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Finite Element–Based Vibration Analysis of

WWER-440 Reactors

Eberhard Alstadt & Frank-Peter Weiss

To cite this article: Eberhard Alstadt & Frank-Peter Weiss (1999) Finite Element–Based Vibration
Analysis of WWER-440 Reactors, Nuclear Technology, 128:1, 46-57, DOI: 10.13182/NT99-A3013

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eling, fluid-structure interaction, vi-
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institute of Safety Research
Postfach 510119, D-01314 Dresden, Germany

Received August 14, 1998

Accepted for Publication April 20, 1999

European WWER-type reactors. In some cases these vi-

brations resulted in serious and safety-relevant damage.
A finite element model describing the mechanical During core barrel motion at the Greifswald power sta-
vibrations of the whole WWER-440 primary circuit was tion, relative amplitudes of up to 5 mm between the core
established to support the early detection of mechanical barrel and the reactor pressure vessel ~RPV! ~see Fig. 1!
component faults. A special fluid-structure module was were found.4,6 These high amplitudes were a conse-
developed to consider the reaction forces of the fluid in quence of the plastic deformation of the so-called spring
the downcomer upon the moving core barrel and the pipe segments that are to transmit the clamping force of
reactor pressure vessel (RPV). This fluid-structure in- the reactor vessel head upon the upper flange of the core
teraction (FSI) module is based on an approximated an- barrel. Insufficient upper fixing of the core barrel also
alytical two-dimensional solution of the coupled system led to guide lug damages. Because core barrel vibration
of three-dimensional fluid equations and the structural
equations of motions. By means of the vibration model,
all eigenfrequencies up to 30 Hz and the corresponding
mode shapes were calculated. It is shown that the FSI
strongly influences those modes that lead to a relative
displacement between the RPV and the core barrel. More-
over, by means of the model, the shift of eigenfrequen-
cies due to the degradation or to the failure of internal
clamping and spring elements was investigated. Com-
paring the frequency spectra of the normal and the faulty
structure, one could prove that recognizing such degra-
dations and failures even inside the RPV is possible by
pure ex-core vibration measurements.


At many nuclear reactors, on-line vibration monitor-

ing became a standard procedure of plant surveillance.1,2
This development was stimulated by the occurrence of
abnormal vibrations. For the first time, excessive core
barrel motion was observed and diagnosed at the Pali-
sades reactor.3 Control element and core barrel vibra-
tions are known to have occurred in the former East
German power plant Greifswald 4,5 and also in other East

*E-mail: Fig. 1. Scheme of RPV of the WWER-440 with internals.



was accompanied by a quasi-static axial shift of the core weak points and due consequences, such as core barrel
barrel inside the vessel, a considerable part of the guide vibrations with such large amplitudes, are not reported
lugs was eroded. Up to 18 mm of material was worn off. regarding Western PWRs.
Quasi-static axial shift is an especially safety-relevant There were about 31 WWER-4400213 and WWER-
event because this can impede control rod insertion into 4400230 reactors in Finland, East Germany, and Central
the reactor. and Eastern Europe. There are 27 units still in operation
To detect the faults at an early stage, one needs a ~6 in Russia, 2 in Ukraine, 4 in Bulgaria, 4 in Hungary, 4
theoretical vibration model of the whole primary circuit, in the Czech Republic, 5 in Slovakia, and 2 in Finland!.
which permits The utilities in these countries can benefit from the pre-
sented results.
1. description of the normal vibrations of the com-
ponents, especially to assign the measured vi-
bration frequencies in neutron noise, pressure II. THE FINITE ELEMENT–BASED VIBRATION MODEL
fluctuations, or mechanical displacements to vi-
bration modes of the whole coupled mechanical The model comprises the whole primary circuit, in-
system cluding steam generators, loops, coolant pumps, main iso-
2. determination of the physical limits for frequency lating valves, and the RPV with its internals. It was
shifts and amplitude changes as alarm thresholds developed using the ANSYS finite element code on a
for on-line vibration monitoring Hewlett-Packard workstation platform. The model has a
3. assessment of mechanical loads connected with modular structure, so that various operational and assem-
the failure of a certain component. bling states can easily be taken into account. The model
represented in this paper is for the WWER-4400213, but
Correct description of the mechanical vibrations of a model for the WWER-4400230 is also available.
the RPV and its internals requires that the fluid-structure Experimental experience showed the mechanical in-
interaction ~FSI! in the downcomer region be consid- tegrity of the system not to be endangered by shell mode
ered. The finite element technique has currently reached vibrations but by beam mode vibrations in the fre-
the point where vibration modeling of the whole primary quency range up to 30 Hz. Additional finite element cal-
circuit of a nuclear power plant ~NPP! is allowed.1,7 culations yielded that all shell modes occur beyond
From the point of view of vibration analysis, the 30 Hz, with the two lowest core barrel frequencies at 18
WWER-440 is not comparable to standard Western-type and 26 Hz excepted. However, these core barrel shell
pressurized water reactors ~PWRs!. The most significant modes are not coupled to the bending modes. Thus, it is
differences are as follows: sufficient to assemble the model from one-dimensional
pipe elements. Figure 1 shows a topology scheme of
1. The center of gravity of the RPV with all inter- the finite element model for the RPV and all the inter-
nals and the upper block is above the ring foundation. nals: core barrel, core barrel support skirt, core basket,
2. WWER-440 reactors have six coolant loops, with and upper core structure. The model of the RPV head
loop seals and main isolation valves in each leg. considers the upper callotte, the control element stand-
pipe frame, and the standpipes themselves. Each of the
3. Further, they dispose of six horizontal steam gen- 71 nodes connecting two elastic pipe elements has 6 de-
erators that are hinged at the ceiling of the so-called steam grees of freedom ~DOF!: ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty, and rotz.
generator box. The material properties of the pipe elements depend on
4. The removable core barrel is horizontally fixed temperature. Different reactor components are mutually
by eight guide lugs and in the vertical direction by six connected by stiffness matrices ~12 3 12!, which, e.g.,
spring pipe segments. represent the core barrel guide lugs ~nodes 20 and 39!,
the ring foundation ~nodes 43 and 71!, or the spring pipe
5. The fuel elements are arranged in a separate core segments between the upper flange of the core barrel
basket that is inserted in the core barrel. and the RPV head ~nodes 31 and 50!. The parameters of
6. Moreover, the special construction of the control those stiffness matrices were estimated in separate three-
elements, consisting of the absorber part and the fuel fol- dimensional calculations. Extreme stiff connections are
lower, requires a lower core structure below the lower modeled by constraints.
core support plate to fix the fuel followers when the ab- In analogy to the RPV with its internals, the loop
sorbers are inserted in the core. model consists of pipe elements, a pipe tee and pipe el-
bow elements, structural mass elements ~which are for-
Operational experience with mechanical damage has re- mulated as 6 3 6 inertia matrices!, stiffness matrices, and
vealed that the spring pipe segments, the guide lugs, and constraints. The loop model includes the steam genera-
the control elements constitute the weak points from the tor, the hot and cold legs, the main coolant pump ~MCP!,
point of view of flow-induced vibrations. Comparable and the hot and cold isolating valves. Special attention



was put on the hinge of the steam generator at the ceiling

and on the connection of the steam generator to the main
steam line. Both connections are represented by a sepa-
rately calculated stiffness matrix between the steam gen-
erator center node and the ground. Neglecting these
couplings, one would drastically underestimate espe-
cially the first eigenfrequency of the loop. The bearings
of the MCP and of the hot-leg valve are represented by
stiffness matrices too. The parameters of the loop model
could be adjusted using results from modal analysis ex-
periments performed at coolant loops at the Greifswald
NPP, Germany, and in the Dukovany NPP, Czech Repub- Fig. 3. Finite element model of the whole primary circuit.
lic, as well.
The vibration behavior of the RPV and the six cool-
ant loops cannot be strictly separated. The RPV is not a
fix clamping for the loops, and the loop inertia cannot be
last nodes of all six loops, respectively. Figure 3 shows
neglected for RPV motions. The total mass of the RPV
an element plot of the whole primary circuit.
with all internals is ;600 t, and that of one loop is
To consider the FSI in the downcomer, a fluid-
;290 t. So, in general, it is to be expected that the mode
structure element ~FSE! that can be implemented into the
shapes will be coupled. The connection of the RPV and
finite element model was developed.8,9 The model upon
the coolant loops is realized by rigid area constraint equa-
tions between the RPV ~node 47, Fig. 2! and the first nodes which the FSE is based is shown in Fig. 4. It is particu-
of all six loops and between the RPV ~node 44! and the larly tailored to incompressible fluids streaming through
a narrow annular gap, which is formed by two concentric
cylinders. The fluid flow is driven by a pressure gradient
p1 2 p2 . The cylinders can perform small motions ~two
displacements and two rotations!. Thus, the FSE has 8
structural DOFs. The fluid equations are simplified and
can be solved analytically considering the moving inner
and outer cylinders.10,11 Assuming a potential flow, the
continuity equation can be written as

F~r, w, z! 5 F~r, z!{e jmw


1 m2
]rr F 1 ]r F 2 2 F 1 ]zz F 5 0 , ~1!
r r

Fig. 2. Topology of the finite element model of the RPV and

its internals. Fig. 4. Fluid-structure element.



with the boundary conditions: The whole model consists of ;450 finite elements with
;2300 active DOFs.
]r F6r5R I 5 ]t wI 1 vz0 ]z wI
]r F6r5R 0 5 ]t wO 1 vz0 ]z wO , ~2!
where The coupling of all six coolant loops with the RPV
results in a great number of eigenfrequencies of the com-
F 5 velocity potential plex system because of the coupling of different DOFs.
r 5 radial coordinate In the frequency range up to 30 Hz, .100 eigenfrequen-
cies are obtained. Many of them are close together but
z 5 axial coordinate exhibit different mode shapes. Most of the mode shapes
m 5 number of periods of F and w in circum- are characterized by various loop displacements in many
ferential direction different phase relations, with the RPV being almost in
the rest position. Some mode shapes exhibit only large
vz0 5 mean axial velocity displacements of the loops and of the RPV as well. For
wI , wO 5 radial displacements of the inner and the example, Fig. 5 shows the lowest mode shape at 3.4 Hz
outer structural boundaries that can be ex- with significant displacements of the RPV and of the in-
pressed by the motion of the centers of the ternals ~see also Table I, mode 1!.
cylinders. For the investigation of the RPV and its internals, it
is useful to reduce the model size by means of the sub-
The fluid velocity distribution obtained in this way structure technique to exclude such modes that differ from
is inserted into the Navier-Stokes equations to calculate each other only in the phases of motions of the loops.
the pressure that reacts on the cylinder surfaces: The six coolant loops are represented in the reduced model

p2 2 p 5 r{ ]t F 1
~¹F! 2 1
vz0 F G , ~3!
by a substructure of 24 DOFs. Table I gives an overview
of the modes of the RPV and its internals up to 30 Hz.
The longitudinal modes ~z direction! excepted, generally
where each mode shape occurs twice ~the x-z and the y-z planes!.
To demonstrate how important the consideration of FSI
r 5 fluid density is, the eigenfrequencies are listed for two cases: with and
s 5 gap width without FSEs. The first eigenfrequency connected with a
significant relative displacement between the RPV and
l 5 Darcy friction coefficient. the core barrel was calculated to be at 26.3 Hz with-
The linearization of the pressure with respect to the struc- out FSI. FSI shifts that eigenfrequency down to 13.7 Hz,
tural DOF and the calculation of the resulting forces and which agrees with the measured value. This effect can
momenta acting on the cylinders provide additional in- also be seen in the forced vibration spectra ~Fig. 6!.
ertia, damping, and stiffness matrices for the structural Eigenmodes 9010, 13, and 14015 ~Figs. 7b, 7c, and
equations of motion, which represent the FSE ~Ref. 9!. 7d! are particularly important to detect possible degra-
The FSEs are located between the RPV and the core bar- dations of the internal clamping elements like the guide
rel @e.g., between nodes 37 and 16, 38 and 17, and 40 and lugs and the spring pipe segments. Mode 13 at 17.6 Hz
22 ~see Fig. 2!#. The equation of motion for the coupled is foremost a z vibration of all the internals, while the
fluid-structure system then reads as follows: vessel amplitude itself is rather small. The relative
@ Mw 1 SGu i Mw Fi # us ] 1 @ Bt 1 SGu i Bt Fi # us _ 1 @ Ku 1 SGu i Ku Fi # su
5 fr ~t ! , ~4!
Mw 5 structural mass matrix
Mw Fi 5 mass matrix of the i ’th FSE
Gu i 5 geometrical transformation matrix
t Bt Fi , K,
B, u Ku Fi 5 damping and stiffness matrices,
su, fr 5 vectors of structural displacements
and excitation forces. Fig. 5. Coupled mode of the primary circuit at 3.4 Hz.



Eigenfrequencies of the RPV and Its Internals at Operational Temperature


Number FSE No FSE Verbal Description

1 3.34 3.34 In-phase pendulum motion of RPV, core barrel, and core barrel internals; first
2 3.43 3.43 beam mode of the upper unit in-phase; loops in-phase
3 4.63 4.63 In-phase pendulum motion of RPV, core barrel, and core barrel internals; first
4 4.70 4.70 beam mode of the upper unit in-phase; loops in antiphase
5 8.07 8.07 Small in-phase pendulum motion of RPV, core barrel, and core barrel inter-
6 8.1 8.1 nals; first beam mode of the upper unit in antiphase; large cold-leg displace-
7 10.3 10.5 In-phase pendulum motion of RPV, core barrel, and core barrel internals; first
8 10.4 10.6 beam mode of the upper unit in antiphase; hot-leg displacements
9 13.7 26.3 Antiphase pendulum motion of the RPV with respect to all RPV internals,
10 13.7 26.5 elastic deformation of core barrel and core barrel internals, second modes of
standpipe frame and standpipes
11 15.6 15.5 Second beam mode of the CE standpipes
12 15.6 15.5
13 17.6 17.6 z-vibration of all internals, small z-amplitude of the RPV, in-phase pendulum
motion of RPV, core barrel, and core barrel internals, second beam mode of
the upper unit
14 22.8 43.7 Antiphase beam modes of RPV ~lower part! and core barrel; elastic deforma-
15 22.8 43.8 tion of core barrel internals

Fig. 6. APS of the horizontal RPV bottom displacement ~37uy!

~the bold curve is calculated with consideration of FSI
in the downcomer, and the thin curve is obtained with-
out FSI!.

displacements connected with the pendulum component

of this mode can be neglected. Modes 9010 and 14015
are related to antiphase motions of the RPV with respect
to all internal components. Furthermore, these modes are
characterized by elastic deformations of the internals. Fig. 7. Selected modes of RPV and internals.



The presented model does not consider the influence of

acoustic standing waves.
The pressure fluctuations in the downcomer were cal-
culated on the basis of downstreaming vortexes that orig-
inate at the six RPV inlet nozzles of the coolant loops.
The vortex field parameters ~take-off frequency, geom-
etry, and downstream velocity! follow from the model of
the Karman vortex street.12 The subpressure in a single
vortex was estimated using the two-dimensional Navier-
Stokes equation of an Oseen vortex.9 From this pressure
the resulting force acting at the instantaneous position of
the vortex is determined. The time-dependent nodal forces
in the x and y directions are determined superimposing
the downstreaming vortexes of all inlet nozzles.9 The
forces are applied to RPV nodes 37 through 43 and, with
the opposite sign, to the corresponding core barrel nodes
Fig. 8. Modes of a single coolant loop. 16 through 25 ~Fig. 2!. Figure 9 shows the auto-power
spectrum ~APS! of the force acting at nodes 43 and 25 in
the x direction.
The forces caused by the residual MCP unbalances
The modes of a single loop were calculated with the consist of three harmonic parts: the MCP revolution fre-
loop finite element model assuming the coupling nodes quency at 25 Hz and the subharmonics at 12.5 and
of the RPV to be in the rest position. The finite element 8.3 Hz. The subharmonics are caused by nonlinear MCP
model of the loops has been adjusted with modal analy- shaft bearing effects ~e.g., the oilwhirl phenomenon due
sis experiments performed at WWER-440 plants. In the to increased bearing gaps!. The MCP revolution fre-
frequency range up to 30 Hz, ;20 eigenfrequencies were quency can slowly drift in a narrow frequency range of
found. Figure 8 depicts four mode shapes for an empty ;0.5 Hz. Therefore, the force signals were modeled by
loop ~without coolant! calculated with the model. This sliding harmonics. The forces are applied at the MCP
model was used for the parameter tuning. For the simu- master nodes of the loop substructure. Figure 10 shows
lation of forced vibrations ~Sec. IV!, the coolant is con- the power spectrum of a generated force signal.
sidered by an additional mass per length. The mode shape The ground motion can be modeled by a forced dis-
connected with the lowest eigenfrequency at 1.15 Hz is a placement of node 71 ~Fig. 2!. The corresponding signal
pure tangential displacement of the whole loop with re- is simulated by a pseudo random sequence with a root-
spect to the RPV. The mode shape at 2.1 Hz essentially mean-square value of 0.1 mm.
corresponds to a torsional vibration of the steam gener- The structural responses ~displacements of the nodes!
ator around the collector nozzles. At 4.2 Hz, the mode are calculated with a time-step width of Dt 5 0.013 s.
shape is a radial steam generator vibration with respect These time signals can be processed as if they were dig-
to the RPV. The eigenfrequency at 5.4 Hz is determined itized measuring series. The generated time series are
by the beam mode vibration of the whole coolant pump transformed into fast Fourier transform auto and cross
in the cold-leg plane.


To simulate forced vibrations, time-dependent exci-

tation is needed as input to the finite element model ~forces
or forced displacements at the nodes!. For the WWER-
440 model, four sources of excitation are relevant:
1. pressure fluctuations in the coolant caused by vor-
2. residual unbalance forces of the MCPs
3. acoustic standing waves in the coolant fluid
Fig. 9. Auto-power-frequency spectrum of the force acting on
4. small ground motions caused by neighboring units node 43 in x direction and on node 25 in negative x
or aggregates. direction.



Fig. 10. Residual MCP unbalance. APS of the generated force


spectra. Figure 6 shows the APS of the displacement of

node 37 ~RPV bottom! in the y direction. In accordance
with the modal analysis ~Sec. III, Table I! the mode se-
lective influence of FSI is proven, which considerably
shifts the resonance peaks of modes 9010 and 14015.
In addition to the nodal displacements, combina-
tions of the DOFs can be calculated to simulate measure-
ments at any position. The fluctuation of the external
neutron flux, for example, corresponds to the change of
the water gap in the downcomer because of the neutron
transmission effect.4,13 Thus, the relative displacement of Fig. 12. APS measured during commissioning at Unit 5 of the
the RPV and the core barrel nodes can be regarded as Greifswald NPP. ~The upper curve is the horizontal
approximately proportional to the ex-core neutron flux displacement of the RPV bottom; the lower curve is
fluctuation. Figure 11 shows the APS of the relative x the vertical displacement at the RPV flange.!
displacement between nodes 42 and 24, which corre-
sponds to the signal of an ex-core ionization chamber at
the upper core region at 0 deg. Consequently, this signal
clearly exhibits those resonance peaks that correspond to Figure 12 shows the APS of real displacement mea-
modes with a significant relative displacement between surements taken at Unit 5 of the Greifswald NPP during
the RPV and core barrel ~modes 9010 and 14015; see the commissioning tests. In this case, five main circulat-
Table I!. ing pumps were running, and the coolant temperature was
1058C. The displacements were measured at the RPV bot-
tom in the horizontal direction ~upper curve! and at the
RPV flange in the vertical direction ~lower curve!, re-
spectively, by means of photooptical sensors. A compar-
ison of Fig. 6 ~blue curve! and Fig. 12 ~upper curve!
proves that all measured resonance peaks are well de-
scribed by the finite element model.


To reveal which modes are best suited to detect deg-

radations of the safety-relevant internal components, sim-
ulation studies were performed by varying parameters of
the finite element model. To recognize the basic tenden-
cies in frequency and amplitude shifts when RPV clamp-
Fig. 11. APS of the relative displacement 42ux-24ux ~ioniza- ing elements degrade, it is sufficient to use the reduced
tion chamber in the upper core region, azimuthal po- model with the approximated description of the loops.
sition 0 deg!. The calculation of the forced vibration spectra is based



Fig. 13. APS of x, y, and z RPV bottom displacement. ~The light lines are the normal state; the dark lines are with one guide lug



Fig. 14. APS of x, y, and z RPV bottom displacement. ~The light lines are the normal state; the dark lines are with two guide lugs



Fig. 15. APS of x, y, and z RPV bottom displacement. ~The light lines are the normal state; the dark lines are with two spring pipe
segments degenerated.!



on transient analysis ~simulation of time series! followed At present a project, funded by the European Union,
by digital signal processing ~Sec. IV!. The FSI was re- aims at improving vibration diagnostics at the Dukovany
garded in all these calculations. power station. Adjusting the theoretical model to that spe-
Figure 13 shows the RPV bottom displacements in cial unit and generating the basic vibration signatures for
the x, y, and z directions for the normal state of the re- damage states are part of the project.
actor ~light curves! and for the case where the guide lug The developed model is also an appropriate tool for
at the 0-deg azimuthal position is broken or is not in considering the possible consequences for the primary
contact with the core barrel ~dark curves!. In total, there circuit after an earthquake or a chemical explosion. The
are eight guide lugs with 45 deg of azimuthal division. corresponding loads are simulated by accelerations or dis-
As expected, above all, the eigenfrequencies pertaining placements acting on the system at the ring foundation
to antiphase pendulum motion do respond to that fail- and other contact points to the building.
ure. There is almost no effect on the other eigenfrequen-
cies. Moreover, the APS of the x direction remains nearly
unchanged, whereas in the y direction a significant shift
of the resonance peak ~corresponding to mode 10! can The project this paper is based on was funded by the
be seen. The reason for this is that a guide lug acts as a Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie and is reg-
tangential spring so that the 0-deg guide lug contributes istered with No. 1500916.
only to the y stiffness. Thus, there is no frequency shift
of mode 9.
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ness in that direction. This is a result of the coupling of 2. H. STÖLBEN and H. J. WEHLING, “Vibration Monitor-
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quency shift of modes 9010 are observed. The spectrum 4570, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ~1974!.
change can most clearly be observed in the z direction be-
cause the pipe segments mainly act as a vertical spring, and 4. P. LIEWERS, W. SCHMITT, P. SCHUMANN, and F.-P.
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separated frequency regions. Moreover, it seems to be actors Based on Finite Elements,” Trans. SMiRT13: Int. Conf.
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tion measurements, which is important since in-core vi- zil, August 13–18, 1995.
bration measurements are difficult to implement over
longer time periods. When measuring the displacements 7. V. BAUERNFEIND, “Vibration Monitoring of a Four-
Loop PWR: Model-Investigation of the Sensitivity of the Mon-
for the x and y directions, even the localization of the itored Signals on Mechanical Failures,” Prog. Nucl. Energy,
failed guide lug might become achievable. 21 ~1987!.
Considering FSI in the vibration model is necessary
because especially the modes related to a relative dis- 8. G. GRUNWALD and E. ALTSTADT, “Analytical and Ex-
placement between the RPV and core barrel are strongly perimental Investigations for Modelling the Fluid-Structure In-
affected by the flowing coolant. teraction in Annular Gaps,” Symp. Fault Detection Supervision



and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS 94), Hel- 11. D. MATEESCU and M. P. PAIDOUSSIS, “The Unsteady
sinki, Finland, 1994, IFAC. Potential Flow in an Axially Variable Annulus and Its Effect
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9. E. ALTSTADT, G. GRUNWALD, M. SCHEFFLER, and ids Eng., 107, 421 ~1985!.
F.-P. WEISS, “Analytische Modellierung mechanischer Schwin-
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Eberhard Altstadt ~MS, applied mechanics, 1985, and PhD, identification

of mechanical systems, 1989, Dresden Technical University, Germany! is a senior
scientist at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. His background includes mechani-
cal vibration analysis of nuclear reactors, nonlinear finite element analysis of
reactor internals exposed to accident loads, mechanical vibration tests at NPPs,
and theoretical work on FSI.
Frank-Peter Weiss ~MS, physics, Dresden University of Technology, 1973;
PhD, reactor physics, GDR Academy of Sciences, Germany, 1986! is the director
of the Institute of Safety Research of Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. At the same
time he is a professor at the Dresden University of Technology. His background
includes nuclear reactor physics, light water reactor thermal hydraulics, materi-
als safety, and diagnostics of nuclear reactors.


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