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Context of the Organization: External, Internal Issues and Interested Parties

Check Lists

Consider which of the following external issues could impact the organization

Possible External Issues? YES? Comments/ Actions

Product related regulations ☐
New technology ☐
New competition ☐
Outsourced suppliers ☐
Supplier vulnerability ☐
Supplier costs ☐
Material restrictions ☐
Energy costs ☐
Employee health care costs ☐
Employee organizations ☐
Export tariffs ☐
Other? ☐

Consider which of the following internal issues could impact the organization

Possible Internal Issues YES? Comments/ Actions

Employee turnover ☐
Retiring employees ☐
Employee costs ☐
Aging equipment/ facilities ☐
Employee morale ☐
Other? ☐

Consider what outside groups could impact the organization

Possible Interested Parties? YES? Comments/ Actions

Regulatory bodies ☐
Neighbors ☐
Community ☐
Shareholders ☐
Other? ☐

Page 1 of 1: ISO 9001:2015 Context Check Lists

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