I’d like to be a traveller.
Girl: I agree, it’s fascinating to travel around the world.
Boy: Yes, but first we have to learn about different countries.
Girl: Yeah, you‘re right.

Girl: Who’s that boy talking to Becky? He’s very handsome.
Boy: It’s Peter. He’s new here.
Girl: Do you know him well?
Boy: Yes, sure. I can introduce you if you like. He’s in our class.
Girl: Maybe later.
Boy: OK, but don’t be shy.

Girl: Can you lend me your notebook?
Boy: Yes, sure. What do you need it for?
Girl: I haven’t done my homework. I was very busy yesterday.
Boy: But you shouldn’t copy someone’s homework.
Girl: I know, but only this time.

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Ścieżka 28
Mock Test

Zadanie 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań (1−4) są zgodne z treścią nagrania
(P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.

Woman: Good evening, everyone! Welcome to Good Time Radio. You are listening to our
programme “My favourite sport“. Our guest today is Mark from Cardiff. Hi, Mark. How are
Boy: I’m fine, thanks.
Woman: What’s your favourite sport, Mark?
Boy: I love playing chess.
Woman: Hmm! Chess? That doesn’t sound too interesting and original.
Boy: Oh, no! Chess is a fascinating game. It’s more interesting than playing computer games.
Woman: OK, tell us more. When did you start?
Boy: I started playing when I was five.
Woman: Who taught you to play chess?
Boy: My grandfather did. Now we play every weekend.
Woman: Have you got any plans connected with chess?
Boy: Yes, I want to be a world champion.
Woman: Good luck, Mark. Thank you very much.
Boy: Thank you. Bye.
Woman: And what’s your favourite sport? Please call us and share your ideas with us.

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Ścieżka 29
Mock Test

Zadanie 3
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1−3). Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu
w zadaniach (1−3) z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Wstaw znak X w kratkę obok
odpowiedzi A, B lub C.

Boy: Hello, It’s Mark here. Can I speak to Becky, please?
Girl: She’s out at the moment.
Boy: Can I leave a message then?
Girl: Yes, sure.
Boy: Could you tell her that we are meeting in front of the cinema at five.
Girl: OK, no problem.
Boy: Thanks, bye.

Woman: Robert! What’s the weather like today?
Boy: Wait a moment, Mum. I‘ll check it on my smartphone.
Woman: So, what can you see?
Boy: It’s not going to be warm. There will be some clouds and it will also be partly sunny.
Woman: OK, so you should wear warm clothes to school today.

Man 1: What’s the matter, Peter?
Man 2: I was playing football and I fell. Now I’ve got a terrible pain in my arm.
Man 1: Let me see it. Hmm, I’m afraid, it’s broken. We’ll have to put it in plaster.

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