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Experiment No.

Sedimentary Rocks
A. Theoretical Background
Answer the following items in paragraph form. Write your answers in the box provided.
1. What are sedimentary rocks?
2. What are the different types of sedimentary rocks? How are they formed?

B. Methods
Study in advance the procedure on the next page. Make a schematic diagram on how you
will perform the experiment.

1. Differentiate the types of sedimentary rocks.
2. Determine the characteristics of the different sedimentary rocks.

 sedimentary rocks (limestone, sandstone, shale, rock salt, conglomerate, rock gypsum)
 5% hydrochloric acid (HCl)
 dropper
 goggles
 hand lens
 paper towels
 water

1. Observe the particle size of the sedimentary rocks.
2. Determine if there are traces of fossils or minerals in the rocks.
3. Put a few drops of HCl on each rock and observe what happens.
4. Classify the rocks whether detrital, chemical, or organic.

Data and Results

Presence of
Classification Sediment Size Fossils or Reaction to HCl

Differentiate the three types of sedimentary rocks.
What are the uses of sedimentary rocks?

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