Semana5 Trabajo

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1- Si, las técnicas de control de costos y presupuestos, las cuales permiten ordenar y

estabilizar la cantidad de dinero contra la cantidad de gastos, permite mejorar, en los

hogares, el consumo de muchos recursos, ejemplos:

Consumo de electricidad, el planificar un gasto por consumo mensual se puede ahorrar el mismo.

Consumo de agua, realizar un control de variables entre la cantidad de agua (presupuesto) y la

cantidad de agua que se va a utilizar (costo), para de esta manera mejorar los recursos.

Consumo de productos necesarios, muchas veces generamos costos innecesarios, como comprar
cosas que no necesitamos, prever esto ayuda a evitar el consumismo, realizando un análisis de
costo, presupuesto y necesidad.

Loss aversion: it refers to people's tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring

equivalent gains. The consumers will anticipate psychological loss for every item
for which their new allocation is less than its reference allocation.
Shock: is an unexpected or unpredictable event, something that can be
anticipated or unanticipated and expected to be permanent or transitory.
Affordable: means that the consumer has sufficient resources to cover the total
cost of the assortment.
Expected utility: it depends on how consumers evaluate alternatives, and
evaluations often depend on the context in which the alternatives are considered.
Which means tha changes in context can alter the utility consumers expect to
receive from items and thus alter how budgets are allocated.
BUDGET CONTRACTION: Refers to when the consumer has a lower budget and
for this reason, makes a shorter selection of the products that will be consumed,
that is less consumed or the choice is lower for cause of income.
INCOME: Is the cash flow that a person or a company have by a job realized, this
determine the decisions of the budget that will have realize and the expenses in
that will have incurred.
BUDGET ALLOCATION: It is the decision taken by a person or a company
depending on several factors such as the priority, the need and the risk of the
product to be acquired, with the purpose of effectively use their income.
FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS: Are the initiatives that a company takes, according to
the budget to make its capital grow

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