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Republic of the Philippines


Camp Crame, Quezon City


No.: 2017-_______

SUBJECT : Mission: Slim Possible (500,000 Pounds PNP Wide Fit Filipino
(FITFIL) Weight Loss Challenge 2017)

TO : See Distribution



a. PNP Memorandum Circular Number 2016-020 dated April 26, 2016

entitled “PNP Comprehensive Health and Physical Fitness Program”;
b. PNP MC No. 2014-001 dated January 15, 2014 entitled “PNP Integrated
Health and Physical Fitness Program”; and
c. PNP MC No. 2014-011 dated April 15, 2014 entitled “PNP Physical
Conditioning and Combat Sports Program”.


This Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) sets forth the guidelines,

procedures and tasks to be undertaken by all PNP offices/units in the conduct of
Mission: Slim Possible to ensure that all PNP personnel are mentally sound and
physically fit to perform their police functions and to build confidence in each PNP
member by shaping them into well-rounded individuals through physical conditioning,
healthy lifestyle, and proper diet.


Living a healthy life will not only extend people’s lives, it will also improve the
quality of living. Feeling physically better and being physically fit can prevent
diseases, reduce stress, and can provide source of self-esteem. Although there are
some aspects in physical and mental health that are beyond an individual's control,
there are many things that people can do to improve their quality of life.

The Philippine National Police (PNP), as an institution and one of the leading
law enforcement and public safety agencies of the government, believes that
physically and mentally fit personnel can deliver effective and efficient police/public
service. In fact, various physical health programs were developed for the PNP
personnel, because of their exposure to high level of job-related stresses affecting
their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. However, there had been incidents
that resulted in injuries during actual conduct of Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

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apparently due to exhaustion and other cardio vascular disease, or as a result of
performing the PFT without preparation. It is also sad to note that close to 75% of
those who took the Annual Physical Examination (APE) last year were categorized
as either overweight or obese (I and II).

In order to prevent the injuries and sustain the physical well-being of PNP
personnel, the PNP conducts the PULISTENIKS every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday. To further intensify the goal to keep our personnel physically fit, a weight
loss activity dubbed as Mission: Slim Possible will be conducted for all PNP
personnel who are considered as overweight or obese. Those falling under the
normal category may still join. This is PNP’s simple way of helping the entire country
become fitter and healthier.


The PNP with its mission and function, shall conduct Mission: Slim Possible to
sustain the physical well-being of all PNP personnel and keep them mentally sound
and physically fit to perform their police functions.


a. Concept of Operations:

The Mission: Slim Possible is a 6-month PNP-wide program in

coordination with Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement with the vision of
donating 500,000 pounds to help the entire country become fitter and
healthier and at the same time help all PNP personnel become physically
and mentally fit to perform their police functions. The program will give
more emphasis on lecture and application of physical fitness exercises and
programs to help participants shape-up and reach pledged weight.

The Health Service (HS) shall determine PNP personnel who shall
undergo Mission: Slim Possible. Thereafter, weighing-in of all participants
shall be conducted prior to registration and acceptance of the challenge.
Furthermore, there shall be official weighing scales to be used for the initial
weigh-in and weight-out of participants. On the other hand, DPRM or its
counterpart in the PROs shall be responsible for the issuance of orders and
monitoring of their respective personnel and shall likewise identify at least
two personnel per office/unit to serve as models for the challenge.

Simultaneous media launching shall be tentatively conducted on June

13, 2017 (Tuesday) at the National Headquarters, National Support Units
(NSUs) and at all Police Regional Offices (PROs) to signal the start of
Mission: Slim Possible. For this Nationwide Campaign, the following hash
tag lines will be utilized in order to generate a viral buzz:
#FitFilChallengeAccepted and #PledgeToDonate.

Each office/unit will designate one personnel who will be responsible in

registering online their respective participants in coordination with DHRDD
and Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement.

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Below is the allotted minimum weight to be donated (to lose) for every

1 NHQ (Crame-based) 67,401
2 PRO 1 19,459
3 PRO 2 24,259
4 PRO 3 33,397
5 PRO 4A 45,137
6 PRO 4B 12,781
7 PRO 5 38,631
8 PRO 6 11,780
9 PRO 7 11,740
10 PRO 8 21,657
11 PRO 9 19,460
12 PRO 10 11,971
13 PRO 11 11,682
14 PRO 12 19,460
15 PRO 13 5,292
16 PRO COR 45,310
17 PRO ARMM 19,460
18 NCRPO 55,459
19 PRO 18 12,780
20 AVSEG 4,250
21 MG 4,251
22 SAF 4,383
TOTAL 500,000

Share for every office/unit was computed based on the formula below:
t Total 1
Ʃ = x 100 = % share
% share Total 2

t = 2016
Total 1 = Overweight + Obese I + Obese II of unit
Total 2 = Overweight + Obese I + Obese II of PNP (based on 2016 APE)

Share per office/unit = Total Target Lbs (500K) x % Share

In the case of PRO1 with the strength of 6,844, if all of their personnel
will participate, each personnel will only contribute .47 pound per month or
2.82 pounds for the whole duration of the program (six months).

On the other hand, lectures and various physical fitness activities (for
six months) shall be conducted to help participants reach pledged weight.
The activities for the program include but are not limited to the following:

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a. 15 minutes Wellness lecture;
b. 15 minutes calisthenics; and
c. Conduct of fun walk, fun run or fun bike.

In the entire program, the HS or its counterpart in the PROs/NSUs shall

conduct monthly weigh-in of all participants for monitoring purposes and an
official weigh-out be conducted before the culmination of the program.
Furthermore, After Weigh-Out Reports shall be submitted to CPNP (Attn:
TDHRDD) for consolidation before the conduct of press media/conference
for announcement of total weight donated by the PNP to this nationwide

Incentives shall be given away for Top 4 PRO and NHQ/NSU

performers and Top 5 PRO and NHQ/NSU individual biggest losers.

b. Tasks:

The following PNP units and respective counterparts in the subordinate

offices shall undertake the following activities:

a) Designated as Over-all Supervisor in the implementation of this
CMC; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.

2) OCPNP and PNP Command Group

a) Recommend personnel in your respective offices to participate in
the challenge; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Office Primary Responsible (OPR) in the implementation of this
b) Coordinate with other units/offices and other agencies in the
implementation and conduct of this CMC; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Issue orders to all Crame-based personnel who will undergo the
Mission: Slim Impossible; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.

5) DL
a) Procure 1,871 weighing scales to be used during the conduct of
Mission: Slim Possible (PPOs-80, Districts-5, CPOs-20, PS under
CPOs-131, CPS-14, CCPS-90, Numbered PS-23, and MPS-1,508)
and coordinate with Health Service regarding the recommended
b) Provide 20 weighing scales to be used during the symbolic weigh

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c) Provide logistical requirements in the conduct of the activities as
needed; and
d) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Provide media/photo/video coverage;
b) Provide press releases;
c) Direct PIO to provide Master of Ceremony and prepare appropriate
speeches for the launching and closing ceremonies of the activity;
d) Post on social media sites the video pertaining to the PNP’s
acceptance of the challenge and donation pledge;
e) Conduct media launching/press conference for the announcement
of total weight donated (lose) by the PNP to this nationwide
campaign; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.

7) DC
a) Provide cash incentives for the Top 4 biggest losers and Top 5
individual performers of PRO and NHQ/NSUs;
b) Provide appropriate fund for the implementation of this CMC; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.

8) D-Staff and P-Staff

a) Chiefs/Heads of Offices/Units are encouraged to participate;
b) Administrative Officers to submit names of recommendees to HS
(Attn: Chief, PE) NLT June 2, 2017 for consolidation prior issuance
of orders and to check their attendance during the activity;
c) Direct your respective Administrative Officer and Chief Clerk to
supervise and check the attendance of personnel committed for the
d) Administrative Officers shall submit the list of attendees to DPRM
after the activity;
e) Initiate administrative proceedings to personnel who fail to attend
the activities; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.

9) HSS
a) Assist DHRDD and HS in the conduct of the said activity;
b) Designate responsible PCOs to supervise the activities;
c) Detail personnel to check the attendance in coordination with
d) Responsible for the preparation of the PNP Sports Center as the
venue promoting festive mood that will be utilized for the launching
of the program and other activities;
e) Ensure the availability of the Marching Band;
f) Provide personnel to assist in the traffic flow within the Camp;
g) Provide tarpaulin for the activity;
h) Direct Special Service Unit (SSU), HSS to lead the formation of
participants, calisthenics activities, and the conduct of fun walk, fun
run or fun bike;

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i) Provide bottled water for the participants chargeable to ARF;
j) Submit IMPLAN NLT June 12, 2017 to DHRDD (Attn: Chief,
UTPDD); and
k) Perform other tasks as directed.

10) HS
a) Determine PNP personnel who will undergo the said challenge;
b) Conduct physical examinations of target participants;
c) Screen the participants from offices/units;
d) Conduct initial weigh-in to all participants before the start of the
challenge and every last Thursdays of the next six months and
submit After Activity Report to DHRDD;
e) Provide inputs regarding health awareness and physical fitness
program designed to keep PNP personnel physically fit;
f) Provide wellness lectures on dietary and weight management
program, weight related diseases, and other related topics every
meeting before the physical activity proper;
g) Provide an ambulance with medical team on standby at the venue
during the conduct of activities;
h) Provide cost estimate and specifications for the official weighing
i) Determine top performers by PRO and NHQ/NSUs (Top 4) and
biggest losers individual (Top 5); and
j) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Assist DHRDD and HS in the implementation of this program;
b) Keep records and monitor the implementation of this CMC; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.

12) CHS
a) Designate personnel to render invocation during the launching and
closing ceremonies of the activity; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.

13) CES
a) Provide Public Address System at the venue during the launching
and weigh-out declaration; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.

14) NSUs (except SAF, MG, and AVSEG)

a) Designate Chief of Staff as the OPR in the implementation of the
CMC in their respective units;
b) Donate (lose) minimum pounds as indicated above;
c) Chiefs/Heads of Offices/Units are encouraged to participate;
d) Administrative Officers to submit names of recommendees to HS
(Attn: Chief, PE) NLT June 2, 2017 for consolidation prior issuance
of orders and to check their attendance during the activity;

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e) Direct your respective Administrative Officer and Chief Clerk to
supervise and check the attendance of personnel committed for the
f) Administrative Officers shall submit the list of attendees to DPRM
after the activity;
g) Initiate administrative proceedings to personnel who fail to attend
the activities; and
h) Designate one personnel who will be responsible in registering
online their respective participants in coordination with DHRDD and
Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement; and
i) Perform other tasks as directed.

15) AVSEG, MG, and SAF

a) Designate Chief of Staff as the OPR in the implementation of this
CMC in their respective units;
b) Conduct similar activity in their respective Area of Responsibility
c) Donate (lose) minimum pounds as indicated above;
d) Designate one personnel who will be responsible in registering
online their respective participants in coordination with DHRDD and
Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement;
e) Ensure proper implementation of this CMC at respective units; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.

a) Designate Regional Chief, Directorial Staff (RCDS) as the OPR in
the implementation of this CMC;
b) Implement Mission: Slim Possible in your AOR in coordination with
c) Direct NCRPO Fitness Team to perform during the launching on
June 13, 2017 (Tuesday) at the National Headquarters;
d) Provide transportation for your participants;
e) Donate (lose) minimum of 55,459 pounds;
f) Designate one personnel who will be responsible in registering
online participants for this challenge in coordination with DHRDD
and Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement;
g) Ensure proper implementation of this CMC; and
h) Perform other tasks as directed.

17) PROs
a) Designate RCDS as supervisor in the implementation of this CMC;
b) Donate (lose) minimum pounds as indicated above;
c) Designate one personnel who will be responsible in registering
online their respective participants in coordination with DHRDD and
Coach Jim Saret’s FITFIL Movement;
d) Submit After Weigh-out Report to CPNP (Attn: Dir, HS) for
consolidation prior announcement of total pounds donated by the
PNP for this nationwide challenge;
e) Ensure proper implementation of this CMC at the regional level; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.

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c. Coordinating Instructions:

1) All offices/units shall identify models for the challenge;

2) Attire: PNP Athletic Uniform;

3) All tasked units shall submit their respective IMPLAN not later than June
12, 2017 to DHRDD (Attn: Chief, UTPDD); and

4) Coordination between tasked offices/units regarding other requirements is



This CMC shall take effect immediately.


Police Director General
Chief, PNP

Command Group
D - Staff
P - Staff
PROs 1-13, COR, ARMM, NCRPO and PRO 18

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