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Many men look for power without. They look to the gods, or the forces of magic, or even the
simple strength found in a sword or dagger. You are not many men. Others look for tools or tricks to
turn their will into action. You’ve given their path a look and decided that, really, shouldn’t there be a
simpler way?
That’s what is to be a Psion. To turn will directly into action, to make your will into something real
and immediate. Most people just can’t do it. Most people can’t let the power of their minds free. You
are rare. Gifted with great power, and you know what they say about those with great power, don’t
Go out there, change the world with only your mind. Change it into what, you might ask? Well,
that’s for you to decide.

Dwarf: Corandrun, Balgaesar, Thorak, Albunada, Norzun, Halmumd, Orgroa
Human: Dora, Thottklar, Ionalath, Horshuss, Catarina, Cybele, Horund, Akanwe

Choose one for each:
Empty eyes, glowing eyes, or intense eyes
Bald head, weird head, or wild hair
Fine clothes, flowing robes, or tattered rags
Strong body, tattooed body, or wasted body

Assign these scores to your stats:
17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
You start with 4+Constitution HP.
Your base damage is d4.

Choose an alignment:

Teach someone something new

Make someone believe a lie

Make someone betray themselves
Choose a racial move:

When you Speak to Minds, you may communicate with manufactured items as if they were people.

When you spend one hour in or around a grouping of more than ten people, the GM will tell you the
group’s zeitgeist, what thought unites that group’s majority.

You start with these moves:


When you call on your reserve of personal power and focus your will, Roll+INT. When you use this
power, lose all Focus. On a 10+, gain 3 focus. On a 7-9, gain 1 focus for each of the following you
• You are harmed
• You are distracted
• You are noticed
You may not have more than 3 Focus at any time.


Your mind is a muscle. Through force of will and mental exercise, you can do things most men simply
cannot do. You start play knowing 2 psionic powers. Whenever you level up, you may either learn a
new power or learn an augmentation for a power that you already know. You must meet all of an
augmentation’s prerequisites in order to learn it. All psionic powers have a range of Near unless
otherwise explicitly noted.

When you have Focus remaining, you may communicate via thought with any sentient, living creature
within Near range. You and the targeted creature can converse as if speaking aloud, using only your
minds. This Move transcends language, allowing creatures who do not share a tongue to communicate

Your mind is an antenna tuned to eldritch frequencies. When you first meet a new person, enter a new
location, or touch a new object, you may ask the GM to “What is one thing about [x] that is secret?” and
the GM will answer you. While, almost everything has some sort of secret, the GM is free to say that
especially uncomplicated objects or places (i.e. spoons or that random tree in the woods) do not have
any secrets; not everything has to be a big mystery. (Of course, when a spoon DOES have a secret, it’s
probably a doozy!)
Your Load is 5+Str. You start with dungeon rations (1 weight, 5 uses), and some talisman to focus your
mind, describe it (0 weight). Choose your defense:
● Leather Armor (1 weight, 1 armor)
● Shield (2 weight, +1 armor)
Choose your weapon:
● Dagger (1 weight, hand)
● Staff (1 weight, close, two-handed)
● Spear (1 weight, reach, thrown, two-handed)
Choose one:
● Adventuring Gear (1 weight, 5 uses)
● Blended Grayroot (1 weight, dangerous, 3-uses)
● Psion’s Mandala (3 uses, 1 weight)

Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:
_____________ doesn't trust me because my powers frighten/manipulate/cause jealousy in them. I'll
make them trust me.
_____________ is a lesser mind who cannot possibly understand my destiny. When I show them, they
will bow down before me and despair / love / worship me.
I see latent potential inside _____________ . I will make them recognize it.
When I dream about _____________, the things I see worry me.
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

Spend 1 Focus to create a psicrystal. A psicrystal is a crystallized aspect of your own mind, a palm-sized
shard of glowing crystal that contains some facet of your own intellect and personality. The psicrystal
can telepathically communicate with you, but cannot otherwise move or act without spending Focus.
While touching the Psicrystal, you may spend Focus to grant the psicrystal an equal amount of Focus.
The psicrystal can spend Focus at one-for-one to use the following Moves:
● Broadcast: The psicrystal can telepathically communicate with any thinking being as if using
Speak to Minds.
● Grant Insight: The psicrystal can grant you a +1 when you Spout Lore, as its fragment of your
unconscious mind helps guide you to something you know, but have trouble remembering.
This effect is instantaneous, to gain another +1, your psicrystal must spend another Focus.
● Hover: The psicrystal floats under its own power.
● Shared Senses: The psicrystal can send you what it sees.

Each power lasts until the psicrystal spends another Focus. A psicrystal cannot contain more than 3
Focus and once you imbue the Focus into the psicrystal, you cannot retrieve it. You may only have one
psicrystal at any time.

When using Defy Danger, you may Roll+Focus instead of any other stat.

Choose one tag: Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Cold, Shadow, or Electricity. When you use psionic powers, you
may add that tag when it would be appropriate. A manifestation of telekinesis with the fire tag might
allow the psion to telekinetically manipulate fire, or might wreath items they move in ghostly flames....
while the fire tag wouldn’t really have much effect when sharing another’s senses.

The dead speak to and through you. When you commune with the dead ask the GM “What can the
dead tell me about this situation?” and roll+Focus. On a 10+, the dead will answer you and tell you one
thing that they need you to do to help them move on. On a 7-9, the dead will demand that you help
them before they give you the information you seek.

When you make camp and can spend at least one hour in deep meditation, you do not spend a ration.

You may unite your party in a psychic communion, allowing them to plan and move as one. Spend one
Focus to allow all members of the party within Near range of you to communicate with each other as if
using Speak to Minds. Additionally, all members of the Metaconcert take +1 Ongoing on any
Aid/Hinder action which affects another member of the Metaconcert. This link persists until you end it.
Take -1 Ongoing to any INT, WIS, or CHA rolls while the Metaconcert is active.
Choose one Wizard or Cleric spell of your level or lower. You may spend 2 focus to cast that spell.

When you have focus and use a psionic power or a weapon provided by a psionic power to deal
damage, your damage is increased to 1d6.

The range of your Speak to Minds move extends to Far.
When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-5 moves.
You can spend 1 focus to imbue someone you are touching with a psionic tattoo. Spend several
minutes and choose one psionic power when you use this ability. Your willing target can activate the
tattoo at will to manifest the unaugmented power. Once the power ends, the tattoo vanishes. As long
as you have one or more psionic tattoos active, your maximum focus is reduced by 1 for each unused
psionic tattoo.

Whenever you are the subject of a move that asks you a question about yourself, as long as you have
focus you do not have to answer the question.

The range of all psionic powers, unless otherwise noted in their description, is extended to Far.

Through intense concentration, you are able to split your mind in two parts. When you fork your mind,
Roll+Int. On a 10+, your mind is bifurcated perfectly and the two halves work in concert, allowing you
to manifest two psionics powers or use two purely mental moves simultaneously. On a 7-9, the split is
imperfect and your second personality is deeply flawed. You can still use two moves simultaneously,
but the GM chooses your second purely mental move for you.

Requires: Metaconcert
You may spend 1 Focus to grant all members of your Metaconcert +1 damage forward.

When you manifest psionic focus and roll a 7-9, you may choose the “You are harmed” option as many
times as you wish. You may not gain more than your maximum amount of focus in this way.

Replaces: Psychic Warfare
When you have Focus and you use a psionic power or a weapon provided by a psionic power to deal
damage, your damage is increased to 1d8.

While you have Focus, you may use any of your senses as a replacement for another sense. You can See
with your skin, Smell with your ears, or Taste with your eyes. You are effectively immune to blinding,
deafening, or other sensory deprivation unless all five of your senses are neutralized.

Requires: Elementalist
You may choose a second tag and apply either or both when you manifest a power.
When you manifest the psionic power of Clairsentience, spend 1 Focus and choose 1.
● You enhance one of your senses
● You share another person’s senses
● You get another chance.
When you enhance a sense, its distance, clarity, and power are increased by a factor of 10, giving you
the eyes of a hawk, the ears of an owl, the nose of a bloodhound, the tongue of a snake, or the touch of
a… mole? Moles are good at touching, right? Sure, we’ll go with that. Take -1 Ongoing on all rolls as
long as one of your senses is enhanced.

When you share another person’s senses, you can sense what a person in range can sense. Your target
can feel you watching from inside his mind, but can only sense what you do if you allow them to. Unlike
many manifested powers, you may share senses over a period of time. Take -1 Ongoing on all rolls as
long as your senses are linked.

When you get another chance, peer into the future and make a different choice than the one you were
going to make. You may reroll one roll that resulted in a 6-. You must take the second roll, you only get
one other chance. Take -1 Forward, as your mind grapples with what is and what could have been.


Requires: Scrying
When you share senses with a person, place, or location, that you are intimately familiar with, there is
no longer a maximum range between yourself and your target.

Requires: Sense the Invisible
When you enhance one of your senses, you can grant yourself the ability to see through walls.

When you get another chance you may spend another focus and, instead of experiencing the
immediate future, you may experience further into the future. Declare a plan of action that you are
considering and ask your GM two questions: “What will ultimately happen if I take this course of
action?” and “What will ultimately happen if I do not take this course of action?”

When you share senses, you may, instead of sharing the senses of a specific person, share your senses
with a location or object rather than a person. You must be extremely familiar with the target in order
to make the connection.
When you enhance one of your senses, you can, instead, grant one of your senses the ability to detect a
usually invisible energy type. Choose a sense (usually, but not always, sight) and choose one from the
list below:
● Alignment
● Death Energy
● Emotion
● Life Energy
● Magic
● Psionics
You may now detect that energy with the chosen sense (usually sight).

When you enhance a sense, you may, instead, spend +1 focus and enhance your sense of time. You can
speed your perception to that of a hummingbird, allowing you to move and think faster than others, or
you can slow it down to the speed of a tree, allowing you to skip the boring parts of plays. While you
maintain this power you have +1 ongoing to any roll that would be aided by your altered speed, but
have great difficulty interacting with those who are not moving in your own reference frame.
When you manifest the psionic power of Psychometabolism, spend 1 Focus and choose 1.
● You cosmetically reshape your appearance
● You heal a superficial wound
● You delay the effects of a poison, sickness, disease, or debility
When you cosmetically reshape your appearance, you can make any simple changes to your
appearance. These changes do not have any statistical impact and last as long as you maintain this
power. As long as you continue to keep an altered shape, take -1 Ongoing to manifest psionic focus.

When you heal a superficial wound, you regain 1hp.

When you delay the effects of a poison, sickness, disease, or debility, ignore its effect. The next time
you manifest psionic focus, you'll suffer the delayed effect, unless you immediately manifest this
power again.


When you reshape your appearance, you can choose to transform yourself into an animal of
approximately your-size and weight or transform parts of your body into corresponding animal parts.
The GM will tell you one animal move. You may spend 1 focus to use that move. When you spend
focus to activate this move, you transform back into your normal form.


Requires: Animal Affinity
When you use the animal affinity augmentation, instead of spending 1-focus to use the animal move,
you can spend 1-focus to gain 3-hold. Spend hold to use the animal move; when you spend your last
hold, you transform back into your normal form.

When you manifest psychometabolism, add the following to your list of options.
● Increase one ability at the expense of another.
Choose one of your stats and take +1 Forward to a roll using that stat. Choose a different stat and take
-1 Forward to a roll using that stat. You may not have more than +1 on any given roll. You may have
more than -1 on any given roll.


When you reshape your appearance, you can choose to increase in size up to Large or decrease in size
down to Tiny. Take +1 Forward on a roll in which your altered size is an asset, take -1 Forward on a roll
in which your altered size is a hindrance.

When you delay a poison or other negative effect, you may spend +2-focus and spend time meditating
to permanently remove the negative effect.

When you reshape your appearance, you can craft weapons out of your living flesh. You are considered
armed with a Hand-ranged weapon as long as this power is maintained and choose 1 tag to apply to
your weapon: Close, Forceful, Messy, or Precise.
Your psychometabolism powers can now effect targets other than yourself. You must touch a target
while manifesting the power. Any maintained powers end if the target ever leaves your range.

When you manifest psychometabolism, add to your list of options.
● Create a feedback loop between your mind and body, knitting your wounds
This augmentation lasts as long as you maintain it. While you maintain it, whenever you spend focus or
get a 10+ on a roll, heal 1 HP. Whenever you run out of all focus, you cease concentration of this
augmentation. Whenever you fail a roll, the GM might tell you “You lose focus on your regeneration.”.

When you reshape your appearance, you can thicken your skin or grow plates of bony armor or hard
scales. As long as you maintain the power, you have 3-armor (but can’t wear normal armor).
When you manifest the psionic power of Elocation, spend 1 Focus and choose 1.
● Walk on a surface that cannot support you
● Traverse a space without moving the intervening distance
● Cause a small object that you own to appear in your hand
When you walk on a surface that cannot support you, you are able to move across any horizontal
surface as if you have no weight whatsoever. The surface of a lake, the top of a snow bank, none of
these cause you any issue. You may maintain this ability for as long as you wish. Take -1 Ongoing to
manifest psionic focus as long as this power is maintained.

When you traverse a space without moving the intervening distance, you must be able to clearly see
your destination, which must be in range.

When you cause a small object that you own to appear in your hand, the object must be within range of


Requires: Elsewhere Pockets
You may target other living creatures with banishment. You may spend 1 focus to banish any creature
that you are touching of large size or less. While banished a creature is unable to experience time and
when returned to reality will appear right next to you believing that they have returned at the exact
moment that they were banished. While you have a living creature banished, take -1 Ongoing. You
need to defy danger to banish player characters.

When you traverse a space without moving the intervening distance, you may move to spaces in range
that you cannot see. You must have previously seen the target location to travel there.

When you hold a small object or have caused a small object to appear in your hand, you may spend 1
additional focus to banish that object to the same extradimensional space used by bags of holding and
portable holes. An object that you have banished always counts as in range for the purposes of causing
it to appear in your hand. You may have a maximum number of objects banished elsewhere equal to
your level.

You may call objects of up to Large size to you. Objects that you call that are too heavy to hold in one
hand appear at your feet.

Requires: Spider’s Step
When you walk on something that cannot support you, you are no longer limited to surfaces. You may
rise and descend as if weightless. If, for any reason, you should fall while this power is active, you may
land on the ground lightly and undamaged.

When you walk on a surface that cannot support you, you are no longer limited to horizontal surfaces.
You can walk up and down walls as effortlessly as walking on ground and can even cross a ceiling
without issue.

Requires: Dimension Step
You may bring up to your level in other people with you when you traverse a distance without moving
the intervening distance. All targets must be touching each other.
When you manifest the psionic power of Shaping, spend 1 Focus and choose 1.
● Create a piece of gear that you can hold with one hand.
● Create a wall of ectoplasm
● Create an astral construct
All items created by Shaping are easily seen to be unreal, composed of psychic energy made manifest.
Shapings last for one minute. Additionally, any shaped object must remain within range of your or
convert into unformed ectoplasm before evaporating.

Shaping cannot create consumable items, such as rations, potions, or books. You may only have a total
number of shaped items, ectoplasmic walls, or creatures equal to your level at any given time.

When you create a wall of ectoplasm, you can create a 10 ft high translucent barrier anywhere within
range. This barrier must be joined to a supporting surface on one side and can be up to 10 feet in
length. A wall of ectoplasm has no armor, and 5 hp.

An astral construct is a Hireling with no Cost, a Loyalty of 0, and 1 point in a single Skill. An astral
construct that rolls 6- on a loyalty test vanishes. An astral construct that rolls 7-9 on a loyalty test
completes your last order and then vanishes. An astral construct that takes any damage is destroyed.


You may spend more than one point of Focus when creating an astral construct. For each excess point
of focus spent, your Astral Construct gains 2 Skill points which can be split between its Loyalty, Primary
Skill, and any Secondary Skills.

When you create a piece of gear, it can be as large as a Large creature and appears at your feet if too
heavy to hold in one hand. Additionally, you may spend multiple points of focus at one time to create
gear, allowing you to create an entire armory with one action.

Replaces: Advanced Creation
When you create a piece of gear, it can be as large as a Huge creature and appears at your feet if too
heavy to hold in one hand. Additionally, when you create a wall of ectoplasm, your wall can be up to
50ft. in length. Additionally, you may spend multiple points of focus at once to create gear and
ectoplasmic walls, allowing you to create an entire armory with one action.
Requires: Advanced Construct
When you create an astral construct, instead of creating a hireling, you may create a combat-capable
monster. You treat your summoned construct as if it were your character but with only access to basic
moves. Your summoned creation has a +1 modified in each stat and 1hp. Choose two from the list
● The construct has +2 instead of +1 to one stat
● The construct is not reckless
● The construct does 1d8 damage
● The construct is unusually tough, +3 HP per level
● The construct has some useful ability
You may spend extra focus when you manifest this power. For every point of focus you spend beyond
the first, make one more selection. As long as your greater construct exists, you take -1 Ongoing.

Requires: Advanced Creation
The psionic armor that you create is light and flexible while remaining strong. When you use shaping to
craft an item with the clumsy tag, remove that tag. Additionally, you may shape your armor directly
onto yourself, removing the need for complicated dressing scenes.

Your shapings look like ordinary objects and not phantasmal copies. A shaped sword is made of metal
and wood, an astral construct looks like a living breathing creature. Additionally, your shaped items no
longer have a time limit and last until they are dismissed, destroyed, desert, or move outside of your

You may spend 1 focus to use an unaugmented telekinesis effect on an object you have shaped.
When you manifest the psionic power of Telekinesis, spend 1 Focus and choose 1.
● levitate an object you could hold in one hand
● violently throw an object you're levitating
● manipulate a simple object (push open a door, knock something over, etc)
When you levitate one or more objects and keep them suspended with your mind, take -1 Ongoing to
manifest psionic focus until you release the object.


When you use telekinesis, you can levitate anything up to the size of a person and you can manipulate
of moderate complexity (such as firing a crossbow or turning a key in a lock).

Requires: Mental Armor
When you manifest telekinesis, add the following to your list of options.
● Create an invisible bubble of force
You may create your invisible bubble anywhere within range, and it is large enough to hold several
people standing close together. Anyone that is being attacked through the bubble of force gains +2
Armor. The bubble is not impermeable and can be pushed through by an especially strong or
determined foe. Take -1 Ongoing while you maintain a bubble of force.

When you levitate an object, you can instead levitate yourself. You can fly as easily and as quickly as
walking and can even hurl yourself forward by using the violently throw an object you are levitating

Requires: Psychocombat
Your telekinetic weapon gains the far tag. You may spend 1 Focus when you Hack and Slash with your
telekinetic weapon to attack any or all enemies in range.

While you are maintaining at least one telekinetic effect, gain armor 1 as you use psychic force to
deflect attacks. You may spend one focus to increase this armor to 2 for a few seconds.

Spend 1 Focus while you are levitating multiple objects to violently throw all of the objects you are
levitating at once. As a baseline this should deal 1d4 damage per object at any target you strike,
though the GM should modify this damage up or down depending on the composition of your attack -
after all a swarm of hurled knives or elephants will be much more effective than a pillow blast.
When you manifest telekinesis, add the following to your list of options.
● Turn your mind into a telekinetic weapon
Your telekinetic weapon has the following tags: close, reach, near, forceful. When you Hack and Slash
or Volley using your mind as a weapon, roll +Int instead of +Str or +Dex. You must have Focus to use
this weapon. When using your telekinetic weapon to Volley, the “lose 1 ammo” option is replaced with
“spend 1 Focus”. Take -1 Ongoing to manifest psionic focus until you end this power.

Replaces: Advanced Telekinesis
When you use telekinesis, you can levitate anything up to the size of a huge creature and manipulate
even complex items at a distance (for example, a musical instrument).
When you manifest the psionic power of Telepathy, spend 1 Focus and choose 1:
● Read someone’s surface thoughts.
● Influence someone’s emotions.
● Confuse a monster.
When you read someone’s surface thoughts, ask the GM “What is he thinking right now?” The GM will
tell you.

When you influence a sentient being’s emotions, you can push them into a certain state of mind. This is
not a total and unbreakable effect – an enraged swordsman cannot be made to suddenly feel happy
and relaxed nor can a jovial man be thrown into the throes of suicidal depression in an instant.

When you confuse a monster, roll 1d6 and consult the list below.
● 1: The monster uses a Move on a target of the GMs choosing.
● 2: The monster deals its damage to you or an ally.
● 3: The monster is dazed and does nothing for a few seconds.
● 4: The monster deals its damage to itself or another enemy.
● 5: The monster uses a Move on a target of your choosing.
● 6: The monster flees the battle.


You may spend more than one point of Focus when confusing a monster. For each extra point of Focus
spent, you may select one option from the list. You must always randomly roll your first selection.

When you read someone’s thoughts you may, instead, ask the DM “What don’t they want me to know?”

Make a statement about the world. This statement may be true or not. (“I am your friend”, “Your
sword is a snake”, and “These are not the droids you’re looking for”, are all classic examples). Your
target now believes that statement. The target will not act suicidally (“You can fly!” “I jump off the…
WAIT A MINUTE!”), nor will they continue to believe something that is patently not true (“I am your

When you manifest Telepathy, add the following to your list of options.
● Unleash a psychic bolt. Deal 1d6 Stun damage to an enemy.
Psychic bolts ignore armor, and are most efficacious against sentient beings. Non-sentient beings have
an effective armor of 2 against psychic bolts.

Requires: Psychic Bolt
When you unleash a psychic bolt, you may spend one extra hold to hit every enemy in range.

Requires: Deep Reading
When you read someone’s mind, instead of reading their thoughts you can steal their skills. Ask the GM
what skills or talents they've learned. Choose one, and the GM will tell you the associated move. Hold
3. Spend 1-hold to use that move; when you spend your last hold, that move fades from your mind.
You are at -1 Ongoing while you have any Hold from this power as your identity grapples with the
identity of your target.

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