Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

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Power System Unsymmetrical 

Power System Unsymmetrical

Fault Analysis

Lectures prepared by
Lectures prepared by

Prof. S. Shahnawaz Ahmed
Unsymmetrical Fault analysis: 
•Symmetrical components, sequence 

•Unsymmetrical fault calculation

•Unsymmetrical fault calculation. 
For subsequent materials assistance taken mainly from :

[1]. John J. Grainger, William D. Stevenson, Jr. "Power System Analysis",
McGraw‐Hill, 1994.
Hill 1994
Why symmetrical components?

The occurrence of unsymmetrical faults such as L‐G, L‐L and L‐L‐G faults in a three‐phase system with
balanced impedance elements such as machines,
machines transformers,
transformers transmission lines and Y or Δ connected
loads, causes unbalanced currents and voltages to exist in each phase. Depending upon the system
parameters and network connections, occasionally L‐G fault current can also be higher than that for the
symmetrical (L‐L‐L) fault. Moreover, relay setting needs the knowledge of the minimum fault current
that might occur for any of the unsymmetrical faults.

The unbalanced voltages at any point of a system can be determined by superposing the individual
responses of the system elements to three sets of balanced currents known as symmetrical
components into which the original currents can be resolved.
This also holds good for vice versa i.e., unbalanced currents from the responses to three sets of
balanced voltages.
For this it is also necessary to determine sequence impedances of each element and to combine them
to form sequence networks.

This is based on Fortescue’s theorem.

C L Fortescue’ss theorem:
A system of n unbalanced phasors (currents or voltages) can be resolved into n sets of balanced phasors
termed symmetrical components such that the phasors belonging to the same set are of equal
magnitudes and the phase angle between adjacent phasors are equal.

As for instance, for a three‐phase system the three unbalanced phasors can be resolved into three
balanced sets termed positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence components.
Resolution into S.C.

Combining these relationships

1+a+a2 = 0
1= a3 = 1<360° =1<0°
Synthesis from S.C.
Similarly for currents

The similar set for line to line voltages can
be written by replacing  Va, Vb, Vc

which shows that the zero sequence

components do not exist in line currents of a
Y cct without any neutral connection to the
ground or in the line currents of a Δ cct.
since in both these cases the line current
phasors’ sum is zero.
Y and Δ cct.
For a Δ cct :
Ia = Ia(1) + Ia(2) as Ia(0) = 0 in line currents of Δ so that Ia is

Sum is zero for Ia+Ib+Ic and for Vab+Vbc+Vca

If expressed in pu of line and phase 
current bases on respective sides then
√3 will disappear from right side of above
Note: in Y with unconnected neutral, line
current sum is zero while in Δ line voltage Similarly for a Y cct
y starting with
sum is zero due to being around a series loop.
If expressed 
It can be derived that in pu of 
However, if both sides expressed  in pu on same base bases 
then  the  factor √3 will remain. √3 will 
from right 
Power in terms of symmetrical components:

Where S in VA, V in volts and I in amps. 
But if pu values are used then  the 
multiplier 3 disappears from right side.
lti li 3 di f i ht id
Example: Line  c is open while a and b currents are as shown. Find symmetrical components.

A l i
Applying the three phase sequence component relationships
h h h l i hi
symmetrical  components of line to neutral

Both sides  derived in
pu but on respective 
but on respective
base (L‐L and L‐N)
Van (0) = 0 as zero sequence current 
So that cannot flow in unconnected neutral

Vab (0) = 0 since line to line voltage sum is zero.

Sequence circuits of balanced Y or Δ connected impedances or static loads:
Thus equations 11.40 to 11.42 give rise to three decoupled sequence networks for a Y
with neutral connected  to ground: Any impedance between
t l and d groundd point
i t is
multiplied by 3 because of the
neutral current being three
times the zero sequence
current in one phase

In positive and negative sequence equivalent cct. reference is same as

ground or neutral because no current then flows from neutral to ground

For this ungrounded Y (Zn =

infinity) positive and negative
sequences ccts. are same as

For Δ the zero sequence network is

as shown while positive and negative
sequences would be similar to those
for Y but ZY will be replaced by ZΔ/3
because in the sequence circuits
equivalent line to neutral voltages
are being used instead of line to line
Transmission line sequence impedances when there is a neutral conductor and mutual coupling exists between
phases, and phase to neutral (but not considered during calculation of transmission line self inductance)

Zab = Zbc = Zca

Zan = Zbn = Zcn

Z0 ≈ 2 to 3.5 Z1 or Z2
If Znn and Zan included in zero sequence impedance
Sequence impedances can be derived using similar eqns for
also takes into account the ground wires and the
Vbn, Vcn, and transformation matrix A, and defining
earth return path impedances, then the sequence
voltages shown in Fig. 11.12 are with respect to a
perfectly conducting or ideal ground as the
Sequence circuits for unsymmetrical series impedances or Y loads:

For unbalanced elements it is not possible to decouple the sequence components from
each other so that their sequence impedances are not distinct and the voltage drop of 
any one sequence depends upon on the current of all three sequences.

If mutual coupling exists then terms

appear in off‐diagonal positions in above
matrices so that the sequence voltages will
have additional terms.
•If Za = Zb = Zc then the expressions
d to that
h f
for symmetricall series
element or balanced Y load.

•For transposed transmission lines mutual coupling is considered inherently in  calculating self 
inductance and the three phase series impedances become equal (Za = Zb
inductance and the three phase series impedances become equal (Za = Zb = Zc= Z) so that the 
= Zc= Z) so that the
sequence voltage drops are produced only by respective sequence currents.  Moreover, then 
the sequence impedances become Z1 = Z2 = Z and Z0 = Z + 3 Znn if any impedance Znn in the 
ground path.
Sequence circuits for synchronous machines when supplying an unbalanced load or 
subjected to an unbalanced fault:

Then as usual transforming the set of Van, Vbn, Vcn
and the currents on right side into symmetrical
components , it can be derived eventually that

so that the resultant sequence circuits for the generator are
as in the next slide
Source is only in positive sequence network
y p q

Reference is neutral and same as ground

Reference is ground.
For zero sequence current the cct for any element of a
power system is always analogous to a single phase circuit
as the zero sequence components of phases a,b,c do not
have phase shift.
But positive and negative sequence ccts represent per
phase equivalents.
Z1 = Z2 =Xd’’
Zg0 =0.1 to 0.7 Xd’’
Zn = 0

for L G Note: 
for L‐G  Note:
fault Vab =Va‐Vb will always be obtained in pu of  the base
used on RHS. So if L‐N voltage base is used on RHS  then
Vab will be in pu of L‐N voltage base. 
Sequence ccts. for three phase transformers: Z

Positive and negative sequence ccts (for Y‐Y, Δ‐Δ) are as usual
For a transformer , impedances in pu
For a transformer impedances in pu are  Zare Z1 = Z
= Z2 =Z   (i.e. X
=Z (i e Xleakage)
No phase shift
and Z0 = Z + 3ZN +3 Zn  if both side Y connected and ZN, Zn ≠ 0

For Y‐Δ or Δ‐Y (step up) these are
as follows: (in pu √3 N1/N2 omitted)

Compliant with  following 
ANSI labeling
However, in the following case

VA(1) = ‐j Va(1)

VA(2) = +j Va(2) 

Vab =Va‐Vb will always be obtained in pu of  the base
used on RHS. So if L‐N voltage base is used on RHS  then
Vab will be in pu of L‐N voltage base.
Salient points about sequence circuits:
Example on combining sequence circuits for a power system

Δ‐Y  or Y‐Δ 
Y Δ transformer phase shifts neglected in above sequence circuits. 
t f h hift l t di b i it

Given the parameters shown in the zero sequence  
Generator and motor X0 = 0.05 pu on respective 
Current limiting reactors in gen. and motor neutrals 
each 0.4 ohms
Transmission line X0 = 1.5 ohms/km

These are then converted on specified base

Also charging reactances neglected  in all the sequence networks which otherwise would have been shown as  2Xc in pu respectively 

between points l , m and the reference bus. However,  charging reactances are many times larger than any sequence reactance of a line.
#Example on  drawing zero sequence  network
# Another example

A brief note on three phase transformer connection and grounding
•Y‐Y with both sides grounded (i.e. Yg‐Yg) is good for detection of L‐G faults by relays
because then zero sequence current can flow. Also this provides (i)a path for the third
harmonic component of excitation current and hence a distortion free voltage (however, if Y
is grounded only on primary side then also this 3rd harmonic component can flow but not
the zero sequence current due to unbalanced load or fault), (ii)stable set of phase to neutral
voltages in case of unbalanced loads or unsymmetrical fault conditions. However, such a
connection does not provide isolation of the primary side (generator side) from transient
disturbances of the secondary side (transmission side).

•Y –Δ or Δ‐Y with neutral grounded on Y side is better than Yg‐Yg in the sense that Δ
provides a circulating path for zero sequence currents of faults, third harmonic component
of excitation current, and partially redistributes the imbalance conditions in line voltages
and currents due to unbalanced loads. Moreover , the zero sequence impedance by such a
connection is a higher than that due to Yg‐Yg connection so that the L‐G fault current can
be limited to a lower level but still detectable by the relays. Also the isolation of one side
from transient disturbance of the other side is also achieved.

•If no path is provided for flow of the zero sequence current (e.g. Y‐Y with ungrounded
neutral, Y‐Δ with ungrounded Y and Δ‐Δ ) then in case of a L‐G fault the current being
abnormally low (termed HIF—high impedance fault) is not detected by the conventional
relays, which poses a danger if the fault is of permanent nature. Also in such situations the
resulting small fault current returns back through the charging capacitors of a transmission
line and gives rise to arcing ground due to alternate charging and discharging of the
distributed line to ground capacitors producing distortions and imbalance in the voltage.
Unsymmetrical  Fault Calculation

The Thevenin’s impedances at the

fault point P (bus k) are obtained from
corresponding sequence network bus
d matrices.

Prefault voltage Vf is only of positive

sequence so that in negative
g and zero
sequence circuits Vf = 0 and no current
flows in these latter ccts unless the
fault occurs.
It should
•It h ld be
b noted
t d that
th t for
a small power system
diagonal elements of any
q bus impedance
matrix can be obtained
Theveninizing the
corresponding sequence
network at the
corresponding bus.

•But no such short‐cut

method exists for obtaining
the off‐diagonal element s.
Off‐diagonal elements 
So it is better to build Ybus
•So b are symmetric for all seq
are symmetric for all seq.
matrix for any system’s
sequence networks and
then invert the
corresponding matrix or do
its triangular factorization
to get Zbus matrix.
Positive seq. voltage Unlike symmetrical fault, the positive 
sequence component of the postfault
voltage at the fault point i.e. bus k is
voltage at the fault point i.e. bus k is 
nonzero. However, Vka will be zero 
when its all the seq. components are 
added and phase a is shorted with 
ground directly (Z
d di tl (Zf =0)0)
Only the column corresponding to the
negative seq. voltage zero seq. voltage faulted bus k of the three seq. bus
impedance matrices are required .
Vja = Vja(0)+Vja(1) +Vja(2)
networks. Compute the zero sequence bus impedance matrix 
by forming Ybus and then inverting or factorizing it instead of 
Zbus building algorithm

Negative seq same as positive one 
but with emf source shorted.

Internal nodes are introduced to facilitate

building Zbus by algorithm. Otherwise
these are not needed for Ybus method.
Apply the same principle (self and mutual admittance) as in load flow to
form Ybus by inspection and then invert it to get Zbus Verify that:

Here Zbus (o) is not a full matrix because effectively

buses 1 and 4 are isolated due to  Δ‐Y transformers
•If Zf = 0 then it is a bolted fault
and is used to get a
conservative value of fault
Symmetrical; current.
Ifa = Ifa (1)

•The actual fault current is less

than that as Zf is seldom zero
and depends upon resistance of
the arc (if fault is by insulator
flashover), tower, tower footing
(if ground wire not used), soil
condition (dry earth resistance
is 10 to 100 times larger than
the swampy ground resistance)
Derivation of fault current for L‐G fault (assumed on phase a) Neglecting prefault currents,

Ifa = Ifa(0)+Ifa(1)+Ifa(2)=3Ifa(0)

which is  satisfied if the three sequence networks are connected as shown
Derivation of fault current for L‐L fault (assumed on phases b and c)
The following relationship to be satisfied
if prefault current neglected:
if prefault current neglected:

To satisfy the requirements that                  
and    (It may be verified that
Vkb‐Vkc = IfbZf leads to Vka(1)‐ Vka(2)=Ifa(1)Zf )

the Thevenin’s equivalents of positive and negative 
sequence networks need to be connected in parallel 
as shown

Then    Ifb = a2Ifa(1)+aIfa (2)

and  Ifc = ‐ Ifb
Derivation of fault current for L‐L‐G fault (assumed on phases b and c)

Eqn. 12.23

Fault current  components from this Fig.

By current division of Ifa(1) , 
Ifa(0) and Ifa(2)   are obtained
Then  Ifb and Ifc are synthesized from respective symmetrical components
derivable  from those for Ifa. The current into the fault is then Ifb + Ifc.
Note: For any ground involved fault (L‐G) or (L‐L‐G) the current into the fault , If =3 Ifa(0)
i.e. three times the respective zero sequence current


For L L G fault
f lt as in
i Fig.
Fi If = Ifb + Ifc
For L‐G fault as in Fig. If = Ifa =(Ifa +Ifb +Ifc ) ‐ Ifa
=(Ifa +Ifb +Ifc ) ‐ Ifb ‐ Ifc =3 Ifa(0) ‐0
=3 Ifa(0) ‐0 ‐0 =3 Ifa(0)
=3 Ifa((0)) [i
[since f lt is
fault i on phases
h b and
d c]]
[since fault is on phase a]
Comparison of fault currents

For 3‐phase balanced fault (L‐L‐L), Ifa = Ifa(1)=Vf/(Zkk(1) + Zf)

In general , for the same location magnitudes of current into various  bolted faults (i.e. Zf =0 )compare as 
follows:                                          Hints:
If L‐L‐L > If L‐G>If  L‐L‐G>IfL‐L If L‐L‐L = Ifa(1)       If L‐G = 3 Ifa(0) If  L‐L‐G = 3 Ifa(0) =‐3

provided Zkk(0)  > Zkk(1) = Zkk(2)     IfL‐L =  Ifb=(a2‐a) Ifa(1) =‐j√3 Ifa(1) =‐j(√3/2) [Vf/(Zkk(1)]

where respective sequence current expressions to be used.
Positive seq. (sources omitted in negative seq.) 

Zero seq.

Since line to line base values are

p for the transformers the
Y‐Y or Δ‐Y does not make any
difference in the per unit values
computed in Ex. 12.1.
Zf = 0

‐j1.373 ‐j0.25

So |I
So |Ic |= 0.25 x Base Amps in machine 2 cct
|= 0 25 x Base Amps in machine 2 cct
= 0.25x(100000/√3x20) = 0.25x2886.751 =721 Amps 
EEx. 12.3 for L‐L fault at bus 3 and 
12 3 f L L f lt t b 3 d
EX.12.4, Ex 12.5 for L‐L‐G fault at machine 2 terminal (bus 4) of the following Fig. (used also in 
Ex. 12.1) 

•In these examples phase shift considered for the other side after 
completing calculations for  sequence currents/voltages on one side of Y‐Δ transformers.

• Also the following note is valid in those examples.


Vab =Va‐Vb will always be obtained in pu of the base
used on RHS. So if L‐N voltage base is used on RHS
then Vab will be in pu of L‐N voltage base.
Examples 12.6 and 12.7 focus on the physical paths for flow of various sequence
currents for a L‐G fault in a small power system, though these currents are computed
i mathematical
h i l interconnections
i i off the
h sequence networks.
Also bus impedance matrices have not been used in these examples since the
systems are very small systems. Instead Thevenin’s method is applied to compute the
q impedances.
Phase shift in 
positive and 
negative seq. 
networks will 
be considered 

Sequence networks and corresponding subtransient

currents for a L‐G fault at P near bus 1 (neglecting prefault
The zero seq. component from generator (transformer) side 
induces circulating currents in the Δ which can not flow to the 
line. So IA (0) =0 at the high voltage side as well as Ia(0) = 0 
between LV side and fault point P
between LV side and fault point P.

(at LV side)

Considering phase shift  between HV and LV sides of Y‐Δ transformer

at HV side i.e. between bus 2 and transformer
Line currents (LV side) of transformer

=3Ifa(0) =3x2.564

Each phase (line) current of the

motor which has Its neutral
connected to ground, contains
P the zero seq. component that
returns through the neutral to
ground path so that Ifa = =3Ifa(0)
Fig pu values of subtransient
Fig. pu values of subtransient line currents in all parts
line currents in all parts Line currents of motor
Positive and negative seq. components in line currents of transformer (LV side) and
motor return through the lines each other such that in unfaulted lines (b and c) their
resultant line currents are equal but opposite while in faulted line (a) they become
Solution considering prefault current:
This can easily be done since in prefault
condition the system was balanced and
hence onlyl the
h line
li currents in
i positive
sequence networks will change such that
the load current (i.e. the current drawn
by the motor in prefault condition) will
dd with
i h the
h portion
i off Ifa(1) from
transformer to point P while subtracted
from the portion of Ifa(1) from motor to
point P . However, the current into the
f lt will
fault ill nott change
h f an L‐G
for L G i.e.,
ground involved fault since the prefault
current that consists of only positive
sequence component does not return
throughh a groundd path.

(For large systems the prefault current is

determined by load flow study and then
added with the fault currents in the lines in the next slide.
in positive seq. networks, by the Using these values the remaining calculations are done In the same
professional software). way as done while prefault current neglected. Eventually the
subtransient line currents in all parts of the system are as shown.
The current into the fault does not change as mentioned.
•The difference of line currents with and without prefault current for a
large power system where fault current is much higher than load or
prefault current., is much less than in this example.
Prefault current neglected

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