2019-06-18 Gcla Board Meeting

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Glenshire Lake & Commons Board Meeting June 18, 2019

Present: Susan Johnston, Sharon Hecht, Judy Seyb, Clark Ahlden, Pete Fernandes, Lee

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to Order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the May 7 meeting were read. Sharon motioned to
approve the minutes as presented. Clark seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Lake Assessments: Susan reports she met with an attorney concerning the outstanding
dues for the 1510 Glenshire property. Because this would be a federal government lien it
would not be practical for us to pursue the dues in this way. The lawyer advised us to
collect the outstanding dues at the sale of the property by submitting a letter stating the
property is not in good standing with the association until outstanding dues are paid.

Lake Maintenance: Susan sprayed the lake today for algae. Susan will also measure the
height of grass in the commons areas if it appears to be getting too high so homeowners
can be notified about commons maintenance. Sharon reports Vicky is our new commons
maintenance helper. Sharon will walk the lake with Vicky to make sure she knows what to
do. Sharon also would like to talk to Nick about weed eating around the planting beds and
other miscellaneous work. Sharon reports the redbud tree planted last fall is not looking
very good. A photo of it will be sent to Country Arbors Nursery, where it was purchased.

Scouts: Susan met with the Scouts and presented them with their check.

New Neighbors: None.

Website: Lee reports he will start posting the minutes of the board meetings.

New Business: None.

Next Meeting: July 16, 2019 at 6:30 pm at Sharon’s home.

Adjournment: Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.

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