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David Hume:

- Curiosity is born from the awareness of our own ignorance and prompts us
to acquire

In order for the scientists to be curious about the existence of liquid water
on the planet Mars, then they must be aware that they do not know whether
there is actually an existence of liquid water on Mars. According to (Inan, 2016),
Even if one denies that awareness of ignorance is always required to become
curious, we can always agree that curiosity is caused by the awareness of our
ignorance. In relation to the Mars example, if the NASA scientists wants to know
about the existence of liquid water on Mars, then they do not know whether
there is water on Mars. Hence, creating the awareness of ignorance that causes
them to be curious that leads to a groundbreaking discovery.

This example became a positive one because clearly, we can see that
awareness of one’s ignorance arouses curiosity that once that it is strong
enough, leads to groundbreaking discoveries and development that can
somehow change the world that we’re living in today.
Reference: Inan, I. (2016). Curiosity and Ignorance. Croatian Journal of
Philosophy, 285-303.

Trump’s awareness of ignorance lead to a perception of superior

knowledge. It lead to an utter lack of curiosity. Hence, it somehow means that
awareness of ignorance doesn’t always automatically equate in gaining
curiosity. According to (Flam, 2017), Trump acts like he thinks that he knows
everything. In addition, (Flam, 2017) said that Trump always say stuff like
“Nobody knows it better than me” whenever discussing a variety of subjects like
taxes, trades, nuclear horror, infrastructure and social media.

This example became a negative one because we can infer that

awareness of our own ignorance sometimes leads to closing your mind about
different perspectives and viewpoints that surrounds you. Like for example,
Trump acts like he knows it all because of the perspective that he possess a
superior knowledge compared to others.

Flam, F. (2017, September 12). Ignorance Feeds Curiosity. Curiosity Cures Ignorance. Retrieved from
Bloomberg Opinion:

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