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Final self assessment

1. Write the reported version:

 Frank Sinatra died after he said that he was losingil.
 George Orwell said that at fifty year of age, averyone had the face he
 Nostradamus said that tomorrow at sunrise, he would notwhere.
 Philosopher Jean Paul Sartre told to his partner simone de beauvoir that he
loved her very very much.
 Leonardo da Vincci said that he had offended God and monkind because his
work had not reached the quality it should have
 Murderer James W Rodgers asked if they could bring him a burlet proof vest.

2. ¿What would you do if for an unknown reason, the electricity stopped

working for one year in all the planet?

R// If the electricity stopped working for a year in the whole planet, I would meet with
all my family, to take more time with them

¿Would your life change dramatically?

R// no, because I am not a person very attached to technology and would prefer
material things
Use Sentence example

Possible situation in the If people had not contaminated, today we would live in
future good conditions.
(First conditional)

Facts f you throw garbage on the street it is hurting humanity

(Zero conditional) and the environment.

Promises I polluted the water by throwing garbage in the river last

(First conditional) week, I will not do it again.

Imaginary situations in If I had separated the garbage, I wouldn't have

the past contaminated so much.
(Third conditional)

Advice If we do not pollute, possibly the quality of life is better.

(Zero conditional)

Orders There are infractions for polluting, it is better not to do it

(Zero conditional) and respect nature.
Imaginary situations in if we do not help reduce environmental damage, the world
the future could end, nature would not exist.
(Second conditional)

4. ¿What do you think is difficult about the topic of conditional? ¿Why?

R// conditionals are difficult because one gets confused in conditional 1, 2 and 3

¿What specific strategy can you recommend to get better in the topic of

R// my strategy would be to start practicing more with events that happened and that
are real and with imaginary events


This semester I learned about:

In this semester, I reaffirmed much more what I saw in the past semesters, as well
as I learned to better manage the report speach and conditional

In this his semester the things I liked about my learning process were:
I really liked the didactic way with which the teacher dictated each class, so we
learned more

The things I would like to improve were:

I would like to improve my vocabulary a bit more, because in the texts that we had
to write in the partials, I did not have many words to write

I am committed to continue:

I promise to follow my learning, to better master this language

I am committed to start to:

I commit myself to be more judicious in my learning

I would like to learn about:

would like to learn more vocabulary because sometimes it is not enough

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