Information Age

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- ‘’period starting in the last quarter of 20th century when information became effortlessly accessible through
publications and through the management of information computers and computer network

-also called the Digital Age and the New Age because it was associate with development of computers.

James R. Messenger – who proposed the Theory of Information Age in 1982; According to him the
Information Age is a true new age based upon the interconnection of computers via telecommunications….)

Richard Wurman – called ‘’ Information Anxiety’’ the Information stated to grow at a rate unprepared to handle
because of abundance of information and difficult to manage and collect since 1960 and 1970.


Internet- is a worldwide system of interconnected networks that facilitate data transmission among
innumerable computers. It was developed during 1970’s by the Department of Defense

Claude E. Shannon- an American Mathematician considered as’’ Father of Information Theory’’

 How to check the Realiability of Web Sources

1. Who is the author of the article/site?

2. Who published the site?

3. What is main purpose of the site?why did the author writer it and why did the publisher post it?

4. Who is the intented audience?

5. What is the quality of information provided on the website?

- Most important contributions of advances in the information Age to Society
- Electronic device that stores and processes data

Types of Computer

1. Personal Computer(PC)- single user instrument. PC’s were first known as ‘’Microcomputers”

2. Desktop Computer – described as a PC that is not designed for portability

3. Laptops – portable computers that intergrate the essentials of a desktop computer in a battery-powered

4. Personal Digital Assistant(PDAs) – tightly intergrated computers no keyboard but rely on touch screen

5. Server- it refers to a computer that has been improved to provide network services to other computers.

6. Mainstream – huge computers systems that can fill an entire room.

 GMOs in Food and Agricultural Industries

1. Pest Resistance – genetically modified plants to resist certain pests

2. Virus- modified plants to resist certain viruses

3. Herbicide tolerance- modified plants to tolerate herbicide

4. Fortification- modified plants fortified with certain minerals

5. Cosmetic preservation- modified plant resist natural discoloration

6. Increase growth rate- modified organism that has higher yield in growth

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