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PERIODIC TEST- II , 2019-2020


Class 1X Marks:20
Time 1 Hour

Section – A
Grammar and Writing

1) Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1*5=5 mks)

a) _______ the news on at five or six? ( Is/ Are)

b) The players as well as captain _____ to win. (want/ wants)
c) Each of the suspected men ______ arrested. ( was/ were)
d) The scenary here _____ fantastic. ( is /are )
e) Neither of the men _______ here yet. (is/ are)

11) Write in about 100 words about the calamity which struck Kerala recently. (1*4=4 mks)

Section -B

III) Answer the following. (2*4= 8 mks)

1) Evelyn Glennie has already accomplished more than most people twice her age. What is your
opinion about it?
2) Give a brief description of Toto, the monkey.

1V) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions. (1*3= 3 mks)

“He chose a pipe with a natural hollow stem that was longer and broader than the pungi, and
made seven holes on the body of the pipe.......... everyone was impressed.’’

a) Who is ‘He’ referred to?

b) What did ‘He’ do to improve the quqlity of the pungi?
c) What happened when ‘he’ played the improved version?

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