Proj Status Report For Month Ending Jun 2019

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Project  Status  Report  for  Month  Ending  June  2019      

Project  name:   Abuyog  WD  5  MLD  Bulk  Water  Supply  and  Expansion  Project  

Client:   Watermight  Ventures  Incorporated  (WVI)  

Contractor:   Aquaterra  Konstrukt  Inc.  (AKI)  

Sub-­Contractors:    Naturelink  Industries  Corporation  (NIC)  for  Component  “A”  

  Water  Point  Construction  Services  and  Supply  (WPC)  for  Component  “B”  

I.    Project  Description  

The  project  involves  the  design  and  construction  of  a  5  MLD  bulk  water  supply  system  for  the  
Abuyog  Water  District,  consisting  of  the  following  components:    

Component  “A’:    Water  treatment  plant  (WTP)  with  a  capacity  of  5  million  liters/day  (  5MLD),  
inclusive  of  all  its  accessories,  a  diversion  weir,  intake  structure,  supply  of  raw  water  and  dosing  
pumps,  piping,  laboratory  and  admin  building,  power  house,  chlorination  pumps  and  treated  
water  pumps,  steel  tank  as  reservoir  with  a  total  capacity  of  500  cubic  meters  (cu.m.),  supply  
of  standby  generator  rated  at  250  KVA,  guard  house,  site  development,  perimeter  fencing  with  
gate  and  other  items  in  Brgy.  Balinsasayao,  Abuyog,  Leyte.  

Component  “B”;;  Transmission  facilities  capable  of  transmitting  5  MLD  of  treated  water  from  
a  500  cu.m.  ground  tank  located  in  Bgy.  Balinsasayao  down  to  a  defined  service  area  of  the  
Abuyog  Water  District  (AWD)  via  a  series  of  pumps,  transmission  and  distribution  lines  and  
ancillaries,  and  passing  through  the  existing  ground  tank  in  Abuyog,  Leyte.  As  agreed  upon  
during   the   2nd   Coordination   Meeting   held   in   AWD   on   21   August   2018,   the   WD’s   desired  
minimum  acceptable  water  pressure  is  7  pounds/square  inch  (PSI)  to  10  PSI.        

The  project  is  being  implemented  under  two  separate  contracts,  both  between  WVI  and  AKI.    

II.  Key  Milestones  
  Title   Component  “A”   Component  “B”  
1   Contract  Signing  between  WVI  and  AKI  for   07  Feb  2018    
Component  “A”  
  Contract  Signing  Between  WVI  and  AKI  for       23  Jul  2018  
Component  “B”  

2   Mobilization   09  Jul  2018   23  August  2018  

3   Advance  Payment  Issued  by  WVI  to  AKI   15  Aug  2018   15  Aug  2018  

4   Check  issued  by  WVI  to  Nation  to  cover  Purchase      

Order  for  Material  Procurement  for  Component  “B”       11  Oct  2018  
5   Completion  Date   11  Jun  2019   11  Jul  2019  

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III.  Project  Status  and  Progress  

A.  Component  “A”  (Intake  and  Water  Treatment  Plant)      

-­      Administration/Laboratory  Building:    Installation  of  ceiling  boards,  wiring  devices,  

lighting   fixtures,   and   doors   have   been   completed.     Application   of   skim   coat   in  
preparation  for  painting  is  in  progress.  
-­      Filtration  House:  Filtration  Building  is  100%  complete.  Consistent  with  the  original  
design,  steel  tanks  will  be  used  in  lieu  of  the  fiberglass  multi-­media  tanks  that  were  
previously  delivered.    The  multi-­media  filter  tanks  have  been  ordered  and  are  now  in  
transit  to  the  site.  
-­        Pump  House:    Construction  is  in  progress.    

-­        Weir  and  Raw  Water  Conveyance:    Activities  for  the  construction  of  the  weir  and  
water  conveyance  system  resumed  after  the  stoppage  resulting  from  a  dispute  on  the  
ownership  of  the  proposed  site.    The  problem  was  settled  in  a  meeting  arranged  by  
AWD  GM  Roy  F.  Merro.    The  meeting  was  held  at  the  job  site  and  was  attended  by  
the   AWD,   WVI,   AKI,   NIC   and   the   Claimant.     The   agreement   set   a   limit   to   the  
construction  area  which  affected  the  approved  design  of  the  weir  and  necessitated  a  
design   revision.     Laying   of   raw   water   conveyance   pipes   and   excavation   for   the  
construction  of  the  weir  are  now  in  progress.  
-­       Treated   Water   Reservoir:     Construction   of   the   concrete   foundation   is   complete.  
Steel   plates   for   the   treated   water   reservoir   are   on   site   and   fabrication   of   the   steel  
reservoir   will   start   as   soon   as   power   supply   becomes   available.     Payment   of   the  
necessary   fees,   materials   and   labor   cost   for   the   permanent   power   connection   has  
been   made   through   a   bank   deposit   to   the   account   of   DORELCO.     Meanwhile,  
installation  of  a  transformer  for  temporary  power  connection  is  expected  shortly.  
-­        Sludge  Lagoon/Intake  Structure:    2.4  meters  of  the  3.5  meters  of  perimeter  wall  
has  been  completed.    Second  lift  is  in  progress.    

-­          Total  accomplishment  as  of  30  June  2019  increased  to  42.170%  from  33.955%  in  
the  previous  month.      

Administration/Laboratory  Building  


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Power  House  

Raw  Water  Conveyance  Pipe  after  Backfilling  

Service  Manhole  for  Raw  Water  Conveyance  Pipe  

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Raw  Water  Conveyance  Pipe  

Weir  Location  

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Pump  House  

Perimeter  Wall  of  Sludge  Lagoon/Intake  Structure  

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B.  Component  “B”  (Transmission  Pipelines)  

  -­    Trenching,  backfilling  and  compaction  for  the  installation  of  HDPE  pipes  continued  
although  slowed  down  by  inclement  weather.    For  June  2019,  a  total  of  1,482  meters  
of  pipes  were  installed  as  shown  below.      

            Primary  Pipelines  SDR  13.6        June  2019                  Cumulative  Total      

    200  mm  diameter        1,044  meters     7,320  meters  
    150  mm  diameter                          546  meters  
            Secondary  Pipelines  SDR  17  
    150  mm  diameter          438  meters      1,200  meters  
    100  mm  diameter                  585  meters  
     75  mm  diameter         1,462  meters  
       50  mm  diameter                    1,100  meters  
-­       Excavation   and   pipe   laying   of   200   mm   diameter   HDPE   pipes   were   temporarily  
suspended   due   to   Right-­of-­Way   (ROW)   problems   along   the   National   Road.   To  
address   the   ROW   issues,   AWD,   WVI   and   AKI   officials   met   with   the   DPWH   District  
Engineer   and   other   DPWH   officials   on   3   June   2019.     This   was   followed   by   a   joint  
inspection  of  the  proposed  pipeline  alignment  that  was  also  participated  in  by  WPC.    
Areas  with  contentious  ROW  issues  have  been  identified  and  meetings  and  document  
submissions  have  been  made  to  try  to  address  them.    These  areas  will  require  more  
time,  effort  and  resources  to  resolve.    Meanwhile,  work  is  proceeding  in  areas  allowed  
by  DPWH.  
-­      Total  accomplishment  increased  to  38.615%  from  33.9331%  as  of  31  May  2019.    
Early  resolution  of  the  ROW  issues  is  critical  to  project  implementation.  

Trench  Excavation  

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Pipe  Laying  

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Pipe  Welding/Butt  Fusion  

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Laying  Out  of  Caution  Tape  

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Culvert  Encasement  

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Rebars  Post  and  Matting  at  Bridge  Crossing  Pipe  Support  


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IV.  Action  Items  
  Description   Status  

1   Facilitate  the   Nation  Manufacturing  and  Industrial  Products  Corp.  (Nation)  has  completed  
manufacturing/   the  production  of  all  HDPE  pipes.    The  remaining  two  truckloads  of  HDPE  
transport  of  pipes  and   pipes  for  the  project  has  yet  to  be  shipped  by  WPC  to  the  site.    Purchase  
fittings  by  Nation   and  delivery  of  G.I.  pipes  and  fittings  from  Cebu  City  for  the  
bridge/drainage  crossings  and  interconnections  is  on-­going.  

2   Submit  electronically   For  component  A,  the  previously  approved  weir  design  is  being  revised  
scanned  copy  of  the   based  on  the  boundary  limitations  agreed  upon  by  AWD/WVI  and  the  land  
approved  design  for   claimant  at  the  Balinsasayao  weir  site.    Upon  approval  of  the  revisions,  
components  A  &  B.   hard  and  scanned  copies  of  the  WTP  final  design  plans/drawings  will  be  
furnished  to  WVI.    For  component  B,  hard  copies  of  the  design  plans  and  
drawings  for  the  transmission  and  distribution  pipelines  have  been  
submitted  to  WVI.      

3   Obtain  Building  Permit    The  Abuyog  Municipal  Engineer’s  office  requested  submission  of  a  copy  
of  the  DPWH  permit  together  with  the  WVI/AWD-­approved  design  
  drawings  of  components  A  and  B  as  a  requisite  for  the  issuance  of  the  
Building  permit.    

4   Obtain  DPWH  Permit   AWD,  WVI  and  AKI  met  with  DPWH  officials  on  3  June  2019.    This  was  
followed  by  a  joint  inspection  of  the  pipeline  route  the  following  day  with  
  WPC  also  in  attendance.    ROW  problem  areas  have  been  identified  and  
necessary  letters  and  follow-­up  with  DPWH  are  being  undertaken  to  
resolve  the  issues.  

5   Implement  catch-­up   The  catch  up  plans  for  components  A  &  B  were  prepared  and  submitted  to  
plan   WVI.  However,  ROW  concerns  severely  affected  and  greatly  hampered  
work  progress.    ROW  concerns  for  Component  A  have  been  resolved  
allowing  resumption  of  construction  activities  in  the  contested  lots.    For  
Component  B,  activities  allowed  by  DPWH  in  the  less  contentious  pipe  
routes  are  proceeding  pending  resolution  of  ROW  issues  in  the  more  
problematic  areas.  

6   Resolve  Right-­of-­Way   The  dispute  in  the  location  of  the  weir  and  raw  water  conveyance  was  
(ROW)  issues  on:   resolved  when  WVI/AWD  agreed  with  the  land  claimant  to  relocate  the  
weir  based  on  their  alleged  lot  boundaries.    This  will  require  modification  in  
     A:    Weir  and  row   the  weir  design  which  NIC  has  already  done.  This  revised  design  will  be  
water  conveyance   re-­submitted  for  approval  to  WVI  next  week.    The  ROW  issues  with  DPWH  
location   for  pipe  routes  along  the  National  Roads  are  more  contentious  and  will  
take  more  time,  effort  and  funding  are  will  be  discussed  at  the  10  July  
     B:    Pipe  alignment  
2019  WVI  Board  Meeting.    A  senior  WVI  representative  who  can  act  and  
decide  on  WVI’s  behalf  on  urgent  ROW  issues  is  needed  on  site.  

7   Progress  Billing  No.  1   Progress  Billing  No.  1  for  Component  “B”  was  submitted  to  WVI  on  17  
for  Component  “B”   June  2019.    WPC  is  following-­up  on  the  payment  to  ensure  continuity  of  
project  implementation.  

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V.      Attachments  
       Attachment  A:    Gantt  Chart  for  Component  “A”  

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Attachment  B:    Gantt  Chart  for  Component  “B”  

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