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Kevin Tayo


Bad period in Venezuela

Venezuela is going through a bad period, it has been experimenting a lot corruption by
the actually president Nicolás Maduro, who is been robbing a huge amount of money
along his presidential career while his country is starving and slowly dying. The bad
government and bad management, had made that the oil that was first exportation
Venezuelan product right now has the lowest price in the history of Venezuela;
Affecting directly in they're economy, making that the shortage of food in Venezuela
became extremely limited through this years and also the medical attention became a
privilege for the population, things like: medicine, doctors and hospitals are precious
resources that the people are trying to reach in foreing countries. The overpopulation
in hospitals and limited food is a serious problem with no close answer.
For Venezuela to come out of this recession, the following would have to happen:
Nicolás Maduro would have to leave the presidency and yield to Juan Guaido, ask for
help from the UN and break the socialism that runs through Venezuela today

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