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Taking advantage of web APIs

You can take your workflows to a whole new level by taking advantage of the
power of web APIs.

While most Workflow actions fill in the gaps between apps on your phone,
sometimes you’ll find a gap between one of your apps and the web service
that powers that app.

Perhaps an app doesn’t show you all the data you’re looking for, so you want
to retrieve and work with the raw data yourself. Or maybe you want to
automate the saving or posting of information to a service. Perhaps a service
doesn’t offer a mobile app but does offer an API you can use.

For all of these situations (and many more), you can use Workflow to perform
an API request.

The term API stands for application programming interface. APIs are used to
pass data back and forth in a formalized way. Many services offer public APIs
that allow anyone to send and receive content from the service.

While APIs are a wide and general topic, the APIs we’re talking about with
regards to Workflow are web APIs: ones that work over the Internet. On the
web, you send a “request” to an API to get and post information.

All of your favorite apps that connect to the Internet are powered by APIs. For
example, your favorite social media apps use APIs to let you view and publish
posts from their mobile apps. When you refresh the feed, the app makes an
API request to fetch all of the posts. When you “like” a post, the app makes an
API request to post that data.

With the ability to make API requests in Workflow, you can go beyond the
data locally available on your device and make workflows that interact with
any web service that has a public API. You could build custom workflows to
grab a bunch of data and display it however you want, or even send data back
into the API and update the web service – if an API can do it, you can do it
using Workflow.

To help you figure out how to harness this power in your workflows, we’ll
walk through an example of building a Workflow that shows us the weather
forecast using the Dark Sky API.

Download the example workflow and follow along as we go.

Most services will require you to sign up for their API, after which you will be
assigned a “secret key” that grants you access. This key is included as part of
the API request, letting the service know who’s making the API request – this
key is unique to you and should not be shared with anyone else.

You can sign up for a Dark Sky account here.

Once you have your secret key, you’re ready to make your first API request.

Making your first API request is super simple and takes only two steps in
Workflow. First we need to create the URL that points at the API “endpoint”
that we want to talk to, and then we can pass that URL to the Get Contents
of URL action, which will make the API request when the workflow is run.
Building the request in URL

Dark Sky’s Forecast endpoint requires a URL request to be formatted as such:[YOUR_SECRET_KEY]/[LAT],[LONG]

...with the text in brackets filled out with an API key and the location you
want forecast data for.

In our example, place your API key from Dark Sky in the first Text action,
which fills into the URL action using a variable. The LAT and LONG are already
set to 37.8267 and -122.4233 are just the coordinates for Alcatraz Island in
San Francisco, but you can change it to wherever you’d like. Try using Get
Current Location and placing it as Magic Variable set to Latitude and
Longitude in the URL to get local weather data whenever you run the
Performing the request with Get Contents of URL

When you run the workflow, the URL gets passed into Get Contents of
URL, which actually performs the API request. Once Get Contents of URL
is set to Advanced, you’ll see an option for the types of API request you can
make – GET, which lets you retrieve data from an API to read; POST, which lets
you create new data; PUT and PATCH which let you update data by replacing it
or modifying it, respectively; and DELETE which lets you remove an object
specified in the URL request.

In this example, we’ll be performing a GET request to retrieve data from the
Dark Sky API.

Once Get Contents of URL is switched to POST, PUT, or PATCH, a new

parameter will be added called Request Body that lets you send JSON, a
Form, or a File to the API as part of your request. This lets you enter new
data manually or using variables so can send it to the API for creating,
replacing, or modifying an entry.

Now that URL has our request and Get Contents of URL is set up to GET
data, you’re ready to make the API request! Tap the run button to test out the
workflow – we’ve placed a Quick Look action in the flow so you can preview
what data the API returns.
But in the meantime, congratulations! You’ve just made your first API request
using Workflow.

Looking at the data, you’ll notice that the API returns a lot of strangely
formatted text. But if you look closely, you might notice that there is actual
weather forecast information in there.
This weather data is encoded in what’s called JSON, which stands for
JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a popular data-interchange format used
by APIs, mostly because its designed to be easy for machines to parse and
generate, while still being easy enough for humans to read and write.

JSON lets you build structures around your information so that you can
bundle lots of data together in one blob of text and send it along to another
service. All the data values are given names, which are referred to as “keys”,
then combined with special characters like colons (:) and curly braces ({ and
}) to form data objects. Then, the machine on the other side of the request
looks in between the special characters for the keys you’ve requested and
breaks down the data back into actual values.

In JSON, your values are structured into two data objects: dictionaries and

A dictionary is a collection of values that each have a unique key, together

called key/value pairs. In JSON, they look like {key1: value1, key2:
value2, key3: value3} (and so forth).

A list is simply an ordered collection of values. In JSON, they look like

[value1, value2, value3] and so forth.

In both cases, the values can be set as text, numbers, booleans (true or false),
dictionaries, and lists.

You’ll notice its possible to have a dictionary within a dictionary, or a list

within a dictionary, or lists of dictionaries, or lists of lists – JSON lets you
nest these two structures however you want. This allows you to model almost
any structure of data, simple or complex, making JSON a powerful yet simple
way to organize values as data objects.

For example, you can represent a person using a dictionary like:

{"first_name: "John", "last_name": "Appleseed", "age": 9}

Or, if you want a list of people, you can put the people dictionaries in a list

[{"first_name: "John", "last_name": "Appleseed", "age": 9},

{"first_name: "Kate", "last_name": "Bell", "age": 10},
{"first_name: "Anna", "last_name": "Haro", "age": 11}]


If you would like to read more about the semantics of JSON, their official
website is a great resource.

Parsing JSON from an API request

Looking at the Dark Sky API response, you can see that there’s a lot of data
stored in the JSON. It’s not exactly easy to read at first, but over time you’ll
start to recognize the data structures in JSON data like this and how to
identify dictionaries, lists, keys and values. Often, developers will include a
nicely-formatted version of the JSON data their API will return, so look for
that in the documentation. Plus, it’s help to check your work using services
You’ll notice that the top-level object is a dictionary with the keys latitude,
longitude, timezone, offset, currently, minutely, hourly, daily, and flag.
Some of these such as latitude and timezone simply have a number or string
value, but others such as daily have a dictionary value.

And that daily dictionary has some keys whose values are simple strings like
summary with Mostly cloudy until tomorrow afternoon. but others like
data are a list containing a forecast (represented by a dictionary) for each
Handling dictionaries using Get Dictionary Value

JSON objects can sometimes get quite large and complex, but Workflow
provides all the tools necessary for working with them.

To get the value for a particular key in a dictionary, you can use Get
Dictionary Value and specify the name of the key. Since we want the daily
forecast, we place Get Dictionary Value and set it to daily.
Looking at the dictionary of Daily, if we wanted to get the weather summary,
we could use Get Dictionary Value again with summary.
However, we’re instead going to extract the detailed forecast for each day,
which is stored within daily as a dictionary called data instead of.
You’ll notice that data dictionary is actually a list of dictionaries, represented
at the start by the [ in the JSON. Looking at the output of the Get
Dictionary Value action in this example screenshot, you can see it outputs
a list of 8 items shown by the page dots in the example screenshot. This
represents the forecast data for each of the days requested from the API,
which returns today and the next 7 days that becomes a list of 8 dictionaries
of data.

But how do you work with multiple items in a dictionary? That’s where
Repeat with Each comes in handy.

Handling lists using Repeat with Each

Repeat with Each allows a workflow to act on every item in a list, one after
another. If you need a refresher on how to use the Repeat with Each action,
you can refer to Using Repeat loops.

In order to work with our set of 8 days of data, you’ll have to pass the output
into Repeat With Each and then set up actions within each loop to retrieve
one day’s data at a time.

Since we’re looking for the average of each day’s highs and lows, we’ll move
into the Repeat Loop and use a List action with two Repeat Item variables.
Tap on the first Repeat Item variable, change the content type to Dictionary,
and enter the key ‘temperatureMax’ to set it to get the maximum
temperature. Do the same for the second Repeat Item, providing the key
temperatureMin to grab the minimum temperature of each day.

Then, we use a Calculate Statistics action to average the two new values, and
use Round Number to make the value a nice and readable version of
average temperature for the day.
To make sure our raw data values are useful once they’re passed out of the
repeat loop, we’ll extract the day of the week in order to use in our alert. With
another Repeat Item variable set to the time key, we can extract a timevalue
from the API and use Adjust Date to calculate the correct date from the
timevalue (see the note below). We’ll place the variables for the day of the
week (extracted from Adjust Date) and average temperature (extracted from
Round Number) into a Text action, so that our final output of each loop will
be a line of text with our newly formatted data.
Once the workflow is run and reaches the Repeat with Each action, it will
loop through each day’s dictionary of data, perform the calculations, and then
pass it the the End Repeat action. After all 8 repeats, all of the numbers are
grouped together and pass out of the End Repeat action, available to use as
input into another action or retrievable as a Repeat Results variable.

Now that we’ve repeated through all of the dictionaries, retrieved the day of
week and average temperature for each, we’ll display it to review using a
Show Alert action. We simply add a custom title, place the Repeat Results
variable as the body of the message, and we’re good to go!
Once the workflow is run, it will call the API, repeat through all of the data,
and pop up with your custom weather data in an alert!
Congratulations, you’ve made a full API request in Workflow.

Now that you’ve learned the basics of APIs and JSON using Dark Sky’s API as
an example, it’s time to explore and see what other APIs you might be able to
take advantage of.

There’s a whole world of APIs connecting services that you already use every
day – just look for their API documentation, get an API key, and see what you
can do with the almost infinite amount of data that you can bring into your
own workflow.

Since APIs are such a huge topic, we’ve added some additional notes below
for reference:


We don’t currently have support for OAuth 2, a system of authentication that

requires a user to manually enter their username and password into a login

Various endpoints

Often APIs have a variety of endpoints that you can use to request different
types of data. Working with some APIs may require a series of API calls, at
first to retrieve existing data to let you see what’s currently there and then
another again later to add, update, or delete more data.

Rate Limiting

Many APIs have limitations at how often you make requests, aimed at
limiting abuse of their service if someone makes thousands or millions of
requests programmatically. Sometimes they are limited by hour, day, or
month, or may require you to pay for the service after reaching a certain

However, since you are creating a custom API key for your own use within
Workflow, you likely won’t find yourself hitting the usage limits. You may
come across this if you use Repeat actions to make a large number of requests
in a short period of time - if that occurs, you may need to wait until your
service is restored and/or batch your processes to only perform a limited
amount of operations at a time.

Handling timestamps using Format Date

You might have noticed that the time for each forecast in the API response is
just a large number that doesn’t particularly look like a date. This is because
the time is formatted as what’s called Unix time (or Epoch time), which
represents the time as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1,

This time is used a standard for all computers to use as a way measure time
from the same spot, which is the start date of Universal Coordinated Time
(UTC) and is also considered the birthday of the Unix operating system. In
workflow, we can convert from Unix time to a more human-readable time
format by using the Date, Adjust Date, and Format Date actions.

The Date action is set to 00:00:00 UTC Jan 1, 1970. Then, we add the Unix
Time variable to the UTC date to get the adjusted date.Then, we can use
Format Date to get rid of the time component since they are all 00:00:00.

Other APIs might use other time formats such as ISO 8601. To read more
about date format patterns, please refer to Understanding date and time

Outside of working with APIs, dictionaries can also simply be a useful way to
work with structured data in your workflows. If you want to create a
dictionary manually, you can enter text, numbers, values, dictionaries, or lists
into the Dictionary action and use it in your workflows. Or, if you have a
dictionary stored in a group of text, you can use Get Dictionary from
Input to extract only the data object. And, if you want to later add new data
into the object, you can use Set Dictionary Value on the output of another

You might just want to create a JSON dictionary without coding it manually,
so you enter all of the values into a Dictionary action and copy the results.
Or, you might use the Dictionary magic variable extract a set of values
repeatedly throughout a workflow. Or, you might use a dictionary to make a
rich display of data in Choose from List, which show the keys as menu
options and their values as a previews; then, when you choose a key, the
action will pass the corresponding value into the next action.

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