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Participant ID: 21816090

Test Center Name: iON Digital Zone iDZ Kodavaluru Village
Test Date: 11/11/2018
Test Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Subject: 137 Paper Code

Q.1 "Over-charges" and "Under-charges" used in the Arrear claims refer to

_______ and _______ Question ID : 39481323116
Ans Chosen Option : 1
1. Excesses, shortages

2. Omissions and commissions

3. Compensatory, adjustment

4. None of these

Q.2 The local administrative head of the department may grant permission
to occupy Government quarters to officers proceeding on leave on Question ID : 39481323162
average Pay not exceeding ______ months. Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

Q.3 The estimates for bridges must be accompanied by adequate

calculations and the report should show how the _____has been crossed. Question ID : 39481323194
Ans Chosen Option : 3
1. Bridge

2. Road

3. Stream

4. None of these

Q.4 All unusal losses in the manufacture of materials must, on their

occurrence, be reported to: Question ID : 39481323190
Ans 1. Executive Engineer Chosen Option : 2

2. Superintending Engineer

3. District collector

4. None of these

Q.5 The basis for the preparation of Schedule of rates is:

Question ID : 39481323115
Ans 1. Data
Chosen Option : 4
2. SSR


4. Rates prevailing in the locality

Q.6 Executive Engineers will check measure the work done not less than
____ of the important works in each year Question ID : 39481323148
Ans 1. 12 works Chosen Option : 4
2. 48 works

3. 24 works

4. 36 works

Q.7 Works executed by Government Servants of other departments acting

as public works disbursers are usually _____ constructed on standard Question ID : 39481323191
designs. Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Normal works

2. Repair works

3. Petty works

4. Similar works

Q.8 Who is competent to deal with losses of Measurement Books, field

survey books, field levelling books and log books of Government Question ID : 39481323196
vehicles Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. Executive Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Chief Engineer

4. None of these

Q.9 Competent authority to execute agreements for the lease of houses,

land and other immovable property concerning the Registration Question ID : 39481323186
Department Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Inspector-General of Registration and Stamps

2. Head of the Office

3. District collector

4. None of these

Q.10 In respect of establishments not borne on a state Cadre, Heads of

offices should send the Annual return of establishment in the Question ID : 39481323113
prescribed form to the A.G. by ______of each year Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. 15th April

2. 1st March

3. 30th April

4. 15th May

Q.11 Period of Preservation of Transfer entry Book

Question ID : 39481323135
Ans 1. 2 years
Chosen Option : 2
2. 3 years

3. 5 years

4. 6 years

Q.12 According to the terms clause 20 of the general conditions of contract

printed in the PWD,Electrical Engineers may sanction an advance upto a Question ID : 39481323128
certain limit on the value as ascertained by him. What is that limit? Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. 25 Percent

2. 50 Percent

3. 75 Percent

4. 80 Percent
Q.13 In the case of taxes on buildings not occupied as residences, if the
building is occupied by more than one department,the taxes should be Question ID : 39481323133
paid by the Revenue department if it is one of the occupants otherwise Chosen Option : 1
by the department which occupies major portion of the building.Quote
the authority?
Ans 1. Article 120 of APFC Vol.I

2. Article 220 of APFC Vol.I

3. Article 219 of APFC Vol.I

4. Article 152 of APFC Vol.I

Q.14 Period of preservation of savings bank pass book

Question ID : 39481323165
Ans 1. 5 years
Chosen Option : 2
2. 3 years

3. 2 years

4. 6 years

Q.15 Watchmen's wages should be excluded from the total of an ____ of a

building for the purpose of deciding whether a regular agreement with a Question ID : 39481323114
contractor is necessary? Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Special repair estimate

2. Repairs estimate

3. Contingencies of estimate

4. Annual Maintenance estimate

Q.16 The cost of providing and maintaining approach roads to ancient

monuments should be a _____. Question ID : 39481323173
Ans Chosen Option : 2
1. Repair charge

2. Capital charge

3. State charge

4. None of these

Q.17 Inrespect of buildings borne on P.W.Register if another department

executes any work, they should annually inform of the amount spent on Question ID : 39481323119
repairs to the building. The authority to receive such report is ______ Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. Engineer-in-chief

2. Chief engineer

3. Superintending Engineer

4. Executive engineer

Q.18 Hostels attached to the schools should be treated as ______ for the
purpose of determining the authority to accord the administrative Question ID : 39481323120
approval to the additions and improvements there to: Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Government buildings

2. Office buildings

3. Residential buildings

4. Non-Residential buildings

Q.19 The cost of construction and maintenance of mortuaries is charged to

state revenues. The authority responsible for reporting to PWD, when Question ID : 39481323146
mortuaries in their jurisdiction requires repairs is: Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Superintendents of the hospitals
2. Incharge of mortuary

3. District Medical officer concerned

4. None of these

Q.20 ________ means the documents required in connection with the giving of
the work on contract Question ID : 39481323161
Ans 1. Tender Schedule Chosen Option : 4

2. Designs & Plans

3. Specifications

4. Contract Documents

Q.21 The total amount of rent and service taxes recovered from any
Government Servant in respect of a Government residential Question ID : 39481323181
accommodation shall not exceed _____ of his emoluments. Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. 2 Percent

2. 5 Percent

3. 10 Percent

4. 20 Percent

Q.22 Competent authority to execute agreements for the lease of cycle

stands in Government Hospitals. Question ID : 39481323183
Ans 1. A.O. of the concerned hospital Chosen Option : 2

2. Head of the hospital

3. Nursing Superintendent of the hospital

4. Sanitary Inspector of the hospital

Q.23 When rates and prices are changing rapidly who is empowered to issue
orders that a certain percentage should be added to or deducted from Question ID : 39481323159
all the rates or from specified rates or from certain specified classes of Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Government

2. Chief Engineer

3. Superintendent Engineer

4. Executive Engineer

Q.24 Period of preservation of Amanath Register.

Question ID : 39481323193
Ans 1. 4 years from the date of opening
Chosen Option : 4
2. 3 years after completion of audit

3. 5 years

4. 6 years from the date of last entry in the register

Q.25 The furniture required by the division and sub-divisional offices of the
PWD should be debited to _____ of the office concerned Question ID : 39481323157
Ans Chosen Option : 3
1. Furniture account

2. Miscellaneous expenditure

3. Contingent grant

4. Adhoc grant

Q.26 A refund order should be signed by the ______who received and brought
to account the item of revenue in question. Question ID : 39481323122
Ans 1. Government servant Chosen Option : 1

2. Chief Engineer

3. Superintending Engineer

4. Executive Engineer

Q.27 Period of preservation of cheque-counter foil books.

Question ID : 39481323185
Ans 1. 3 years
Chosen Option : 2
2. 5 years

3. 8 years

4. 10 years

Q.28 The remissions of revenue included in the Annual statement of a Head

of a department should be classified with reference to _____ for Question ID : 39481323167
sanctioning them Chosen Option : --
Ans 1. Circumstances

2. Order of occurrence

3. The reasons

4. The occassion

Q.29 The approval or sanction to an estimate for a work other than annual
repair will, unless the work has been started, cease to be in force Question ID : 39481323152
_______after the date when it was sanctioned Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. 2 years

2. 3 years

3. 5 years

4. 6 years

Q.30 Whenever a measurement book changes hand,even it is only sent from

one officer to another within the same building, some responsible Question ID : 39481323164
person of a grade not below the rank of ___should acknowledge the Chosen Option : 4
receipt of it in writing.
Ans 1. Asst. Executive Engineer

2. Supervisor

3. Asst. Engineer

4. Clerk

Q.31 The holder of a Permanent Advance may utilise it to meet any other
expenditure, other than the contingent expenditure, except for the grant Question ID : 39481323103
of ______ Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. Advance of TA

2. Advance of TTA

3. Advance of FTA

4. Advance of pay

Q.32 Period of preservation of works-estimate copies:

Question ID : 39481323139
Ans 1. 3 years
Chosen Option : 1
2. 5 years

3. 10 years

4. Permanently
Q.33 Who is the competent authority to authorise "whenever the transfer of a
executive charge is prolonged in the division so that two government Question ID : 39481323126
servants become entitled to draw Pay and Allowances simultaneously Chosen Option : 2
for the same appointment
Ans 1. Executive Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Chief Engineer

4. None of these

Q.34 Ordinary repairs include periodical repairs which are done regularly as a
matter of routine and are usually of the same nature. An example of this Question ID : 39481323112
is: Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Laying of a new road

2. Maintenance operations for better condition

3. Spreading a new coat of metal on road

4. Substituting cement plastering for normal one

Q.35 What is the amount of provision to be made in the estimates towards

handling charges for purchase of machinery. Question ID : 39481323108
Ans 1. 1/2% of the estimate cost Chosen Option : 3

2. 1% of the estimate cost

3. 2% of the estimate cost

4. 3% of the estimate cost

Q.36 The drawing officer should attach an increment certificate to every bill
on which a Periodical increment in pay of a Government Servant is Question ID : 39481323195
drawn. This certificate in APTC Form is: Chosen Option : --
Ans 1. Form 47

2. Form 48

3. Form 49

4. Form 50

Q.37 Whose duty is to arrange for a systematic inspection of all the buildings
of historical interest and monuments in their jurisdiction and to frame Question ID : 39481323111
estimates for their repair. Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Chief Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Executive Engineer

4. Deputy Executive Engineer

Q.38 The Measurement book is a very important record and must be kept
with great care,since it may have to be produced as evidence to ________ Question ID : 39481323187
Ans Chosen Option : 3
1. AG's inspections

2. Vigilance officers

3. A court of Law

4. Higher authorities

Q.39 Sub-vouchers should be preserved for:

Question ID : 39481323149
Ans 1. 3 years
Chosen Option : 1
2. 5 years

3. 10 years

4. 15 years

Q.40 Period of preservation of TA bills and relating acquittance rolls

Question ID : 39481323141
Ans 1. 5 years
Chosen Option : 3
2. One year

3. 3 years

4. 4 years

Q.41 The records connected with daily receipts and issue of Tools and plant
can be preserved for: Question ID : 39481323160
Ans Chosen Option : --
1. 2 years

2. 3 years

3. 5 years

4. 6 years

Q.42 Any correction made in an agreement should be attested with initials

with date by the ______ and ______ Question ID : 39481323132
Ans 1. Executive Engineer and contractor Chosen Option : 3

2. Superintending Engineer and contractor

3. Accepting authority and contractor

4. None of these

Q.43 When any authority accords sanction for expenditure of a definite

amount or upto a specified maximum limit, the amount should always Question ID : 39481323171
be expressed in _____. Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Detail

2. Words and figures

3. Words only

4. None of these

Q.44 Period of Preservation of Mortality returns of Pensioners

Question ID : 39481323105
Ans 1. 2 years
Chosen Option : 2
2. 5 years

3. 3 years

4. 4 years

Q.45 The payment due for a part of the month should ordinarily be made at
once without waiting till the end of the month upon certain conditions Question ID : 39481323121
detailed in ______of APFC Vol I. Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Article 52(a)

2. Article 62(b)

3. Article 72(c)

4. Article 82(d)

Q.46 A revised estimate should be submitted when the sanctioned estimate

is likely to be exceeded by more than _____ Question ID : 39481323106
Ans 1. 10 percent Chosen Option : 1
2. 5 percent

3. 3 percent

4. 2 percent

Q.47 Period of preservation of Land registers:

Question ID : 39481323177
Ans 1. Permanently
Chosen Option : 1
2. 100 years

3. 50 years

4. 40 years

Q.48 Who should get tenants for public buildings not immediately required
for Government use Question ID : 39481323147
Ans 1. Estate officer Chosen Option : 2

2. Executive Engineer

3. Head of the office

4. None of these

Q.49 Periodical repairs which are done regularly as a matter of routine and
are usually of the same nature are called: Question ID : 39481323125
Ans 1. Special repairs Chosen Option : 3

2. Petty repairs

3. Ordinary repairs

4. General repairs

Q.50 Period of preservation of work books:

Question ID : 39481323140
Ans 1. 10 years
Chosen Option : 4
2. 5 years

3. 25 years

4. To be retained permanently

Q.51 Authority competent to accord sanction for the provision of furniture for
inspection bungalows on the scales laid down subject to monetary Question ID : 39481323158
limits is : Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Chief Engineer

2. Superintendent Engineer

3. Executive Engineer

4. Head of the Department

Q.52 Vacant Government residential buildings should not be allowed to be

used as____ Question ID : 39481323102
Ans 1. Administrative buildings Chosen Option : 4

2. Rest Houses

3. Shopping complexes

4. Function Houses

Q.53 The principals of medical colleges, superintendents of the attached

hospitals may carry out departmentally the following work upto a Question ID : 39481323123
certain specified limit. Chosen Option : 3
1. Wooden partitions in a room of the building

2. Renewals of broken tiles or planes of glass

3. Sanitary fittings

4. Extension of a room in the adjacent vacant space

Q.54 Who is the competent authority to grant bonuses to gang mazdoors who
complete a certain work entrusted to them in the Agency tracts Question ID : 39481323136
Ans 1. The officers in charge of the divisions in the agency tracts Chosen Option : 1

2. Local Panchayat officer

3. Superintending Engineer

4. None of these

Q.55 Period of preservation of Establishment-Annual return-(books of

Establishment) Question ID : 39481323179
Ans 1. 10 years Chosen Option : 3

2. 5 years

3. 35 years

4. 25 years

Q.56 The cost of works establishment must be shown as a separate ______ of

the estimate. Question ID : 39481323104
Ans 1. Sub- head Chosen Option : 3

2. Detailed head

3. Minor head

4. Distinct head

Q.57 Subject to certain exceptions, the outlay chargeable to the capital

account of Government residential buildings require the sanction of : Question ID : 39481323143
Ans 1. Executive Engineer Chosen Option : 1

2. Chief Engineer

3. Government

4. None of these

Q.58 Period of preservation of records connected with the sale or demolition

of buildings: Question ID : 39481323176
Ans 1. 35 years Chosen Option : --

2. 50 years

3. 20 years

4. Permanently

Q.59 Crossed DD may be accepted as_______

Question ID : 39481323101
Ans 1. Retention Money
Chosen Option : 3
2. F. S. D

3. Earnest Money Deposit

4. Performance security

Q.60 Period of preservation of contingent bills and vouchers

Question ID : 39481323175
Ans 1. 3 years
Chosen Option : 2
2. 5 years

3. 6 years

4. 10 years

Q.61 Vouchers relating to land acquisition should be preserved for:

Question ID : 39481323150
Ans 1. 10 years
Chosen Option : 3
2. 25 years

3. Permanently

4. 35 years

Q.62 A register of Bridges has to be maintained in Form XV(b) separately for

National Highways and state Roads taking the _____as a unit. Question ID : 39481323155
Ans 1. Section Chosen Option : 2

2. Sub-division

3. Division

4. Circle

Q.63 The report on the _____ should include a general description of the
proposed work and an approximate estimate of the cost of the project Question ID : 39481323180
Ans 1. Proposed project Chosen Option : 2

2. Preliminary Investigation

3. Estimated details

4. None of these

Q.64 In respect of works costing Rupees one crore and below,the authority
authorised to transfer ascertained savings from any one portion of the Question ID : 39481323174
projects to another within the sanctioned estimate is: Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Executive Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Chief Engineer

4. Local authority

Q.65 Competent authority to execute contracts or agreements for the supply

of survey instruments Question ID : 39481323184
Ans 1. Commissioner,Survey and Settlement Chosen Option : --

2. Joint secretary, Board of Revenue

3. District collector

4. None of these

Q.66 Inspection Bungalows have been classified according to the scale of

accommodation, furniture and other conveniences, in to _____ Question ID : 39481323107
Ans 1. One class Chosen Option : 3

2. Three classes

3. Two classes

4. Five classes

Q.67 Into how many categories the stores of PWD divided

Question ID : 39481323110
Ans 1. Two
Chosen Option : 2
2. Four

3. Three

4. Six

Q.68 The mustor roll is the ____ of labour employed each day on a work.
Question ID : 39481323199
Ans 1. Initial Record
Chosen Option : 1
2. Permanent record

3. Basic Record

4. None of these

Q.69 Who maintains a register of special recoveries and watches that these
amounts are duly realised and reports any default at once to Question ID : 39481323166
Government? Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. Chief Engineer

2. Head of the department

3. Executive Engineer

4. Accountant General

Q.70 Who will be responsible for the correctness of the entries in the column
"contents and area" in respect of measurements recorded in the Question ID : 39481323151
measurement books Chosen Option : 4
Ans 1. Supervisor

2. Asst. Engineer

3. Executive Engineer

4. Person who takes the measurement of the work

Q.71 All appropriations should lapse at the close of ________.

Question ID : 39481323172
Ans 1. Calender year
Chosen Option : 2
2. Financial year

3. Academic year

4. None of these

Q.72 Period of preservation of Despatch Registers

Question ID : 39481323178
Ans 1. 3 years
Chosen Option : 1
2. 5 years

3. 6 years

4. 10 years

Q.73 A security deposit taken from a Government servant should be retained

for at least ________ from the date when he vacates the post. Question ID : 39481323154
Ans 1. One year Chosen Option : 2

2. 6 months

3. 3 months

4. One month

Q.74 Every public building borne on the R & B department registers should be
carefully examined ________ by the R & B Officers Question ID : 39481323138
Ans Chosen Option : 4
1. Every 5 years
2. During inspection visits

3. In surprise checks

4. Once every year

Q.75 The arrear claim should be supported by______ executed by the claimant
agreeing to refund any excess or double or wrong payment. Question ID : 39481323189
Ans 1. Surity Bond Chosen Option : 2

2. Indemnity Bond

3. Fidelity Bond

4. Undertaking Letter

Q.76 In cases of urgency who should authorise the commencement of

periodical repairs in anticipation of the formal sanction to the estimate? Question ID : 39481323168
Ans 1. Sub-divisional Officer Chosen Option : 2

2. Divisional Officer

3. Superintendent Engineer

4. Chief Engineer

Q.77 In respect of securities deposited with the District Treasury for safe
custody,who is authorised to give a certificate once a year: Question ID : 39481323198
Ans Chosen Option : 2
1. District Treasury Officer

2. District collector

3. Joint collector

4. None of these

Q.78 When it proves to be impossible to recover the whole or a part of any

public moneys that have been lost, the irrecoverable amount should be Question ID : 39481323109
________ Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Cleared

2. Adjusted

3. Written off

4. None of these

Q.79 All losses not due to depreciation should be recorded under the
following head: Question ID : 39481323163
Ans 1. Normal Market price fluctuations Chosen Option : --

2. Losses due to neglect

3. Neglect after purchases

4. Fair wear and tear

Q.80 When paying a bill for the emoluments of a gazetted government

servant or other government servant who draws his pay on a separate Question ID : 39481323124
bill,the_____ should recover any amount attached by the order of a court Chosen Option : 4
from those emoluments
Ans 1. Regional authority

2. Counter signing authority

3. Gazetted Officer,himself

4. Treasury Officer

Q.81 Detailed budget estimates of an office should be preserved for _____

Ans Question ID : 39481323130
1. Two years
Chosen Option : 3
2. Ten years

3. Five years

4. Permanently

Q.82 No attempt should be made to prevent the ____ of an appropriation by an

undue rush of expenditure during March. Question ID : 39481323156
Ans 1. Expenditure Chosen Option : --

2. Excess

3. Refund

4. Lapse

Q.83 Explaining the causes and probable duration of such interruption, all
interruptions of large works should be reported to ______ Question ID : 39481323127
Ans Chosen Option : 2
1. Executive Engineer

2. Superintending Engineer

3. Chief Engineer

4. None of these

Q.84 In the case of buildings and works borne on the returns of the PWD who
should correct the plans of such buildings on completion of any Question ID : 39481323117
alteration Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Sub-divisional officer

2. Executive Engineer

3. Plans wing of respective circle office

4. None of these

Q.85 Period of preservation of Register of service books

Question ID : 39481323170
Ans 1. 5 years
Chosen Option : 4
2. 6 years

3. 10 years

4. Permanent

Q.86 The competent authority to execute agreements in respect of cycle

stands and canteens in the premises of the office concerned Question ID : 39481323182
Ans Chosen Option : 2
1. officer incharge of Administrative Wing

2. Head of the Office

3. Head of the Department

4. Office superintendent

Q.87 Arrear claims for periods beyond six years on the date of presentation
shall require Adhoc sanction, The authority competent to give Adhoc Question ID : 39481323188
sanction is: Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. Government

2. Head of the Department

3. Head of the Office

4. None of these
Q.88 On no account should rates in excess of those provided the agreement Question ID : 39481323144
be paid. Quote the authority.
Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Para 61 of AP PWD code

2. Para 161(4) of AP PWD code

3. Para 136 of AP PWD code

4. Para 85 of AP PWD code

Q.89 In the case of loss by way of damage to any immovable property

belonging to the Government, the value of the damaged portion need Question ID : 39481323145
not be written off the accounts, if the restoration work commenced Chosen Option : 4
within a certain period from the date of damage. This period is:
Ans 1. 5 years

2. 6 years

3. 4 years

4. 2 years

Q.90 A register of check measurements should be maintained in each

division showing all check measurements made by the Divisional Question ID : 39481323131
Officer. This register should be available for inspection by______ Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. The Audit officer during his inspection

2. Inspecting officers

3. Vigilance officers

4. Departmental higher authorities

Q.91 When any building belonging to Government is let out to any person not
in the service of Government, the full assessed rent for each month Question ID : 39481323197
should always be recovered from him_____ Chosen Option : --
Ans 1. For the month in advance

2. For two months as advance

3. For three months as advance

4. On the last working day of the month

Q.92 Government property should as far as possible be sold by____

Question ID : 39481323118
Ans 1. Market value
Chosen Option : 3
2. Issue rate

3. Public auction

4. Original cost

Q.93 When check measurements are taken jointly by more than one
Government servant, who should record and sign the measurements: Question ID : 39481323192
Ans Chosen Option : 1
1. The senior most of the group

2. The supervisor of the work

3. All the persons

4. None of these

Q.94 Period of preservation of Receipt Registers

Question ID : 39481323169
Ans 1. 10 years
Chosen Option : --
2. 5 years

3. 6 years
4. Permanent

Q.95 Losses of cash due to acceptance of _____ in the state treasuries should
not be debited to the Government in any case without their specific Question ID : 39481323200
approval. Chosen Option : 1
Ans 1. Counterfeit coins

2. Mutilated notes

3. Stolen money recovered

4. None of these

Q.96 When a contractor or a departmental employee fails to return any

Government Tools, apart from their cost, What additional charges are to Question ID : 39481323129
be recovered from him? Chosen Option : 3
Ans 1. Interest charges

2. Penalties

3. Centage charges

4. None of these

Q.97 Period of preservation of civil suits against Government

Question ID : 39481323142
Ans 1. 5 years from the date of decision
Chosen Option : --
2. 3 years from the date of decision

3. 2 years from the date of decision

4. 6 years from the date of decision

Q.98 In the Forest Department, the starting of a special urgent work before a
proper estimate for it has been prepared and sanctioned by a competent Question ID : 39481323153
authority can be taken up under the written orders of: Chosen Option : 2
Ans 1. Forest Ranger

2. District Forest Officer

3. Chief Accounts Officer

4. Conservator of Forest

Q.99 In any circumstances, Deposits on account of one work cannot be

utilised for another Question ID : 39481323134
Ans 1. True Chosen Option : 1

2. Partly True

3. False

4. None of these

Q.10 Estimates for removal prickly-pear will be sanctioned under:

0 Question ID : 39481323137
Ans Chosen Option : 1
1. Special repairs

2. Spot repairs

3. Ordinary repairs

4. Extraordinary repairs

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