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Exact Graphs and Data Analysis

in Niche
SigmaPlot 12
Analyze and Graph your Data with
Unparalleled Ease and Precision

SigmaPlot® is a scientific data analysis and graphing software package with advanced curve
fitting, a vector-based programming language, macro capability and over 50 frequently used
statistical tests. SigmaPlot has the analytical features necessary to extract the important
information from your research data. With over 100 graph types and a user interface which
allows detailed manipulation of every graph object, you can create the exact graph to present
your results.

Complete Advisory Statistics Create the Exact Graph Powerful Curve Fitting Advanced Analysis Methods
for Scientists & Engineers for your Research Nonlinear, Dynamic and Global Bland-Altman,
Over 50 tests with complete curve fitting and Dot Density,
Over 100 different 2D and
background statistical assumption now implicit Enzyme Kinetics
3D graph types in the
testing and appropriate Create Graph ribbon function fitting
test suggestion

Tabbed Groups
Collect related graphs
in a tabbed group for easy
relationship to a

Object Window
Objects are identified
when clicked on in the
Notebook Manager graph
Save multiple notebooks,
worksheets, graphs, reports,
transforms, equations and
Properties Window
The properties associated
with the selected object.
Dynamic Update changes
Interactive Graph Wizard the graph immediately.
A step-by-step graph creation No clicking Ok or
process Apply required.

Huge Worksheet and Associated Multiple Methods for Zoom,

Work Directly on the Page Programming Language Pan and Drag
Almost every object is selectable. 32,000,000 rows & 32,000 Press the spacebar and drag the graph with
Mini-toolbars allow direct columns. Vector based the hand cursor. Use the slider for large
modification. computations. zoom changes or the buttons for
10% changes.

Fine Tune Every Graph Detail Create Your Exact Graph in No Time Data Analysis Methods to Uncover
Information in your Data
The beauty and utility of SigmaPlot Create compelling graphs for publications, Over 50 of the most frequently used
is its ability to modify each graph presentations and reports statistical tests with step-by-step
object to produce a graph that in Let the Interactive Graph Wizard lead you directions that do not require you to be
total “tells the story” of your through every step of graph creation a statistician
research. Choose from over 100 different 2D and Fit your data easily and accurately with
3D graph types the Regression Wizard, Dynamic Fit
Control and customize the properties of Wizard and Global Fit Wizard. And now
every graph element fit implicit functions
Use Dynamic Update to draw your graph Plot mathematical functions with the
Exact Graphs and Data Analysis
immediately after a property change function plotter
Use the Macro recorder to automate
repetitive and complex tasks

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SigmaPlot 12

Generate Graphs Quickly and Easily

with the New Interface Features

Microsoft OfficeTM Style Ribbons

Ribbons provide context sensitive feature groupings for enhanced functionality and ease of use. Icons are
now high resolution and have expanded tooltips containing hot keys. Keyboard shortcuts are provided
by the Alt Key-Tips.

Create Graph Tab Toolbox Tab

Graph Page

Report Tab
Worksheet Tab

New Property Browser

All the properties for a graph and its objects are contained in the Property
Browser. You select and modify the properties there and the Dynamic Update
feature updates the graph immediately – you don’t have to click Ok. For example
the graph to the right shows the properties for a diagonal-gradient bar fill starting
from red and ending at blue with transparency used for both colors. Property group
styles may be copied and applied across like groups thus simplifying property

User Interface Features

Tabbed Window View Open Window Tabs Selected Tab
Now in SigmaPlot all open windows
appear with tabs. Click on a
window tab for an instantaneous
display of each window. It is an
efficient window management tool.

Mini Toolbars Quick Access Toolbar

Mini-Toolbars are Group / Now you can add commonly used controls to
displayed on the Bring to front Ungroup
SigmaPlot’s Quck Access Toolbar such as
graph when you
select an object or
right click on it. You
can make quick Creating a new notebook
modifications Insert Text Fill Color Saving changes in a notebook
directly Cleaning up the workspace by closing all
on the graph. windows

Download Trial Version at

SigmaPlot 12
New Graphing Capabilities Enhance
Your Ability to Create Publication-Quality Graphs

New Graph Features

The use of Horizontal color

transparency gradient used
for a visual for impact.
of overlapping
data values.

Color gradient and transparency. The transparency allows comparing

the area size of both radar plots. The gradient enhances the graph.

Dot Density
The dot density plot is a graphical histogram of your data. The
SigmaPlot dot density is very much like what an artist would
prepare where adjacent data values either stack or nestle.
The graph shows dot densities of three data sets with
percentiles displayed – one of the statistical options available.

Radar Graph
Radar graphs can display multiple variables.
This graph allows an eight variable comparison of three data sets.

Scale Graph Original

Zoom 5x

The ScaleGraph macro allows zooming and panning through

a long time series or data sequence. So, for example, zooming
in by 5x followed by panning 90% to the left two times produces Pan Left
the graph right which shows fine detail of the first two peaks. 90% Twice

Download Trial Version at

SigmaPlot 12
Effectively Manage and Analyze
Your Data with the New Analysis Features

New Analysis Features

Enzyme Kinetics
The Enzyme Kinetics module is now integrated into SigmaPlot
providing you with additional enzyme kinetics analysis features and
additional graph types such as Michaelis-Menten, Lineweaver-Burk,
Eadie-Hofstee, Scatchard, Hanes-Woolf, Hill and Dixon

Curve Fitting Features

Weight variables that are functions of the parameters may now be used. This includes weighting by
predicted values, robust fitting and weighting by any parameter function.
Parameter covariance matrix and confidence intervals have been added to nonlinear regression reports.
Implicit function curve fitting-the ability to compute predicted values that are defined
implicitly by the fit model.
Deming Graph

Non-parametric One Deming regression method
Method 2
Sample t-test comparison (account for error
in both x and y)

Method 1

Normal distribution comparison produces a visualization of the

distributions of up to four measured variables to quickly detect and
demonstrate possible product defects.

Parallel line
analysis to
Bland-Altman graph
and statistics
if linear
for method
regression slopes
and intercepts are different.

Transform Language
Row and column titles may now be set with a Transform language statement
New functions for root finding and equation solving which includes a function
to help solve fit models that are defined implicitly

Download Trial Version at

SigmaPlot 12 Features Legends
• Automatic or manually created; lines and symbols on or off
• Running median
• Bisquare

Draw lines, ellipses, boxes, arrows
Layering options
GRAPHING FEATURES • Legends for regressions, confidence, and prediction intervals • Inverse square • Over 16 million custom colours
• Place line and symbol before or after text • Inverse distance (for 3D smoothing) • Inset graphs inside one another
2D • Selection of graph objects
• Radar - 5 Types* TRANSFORMS
Function Plotter • Right-click property editing
• Dot Density - 4 Types* • Automatic or manually created; lines and symbols on or off Quick Transforms • Colour schemes
• Vector - 2 Types • Plot functions on new or existing graphs • Perform quick mathematical transforms provided in a • Paste graphic objects from other programs
• Area Plots - 4 Types • Plot multiple different parameter values simultaneously function palette • Graph page rulers
• Scatter - 14 types, Line - 4 types, Scatter and Line - 10 types • Equation Solver: solve equations or functions containing a • Automatic Updating of multiple transforms in worksheets • Adjustable snap-to grids
• Step - 8 types single independent variable and any number of parameters
• Vertical and Horizontal Bar - 4 types, Grouped Bar - 4 types Mathematical Transforms
"Picking from Column" Option
• Vertical and Horizontal Stacked Bar NEW USER INTERFACE FEATURES* • Set worksheet row and column titles*
• Box - 2 types • Enter colours, patterns, symbols, line styles, tick mark
Microsoft Office Style Ribbons* • Root() and Implicit() functions* intervals, tick labels and more directly into your worksheet
• Polar - 3 types
• Context sensitive feature grouping for enhanced functionality • 36 probability density and cumulative transforms to customise your graph the way you want. Transforms
• Contour, line and filled - 2 types
and ease of use • Histogram and "picking from column" allow you to create data
• Histograms - 6 types
• Expanded tooltips that include hot keys • Normalise ternary data dependent colour gradients, symbols and sizes.
• Ternary - 3 types
• Alt Key Tips provide visual display of keyboard shortcuts • Interpolate 3D mesh
• Bubble
• Sorting Automate Routine and Complex Tasks
• Pie New Property Browser* • Fast Fourier transforms with filters
• Control Charts • New graph object and property browser. Object selection in the • Visual Basic compatible programming using built-in
• Lowess smoothing
• Needle graph is displayed in the object window and the object’s properties macro language interface
• Differential equations
• High-low-close, Range, Quartile displayed in the property window. • Macro recorder to save and play-back operations
• Dynamic Update provides immediate graph redraw with property • Data to RGB-colour transform
• Quadrant • Full automation object support - use Visual Basic to
• Trigonometric and algebraic functions
• Population change. No Ok or Apply button press required create your own SigmaPlot-based applications
• Property group styles may be copied and applied across like • Random and Gaussian random number generation
3D • Range, accumulation, precision, and more • Run built-in macros or create and add your own scripts
groups thus simplifying property specification. • Add menu commands and create dialog boxes
• Multiple, intersecting plots with hidden line removal, • New window show/hide buttons for window real-estate management • Transforms are now kept in notebook files as JNB files for
smooth or discrete shading, transparent or opaque fills, easier organisation of transforms; create transform libraries; • Export graph to PowerPoint Slide
User Interface Improvements* associate Transforms with data sets • New 'Insert Graph to Microsoft Word' Toolbox macro
and light source shading
• New tabbed window views enables quick window management • Protect and track changes to transforms for 21 CFR Part 11
• 3D rotation (selection, closing, grouping) • New keyboard shortcuts in the Graph Properties and most
• Perspective preview Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts in the worksheet
• New docking panel guides providing simple window placement. GENERAL FEATURES
• Scatter • Macro language graph page measurement units specification*
This includes the Graph Gallery, Templates, Layouts, Object Large, Scientific Worksheets
• Bar and Properties windows • Macro language automatic legend state specification*
• 3D line - trajectory • 32,000 columns by 32,000,000 rows
• Group open windows into tabbed groups either vertically or • Handles numeric, text (categorical), and date & time data
• Mesh - with or without contour projections horizontally. This collects like windows for easy comparison and
• Contour • Data sorting Windows Application
better window management
• Waterfall • Insert colour, symbols, line styles and bar patterns • Excel, Word and PowerPoint for Office 2000 and
• Object-specific mini toolbars are displayed adjacent to selected
graph, worksheet and report objects. This allows rapid editing of • Independent graphically adjustable row height and column widths Windows 2000 support ToolTips
Create Graphs Easily object properties • Missing data handling • Tips and Tricks at startup
• Graph Style Gallery: Save any graph with all graph • Customizable Quick Access Toolbar for frequently used • Data point sampling • OLE 2 container and server
properties and add a bitmap image to the gallery to recreate user-specific controls • Graphical feedback of current curve and datapoint • Use Excel worksheets inside SigmaPlot
complex graphs • Text support of up to 256 characters • Right mouse button property editing
• Graph Ribbons: select ribbon icon of the graph type and style DATA ANALYSIS FEATURES • Change the font type and grid colours • Selection of objects on graph page
you want to create a graph or to add additional curves to an Enzyme Kinetics Module* • Change font for worksheet
• Analyze multiple models and rank by best fit • Full precision and date/time Microsoft Excel copy and paste
existing graph • Multiple Undo
• Graph Wizard: easy to use, step-by-step wizard for helping • Create multiple enzyme kinetics graphs: Michaelis-Menten, • Format empty cells - formatted selected columns even if they
Lineweaver-Burk, Eadie-Hofstee,Scatchard, Hanes-Woolf, Hill, Dixon IMPORT & EXPORT OPTIONS
you select a graph type and pick data do not contain data
• Default graph settings: set preferences for graph options to • More flexible column titles allow for duplicates and numeric only titles Import
create favorite graphs more easily Regression Wizard • Enhanced data/time recognition and more formats • Directly import SAS data sets (.sd2 and .sas7bdat files)
• Templates: create custom graph page templates to store for • Linear and nonlinear regressions • Arrow-key functionality is similar to that of Microsoft Excel • Directly import Minitab data sets (.mtw & .mpj files)
easy accessibility and future use • Over 100 built-in, graphically-illustrated equations • Freeze Panes and print preview • Open Axon Binary, Axon Text, ASCII Plain, Comma and
• Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm with up to 10 • Multi-line editing - text wraps to fit the column while the general import filter, 1-2-3TM, Symphony TM, Quattro TM, Excel,
Technical Axes independent variables and 100 parameters row height automa tically adjusts dBASE E, DIF, all SigmaPlot files through SigmaPlot 11,
• Reciprocal (including Arrhenius) • Define tolerance, step size and iterations
• Weibull • Find and replace data SigmaStat files (all versions), SYSTAT, SigmaScan Pro,
• Define linear constraints and fix parameters to a constant value Sigma Scan, SigmaScan Image, Mocha
• Linear • Mini-toolbar for worksheet cell editing*
• Automatically determines your initial parameters • Import any ODBC compliant database
• Log10, Natural log • Zoom enabled worksheet*
• Writes a complete statistical report to your SigmaPlot Notebook • Quick Transforms list in Property Browser Object Window* • Run SQL queries on tables and selectively import
• Probit • Automatically graphs your results on new or existing graphs • Quick worksheet window scrolling with middle mouse wheel* information
• Logit • Option to add 95 or 99% confidence and prediction bands to a
• Probability • Formatted text in worksheet cells. Text in worksheet can Export
results graph contain super and subscripts, Greek letters, etc. and this can be • SAS files (.sd2 and .sas7bdat files)
• Ternary percentage, unary • Optional Reduced Chi-Square Regression weighting used in tick labels*
• Polar (both clockwise and counter clockwise) • Minitab files (.mtw & .mpj files)
• Customize the SigmaPlot fit library or create your own fit functions • ASCII Text, Tabbed, Comma, 1-2-3TM, Excel, DIF, all
• Category (text data automatically binned into groups) • Generalized weight variables: predicted values, robust regression* SigmaPlot Notebook Manager
• Holds SigmaPlot worksheets, Excel worksheets, reports, regression SigmaPlot files though SigmaPlot 11, SigmaScan Pro
• Time and date • Parameter covariance matrix and confidence intervals in report* • PDF, PSD and HTML export of graphs and reports
• User-defined custom axis to create almost any scale wizard equations, graph pages, transforms and macros
• Predicted values defined implicitly by the fit model*
• Direct-editing of notebook summary information Import Graphics Options
Axis Features
Dynamic Fit Wizard • Load popular graphic file formats directly into SigmaPlot
• Control of display, thickness, colour, range, and axis offset SigmaPlot Report Editor
• Solves difficult curve fitting problems by finding local and global graphic page
• Multiple axes: Add Axis Wizard for creating multiple axes easily • Insert tables with pre-defined styles or customize completely*
fit solutions • Import BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, Cursor and Icon Files & many more
• Ticks: customize major & minor intervals, in & out orientation, • Copy/Paste tabular data both ways between the SigmaPlot
• Selects many initial maximally-distant starting parameter sets
top & bottom location, length, thickness, colour, and tick mark report and Excel worksheet*
and ranks the resulting fits Graph Publication Export Options
selection from column to create custom axes
• Shows the local minima with a Dynamic Fit Profile graph • Zoom enabled report*
• Tick Labels: customise prefix, suffix, numeric, and time & date • Vertical and horizontal rulers* • Export an individual graph, a group of graphs and objects,
• Axis breaks: customize symbol, thickness, colour, length, Global Fit Wizard • Ability to change the report background color* or an entire page
gap width, and post break interval • Fit multiple data sets using shared parameters • Different levels of resolution and colour depths:PDF, EPS,
• Enhanced PDF export*
Symbol Line and Fill Types TIFF, JPEG, EMF, BMP
Automatic Linear Regressions • Drag and Drop Word 2007 and Word 2010 content directly to
• Over 80 symbol types the report* • True colour EPS vector and CMYK EPS export
• Up to 10th order with confidence and prediction intervals • Compressed CMYK TIFF
• More line types for line plots and line scatter plots, and regression statistics • Cut and paste or use OLE to combine all the important aspects
free-form lines, boxes and ellipses of your analysis into one document.
• 50 fill patterns for bar charts, box plots, pie charts, Column Descriptive Statistics Generated Automatically • Choose from a wide range of styles, sizes, and colours Publish as Web Page
area plots and free-form boxes and ellipses from any system font. • Export graphs as high-resolution Web objects
STATISTICS • Export to most word processors • WebViewer: free browser plug-in to view data used to create
Error bars • Over 50 of the most frequently used statistical tests to analyze scientific data • Add decimal tabs, tab leader, true date/time fields graph or print, pan and zoom in on graph without
• Mean, Median, First and Last values for symbols • Advisor Wizard guides you through the process of choosing the
• Standard deviation, Standard error, Min and Max, First and Last entry • Auto-numbering losing resolution
appropriate statistical test • The WebViewer supports IE 4.01 or higher. A screen resolution
• 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th Percentile, 95% or 99% confidence Page Layout and Annotation Options
• Report generation that translates the statistics into plain and simple English JPEG file is automatically displayed for browser applications
• Calculate error bars from replicate values across rows • Zoom, pan, +/- controls and zoom dialog & slider always
• Descriptive statistics available on status bar* and operating systems
• User-defined upper and lower error bar values • Non-parametric tests: t-tests, ANOVA
• One way, two way and asymmetric error bars • Drag graph with "hand" mouse cursor*
• One-way, two-way, three-way ANOVA • Quick window scrolling with middle mouse wheel* SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
• Percentile method: 2-types
• Repeated measures • Direct graphic file import into graph page
Multiline Text Editor • Rates and proportions • Windows Vista, Windows 7 :
• Real-time mouse-over XY and page coordinate feedback
• Control font, size, style, colour, Greek, multiple levels of • Regression, including Linear, Stepwise, Best Subsets, Polynomial and Logistic • Click-through accessibility to select and edit graph objects - 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
superscript & subscript, 360 degree rotation, left, right • Correlation buried under other items - 1 GB of system memory
& center justification, and line spacing • Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meir, Cox Regression) • OLE 2 container and server - 100 MB of available hard disk space
• Power and sample size analysis • Automatic or manual legends - CD-ROM drive
Grids and Fills - 800x600 SVGA/256 colour display or better
• Control of colour, line type, thickness, and display of major & • One-sample signed rank test* • True WYSIWYG
• Multiline text editor - Internet Explorer 6 or higher
minor grids in X, Y, & Z direction • Deming regression for errors in both x and y*
• Control of pattern and edge colour, pattern style, pattern • Normal distribution comparison for QC analysis* • Multiple curves and plots on one graph • Windows XP :
density, and edge thickness Symbols • Multiple axes on one graph
• Parallel line analysis* • Arrange graphs with built-in templates - 500 megahertz (MHz) processor,
Reference Lines • Bland-Altman analysis for method comparison* - 256 MB of system memory,
• Multiple levels of zooming and custom zooming
• Control mean, standard deviation, standard error, user-defined - 100 MB of available hard disk space
• Easily change the size and position of multiple selected
constants, 95% and 99% confidence intervals SMOOTHING - CD-ROM drive,
objects simultaneously to lay out and arrange graphs - 800x600 SVGA/256 colour display or better
• Up to 5 horizontal or vertical lines 2D & 3D Smoothing Routines and other objects quickly
• Control of colour, line type, and thickness - Internet Explorer 6 or higher
• Negative exponential • Scale graph to any size
Drop lines • Running average • Resize graphic elements proportionally with resizing graph
• Display in any or all X, Y, and Z directions • Loess • Alignment and position tools * New Features added in SigmaPlot 12

For more information, visit us at

Exact Graphs and Data Analysis

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