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Uniform Circular Motion
Table of Contents
History of the Topic
Sketch of the product
Mechanism of the
List of materials being
Costing or
Individual Reflection
History of the Topic
Uniform Circular Motion

Uniform circular motion defines the motion of an object traveling at a

constant speed around a fixed center point or axis. The object travels around a

curved path and maintains a constant radial distance from the center point at

any given time. Some examples of this type of motion are the orbit of a planet, a

car going around a circular track or a conical pendulum.

In 1679, Newton returned to his study of celestial mechanics when his

adversary Hooke drew him into a discussion of the problem of orbital motion.

Hooke is credited with suggesting to Newton that circular motion arises from the

centripetal deflection of inertially moving bodies. Hooke further conjectured that

since the planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one focus (Kepler's first law), the

centripetal force drawing them to the Sun should vary as the inverse square of

their distances from it. Hooke could not prove this theory mathematically,

although he boasted that he could. Not to be shown up by his rival, Newton applied

his mathematical talents to proving Hooke's conjecture. He showed that if a body

obeys Kepler's second law (which states that the line joining a planet to the sun

sweeps out equal areas in equal times), then the body is being acted upon by a

centripetal force. This discovery revealed for the first time the physical significance

of Kepler's second law. Given this discovery, Newton succeeded in showing that a

body moving in an elliptical path and attracted to one focus must indeed be

drawn by a force that varies as the inverse square of the distance.

From the above illustration, the speed of an object is constant. It traces a

circle with a fixed center. At every point of its motion, the object changes its

direction. Therefore, we can say that in order to stay on a circular path, the object

has to change its direction continuously. Moreover, Newton’s first law of motion

tells us that there can be no acceleration without a net force. So there must be a

force associated with the circular motion. In other words, for the circular motion

to take place a net force has to act on the object. The change in direction is a

result of a centripetal force. Without such an inward force, an object would

continue in a straight line, never deviating from its direction. Yet, with the inward

net force directed perpendicular to the velocity vector, the object is always

changing its direction and undergoing an inward acceleration.

Mechanism of the Product

1. To know, learn and understand about a uniform circular motion and to

inspire creativity and have innovation.


The Ferris wheel (product) will move in a uniform circular motion with the

use of the 6V dynamo supported by the 4 bearings (the central part of fidget

spinner which also has the ability to move circularly), and is connected by a 9V

battery with a switch to be turned off and on.

List of materials being used

Cardboard Plywood

Hot Glue Backdraft

Pop-Up Foam Ruler

Round Barbecue Stick

Dynamo (6V)

Battery (9V)



Illustration board 1/2

Costing/ Liquidation of
the Product

Quantity Items Unit Price Amount

1 pc. 9V Battery 75.00 75.00

1 pc. DC Motor 35.00 35.00
1 pc. Switch 22.00 22.00
6 pc. Glitter 8.00 48.00
1 pc. Illustration 25.00 25.00
board 1/2
15 pcs. Gluestick 5.00 75.00
1 pc. Pop-Up Foam 35.00 35.00
Backdraft 110.00 110.00

TOTAL 425.00
Benefits that the
community may get from
the product
Ferris wheel is a ride mostly found in circus that is viewed to be a place of

leisure and entertainment and is enjoyed by many, more specifically by the kids. It

generates a setting where voices from diverse backgrounds can be heard. It breaks

conventional walls of all classes and social status to have the will and liberty to

relinquish and enjoy life despite its adversities.

Even aside the beauty and value of the product, which alone make it worthy

of appreciation, this would also help the community to provide significant

knowledge and to find a means of dealing with the endless streams of questioning

and pondering about how this kind of thing like a Ferris wheel really works.

by Kenneth Ugsimar

Growing up, one of the most exciting moments for me was of carnivals. The

rides were always lit up at night reminding me of elaborate Christmas decorations

with different music from the various rides, a mix of foxtrot and the familiar

melody of the music playing. Well, never in my mind to question why and how

does a Ferris wheel move in a circular motion but with Physics, I am able to

understand how a certain specific object like that works.

I thought it’s easy to make a product relative to uniform circular motion

because I’ve seen examples of it in our daily lives but I realized it’s really not.

However, I gained much knowledgeable learnings and such astonishing experiences

upon making our product. I made realizations that enriched my perspective on

different things such motion, like our product, Ferris wheel moved in circular
pattern around a fixed center point or axis and maintains a constant radial

distance from the center point at any given time is due to a centripetal force

acted on it. Thus, this product would somehow help our society as an educational

tool to increased appreciation and interest to learn more and better understand

things especially those that relate to uniform circular motion or the motion itself.

by Andrew Adlawon

I have learned that Uniform Circular Motion has a significant value in our

daily lives. From heavenly bodies of our universe, Turbines in our airplanes, down

to the wheels in our vehicles, it is always part of orderliness and amazing design of

the world we are living in. It also evolved human lives because of its vast

applications such as wheels, carnivals, satellites and solution to how the vast

universe works.

It is therefore important to gain knowledge about Uniform Circular Motion

because of its numerous applications in daily our lives and in our future career.

Upon making the product, I have realized that motions of simple things like

our product, the carousel, are emergent from mathematical expressions and

equations. It can simply be understood in numbers and variables just like how we

encoded data in our personal computer as bytes or binary numbers which made

me realize that maybe we are living in a virtual world within another world.
by Shanynne Carcueva

In making the project was never been easy since there are several factors

which must be considered such as the availability of each members, the location on

where the members are going to make the project, availability of money,

availability of materials needed and the time duration upon making the project.

Other factors to be considered may include each member’s cooperation, ideas and

most importantly, patience. Patience is really a must because it is possible to have

a trial and error on the process in assembling the formation of each output. Also,

the location must be near to hardware so whenever there is a lacking of materials

it will be bought easily.

The project trains every members of the group on how to become a better

version of them because they are going to think practically in terms of budgeting

their time, money and effort. The group members' cooperated and understand the

each contributed ideas that will be applied to their product. Even though the size

of the project is small yet it doesn’t vary on the efforts provide by the group
members. Therefore, the impact upon making the project may not be noticed

directly yet at the end each members would realize that giving up easily won’t do

good instead, strive harder to achieve success and true happiness.

by Joehanna Amargora

Success is no accidents. It is hard work, perseverance, learnings, studying,

sacrifice and most of all, love what you are doing or learning to do. In achieving a specific

product theres a lot of work to do, a patience and unity of the group. Each member of a

group has a place in a group work, there presence is highly needed in order to achieve the

product and let the work be easy and handy. The absence of one member of a group make

the work time comsuming and not be able to finish it on time.

During in making our group project, which is Uniform Circular Motion, we have

many trials and error although we as a group trying our very best to achieve our goal

product. Since we are learning, we lot of thing things we do not know, with help of

internet, we have prior knowledge to start. We decided to make ferris wheel and and I

doubt for while that maybe it won't work but what of my group says " Don't think ahead,

it WILL work", so we give our best. The trials and error teach us to never give up and to

continue. The purpose of our group project is to understand the Uniform Circular Motion

and to apply it. This give us primary interest to understand as we analyze the motion of

objects in circles. Based on our research, Uniform circular motion can be described as the

motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. As an object moves in a circle, it is

constantly changing its direction. The object moving in the circle is accelerating.

Accelerating objects are objects which are changing their velocity - either the speed (i.e.,

magnitude of the velocity vector) or the direction. The activity enabled my mind to

understand Uniform Circular Motion.

Deadline season is in full swing, periodical examination is fast approaching, which

comes with additional stress, worry and excitement to be done with deadlines for another

grading. Yet, here we are, we abled to finish our goal product.

by Jeff Justinn Bocog

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is

success." -Herry Ford. A geostationary satellite is one which is always located above the

same spot on Earth. To achieve this, the satellite must revolve in a circular orbit around

the Earth with an orbital glide velocity equal to the Earth's rotation. When a particle

moves in a circle with constant speed, the motion is called uniform circular motion. The

direction of acceleration changes continuously so that it always point towards the center of

the circle but the magnitude of acceleration remains same at all times.

In circular motion we encountered a strange fact, strange because it is contrary to

our knowledge of direction of force, acceleration and velocity. In circular motion, the force

and acceleration are pointed towards the center of the circle, but the velocity is tangential

to the circle. That means acceleration and velocity are at right angles to each other.
In making this project we have many things to consider just like the availability of

the members because some of us members have some important priorities to do, even the

place where we need to assemble our model is far apart from the stores where the

materials are available. We also had a limited time in making this project because of the

availability of transportation in the area we make this project. After finishing this project

we realize that we've been working together to come up with success.

by Alyssa Marie Ratcliffe

In making this product which is the Uniform Circular Motion was never been

easy, we need to take a lot of trials and errors just to make it done. There are

many problems that we've been encountered like location where to make,

materials and availability of members but we find ways just to make this product


There are many factors in making our product such as lack of materials

since we cannot buy easily what we need because the location is far from any store

and lack of money since we have a lot of school fees and projects,we cannot afford

to spend more. But those factors help us to think anothers ways how to solve our

problems. Teamwork is always the key in any problems, you can solve it all by

helping each other.

I realize that making the Uniform Circular Motion was never been easy you

need to analyze well what to do and why is it like that. This Performance Task

needs a patience, cooperation, critical analyzation and determination to make it.

There are several problems we encountered but we still manage on how to make it


by Chifanie Godinez

"Teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to

overcome our need for invulnerability." – Patrick Lencioni

In making this project, it wouldn’t be easy, but the help of each other we

can make it perfectly. I’ve realized that teamwork and trust is really what we need

to have a perfect output. Because if you do it alone you can do so little and it takes

a lot of time.

Our project is all about “Uniform Circular Motion.” Uniform circular motion

can be described as the motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. As an

object moves in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction. At all instances, the

object is moving tangent to the circle. An object moving in a uniform circular

motion has a centripetal acceleration that gives the centripetal force when

multiplied by the mass.

In this project, we made a Ferris wheel because Uniform circular motion

moves in a circle with unchanging velocity, just like you would when riding a Ferris

wheel. You continually alter instructions when moving in a circle and Newton's

first law requires some unbalanced force to pull an object from a linear route.

by Arabella Gerra

When we first started off, I did not think that our group was not the typical high-

task one. But I think our group is unique in a sense that each group member has his/her

own unique character and we actually complement each other. It’s a “we’re all in this

together” kind of feeling. One thing that I loved about our group is that we work together

as ONE team, and not as an individual. I remembered how we put in a lot of effort to

ensure that every member of the team has contribution on our product.

We have many trials and errors while making our group project, the Uniform

Circular Motion. We as a group tried our best to achieve our goal product. Since we're

learning, with the help of the internet, we have a lot of things we don't understand to

begin with. We decided to make carousel and doubt for a while that maybe it won't work,

so we give our best. The trials and error teach us to never give up and to continue. Our
group project aims at understanding and applying the Uniform Circular Motion. This gives

us main interest in understanding when we analyze object motion in circles.

All in all, after doing this group project together, I have come to realize that high

relationship is a very important component in a team. It may be the factor that spurs the

team to achieve a high-task performance. Lastly, what could be improved is our discipline.

There was quite a lot of time given to us to do this group project so we could kind of

slacked off at the start of the semester. However, if I were to be in a group with shorter

deadline in the future, I believe that my team would need a better discipline to ensure that

everything is carried out on time and properly

By Maria Monique Tumulak

During the process in the making of this project I realized that Uniform

Circular Motion has a significant value in our daily lives and I can see it happening

everyday. There are lots of learnings to learn upon building the product since its

been a long time that we’re not making a project like this before. . But I believe

that each one of my member has a unique character and the ability to make this


The project makes every members of the group on how to become a better

version of them because they are going to think practically in terms of budgeting

their time, money and effort despite of those many activities happening. The group

members' cooperated and understand the each contributed ideas that will be

applied to their product here we developed teamwork and cooperation I made

realizations that enchance my knowledge on different things such motion, like our
product, Ferris wheel moved in circular pattern around a fixed center point or axis

and maintains a constant radial distance from the center point at any given time

is due to a centripetal force acted on it. Therefore, the product that we made

would somehow help our society as an educational tool to increased appreciation

and interest to learn more and better understand things especially those that

relate to uniform circular motion or the motion itself.

The impact upon making the project may not be noticed directly yet at the

end each members would realize that giving up easily won’t do good instead, strive

harder to achieve success and meet up our expectations.

by Renz Donewell Aquino

Upon working our product or assigned to do the uniform circular motion,

there are lots of learning to learn upon building. It not just making it because it is

our project but making it because were inspired to work as a team like the

uniform circular motion and to our product which is the Ferris wheel. It’s just like

a friendship; a circle of friends needs to be balance in order to remain its

friendship. Just like our product that we made if one of the bearings were not

there the circular motion will going to worst. I mean, it still circulating but not

balanced already.

So on my learnings are we need to do this product for us to learn and to

pass. It makes sense that we’re learning and at the same time were enjoying the

task. Knowing all of these stuffs, are indeed a blessing for us given by our teacher.
We need to pursue ourselves to achieve our dreams like the Ferris wheel it needs to

circulate to achieve what it wants to achieve by circulating.

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